Friday, October 19, 2007

British Tribunal Rejects Rastafarian's Employment Discrimination Claim

Britain's Employment Appeal Tribunal has rejected a discrimination claim by a Rastafarian who was fired from his position as a driver because of his hair style. The case is Harris v. NKL Automotive, Ltd., (EAT, Oct., 3, 2007) [Word.doc]. The Tribunal found that the employer required drivers "should have a smart professional haircut and should ensure hair is tidy". The Tribunal concluded that since the company did not object to the wearing of dreadlocks if they were "tidy", the dismissal did not discriminate against Rastafarians. Reporting on the case, reviews the case law in Britain involving employer dress codes under the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mukasey Testimony Includes Exchange On Role of Sharia Under U.S. Law

Yesterday the Senate Judiciary Committee held its first day of hearings on the nomination of Judge Michael B. Mukasey for Attorney General. (Washington Post). At the hearing (full transcript), the Senators questioned the nominee on a variety of subjects. One interesting exchange occurred between the nominee and Senator Sam Brownback:
BROWNBACK: ... [C]ertain countries' courts have held that sharia, or Islamic religious law trumps civil constitution. There's been a case in Malaysia. There was a case earlier this year in Germany, there a Frankfurt presiding judge over a divorce court involving two Muslim Moroccan residents in Germany put aside German divorce law and ruled, instead, on the basis of her understanding of the Koran.... What would be your thoughts on this were this to arise in the United States -- in a court of law in the United States?

MUKASEY: I think we should not create, anywhere in this country, enclaves that are governed by any law other than the law that applies to everybody. We live in this country under one system of laws. And whatever may be the religious requirements of any group, we don't create enclaves where a different law applies, a different law governs and people don't have the rights that everybody else has outside that enclave. I would resist that very firmly -- the creation of any such enclave.

President Emphasizes Religious Liberty At Presentation To Dalai Lama

President George W. Bush yesterday spoke at the ceremony awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to the Dalai Lama. The President's speech (full text) emphasized the importance of religious liberty in the United States. He said that in awarding the Medal to the exiled Tibetan leader, "America raises its voice in the call for religious liberty and basic human rights." In what will likely be the most politically important portion of his speech, the President said: "Americans cannot look to the plight of the religiously oppressed and close our eyes or turn away. And that is why I will continue to urge the leaders of China to welcome the Dalai Lama to China. They will find this good man to be a man of peace and reconciliation." (See prior related posting.) The Washington Post points out that yesterday's ceremony was the first time a sitting U.S. president has appeared in public with the Dalai Lama.

Groups Urge Senate To Eliminate Earmarked Funds For Creationist Group

Thirty-six scientific, educational, civil liberties and religious organizations have signed a letter (full text) to each member of the U.S. Senate urging the Senate to remove an earmark currently found in the House Committee Report on the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education Appropriations Bill. Under the House proposal, $100, 000 would go to the Louisiana Family Forum, a group promoting creationism, for it to use "to develop a plan to promote better science education." (See prior posting.) The letter argues that "federal funding of LLF's efforts to introduce creationism in public-school science classrooms will ... harm the religious liberty of students and their families" and "will weaken rather than strengthen science education". In a release discussing the letter, Americans United For Separation of church and State argued that LLF's "goal is to spread fundamentalist dogma, not enhance scientific literacy." [Thanks to Alliance Alert for the lead.]

UPDATE: Americans United announced on Thursday that the earmark's sponsor, Louisiana Sen. David Vitter, requested that it be removed from the bill and that the funds instead be directed to another Louisiana project. Vitter said that the earmark had not been intended to promote creationism.

2nd Circuit Upholds Constitutionality of RLUIPA and Vindicates Jewish Day School

Yesterday in Westchester Day School v. Village of Mamaroneck, (2d Cir., Oct. 17, 2007), the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a March 2006 district court decision holding that the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act prevents the Village of Mamaroneck, New York from using its zoning laws to block a Jewish day school's construction of a new building that would be used, at least in part, for religious education and practice. (See prior posting.)

