On Feb. 28, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed Senate File 418 (full text) which removes "gender identity" as a protected class under the state's anti-discrimination laws. It also provides that in construing state statutes, a reference to "sex" means "the state of being either male or female as observed or clinically verified at birth." The law also bars issuance of a new birth certificate reflecting a sex change. In her signing statement (full text), Governor Reynolds said in part:
It is common sense to acknowledge the obvious biological differences between men and women. In fact, it is necessary to secure genuine equal protection for women and girls....
I know this is a sensitive issue for some, many of whom have heard misinformation about what this bill does. The truth is that it simply brings Iowa in line with the federal Civil Rights Code, as well as most states.
We all agree that every Iowan, without exception, deserves respect and dignity. We are all children of God, and no law changes that.
Iowa Public Radio reports on the bill.