Saturday, April 22, 2023

Fire Fighter Can Move Ahead with Free Speech and Free Exercise Claims

In Misjuns v. Lynchburg Fire Department, (WD VA, April 20, 2023), a Virginia federal district court held that a fire department captain who was denied training necessary for promotion, and who was ultimately investigated and terminated from his position, had adequately alleged free speech and free exercise violations. One of plaintiff's contentions was that adverse action was taken against him because of a religious anti-transgender posting on one of his Facebook pages. According to the court:

Plaintiff posted a meme ,,, which stated: “In the beginning, God created Adam & Eve. Adam could never be a Madam. Eve could never become Steve. Anyone who tells you otherwise defies the one true God.”...

Plaintiff has sufficiently alleged ... that Defendants’ retaliatory actions against him were due to religious beliefs, not just political beliefs.

Lynchburg News & Advance reports on the court's decision.