Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has an interesting U.S. 4th of July narrative, more religious than the Independence Day speeches usually heard in American venues. Speaking (
full text) on Tuesday at U.S. Independence Day celebrations at US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Shapiro's residence, Netanyahu said in part:
The Founding Fathers of America were inspired by the Bible, and specifically by the Book of the Exodus, by the dream of building freedom in a new Promised Land. And as you stand in the Chamber of the American Congress, you see right across you the image of one man - Moses, with a quote from the Bible.
And since the establishment of the United States, that's two and a half centuries, the vision of justice and the vision of peace espoused by the Prophets of Israel served as a guiding light for Americans from Thomas Jefferson to Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King to many others seeking to form a more perfect union.