Sunday, November 18, 2018

Victim of Neo-Nazi Website Attacks Can Move Ahead With Lawsuit

In Gersh v. Anglin, (D MT, Nov. 14, 2018), a Montana federal district court denied a motion to dismiss made by Andrew Anglin, publisher of the alt-right website the Daily Stormer in a suit against him for invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress and violation of Montana's Anti-Intimidation Act.  The suit was filed by Tany Gersh, a realtor who was the subject of abusive articles on Daily Stormer over her interactions with the mother of neo-Nazi leader Richard Spencer. As described by the court:
In the articles, Anglin described Gersh's behavior as extortion, and Anglin drew heavily on crude ethnic stereotypes, painting Gersh as acting in furtherance of a perceived Jewish agenda and using Holocaust imagery and rhetoric. He called for "confrontation" and "action"....
When Gersh filed her Complaint in the spring of 2017, she and her family had received more than 700 disparaging and/or threatening messages over phone calls, voicemails, text messages, emails, letters, social media comments, and Christmas cards. 
Refusing to dismiss the suit on free speech grounds without a more fully developed factual record, the court said in part:
At minimum, Gersh has made a plausible claim that Anglin' s speech involved a matter of strictly private concern.... 
The context of the case is, at first blush, public-a series of blog posts on an alt-right "news" blog, which often engages with political issues, albeit from an extremist viewpoint. However, under a liberal interpretation of the Complaint, the content of the speech may be seen as strictly private; Anglin launched a campaign of unrelated personal attacks on a Whitefish realtor, her husband, and their son because of a perceived conflict between Gersh and the mother of Anglin's friend, another white supremacist. Although Anglin drew heavily on his readers' hatred and fear of ethnic Jews, rousing their political sympathies, there is more than a colorable claim that he did so strictly to further his campaign to harass Gersh...
CNN reports on the decision. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]