Showing posts with label Drugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drugs. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

GAO Says DEA Should Improve Its Process for Granting Religious Exemptions for Psilocybin Use

Last Week, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released an 80-page Report to Congressional Committees (full text) titled DEA Should Improve its Religious Exemptions Petition Process for Psilocybin (Mushrooms) and Other Controlled Substances. The Report says in part:

Selected stakeholders reported several barriers to the legal access and use of psilocybin for religious practices under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. For example, DEA established a process for parties to petition for a religious exemption from the Controlled Substances Act to use controlled substances for religious purposes. However, DEA’s guidance does not inform petitioners on its timeframes to make determinations on completed petitions. DEA officials stated the agency is aware of public concerns on the need to better understand its policies and processes that impact the petitions for religious exemptions. In 2019, DEA initiated a draft notice of proposed rulemaking related to its process for petitioning for religious exemptions. Four years later, in February 2023, the final draft notice was submitted to DEA’s Office of the Administrator, according to DEA officials; but there is no timeframe for issuance of the notice or final regulations....

Including timeframes to make determinations about religious exemption petitions in DEA’s guidance will provide better transparency about the agency’s process.

Filter has additional details.

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Religiously Motivated Aid for Drug Abusers Not Protected by RFRA or 1st Amendment

In United States v. Safehouse, (ED PA, April 3, 2024), a Pennsylvania federal district court held that neither the Religious Freedom Restoration Act nor the Free Exercise Clause of the 1st Amendment is violated by prosecuting Safehouse for violating 21 USC §856 (Maintaining Drug-Involved Premises). Safehouse is a nonprofit corporation that plans to open a safe injection site for those struggling with opioid abuse. Its founders were religiously motivated, but the corporation's articles do not set out any religious purpose. The court said in part:

Here, the organizers and leaders of Safehouse profess religious motivation, but the work of Safehouse itself is in no respect religious....

As an entity unaffiliated with any specific faith or religious institution, Safehouse claims protection for its non-religious actions, based solely upon the religious motivation of its founders.  Neither RFRA nor the free exercise clause extends that far, as religion cannot provide a “limitless excuse for avoiding all unwanted obligations.” ...  That is necessarily so, because “‘the very concept of ordered liberty precludes allowing’ [a plaintiff], or any other person, a blanket privilege ‘to make his own standards on matters of conduct in which society as a whole has important interests.’”...  The noble intentions of Safehouse and its founders are self-evident, and the public health crisis they seek to address continues unabated, but their religious inspiration does not provide a shield against prosecution for violation of a federal criminal statute barring its operation.

WHYY News reports on the decision.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

D.C. Circuit Hears Arguments on Tax Exempt Status of Church Promoting Religious Use of Psychedelic Drug

The U.S. court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit yesterday heard oral arguments in Iowaska Church of Healing v. Werfel (audio of full oral arguments). In the case, the D.C. federal district court upheld the IRS's refusal to grant §501(c)(3) non-profit status to a church that promotes the religious use of Ayahuasca, a tea brewed from plants containing a drug that is illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act. (See prior posting.) Bloomberg Law reports on the oral arguments.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

11th Circuit: Appeal of DEA's Denial of Religious Exemption to Controlled Substances Act Must Be in Circuit Court

In Soul Quest Chruch of Mother Earth, Inc. v. Attorney General, (11th Cir., Dec. 18, 2023), the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision, held that an appeal of the DEA's denial of a religious exemption to a church so it could legally use ayahuasca (a sacramental tea) needs to be made to a Circuit Court of Appeals, not to a federal district court. The issue turned on whether the DEA's denial was made "under" the statutory provisions of the Controlled Substances Act, or whether it was made "under" the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.  21 USC §877 requires appeals of final decisions made under the Control and Enforcement subchapter of the CSA to go to federal circuit courts.  Judge Newsom dissenting argued that the decision was made "under" the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and so was appealable to a federal district court.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

