Friday, September 16, 2011

France Opens Former Fire House For Muslim Worship Site

AP reports that France's Interior Minister Claude Gueant has come up with a temporary solution to the shortage of space in French mosques.  Particularly in two mosques in northern Paris, so many Muslims wish to gather for Friday prayers that they are unable to fit into the buildings.  In a country where strong principles of secularism result in religion being treated as a private affair not manifested in public, the overflow crowds of Muslims have for years prayed on the public sidewalks outside the mosques.  On Wednesday, the French government came to an agreement with Muslim leaders for the outfitting of a 20,000 sq. ft. former fire house for use as two prayer halls.  This is seen as a temporary solution pending construction of an Islamic cultural center with a large prayer hall in Goutte d'Or. A tentative 2013 completion date has been set for the center.