Thursday, August 25, 2022

Court Enjoins Enforcement In Texas Of HHS Emergency Abortion Guidance

In State of Texas v. Becerra, (ND TX, Aug. 23, 2022), a Texas federal district court issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting enforcement in Texas of the Department of Health and Human Services' guidance to hospitals (and accompanying letter) which, relying on the federal Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act, requires hospital emergency rooms to perform certain abortions even when they violate Texas law. According to the Guidance, when an abortion is the stabilizing treatment necessary to resolve an emergency medical condition, EMTALA requires emergency rooms to perform it. The court's 67-page opinion said in part:

Texas law already overlaps with EMTALA to a significant degree, allowing abortions in life-threatening conditions and for the removal of an ectopic or miscarried pregnancy. But in Dobbs’s wake and in an attempt to resolve any potential conflict with state law, the Department of Health and Human Services issued Guidance purporting to remind providers of their existing EMTALA obligations to provide abortions regardless of state law. That Guidance goes well beyond EMTALA’s text, which protects both mothers and unborn children, is silent as to abortion, and preempts state law only when the two directly conflict. Since the statute is silent on the question, the Guidance cannot answer how doctors should weigh risks to both a mother and her unborn child. Nor can it, in doing so, create a conflict with state law where one does not exist. The Guidance was thus unauthorized. In any event, HHS issued it without the required opportunity for public comment.

Reuters reports on the decision.