Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Supreme Court Will Review Question of Sovereign Immunity for Taking of Assets in Holocaust

The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday granted review in Republic of Hungary v. Simon, (Docket No. 23-867, certiorari granted 6/24/2024) (Order List), a long-running case in which Holocaust survivors have sued to recover the value of property which Hungary expropriated from them during the Holocaust. At issue is whether the expropriation exception to sovereign immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act applies so that the suit can be pursued in American courts. Here the seized assets were liquidated, and the proceeds were placed in the Hungarian treasury.  Under the FSIA, those proceeds must have been used in a commercial activity in the United States in order for U.S. courts to have jurisdiction. At issue in the appeal are questions of who must show that commercial nexus.  The D.C. Circuit below in its 2023 decision (full text) which is on appeal began its opinion as follows:

In 1944, as World War II neared its end, the Hungarian government implemented an accelerated campaign to exterminate its remaining Jewish population. Within a matter of months, the government systematically executed over half a million Jews—roughly two-thirds of the Jewish population in Hungary at the war's outset. This state-perpetrated genocidal campaign ranks among the greatest crimes in human history.

The questions raised by these appeals bear on whether survivors of the Hungarian Holocaust may hale the Hungarian government and its instrumentalities into United States courts to answer for a subset of the wrongs they committed—namely, their confiscation of property from victims of the Holocaust.

The SCOTUSblog case page has links to all the pleadings in the case.