As reported by The Forward, a complaint was filed last week with the EEOC (full text and summary of June 15 complaint) on behalf of a psychiatrist and a clinical social worker at Stanford University Counseling & Psychological Services division charging that a hostile work environment has been created for Jewish employees. The complaint alleges in part:
... Stanford University ... has permitted the DEI [Diversity, Equity and Inclusion] program to be perverted so that it accomplishes precisely the opposite of its intended aims....
... [T]he CAPS DEI program has maligned and marginalized Jews on the basis of religion, race and ethnic identity by castigating Jews as white, powerful and privileged members of society who contribute to systemic racism and denying and attempting to erase Jewish ancestral identity. In addition, the DEI program has denigrated the concept of Jewish victimhood and deliberately excluded anti-Semitism from the program’s agenda....
The CAPS DEI program... relies upon racial and ethnic stereotyping and scapegoating by describing all Jews as white or white-passing and therefore complicit in anti-Black racism. Jewish staff have been pressured to attend the DEI program’s racially segregated “whiteness accountability” affinity group, which was created for “staff who hold privilege via white identity” and “who are white identified, may be newly grappling with or realizing their white identity, or identify as or are perceived as white presenting or passing (aka seen as white by others even though you hold other identities).”