Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Pro-Life Supporters Model Protest After Parkland School Walkouts

The pro-life movement has announced plans to piggyback on the student anti-gun violence walkouts that took place in schools around the country after the Parkland, Florida shooting.  Pro-life high school students are planning a similar 17-minute walkout from classes on April 11. As reported by Lifesite News, the idea originated with Rocklin, California high school student Brandon Gillespie after his history teacher was suspended for questioning the anti-gun violence walkout and commenting that the walkout would likely not have been tolerated if it was to protest abortion.  Sponsors of the pro-life march have tied it to the Parkland demonstrations by saying it will "test if there’s a double standard from school administration when it comes to allowing students to protest against destroyers of life and the tools they use."  Yesterday the Thomas More Law Center issued a press release stating that it will provide legal guidance to students planning the walkout, adding:
With the pro-life walk out, Gillespie seeks to answer the question of whether “Not One More” applies to all children, regardless of their age or birth status.