The Court of Appeals upheld the constitutionality of RLUIPA. It held that RLUIPA's limitations on land use regulation are a valid exercise of Congress' powers under the Commerce Clause in cases where a burden placed on religious exercise affects interstate commerce. The court also rejected Establishment Clause challenges to RLUIPA. Applying RLUIPA to the facts before it, the appellate court held that the Village's arbitrary denial of a special zoning permit placed a substantial burden on the Day School's religious exercise and that the Village lacked a compelling interest to justify the denial. The Zoning Board of Appeals had given undue deference to objections from an influential group of neighbors. The Associated Press reports on the decision, as does today's New York Times.

Nativity Scene To Be Permitted In Washington State Capitol This Year

The Alliance Defense Fund announced yesterday that a settlement agreement (full text) has been filed in Wesselius v. DeShaw, (WD WA, Oct. 16, 2007), a case challenging last year's refusal by Washington state officials to permit a private citizen to put up a Nativity Scene in the state Capitol building next to a menorah and holiday tree that were approved for display. Under the settlement agreement, officials will allow plaintiff to display a Nativity Scene in the commons area of the Capitol Rotunda this December. The Capitol Campus Facilities Policy will be amended to provide that public use of Capitol facilities will be made available on a non-discriminatory basis, without regard to the religious or political content or viewpoint of the person seeking access. (See prior related posting.) Yesterday's Olympian also reported on the settlement.

ORU President Takes Leave Until Charges Are Resolved

Oral Roberts University President Richard Roberts has asked the University's Board of Regents for a temporary leave of absence while charges in a civil law suit by three former ORU faculty are resolved. The suit alleges that Roberts and his wife misused University funds and that his wife spent time at night with an underage male in the University's guest house. CNN yesterday quoted Roberts who said: "I have prayed about it, and feel that it is in the best interest of my family and the university." Roberts, in the same written statement, said he would continue as head of Oral Roberts Ministries and would continue his television show. The ORU Board of Regents in a written statement said it had granted the leave request, and had appointed Billy Joe Daugherty, Senior Pastor of Victory Christian Center in Tulsa, as acting president, along with University founder Oral Roberts.

9th Circuit Grants En Banc Review In Snowbowl RFRA Case

Reuters yesterday reported that the U.S. Ninth Circuit court of Appeals has granted an en banc rehearing in Navajo Nation v. United States Forest Service. Last March, a 3-judge panel held that federal approval of the use of treated waste water to make snow in an expanded ski resort in Arizona's Coconino National Forest would violate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. (See prior posting.) The panel concluded that the Arizona Snowbowl waste water proposal would substantially burden the carrying out of religious rituals by the Navajo and Hopi Indians who rely on the purity of the mountain water they use.

School Program That Urges Church Attendance Is Challenged

The Denver Channel yesterday reported that two parents of students in the Cherry Creek (CO)School District have filed suit challenging a program known as "40 Developmental Assets". The program aims at helping adolescents become responsible adults. One of its suggestions for constructive use of time is to spend one or more hours per week in activities in a religious institution. Bob Tiernan of the Freedom From Religion Foundation which represents the parents said that this amounts to telling students they should go to church weekly. The suggestion, he said, alienates those who do not, implying that they are not good citizens. For a public school to do that, he argues, violates the Establishment Clause.

Louisiana City To Vote On Whether To Allow Sunday Liquor Sales

In addition to voting for Louisiana's governor this Saturday, voters in East Baton Rouge will vote on whether to repeal the town's Blue Laws that prohibit the sale of packaged wine and liquor on Sundays, and prohibit the sale of packaged beer on Sundays before 12:30 p.m. LSU's Daily Reveille reported yesterday that if the measure passes and is implemented by Metro Council, grocery and retail stores will be able to sell liquor, beer and wine starting at 11 a.m. on Sundays. Restaurants that can already sell wine and liquor on Sundays will be unaffected. The referendum is being supported by residents who believe that local residents are spending money on alcohol in other parishes on Sunday, when those funds could be spent locally. Opponents, like Kitty Blanchard, secretary for St. Agnes Catholic Church, say the repeal would disrupt rest and worship on "the Lord's day".