5th Circuit Says FDA Improperly Reduced Abortion Pill Restrictions, But Prior Supreme Court Order Keeps FDA Rules In Effect During Appeals

In Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food & Drug Administration, (5th Cir., Aug. 16, 2023), the U.S. 5th circuit Court of Appeals upheld the portions of a Texas federal district court's orders that stayed actions taken by the FDA in 2016 and 2021 regarding the administration and distribution of the abortion pill mifepristone. The 2016 action increased the gestational age when the drug can be used from 49 to 70 days. It also lightened certain other dosage and prescribing restrictions. In 2021, in connection with the Covid epidemic, the FDA removed the in-person prescribing requirement for mifepristone, allowing it to be sent by mail. The court found that doctors have standing to challenge these actions, among other things citing conscience injuries to objecting doctors.  Challenges to two other FDA actions on mifepristone were rejected on standing and statute of limitations grounds.

The court concluded that plaintiffs are likely to succeed on their Administrative Procedure Act challenges that the FDA's actions were arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion or otherwise not in accordance with law. This was the case as to the 2016 action because the FDA did not consider the cumulative effect of the changes it was proposing. They were likely to succeed on their challenge to the 2021 action because the FDA did not adequately study adverse event data.

However, as the court recognized, the U.S. Supreme Court has already ordered a stay of all the district court's orders until federal appeals are completed. Thus the 5th Circuit's action does not reinstate the district court's bans. 

Judge Ho concurred in part and dissented in part, saying tht he would also hold that the initial approval of mifepristone in 2000 should be set aside.

NPR reports on the decision.

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Defendant's Beliefs About Psilocybin Were Personal, Not Religious

In State of Ohio v. Sobel, (OH App., June 30, 2023), an Ohio appellate court rejected appellant's claim that his sentence for drug possession was based in part on his statements about his use of mushrooms as part of his religion. The court said in part:

... Sobel failed to establish that he uses psilocybin mushrooms in connection with a sincerely held religious belief. He described the “Church of Freewater” as consisting of three people providing life coaching to drug and alcohol addicted persons in the manner of Tony Robbins (a noted inspirational, self-help, motivational personality). Sobel does not describe any particular religious beliefs or tenets of the organization, other than to help people “be themselves, through mind, body, and spirit.” Freewater’s core belief appears to be allowing people to believe whatever he or she wants to believe....

Sobel also does not describe how the mushrooms are utilized in furtherance of the religion as part of a rite or ceremony. He only states opaquely, “mushrooms are a holy sacrament and [unintelligible] medicine for myself and for the Freewater organization that helps me with past traumas both immediate and ancestral and tap into the divine knowledge that is only accessible with the aid of these divine teachers.” ...

[T]hroughout the proceedings, rather than claiming a religious use, Sobel represented that mushrooms were used to treat chronic pain and PTSD.

Under the circumstances of this case, the alleged belief that was infringed would be most accurately characterized as a personal preference, rather than as a deeply held religious conviction.

Wednesday, April 05, 2023

IRS Correctly Denied Non-Profit Ruling to Church That Promoted Use of Ayahuasca

In Iowaska Church of Healing v. United States, (D DC, March 31, 2023), the D.C. federal district court upheld the IRS's refusal to grant §501(c)(3) non-profit status to a church that promotes the religious use of Ayahuasca, a tea brewed from plants containing a drug that is illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act. The church, which has 20 members located around the world, applied to the Drug enforcement Administration for a religious exemption from CSA provisions. After four years, that application is still pending.  The court said in part:

The IRS correctly concluded that, until plaintiff obtains a CSA exemption, its promotion and use of Ayahuasca remains illegal under federal law, and plaintiff is neither organized nor operated exclusively for public purposes. As a result, plaintiff is not entitled to an exemption from income tax under section 501(c)(3).

