Wednesday, June 06, 2007

NM Football Coach Loses Summary Judgment Motion In Discrimination Case

Yesterday, a New Mexico federal district court refused to grant summary judgment to New Mexico State University head football coach Hal Mumme in religious discrimination cases filed against him by several Muslim football players. In Ali v. Mumme I, (D NM, June 5, 2007), the court found that issues of fact remain in the free exercise and equal protection claims by player Jacob Wallace that Mumme encouraged an atmosphere hostile to Islam, that he instituted Christian prayer by the team in a way coercive to Muslims, and that Mumme's food policy disregarded Muslim dietary restrictions.

In Ali v. Mumme II, (D NM, June 5, 2007), the court found that issues of fact remain in the free exercise and equal protection claims by players Mu'ammar Ali, Anthony Thompson and Vincent Thompson. They claim that they were discharged from the football team because of their Muslim faith, and that Mumme had engaged in actions having a coercive effect on their religious beliefs. Today's Las Cruces Sun-News reports on the decisions. (See prior related posting.)

German Court Upholds Ban On Muslim Teachers' Wearing Headscarves

In Dusseldorf, Germany on Tuesday, an administrative court upheld North Rhine-Westphalia's ban on Muslim teachers wearing headscarves in class. The Associated Press reports that the court rejected a 28-year old teacher's complaint that her freedom of religion was being infringed. The court instead focused on the state's interest in maintaining religious neutrality toward students and parents.

Religion An Important Part of Yesterday's Republican Candidate Debates

Faith and religion were an important part of the Q&A in last night's Republican presidential candidate debate held in Manchester, New Hampshire. The full transcript of the debate is available online, as is a CNN summary with video clips. At one point, reporter Wolf Blitzer asked candidate Rudy Giuliani about a Catholic bishop's strong criticism of Giuliani's stance on abortion rights. As Giuliani began to answer, lightning from a storm outside briefly cut off the microphone. Giuliani joked that this was a "frightening" thing for someone who went to parochial school all his life.

The debate also gave several of the candidates an opportunity to explain their views on the evolution vs. creationism debate, and gave candidate Mitt Romney a chance to respond to those who are concerned about his Mormon religious beliefs. In response to a question from Wolf Blitzer, Romney said:

President Kennedy some time ago said he was not a Catholic running for president, he was an American running for president. And I'm happy to be a proud member of my faith.

You know, I think it's a fair question for people to ask, what do you believe? And I think if you want to understand what I believe, you could recognize that the values that I have are the same values you'll find in faiths across this country.

I believe in God, believe in the Bible, believe Jesus Christ is my savior. I believe that God created man in his image. I believe that the freedoms of man derive from inalienable rights that were given to us by God.

And I also believe that there are some pundits out there that are hoping that I'll distance myself from my church so that that'll help me politically. And that's not going to happen.

Meanwhile the website Media Matters accused CNN of incorrectly reporting that Democratic candidates had not talked about their faith and values until very recently. The website says that at least some of the Democratic candidates have talked about their faith and values for years.

Opinion In Lethal Injection Autopsy Case Now Available

Following up on a posting from last month, the full opinion is now available on Lexis in Workman v. Levy, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 40122 (MD TN, May 15, 2007). In the case, a Tennessee federal district court refused to grant a preliminary injunction to stop the autopsy of inmate Philip Workman, despite Workman's religious objections to the procedure. The court held that Workman's brother has standing to pursue the case after Workman's death, that the coroner's decision to perform an autopsy was not motivated by religious animus, and that the state has a compelling interest in using the autopsy to assess the effects of its controversial lethal injection protocol for executions.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Parents In Ontario To Sue Over Support For Disabled In Private Religious Schools

In the Canadian province of Ontario, a multifaith coalition, along with seven families, is planning to sue the provincial government alleging discrimination because the province refuses to fund support for students with various disabilities who attend private religious schools. Today's Globe and Mail says that medically necessary therapy is provided by the province to students in all schools, but assistance to students for "learning tools" to help with visual impairments, hearing difficulties or learning disabilities is available only the publicly funded secular and Roman Catholic schools.

NY County Human Rights Commission Gets Expanded Powers

The Westchester County, New York Board of Legislators yesterday expanded the enforcement authority of the county's Human Rights Commission which, among other things, enforces bans on religious discrimination in employment, housing, lending and public accommodations. Today's Lower Hudson Journal News reports that the new law allows the Commission to impose civil fines up to $100,000 in housing discrimination cases, and permits it to seek punitive damages up to $10,000 for egregious discriminatory behavior.

Virginia School District Encourages Intelligent Design In Classes

The Chesterfield Observer reported today on a statement (full text) issued earlier this month by the Chesterfield County, Virginia, school board that seems to endorse teaching of intelligent design as part of the school district's science curriculum. The board adopted textbooks approved by the State Board of Education for middle and high school science classes. In its news release on the adoptions, the district school board said that "none of the currently available textbooks in the areas of life science and biology included the topics of creationism or intelligent design." The release also quoted one district board member who said: "This is not about science versus religion. This is about how we articulate theories on this one subject and what the Supreme Court and other court rules have said about creationism in the classroom."

