Showing posts sorted by relevance for query same-sex marriage. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query same-sex marriage. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, July 11, 2008

British Registrar Wins Right To Refuse To Perform Civil Partnership Ceremonies

Times Online today reports on a decision by a British employment tribunal vindicating claims by civil marriage registrar Lillian Ladele who was "treated like a pariah" by fellow-emplyees after she refused on religious grounds to perform same-sex civil partnership ceremonies. The ruling said that Islington council wrongly "placed a greater value on the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual community than it placed on the rights of Ms Ladele as one holding an orthodox Christian belief." It found that Ladele's colleagues created "an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment" for Ladele. A further hearing on damages is scheduled for September. (See prior related posting.)

UPDATE: Here is the full text of the employment tribunal's decision in Ladele v. London Borough of Islingon. [Thanks to the Christian Institute for posting it and to the Anonymous comment to this post for the lead.]

UPDATE: The National Secular Society reported on July 18 that the Islington Council plans to appeal the employment tribunal ruling.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Recent Articles and Scholarship In Law and Religion

From SSRN:
Perry Dane, Exemptions for Religion Contained in Regulatory Statutes" . Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties, Vol. 1, pp. 559-562 (2006).

Chaim Saiman, Legal Theology: The Turn to Conceptualism in Nineteenth-Century Jewish Law, Villanova Law/Public Policy Research Paper No. 2007-5.

From SmartCILP (mostly):
James Forman Jr., The Rise and Fall of School Vouchers: A Story of Religion, Race, and Politics (Abstract), 54 UCLA Law Review 547-604 (2007).

Kamran Hashemi, Religious Legal Traditions, Muslim States, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child: An Essay on the Relevant UN Documentation, 29 Human Rights Quarterly 194-227 (2007).

Thomas J. Paprocki, Marriage, Same-Sex Relationships, and the Catholic Church, 38 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 247-264 (2007).

Theresa J. Pulley Radwan, Keeping the Faith: The Rights of Parishioners In Church Reorganizations, 82 Washington Law Review 75-120 (2007).

James A. Sonne, Firing Thoreau: Conscience and At-Will Employment, 9 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Labor & Employment Law 235-291 (2007).

Gerard V. Bradley, The Blaine Amendment: Harbinger of Secularism?, 8 Engage 138-143 (Feb. 2007).

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cert. Petition Filed In D.C.Refusal of Marriage Initiative

A petition for certiorari (full text) was filed in the U.S. Supreme Court yesterday seeking review of the D.C. Court of Appeals decision in Jackson v. District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics. In the case, D.C.'s highest appellate court, in a 5-4 decision, upheld election officials' refusal to accept a petition seeking an initiative vote to bar D.C. from recognizing same sex marriages. (See prior posting.) The petition asks the Supreme Court to decide whether the D.C. Council violated the Congressionally approved D.C. Charter in limiting the issues that can be put to an initiative vote. An Alliance Defense Fund press release announces the filing of the cert. petition.

Monday, January 05, 2015

Recent Articles, Book and Movie of Interest

From SSRN:
From SmartCILP:
Recent book:
Recent movie:

Monday, February 27, 2017

Canada's Supreme Court Will Review Two Trinity Western Law School Cases

On Feb. 23, the Supreme Court of Canada agreed to hear appeals in Trinity Western University v. Law Society of Upper Canada (Ontario) (summary of case) and Law Society of British Columbia v. Trinity Western University, et. al. (British Columbia) (summary of case). At issue is the question of whether the Law Societies in various provinces can refuse to accredit Trinity Western University Law School because of its code of conduct based on evangelical Christian teachings.  In particular, the law school refuses to recognize same-sex marriages and requires students to sign its Community Covenant that, among other things, prohibits sexual intimacy outside of a marriage between one man and one woman. TaxProf Blog has more on the Supreme Court's action. [Thanks to Steven H. Sholk for the lead.]

Friday, March 13, 2015

Britain's Equality Commission Reports On Religion In the Workplace and Service Delivery

Yesterday Britain's Equality and Human Rights Commission released a report on its Consultation launched last year seeking evidence on religious discrimination and accommodation in Britain. The 218-page report, titled Religion or Belief in the Workplace and Service Delivery, reports on information received from nearly 2500 individuals and organizations. Here is an excerpt from the Commission's summary of key findings:
Some employees or service users stated that they had experienced no or few negative issues in their workplace or in receiving a service which they attributed to the view of employers or service providers that religion or belief was a private matter and should not be discussed in the workplace or the service.
Some employees and students stated that they had encountered hostile and unwelcoming environments.... The issues raised concerned the recruitment process, working conditions, including the wearing of religious clothing or symbols, promotion and progression, and time off work for religious holidays and holy days. Some reported that particular beliefs were mocked or dismissed in the workplace or classroom, or criticised unwelcome 'preaching' or proselytising, or the expression of hurtful or derogatory remarks aimed at particular groups....
Many participants were concerned about the right balance between the freedom to express religious views and the right of others to be free from discrimination or harassment. Specific issues raised included conscientious objection in relation to marriage of same sex couples and how to protect employees from harassment and discrimination by staff, customers or service users with a religion. There was a marked divergence of opinion about when it was desirable and appropriate to discuss religious beliefs with service users during the delivery of a service.
The Commission's press release on the report emphasized some of the concerns expressed by respondents. The report is discussed further at Law & Religion UK blog.

