Monday, November 07, 2022

Actor's Disparate-Impact Religious Discrimination Claim Is Dismissed

 In Dunbar v. Disney, (CD CA, Nov. 3, 2022), a California federal district court dismissed an amended complaint filed by "9-1-1" actor Rockmond Dunbar in his Title VII disparate-impact religious discrimination claim against Walt Disney Company. Dunbar was denied a religious exemption from Disney's Covid vaccine mandate and was fired when he refused to be vaccinated. He claimed that according to beliefs of his Universal Wisdom Church it is a sacrilege to ingest medication, chemicals, or other foreign matters that defy natural law. His disparate impact claim failed originally because he was unable to identify other Universal Wisdom Church members who were similarly impacted. He then amended the complaint to allege that three other employees of other religious denominations were impacted. The court held, however, that this was insufficient to identify a "protected group" that was impacted because the group he points to is identified solely by the existence of the alleged discriminatory business practices. Hollywood Reporter reports on the decision.