Friday, April 01, 2022

Pew Survey On Attitudes Toward Religious Exemption Claims To Vaccine Mandates

Yesterday the Pew Research Center released the results of its American Trends Panel survey on attitudes toward COVID-19 mandates and claims of religious objections to vaccines. A release titled Americans skeptical about religious objections to COVID-19 vaccines, but oppose employer mandates reads in part:

Two-thirds of U.S. adults say most people who claim religious objections to a COVID-19 vaccine “are just using religion as an excuse to avoid the vaccine,” while about a third (31%) say they think the objectors “sincerely believe getting a COVID-19 vaccine is against their religion.”

At the same time, most Americans do not think those with religious objections to the COVID-19 vaccine – regardless of the sincerity of their beliefs – should lose their jobs. A majority of adults (65%) say employers that require coronavirus vaccinations should “allow employees who have religious objections to keep their jobs even if they decline to get the vaccine.” Around a third (32%) disagree....