In response to proponents of intelligent design, Chesterfield School Board Chair Thomas J. Doland read a statement that he asked to be included along with the Memorandum regarding textbook adoptions. The statement in part says:
The School Board is cognizant that technology now allows easy access to an almost infinite number of resources facilitating learning. To suggest that we should limit our students' access to specifically approved textbooks and instructional materials would not only inhibit self-directed learning but would also ill-prepare our young people for the challenges that will face them in the competitive global market of the 21st century.

We have received much interest and concern from our citizens relating to the theory of evolution as taught in our science classes. It is the School Board's belief that this topic, along with all other topics that raise differences of thought and opinion, should receive the thorough and unrestricted study as we have just articulated. Accordingly, we direct our superintendent to charge those of our professionals who support curriculum development and implementation with the responsibility to investigate and develop processes that encompass a comprehensive approach to the teaching and learning of these topics.

Muslim Brotherhood On Politics and Religion

Today the Global Politician published an exclusive interview with Mohamed Habib, head of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, discussing the controversial book recently published by Dr. Ali Abd Al-Hafiz titled "Alternative Movement". (MB News). Particularly interesting is this exchange on government and religion:
GP: What about the points he brings up in the book and in his comments about the MB?

Habib: Those ideas are talked about now among intellectuals in Egypt, which call for the separation of politics and religion. This came from ignorance of the nature of Islam. Islam is a whole system. It is a complete system that consists of politics, literature, economics, etc.... Therefore, you have to accept it as a whole. There is no such thing as political work separated from religion or else we become like those who are different.

South Dakota National Guard Short On Chaplains

Today's Rapid City (SD) Journal reports on the 50% vacancy rate for chaplains in the South Dakota Army National Guard. It cites a number of factors to account for the unit's difficulty in recruiting chaplains: increased deployment of units for service in Iraq and Afghanistan, refusal of the Army to recognize Bible college (as opposed to seminary) graduates, and maximum age limits-- many South Dakota clergy have come to the ministry as second careers. Shortages are most pronounced for Roman Catholic priests.

Court Upholds Ban On Parent's Bible Reading To Kindergarteners

In Busch v. Marple Newtown School District, (ED PA, May 31, 2007), a Pennsylvania federal district court has upheld a decision by a school principal barring the mother of a kindergarten student from reading a Biblical selection from the book of Psalms to a kindergarten class as part of the "All About Me" unit. The unit, among other things, encouraged parents to read a story to the class. The court held that even though this amounted to viewpoint discrimination, it was permissible because this was an organized curricular activity in which the reading might well be perceived as being endorsed by the school. The school had a compelling interest in avoiding proselytizing of students in violation of the Establishment Clause. The court also rejected plaintiff's establishment clause and equal protection claims.

CNN Broadcast Features Discussion of Religion and Politics With Candidates

Yesterday CNN broadcast a lengthy discussion of religion, faith and politics with Democratic presidential hopefuls John Edwards, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The discussion was organized by Rev. Jim Wallis, head of the Sojourners Social Justice Ministry. The full transcript of the broadcast is available. Several Christian religious leaders, as well as CNN moderator Soledad O'Brien, questioned the candidates on a wide range of issues.

UPDATE: After the Sojourners broadcast, CNN's Paula Zahn interviewed candidates Christopher Dodd, Joseph Biden, Bill Richardson and Dennis Kucinich on faith and politics. Here is the full transcript. [Thanks to Melissa Rogers for the lead.]

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Abdullah v. Wisconsin Department of Corrections, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 38146 (ED WI, May 24, 2007), a Wisconsin federal district court reaffirmed its prior determination in the case that "substantial burden" under RLUIPA as one that makes religious exercise effectively impractiable.

In Fisher v. Virginia Department of Corrections, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 38487 (WD VA, May 25, 2007), a federal Magistrate Judge recommended denial of defendants' motion for summary judgment in an inmate's claims that his rights under the First and 14th Amendment and under RLUIPA were violated when he was refused permission to possess a "Thor's Hammer" pendant, which was central to his practice of Asatru. He alleged that inmates of other religions were permitted to possess religious medallions. (See prior related posting.)

In Blount v. Johnson, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 39146 (WD VA, May 30, 2007), a Virginia federal district court found that an inmate who was a follower of the House of Yahweh religion should have been allowed access to the Common Fare diet several months earlier than he actually was, because of his sincere religious belief that he should eat only kosher food. However, the only relief granted by the court for the First Amendment and RLUIPA violations was nominal damages, with defendant paying court costs.

