NOTE to Readers: An unusually large number of articles of interest were posted online during the past week--
From SSRN:
- Matthew K. Minerd, The Influence of John of St. Thomas Upon the Thought of Jacques Maritain, (Studia Poinsotiana, No. 2. (2024)).
- Yuanlou Lin, Though Shut in Caves and Sealed in Jars, Qumran Scrolls Were Not Hidden to Not Be Found by Us, (February 27, 2025).
- Stephanie H. Barclay & Matthew Krauter, The Untold Story of the Proto-Smith Era: Justice O'Connor's Papers and the Court's Free Exercise Revolution, (174 U. Penn. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2025)).
- Samuel J. Levine, Foreword "The Conference of Religiously Affiliated Law Schools", (Touro Law Review: Vol. 38: No. 4, Article 3 (2023).
- Samuel J. Levine, Interpreting Religious Doctrine: The Third Rail that Wags the Dog in Religion Clause Jurisprudence, (81 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1477, Fall 2024).
- Jennifer Lee Koh, Christian Lawyers in the Public Interest and Outside the Political Right, (BYU Law Review (forthcoming 2026)).
- Benjamin M. Leff, Getting Donor-Advised Funds Regulation Right: Closing the Public-Support Test Loophole, (February 21, 2025).
- Rosemary Teele Langford & Malcolm Anderson, Religious Charities in Australia: Implications for Governance Under Traditional Values and Outlooks, (March 25, 2024).
- Michael Bindas, Meyer, Pierce, and Everything After, (26 J. Contemp. Legal Issues 281 (2025) (forthcoming)).
- Aaron Tang & Ethan Hutt, "Original History" and the Free Exercise Case for Religious Charter Schools, (January 24, 2025).
- Naomi R. Cahn, Maxine Eichner & Mary E. Ziegler, "For Their Benefit": The Lost History of Parental Consent and Minors' Rights, (114 Calif. L. Rev. (forthcoming 2026)).
- Henry F. Fradella, How State Courts Apply Lawrence v. Texas in Civil Contexts: A Mixed-Methods Content Analysis of Two Decades of Cases, 32 Tulane Jour. of Law & Sexuality 1 (2023).
From SSRN (Marriage):
- Lee Anne Fennell, Owning Marriage in Robinson's Gilead Novels, (Connubial Fictions: The Evolution of American Marriage in Law and Literature (Richard H. McAdams, Jonathan S. Masur, and Martha C. Nussbaum eds.) (forthcoming Oxford UP)).
- Damir Banović, Normalizing Queer and the Loss of Critical Potential? Same-Sex Marriage: to Equality or Liberation?, (Fabio Macioce, Dragica Vujadinović and Zara Saeidzadeh (eds.) "Feminist Legal and Political Practices - The Contemporary Interplay of Gender, Intersectionality and Diversity", Springer Nature (forthcoming in 2025)).
- Anthony C. Infanti, Ten Years After Windsor and Obergefell: The Tax Inequalities of Marriage Equality, (Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review (forthcoming)).
From SSRN (Abortion and Reproductive Rights):
- David S. Cohen & Carole Joffe, After Dobbs: How the Supreme Court Ended Roe but Not Abortion (Book Introduction and Epilogue), (January 25, 2025).
- Mridula Raman, Prosecutorial Discretion and the Crime of Abortion, (Yale Law and Policy Review Vol. 43, pp. 171-250 (2024)).
- Evan D. Bernick, Cthulhu and the Constitution, (February 22, 2025).
- Makayla Haussler, Confronting State-Sanctioned Reproductive Abuse: Reproductive Justice, Domestic Violence, and the Promise of State Constitutional Rights to Safety Post-Dobbs, (January 15, 2025).
- David S. Cohen & Rachel Rebouche, Repealing Comstock, (104 Boston University Law Review Online 267 (2024)).
- Scott DeVito, Dobbs Is, Historically, Right, (January 01, 2025).
- Brendan Mohan, Dobbs v. Employee Benefits: Major Questions Left After the Landmark Decision, (November 25, 2024).
From SSRN (Islamic Law):
- Amr Ibn Munir, The Islamic Law of Treaty, (February 03, 2025).
- Imam Sujono, Yovita Arie Mangesti, Slamet Suhartono & Zaleha Kamaruddin, Islamic Legal Perspective on the Implementation of Online Marriage Contracts During the Covid-19 Pandemic, (Ulul Albab: Jurnal Studi dan Penelitian Hukum Islam | Vol. 6, No. 1, October 2022).
- Abdulkadir Abubakar Adam & Aina-Obe Shamsuddin Bolatito, Navigating Digital Morality and Hisba Board's Strategies: The Challenges of Online Immorality Induction Among Youth in Kano State, Nigeria, (February 16, 2025).
- Bolatito, Aina-Obe Shamsuddin Bolatito & Nazifi Dahiru Abdullahi, A Faith-Based Framework for Mitigating Corruption in Nigeria; An Islamo-Christian Perspective, (February 08, 2025).
- Rifqi Khairul Anam, The Meaning of The Madura Proverb "Bhuppa'-Bhâbhu'-Ghuru-Rato" in Hasan Hanafi's Social Theology Perspective and Its Relevance to Community Development, (October 24, 2024).
- Sophia Chima, Balancing Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Expression: Review of the Blasphemy Laws in Nigeria, (November 21, 2024).
- Shameer Modongal, Prophet's Teaching on Jar: Application of Islamic Ethics of Neighborhood in the New Globalized Society, (November 29, 2023).
- Md. Omar Farque, Muslim Wife’s Right to Maintenance in Bangladesh: Analysed Through the Lenses of Shari’ah and Judicial Decisions, (November 12, 2024).
From SSRN (Law of India):
- Prashant Kumar Chauhan & Vikas Singh Yadav, Impact of the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 on Women’s Property Rights, (International Journal of Law, Management & Humanities, Volume 8 | Pp. 554-560, Issue 1 2025).
- Tapesh Meghwal, Faith and Safety: Legal Frameworks and Challenges of Managing Crowd Risks at Religious Gatherings in India, (December 20, 2024).
- Aayush Bhardwaj & Heena Parveen, The Nexus Between the Ramayana and State Administration, (in P. Salgar (Ed.), Ramayana: Instrument for Indianising Socio-Legal Approaches (pp. 189-203) (2024)).
From SmartCILP:
- Christopher J. Manettas, A License to Discriminate? 303 Creative v. Elenis and Where the Supreme Court May Go, 39 Touro Law Review 539-552 (2024).
- Allen Rostron, Saints, Satanists, and Religious Public Charter Schools, 59 Tulsa Law Review 451-486 (2024).
- Wayne Law Review Symposium “The Evolution of Religious Liberty”, 70 Wayne Law Review, Issue 1 (2024).