Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

First Muslim Appointed To Permanent Seat On Israel's Supreme Court

According to the Jerusalem Post, in Israel yesterday the Judicial Selection Committee appointed four new justices to the Supreme Court, one of whom is the first Muslim to serve as a permanent Justice.  The new Justice,  Khaled Kabub, fills the "Arab-Israeli seat" on the court which previously has been held by Christian Arabs (except for a temporary 9-month appointment in 1999 of Abdel Rahman Zoabi). Since 2003, Kabub has served as a judge on the Tel Aviv District Court where he has handled primarily cases involving economic crimes.

Monday, February 07, 2022

Georgia Legislature Passes Revised Anti-Boycott of Israel Bill

On January 27, the Georgia legislature gave final passage to House Bill 383 (full text). The bill enacts a revised version of the state's law on participation in boycotts of Israel in reaction to a federal district court's decision last year holding the prior version unconstitutional on free speech grounds. (See prior posting). Like the original version, the new bill requires companies contracting with the state to certify that they are not currently engaged in a boycott of Israel and will not do so during the contract.  The new bill, however, applies only to companies and not to individuals, and applies only to state contracts of $100,000 or more. In a Jan. 31 press release, CAIR said that if the bill is signed by the governor, it will again challenge it in court.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Part Of Texas Anti-BDS Law Held Unconstitutional

In A & R Engineering and Testing, Inc. v. City of Houston, (SD TX, Jan. 28, 2022), a Texas federal district court held unconstitutional a portion of the Texas statute requiring companies entering contracts with governmental entities to certify that they do not, and will not during the term of the contract, boycott Israel. The court said in part:

[Plaintiff] denies any anti-Jewish motivation and testified that his desire to boycott has nothing to do with Jewish people (American or Israeli) but is focused on the acts of the Israeli government.... Nevertheless, the legislation at issue did not originate in an historical vacuum.... [A]nyone with a basic knowledge of modern history knows that one of the first anti-Jewish acts taken by the Nazis after they took power in Germany was the boycott of Jewish businesses in 1933.

The court found a portion of the law unobjectionable:

[T]he court agrees that the mere refusal to engage in a commercial/ economic relationship with Israel or entities doing business in Israel is not "inherently expressive" and therefore does not find shelter under the protections of the First Amendment.

However the court went on to find a First Amendment problem with the provision in the statute that requires businesses also to refrain from "otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations" with Israel or Israeli entities.  The court said in part:

[A]ctions intended to penalize or inflict economic harm on Israel could include conduct protected by the First Amendment, such as giving speeches, nonviolent picketing outside Israeli businesses, posting flyers, encouraging others to refuse to deal with Israel or Israeli entities, or sponsoring a protest which encourages local businesses to terminate business activities with Israel.

The court issued a preliminary injunction limited to this plaintiff, refusing a state-wide injunction or one covering other businesses.  Arab News reports on the decision.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Magistrate Says Texas Pension Participant Lacks Standing To Challenge Israel Boycott Law

In Abdullah v. Paxton, (WD TX, Nov. 8, 2021), a Texas federal magistrate judge recommended dismissing on standing and sovereign immunity grounds a suit by a participant in the Texas Employee Retirement System (ERS) challenging a Texas law that requires ERS to divest fund assets from companies that boycott Israel if divestment can be carried out without harming the value of fund. Plaintiff claims that the divestment requirement violates his free speech, Establishment Clause and due process rights. He also asserts a dormant commerce clause claim. The court said in part:

[A] Declaratory Judgment that Section 808 is unconstitutional and enjoinment of its use would have no effect on Abdullah’s financial interests or his ultimate annuity payments. Abdullah has failed to allege a harm to him that would be redressed by a finding that Section 808 violated his rights. He therefore does not have standing to bring this claim.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Israeli Court On Appeal Upholds Ban On Jewish Prayer On Temple Mount

In Israel last Friday, a Jerusalem district court reversed a Magistrate Court's decision that would have allowed Jews to pray on the Temple Mount. The appeals court heeded concerns by Israeli authorities that allowing Jewish prayer there could lead to violence that could endanger national security. As reported by Haaretz:

The earlier ruling by the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court concerned a Jewish man, Arye Lipo, who was barred from the Temple Mount for 15 days after the police caught him quietly praying there. The court rescinded the ban, ruling that the man, “like many others, prays on a daily basis on the Temple Mount.”...