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Scalia Says His Catholic Faith Has Little Impact On His Legal Views

Speaking at Villanova University Law School yesterday, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said that his Catholic faith has played little role in his court decisions. The AP reported on his remarks, during which he asserted: "I am really hard put to tell you of a single decision or opinion of mine that would have come out differently if I were not a Catholic." He said that his opposition to Roe v. Wade stems not from his religious beliefs, but from his "textualist" views-- there is no reference to abortion in the Constitution. Commenting on death penalty cases, Scalia said that the Church's opposition to capital punishment is fairly recent, and is not an infallible teaching. He said that if he thought that it was, he might feel compelled to resign because of the number of capital cases the Court must decide.

Protestant Chaplains Lack Standing To Challenge Navy's Retirement Policy

The D.C. federal district court has dismissed on standing grounds an Establishment Clause challenge to a practice by the U.S. Navy that permitted 23 reserve corps Catholic chaplains to remain on active duty past age 60 so that they could obtain the 20 years' service needed for their pensions to vest. A group of non-liturgical Protestant chaplains and their endorsing organization claimed this amounted to a denominational preference. In re: Navy Chaplaincy, (D DC, Oct. 15, 2007), because plaintiffs did not claim that non-liturgicals were denied the same opportunity; rather they argued that the Navy's practice communicates a message of preference that constitutes a per se injury. The court rejected this argument. It also rejected plaintiffs' attempt to invoke taxpayer standing, since plaintiffs were not challenging Congressional action under the taxing and spending clause. The case was on remand from the Court of Appeals which, last year, held plaintiffs had shown irreparable injury (see prior posting).

Mezuzah In Florida Capitol Raises Church-State Question

The AP reported yesterday that Florida's Governor, Charlie Crist, has raised church-state issues by hanging a mezuzah on his office door at the Capitol. The mezuzah was a gift to the governor from state Rep. Adam Hasner, who obtained it during a trade mission to Israel earlier this year. Crist, who is not Jewish, said that this was his way of recognizing the religious diversity in the state. ACLU spokesman Larry Spalding, however, said: "It would be appropriate in the governor's mansion or in his office where he works. But when you place it in an area where it even has the appearance of giving the government stamp of approval, then I think you violate that neutrality principle."

British Anti-Gay Activist Banned From Library For Verbal Abuse of Staff

Yesterday's Manchester Guardian reports on a confrontation between British anti-gay rights activist Joe Fairclough, and a librarian at Leigh Library in the town of Wigan. Fairclough, a devoted Christian who had engaged in a number of anti-gay activities at the library in the past, refused assistance from one of the library's staff members because the man was gay and had been through a civil partnership ceremony. Fairclough asked for help instead from another librarian because he does not approve of two men being married. The next day when Fairclough returned to the library, two staff members asked him to leave because he had insulted their colleague. The Library's Code of Conduct permits banning of patrons who engage in verbal abuse. Eventually a police constable arrived and took Fairclough into custody, but released him without filing charges. [Thanks to Towerload blog for the lead.]

Akron City Council Will End Lord's Prayer At Beginning of Meetings

Akron, Ohio's City Council will reluctantly end its practice of reciting the Lord's Prayer before meetings, now that Americans United for Separation of Church and State has complained about the sectarian invocation. The Akron Beacon Journal reported yesterday that, for now, meetings will open only with the Pledge of Allegiance, after Council members decided that having a different prayer every week to represent various faiths would be too complicated. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Student Sues To Get High School Recognition For Christian Student Group

In a federal lawsuit filed in Vermont last week by the Alliance Defense Fund (press release), a student challenged the refusal by Middlebury Union High School to give official recognition to Youth Alive, a student-run Christian organization. The complaint (full text) in V.O. v. Union School District No. 3, (D VT, Oct. 11, 2007), alleges that the school's refusal violates the federal Equal Access Act, First Amendment free speech and free exercise rights, and the Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection and due process clauses. Plaintiff says that the school recognizes other non-curriculum related student groups. The school's letter refusing recognition said that if Youth Alive were recognized as a co-curricular club, its activities would become school-sponsored with monetary support and an assigned advisor, and that this sponsorship would violate the Establishment Clause. The school says that, as in the past, it will grant Youth Alive meeting space and space for posters advertising its meetings.

