Friday, October 14, 2022

Christian Counselor Challenges City's Conversion Therapy Ban

Suit was filed yesterday in a Wisconsin federal district court challenging the city of La Crosse's ordinance that prohibits medical and mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with anyone under 18 years of age. The complaint (full text) in Buchman v. City of La Crosse, (WD WI, filed 10/13/2022), alleges that the ban on counseling minors to change their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or behaviors violates free speech and free exercise rights of plaintiff, a licensed counselor who approaches counseling through "a Christ-centered lens". It also alleges that the ban is unconstitutionally vague and violates the Wisconsin Constitution's protection of the right of conscience. The complaint says in part:

The Ordinance thus interferes with Ms. Buchman’s ability to decide matters of faith and doctrine for herself and to then infuse her work with these religious beliefs. It attempts to dictate and influence Ms. Buchman’s resolution of those matters. It forces her to choose between her faith and government penalty.

Wisconsin Spotlight reports on the lawsuit.