Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Britain's Home Office Launches Investigation Into Sharia Law

In Britain last week, Home Secretary Theresa May announced that her office has begun an independent investigation into the application of Sharia law in England and Wales.  The review will be chaired by Professor Mona Siddiqui, an internationally known expert in Islamic and inter-religious studies. Her panel of experts will be advised by two imams. According to the Department's May 26 press release:
The Home Secretary committed to an independent review of the application of Sharia Law as part of the government’s Counter-Extremism Strategy. The strategy notes that many people in England and Wales follow religious codes and practices, and benefit from the guidance they offer. However, there is evidence some Sharia councils may be working in a discriminatory and unacceptable way, seeking to legitimise forced marriage and issuing divorces that are unfair to women, contrary to the teachings of Islam. It will also seek out examples of best practice among Sharia councils.