One Student Wins, One Loses, Hair Length Challenge

Here is a follow-up on two recent cases (see prior postings 1, 2) in which high school students have claimed that school rules regarding hair length infringe their religious freedom. In Detroit, Michigan, Old Redford Academy (a charter school) has granted a religious exemption from its grooming rules to freshman Claudius Benson whose family's interpretation of the Old Testament precludes him from cutting his hair. Yesterday's Detroit News reports on the student's victory. However in Leakey, Texas, the school board voted unanimously Monday night to refuse to permit Rastafarian student Ben Jamin Daly to keep his hair long. reports that the decision means Daley will continue to be taught in an alternative program, in isolation from his classmates, and will not be permitted to participate in school activities, unless he cuts his hair.

Nebraska Judge Orders Newborn Blood Tests Over Parents' Objections

In Omaha, Nebraska, a juvenile court judge has rejected parents' religious objections and ordered six-week-old Joel Anaya to undergo blood tests that are required for all newborns in order to screen for health conditions. Yesterday's Omaha World-Herald reports that Judge Elizabeth Crnkovich placed the boy temporarily in foster care until the tests were run and the results were in. On Tuesday, when results were received, the case against the boy's parents was dismissed and he was returned to them.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Some Claims Against Westboro Baptist Church Funeral Picketers Dismissed

Baltimore, Maryland federal district judge Richard Bennett yesterday dismissed defamation and invasion of privacy claims brought against the Westboro Baptist Church by the father of a Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder who was killed in Iraq. However plaintiff was permitted to proceed on two other claims against the Church, its leader Rev. Fred Phelps and his two daughters who have gone around the country picketing veterans' funerals with signs protesting US tolerance of homosexuality. The Baltimore Sun described the court's holding:

In granting part of the defendants' motion for summary judgment, Bennett found church members did not defame Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder or his family by implying [in postings on the Church's website] that he was gay or raised by adulterers because his parents divorced. Nor did the church members invade the family's privacy, the judge ruled, because their anti-gay and anti- divorce accusations were based on a general expression of the church members' fundamentalist beliefs.

At the civil trial set to begin Monday in federal court, the jury will be able consider whether Westboro Baptist Church is liable for an intentional infliction of emotional distress based on the message from its members' signs, Bennett said. The judge also will allow jurors to decide whether the Snyder family's expectation of privacy at Matthew Snyder's funeral was violated by the church members' protest outside St. John Roman Catholic Church in Westminster.
Also reporting on the decision, WBALTV said that Church members will "argue their protests are covered by free-speech protections, but acknowledged in court Monday that they had a hard time finding experts to take their side for next week's trial." (See prior related postings, 1, 2, 3.)

New York's High Court Hears Arguments Today In Satmar's Factional Dispute

New York's Court of Appeals, its highest court, will hear arguments today in a long-running suit between two factions of the Orthodox-Jewish Satmar Hasidic community. Yesterday's Times Herald-Record reports that control of millions of dollars worth of property is at stake in the power struggle between followers of Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum and followers of his younger brother, Rabbi Zalmen Teitelbaum. Each brother has been declared by his followers to be the grand rebbe to succeed their deceased father, Rabbi Moses Teitelbaum. Also each faction elected its own lay officers to control the movement's assets. The major issue in the case is whether a civil court can apply neutral principles to determine which side won the disputed election. Rabbi Zalmen's side claims that the now-deceased father endorsed its election, and argue that a secular court must stay out of the essentially religious dispute. (Here are links to numerous prior postings on the dispute: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.)