Friday, November 16, 2012

British Court Says Employer Breached Contract In Disciplining Christian Employee For Facebook Remarks

In Smith v. Trafford Housing Trust, (EWHC, Nov. 16, 2012), a British trial court (the England and Wales High Court Chancery Division) held that a non-profit organization that owns rental properties across the Borough of Trafford was in breach of contract when it demoted a Christian employee because of Facebook postings he made opposing performing of same-sex marriages in churches. The housing trust had argued that their employee, by making the posting, violated its employee code of conduct and its equal opportunity policy. Rejecting those contentions, Mr. Justice Briggs wrote in part:
I do not consider that any reasonable reader of Mr Smith’s Facebook wall page could rationally conclude that his two postings about gay marriage in church were made in any relevant sense on the Trust’s behalf....
The prohibition on the promotion of the political and religious views in the Code of Conduct did not, as a matter of interpretation and application, extend to Mr Smith’s Facebook wall....
Mr Smith’s use of his Facebook involved his work colleagues only to the extent that they sought his views by becoming his Facebook friends, and that did not detract to any significant extent from the essentially personal and social nature of his use of it as a medium for communication. and The Register both report on the decision.

Friday, November 29, 2019

British Court Enjoins Protests Against School's LGBT Curriculum

In Birmingham City Council v. Afsar, (EWHC, Nov. 26, 2019), a trial judge in the High Court in the British city of Birmingham held that an injunction should be issued limiting the manner in which demonstrators can protest an elementary school's curriculum on LGBT issues. According to the court:
The case has been pleaded and argued in various ways, but at its heart is the argument that the School’s teaching policy – described by the defendants as “the teaching of LGBT issues (ie teaching equalities)” – represents or involves unlawful discrimination against British Pakistani Muslim children at the School, and those with parental responsibility for them ... on grounds of race and/or religion. It is submitted that the core religious, philosophical and cultural values of this group “are centred on heterosexual relationships in marriage; this state of belief does not encompass same sex relationships”. ....
The court held that the Equality Act 2010 excludes from its coverage anything done in connection with the content of curriculum. In any event, the court concluded:
The teaching has been misunderstood and misinterpreted by the defendants, and misrepresented, sometimes grossly misrepresented, in the course of the protests. The matters that have actually been taught are limited, and lawful. 
The court went on:
The evidence – including but not limited to the expert evidence - persuades me that the levels of noise generated by this way of protesting is clearly excessive, amounting to an intrusion into the lives of those at the School and its neighbours that goes well beyond anything that could be justified as proportionate to the aims of persuasion. 
The court held, however, that an earlier injunction banning the use of social media by protesters should be lifted, saying in part:
The speech with which I am here concerned has been expressed in the context of a private, or limited, WhatsApp group. It was not aimed at the teachers, in the sense that they were intended to read it. It has come to their attention only as a result of disclosures made by one or more members of that group. The scale, frequency, nature and impact of the abuse to date, given its context, do not give rise to a sufficiently compelling case for interference.
The court also issued a summary of the decision. The British publication Conservative Women published an article highly critical of the decision.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:
From SSRN (Non-US Law):
From SmartCILP:

Friday, November 04, 2011

Britain To Permit Civil Partnership Ceremonies On Religious Premises

On Wednesday, Britain's Equalities Office published a summary of the responses to its consultation on regulatory changes that would permit same-sex civil partnership ceremonies to take place on the premises of religious institutions in England and Wales. The report includes a draft of The Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Approved Premises) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 to implement the changes. (Full text of report.) The report says:
Making this change will allow those religious organisations that wish to do so to host civil partnership registrations on their religious premises. This voluntary provision is a positive step forward for both LGB rights and religious freedom.
The decision by any particular faith group on whether they wish their premises to be designated for civil partnership ceremonies is entirely voluntary.  The proposed regulations will leave it up to local authorities to decide whether they will as well designate clergy who apply to become civil partnership registrars. The draft Regulations will be laid before Parliament so they can come into force by the end of 2011.  The government also promised to publish a consultation document in March 2012 on equal civil marriage. Anglican Journal on Wednesday reported on developments.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pope Francis Met With Kim Davis; Supports Conscientious Objection

In a press release issued yesterday, Liberty Counsel disclosed that Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis met with Pope Francis at the Vatican Embassy in Washington last Thursday. Davis' husband was also at the private meeting during which the Pope, speaking in English, thanked Davis for her courage and presented her with rosaries for her parents who are Catholic. Davis has refused to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples, and was jailed for contempt for several days as a result. (See prior posting.) In a press conference on his plane back to Rome (before the meeting with Davis was announced publicly), the Pope told reporters that conscientious objection is a human right. When asked whether that applies to government officials, the Pope responded: "It is a human right and if a government official is a human person, he has that right."

