Showing posts with label Namibia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Namibia. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

Namibia Court Strikes Down Bans on Male Homosexual Conduct

In Dausab v. Minister of Justice, (NA HC MD, June 21, 2024), a 3-judge panel of the High Court of Namibia held that the common law and statutory provisions that ban "sodomy" and "unnatural sexual offenses" unconstitutionally discriminate against gay men. The court said in part:

What emerges from the definition of sodomy is that the offense clearly and undoubtedly criminalises such sexual conduct between males.... What furthermore emerges is that various forms of sexual conduct, which have been held to constitute an offense, if committed by a male person with another male person are not regarded as criminal, if committed by a male person with a female person....

...[T]he impugned laws differentiate ... between male and female and between gay men and heterosexual men.... [T]he differentiation ... in so far as it criminalises anal sex between men and men but not between men and women, [is] based on one of the enumerated grounds set out in Article 10(2).... [I]n so far as the impugned laws differentiate between heterosexual men and gay men, it is not based on one of the enumerated grounds in Article 10(2)....

We have no qualms with counsel's argument that Article 10 does not make express reference to 'sexual orientation' as a ground of discrimination.... We, however, hold the view that the matter is not as simple as counsel portrays it to be, because the fact that a ground is not listed in Article 10(2) is not a license for the law to discriminate on that ground....

A press release by Human Dignity Trust has further background on the decision. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Namibian Court Says Members of Jehovah's Witness Order Are "Employees"

A Labour Court in Windhoek, Namibia last week held that members of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses should be treated as "employees" under the country's Labour Act and Social Security Act.  Classifying the Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses of Namibia as an employer means that it must provide maternity and sick leave payments for members of the Order. According to The Namibian yesterday:
Acting judge Unengu noted in his judgement that although the congregation and members of the order did not sign written employment contracts with each other, members of the order completed application forms to become a member in order to serve the church in a full-time capacity.
Once accepted as a member, they are also required to take a vow of obedience and poverty, which is taken to be an indication that they are prepared to live a modest lifestyle and to perform any tasks assigned to them by the order. Members of the order are also required to abstain from outside employment.
Acting judge Unengu further noted that members of the order had fixed hours of service from Mondays to Fridays and received a monthly allowance of about N$940.