In Marshall v. Frank, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 38839 (WD WI, May 24, 2007), a Wisconsin federal district court permitted an inmate to move ahead with his claim that his rights under the First Amendment and RLUIPA were violated when prison authorities prevented him from possessing religious materials other than the Bible while housed in the prison's segregation unit.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Civil Rights Commission Focuses on Blaine Amendments and School Choice

On Friday, The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held a public briefing on "School Choice, the Blaine Amendments and Anti-Catholicisim". (Media advisory). CNS News reported today on the briefing. Those testifying included Anthony Picarello, vice president of the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. He argued that Blaine Amendments are "the last constitutional weapon available to attack democratically enacted, religion-neutral school voucher programs or social service programs that contract with faith-based providers." Richard Komer, a senior litigation attorney at the Institute for Justice also argued in favor of school vouchers, saying that the public schools are expensive failures.

Opposing school vouchers and supporting policies behind Blaine Amendments were Ellen Johnson, president of the American Atheists and Hollyn Hollman, general counsel of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty. Hollman said that Blaine Amendments protect religious institutions from government interference.

Constitution Drafters In Thailand Reject Call For Official Religion

The Bangkok Post reports today that Thailand's Constitution Drafting Committee has rejected calls to make Buddhism the official state religion in its new draft Constitution. A referendum on the new Constitution is tentatively scheduled for August. Previous reports had suggested that drafters might accede to demonstrators calling for the creation of a state religion, but drafters now have retained the country's traditional constitutional equal protection for all religions.

Kiev Mayor Trying To End Distribution of Antisemitic Literature

In the Ukraine, the mayor of Kiev, Leonid Chernovetsky, is trying to restrict the activities of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (MAUP), a private university which has become a major distributor of antisemitic literature. UCSJ reported on Friday that the the mayor has asked Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich to cut off the government financial support that goes to MAUP. Meanwhile the mayor is trying other tactics to close down some 30 MAUP kiosks that operate in Kiev and, among other things, sell copies of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Another report suggests that MAUP is distributing Holocaust denial literature near Babi Yar, the site of a major Nazi massacre of Jews.

Kentucky Legislators Still Want Return of 10 Commandments To Capitol

The Lexington Herald Leader reported yesterday that Kentucky legislators are distressed that the state's Ten Commandments monument has not been returned to the state Capitol grounds despite a law they passed last year calling for that step. The law also called for posting "In God We Trust" in the state House chamber. A federal court injunction has to be lifted before the Ten Commandments-- removed from the Capital during construction in the 1980's-- can be returned. The state has proposed to include that monument along with others of historical significance to Kentucky in a memorial garden near the Capitol. However, the state has had difficulty finding other displays to go along with the Ten Commandments. Yesterday's report echos similar one published in March.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Column Complains About Religious Actions By Malta's Leaders

Today's Malta Independent carries an interesting column complaining about the presence in Rome of Malta's President, the Prime Minister, Speaker of the House and Leader of the Opposition, all attending the canonisation of Maltese priest George Preca. The column argues that the leaders "have no business representing Malta in their official capacities at a saint-making ceremony." Daphne Caruana Galizia, author of the column, says that this is part of the merging of religion and state that also occurred when, last January, the Prime Minister kissed the Pope's hand when visiting the Vatican.

AU Complains To IRS About Religious Group's Online Opposition To Romney

Americans United for Separation of Church and State announced last week that it has sent a letter to the Internal Revenue Service complaining that Bill Keller Ministries should be investigated for violating limits on non-profit organizations. Its website,, opposing the presidential candidacy of Mitt Romney, arguing, among other things, that "If you vote for Mitt Romney, you are voting for satan!" Here is Liveprayer's full posting.

UPDATE: On Thursday, the AP reported that Keller rejected AU's charges, saying: ""I have never told anybody who to vote for or who not to vote for - ever. I have every right to speak on matters of life and culture, including political issues, and to educate people on the spiritual implications of those issues."

Iowa Ends State Funding For Faith-Based Prison Program

The Newton Iowa Daily News reports that last week Iowa's Governor Chet Culver signed a budget bill that eliminates the $310,000 state appropriation for the faith-based Prison Fellowship Ministries operating in an Iowa prison in Newton. A federal district court has held the program unconstitutional, and that decision is on appeal to the 8th Circuit.

Recent Articles Of Interest

From SSRN:
Yossi Nehushtan, Conscientious Exemptions: How They Should Be Granted and By Whom, (April 2007).

Michael A. Helfand, When Religious Practices Become Legal Obligations: Extending the Foreign Compulsion Defense, (Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. 23, 2008).

From SmartCILP:
Book review colloquy on Religious Freedom and the Constitution, by Christopher L. Eisgruber and Lawrence G. Sager. Articles by Thomas C. Berg, Kent Greenawalt, Ira C. Lupu and Robert W. Tuttle; response by Christopher L. Eisgruber and Lawrence G. Sager, 85 Texas Law Review 1185-1287 (2007).