Monday, October 04, 2021

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:

From SSRN (Non-U.S. Law):

From SmartCILP:

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Roy Moore Moves To Run-Off Against Luther Strange In Alabama U.S. Senate Primary

As reported by AP and the New York Times, former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore came in first, capturing 38.9% of the vote, in yesterday's Alabama Republican primary for U.S. Senate. He will face incumbent Luther Strange, who received 32.8% of the vote, in the second round of the primary on Sept. 26.  Moore was removed as Chief Justice in 2003 when he refused to obey a court order to remove a Ten Commandments monument that stood on the state courthouse grounds.  After being re-elected as Chief Justice, last year he was suspended from his position for instructing probate judges to deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples. (See prior posting.)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:
From SmartCILP and elsewhere:

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Therapist Sues After Dismissal For Refusing To Counsel Gay Couple

A religious discrimination lawsuit was filed last week in Michigan federal district court by a licensed clinical social worker against her former employer, HealthSource Saginaw.  The complaint (full text) in Lorentzen v. Healthsource Saginaw, Inc., (ED MI, filed 5/11/2018) alleges that Kathleen Lorentzen was informed that she would be terminated, and was subjected to demeaning, threatening and abusive actions, after she insisted on referring a same-sex couple to a different therapist for marriage counseling. Lorentzen says that continuing to counsel the couple would violate her Catholic religious beliefs. The complaint alleges violations of Title VII and of various state law provisions. Thomas More Law Center issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Judicial Inquiry Commission Files Complaint Against Alabama CJ

As reported by AP, the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission yesterday filed a Complaint (full text) against Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore contending that Moore abused his authority and acted in violation of the Code of Judicial Ethics when in January he issued an administrative order to all probate judges telling them that they had a duty under Alabama law to continue to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. (See prior posting.)  Moore's action ignored federal court orders to the contrary.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Wisconsin Diocese Charged With Election Violations

Wisconsin election law requires any group that spends over $25 to support or oppose a state referendum to register with the State Elections Board. The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign (WDC) has sent a memo to the State Elections Board charging that the Catholic Diocese of Madison violated this provision when Bishop Robert Morlino passed out a flier to all parishioners urging them to support a November 7 constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriages. Channel 3000 today reports Morlino's response: "a law that tells me I should have recourse to the state or commission in order to teach the truth of Christ about marriage in my own churches is an obstacle to our own free expression of religion." WDC has also issued a release on the matter.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Will Britain Require Clergy To Bless Gays and Give Them Communion?

A posting last week discussed some of the concerns that religious groups in England have about proposed British government regulations banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in furnishing goods and services. Those concerns related to services offered by religiously affiliated organizations. Today LifeSiteNews reports the Church of England is suggesting that the regulations could have a much more direct impact on core functions of the Church itself. It says that under the proposed regulations it will be illegal for churches to deny gay and lesbian couples use of churches for civil commitment ceremonies, and clergy would be required to bless same-sex couples. It says that communion falls under the definition of services, so it would be illegal for a clergyman to deny communion to homosexuals.

In fact it seems unlikely that the final regulations will be this broad. Here is what the March 2006 Consultation Paper said about the issue:
Churches, mosques and many other religious organisations advance their faith or belief through activities such as worship, teaching and preaching, officiating in marriage, conducting baptisms and giving sacraments to members of their religious community. We recognise that there may be circumstances where the new regulations could impact on aspects of religious activity or practice in the light of the doctrines of some faiths concerning sexual orientation and the beliefs of their followers. We need to consider therefore the application of the regulations in these areas.

We are interested to hear views on the impact that the regulations may have in these areas, particularly where the regulations may impede religious observance or practices that arise from the basic doctrines of a faith. Any exceptions from the regulations for religious organisations would need to be clearly defined and our starting point is that these should be limited to activities closely linked to religious observance or practices that arise from the basic doctrines of a faith.

Friday, July 16, 2010

DC Appellate Court Upholds Refusal To Allow Initiative On Defining Marriage

In Jackson v. District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics, (DC Ct. App., July 15, 2010), D.C.'s highest appellate court [corrected], in a 5-4 decision, upheld the Board of Elections and Ethics refusal to accept a petition seeking an initiative vote on a proposed amendment to D.C. statutes to bar the recognition of same sex marriages. The majority concluded:
The Council acted within its authority under the CAA [Charter Amendment Act] and the Home Rule Act in enacting the Human Rights safeguard of the IPA [Initiative Procedures Act] and in directing the Board not to accept initiatives that contravene that safeguard. Because appellants' proposed initiative would authorize, or have the effect of authorizing, discrimination on a basis prohibited by the Human Rights Act, it was not a proper subject of initiative. Therefore, the Board acted lawfully in refusing to accept the initiative on that basis.
A dissenting of 4 judges opinion argued that D.C City Council exceeded its authority when it imposed the "Human Rights Act limitation" on the right of initiative. [See prior related posting.]