Friday, February 22, 2019

Tax Preparer Refuses To Prepare Joint Return For Same-Sex Couple

Washington Post reports on the latest clash between religious liberty assertions and non-discrimination principles:
For four years, Bailey Brazzel says, she had employed the same tax preparer, Nancy Fivecoate of Carter Tax Service in Russiaville, Ind. Fivecoate prepared the taxes without issue each time — until this year, when Brazzel brought her new wife, Samantha.
Fivecoate declined to serve the couple, citing her religious beliefs.
This was the first year the Brazzels, who wed in July, were filing jointly as a married couple. According to Samantha, Fivecoate explained that she believed marriage was between a man and a woman and that she would therefore not be able to prepare their taxes.
Indiana does not have a statewide law barring discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. (See prior related posting.) [Thanks to Nathan Walker for the lead.]