Thursday, July 11, 2019

Suit Challenges Repeal Of New York's Religious Exemption From Vaccination

A class action lawsuit was filed yesterday in a New York state trial court seeking to enjoin the state's recently enacted repeal of the religious exemption from requirements for vaccination of school children. The complaint (full text) in F.F. v. State of New York, (Albany Cty. Sup. Ct., filed 7/10/2019), was filed on behalf of 55 families of various religions who previously were granted religious exemptions.  A number of plaintiffs were families sending their children year-around to Orthodox Jewish yeshivas. The complaint alleges that the exemption repeal was enacted based on active hostility to freedom of religion and is not supported by empirical evidence that unvaccinated minors holding religious exemptions played any part in the recent spread of measles in the state. The complaint went on to allege:
the process by which the New York State Legislature adopted the repeal belies any sense that a public health emergency justified this action; that the repeal violates the Equal Protection Clause because the legislature has concurrently retained the medical exemption and the religious exemption for students enrolled in higher education and allowed unvaccinated staff in both public and private schools in New York .... [F]inally the Court should find ... that the repeal compels speech and acts repugnant to plaintiffs’ religious beliefs....
Plaintiffs also filed a brief (full text) in support of their request for a temporary restraining order.  Albany Times Union reports on the lawsuit. Children's Health Defense issued a press release with links to additional pleadings in the case.