Thursday, September 11, 2008

Washington Governor Candidates Speak Out On Religious and Social Issues

Yesterday's Seattle Times published an interview on social and religious issues with the two candidates for Governor of Washington state. Incumbent Democratic Governor Christine Gregoire, a Catholic, said she is pro-choice. She added: "I'm not going to have my religion determine what I do as governor. I keep that private. My personal beliefs have to be separate and apart from what I do as governor."

Gregoire also said she supports stem-cell research (including embryonic stem cell research). She supports gay couples having the rights and responsibilities of married couples, but would leave the formal issue of marriage to churches. Gregoire personally opposes assisted suicide, but will respect the outcome of a November initiative on the issue. She favors requiring pharmacies to fill prescriptions for Plan B contraceptives, but would allow one pharmacist to pass off the prescription to another pharmacist at the same location. Finally Gregoire favors retaining the death penalty.

Republican challenger Dino Rossi, also a Catholic, attempted to avoid a direct answer on his abortion views, but ultimately said he would support an abortion ban with exceptions for rape, incest and protecting the life of the mother. He said he supports defining marriage as between one man and one woman, but that gay couples should have various rights. Rossi is supportive of adult stem-cell research, but not research with embryonic stem cells. Rossi says he does not support assisted suicide, and would limit the death penalty to the most vicious of murders. Finally Rossi opposes requiring pharmacists to fill prescriptions for Plan B contraceptives.