Plaintiff had argued that the Supreme Court's decision in the O'Centro case entitled it to a tax exemption.  The court responded:

[T]he holding in O Centro stands only for the principle that obtaining a CSA exception for religious use of Ayahuasca is possible, if such use is in fact a sincere religious exercise. The flaw in plaintiff’s reliance on O Centro here, is that plaintiff has still not obtained that CSA exception—and whether plaintiff’s showing made to the DEA is sufficient to qualify for this exemption remains an open question that is not before this Court. O Centro simply does not stand for plaintiff’s asserted holding, that all Ayahuasca use is necessarily religious, and that case certainly does not establish that all organizations making use of Ayahuasca are entitled to an exemption from income tax, which is the issue pending here.

The court also held that the church lacks standing to challenge the denial of non-profit status as a violation of RFRA because "plaintiff’s inability to use Ayahuasca does not stem from the IRS Determination Letter, but rather from the CSA’s ban on using DMT, and plaintiff’s lack of a CSA exemption thus far."

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

New Hampshire Supreme Court Says State Constitution Requires Strict Scrutiny of Free Exercise Infringements

In State of New Hampshire v. Mack, (NH Sup. Ct., Dec.  22, 2020), the New Hampshire Supreme Court held that the state Constitution's elaborate guarantee of free exercise of religion so long as one does not "disturb the public peace" should be read to require strict scrutiny.  The court vacated a trial court's refusal to dismiss a drug prosecution brought against defendant who was a member of the Oklevueha Native American Church. Defendant was convicted of possession of psilocyn and psilocybin for use in religious rituals. The court concluded that the state constitution gives greater free exercise protection against burdens from neutral generally applicable laws than does the U.S. Constitution under the Smith case. The court said in part:

We ... conclude that when religious practices violate a generally applicable law, our State Constitution ... demands that “there . . . be a balancing of [the] competing interests.” ...  [W]e choose to adhere to our traditional formulation of strict judicial scrutiny — requiring the State to demonstrate that its action is “necessary to achieve a compelling governmental interest and narrowly tailored to meet that end.” ... Accordingly, under Part I, Article 5, once an individual establishes that the government action substantially burdens his or her sincere religious practice, ... the burden shifts to the State to show both that the government action is necessary to achieve a compelling government interest, and is narrowly tailored to meet that end....

The Union Leader reports on the decision.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

8th Circuit Rejects RFRA Defense To Heroin Distribution Charges

In United States v. Anderson, (8th Cir., April 28, 2017), the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Timothy Anderson's claim that his indictment on charges of heroin distribution should have been dismissed because the decision to prosecute him violated his rights under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.  Anderson claimed that as a student of Esoteric and Mysticism studies he created a religious non-profit organization to distribute heroin to "the sick, lost, blind, lame, deaf, and dead members of Gods' Kingdom."  The court held that even if Anderson's religious beliefs were sincerely held, the government here chose the least restrictive means to achieve its compelling interest in preventing distribution of heroin to others for non-religious uses. Vox reports on the decision.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Marijuana DUI Law Does Not Injure Religious User of Cannabis

In Baker v. State of Colorado, (D CO, Feb. 18, 2014), a Colorado federal district court adopted a magistrate's recommendation (Feb. 7, 2014) and dismissed for lack of standing a free exercise challenge to Colorado's marijuana DUI statute. The magistrate's conclusion, adopted by the district court, was:
Plaintiff alleges that Colorado's marijuana DUI statute violates his First Amendment right to free exercise of religion because it infringes on his right to (1) personally use cannabis for medical and sacramental purposes and (2) run a church that uses cannabis in its religious practices.... Plaintiff does not allege facts indicating that his religion specifically necessitates marijuana use resulting in five ngs or more of Delta 9-THC in his bloodstream while driving a car. Therefore, Plaintiff fails to allege facts showing that Colorado's marijuana DUI statute has unconstitutionally burdened his religious practices.... Accordingly, he fails to allege an injury in fact in connection with his First Amendment claim.