Under an unofficial understanding, Jews are allowed to visit but not pray on the Mount, which is known to Muslims as the Haram al-Sharif, or the Noble Sanctuary. Although the police enforce this, recent months have seen a loosening of the status quo, with more Jews praying in the compound individually and even in groups.

Noting that Lipo prayed “quietly” and privately, the magistrate's court said that “this activity by itself is not enough to violate the police’s instructions.”...

Hamas spokesman Abdel Latif al-Qanua called the decision "blatant aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and a declaration of war...."

Monday, July 12, 2021

Israel's Supreme Court Extends Surrogacy Rights To Same-Sex Couples and Single Men

As reported by AP and The Forward, Israel's Supreme Court sitting as the High Court of Justice yesterday ruled that the government must allow same-sex couples and single men to become parents through surrogate mothers on a equal basis with heterosexual couples and single women. Its ruling takes effect in 6 months, in order to give time for the creation of professional guidelines. AP explains:

The court ruled in 2020 that a surrogacy law, which had expanded access to single women but excluded gay couples, “disproportionately harmed the right to equality and the right to parenthood” and was unlawful.

It gave the government a year to draw up a new law, but parliament failed to meet the deadline.

[Thanks to Steven H. Sholk for the lead.]

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Israel's Supreme Court OK's Non-Profit Tax Status For Messianic Congregation

 All Israel News reports that a 3-judge panel of Israel's Supreme Court, sitting as the High Court of Justice, last week ordered the Knesset Finance Committee to grant non-profit status to a Messianic Jewish organization, Yachad, which operates a Messianic Jewish congregation.  Last year, the Finance Committee had rejected non-profit status for the organization. The court said in part:

The decision of the Finance Committee was based on an incorrect assumption, that they had the authority to take into consideration that a nonprofit is engaged in ‘controversial’ activity. Based on the tax authority’s examination, the organization’s missionary activity is not bound to illegal activity. The representatives of the Knesset also confirmed that the decision was value-based, that it is improper to finance a religious organization seeking to convert Jews, even if their activity is legal. … This confirms that the committee overreached in its authority.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Georgia Anti-BDS Law Held Unconstitutional

 In Martin v. Wrigley, (ND GA, May 21, 2021), a Georgia federal district court held that Georgia's anti-Israel boycott law violates contractors' free speech rights and is unconstitutionally vague. The law requires that all state contracts contain a certification that the contractor is not engaged engaged in a boycott of Israel. It was challenged by a pro-Palestinian journalist who had been invited to speak at a conference at a state university. The court said in part:

Because the burden on speech imposed by O.C.G.A. § 50-5-85 is content based, it is subject to strict scrutiny....  Even assuming that Georgia's interest in furthering foreign policy goals regarding relations with Israel is a substantial state interest, Defendants fail to explain how Martin's advocacy of a boycott of Israel as any bearing on Georgia's ability to advance foreign policy goals with Israel. The law also is not narrowly tailored to achieve the state's purported interest....

The requirement contained in O.C.G.A. § 50-5-85 that parties seeking to contract with the state of Georgia sign a certification that they are not engaged in a boycott of Israel also is unconstitutional compelled speech.

CAIR issued a press release announcing the decision.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Swiss Airline Settles Suit By Female Passenger Pressured To Move Seats

As reported this week by Live and Let's Fly, the Swiss airline easyJet has settled a lawsuit brought against it in an Israeli court by a woman passenger who, on a Tel Aviv to London flight, was pressured into moving her seat because a Haredi Jewish passenger refused for religious reasons to sit next to a woman. The airline said that pressuring the woman to move is inconsistent with it policies. [Thanks to Tom Rutledge for the lead.]

Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Israel's Top Court Rules That State Must Recognize Non-Orthodox Conversions Under Law of Return

Yesterday, Israel's Supreme Court ruled that those who convert to Judaism in Israel under auspices of the Reform or Conservative (Masorti) movements must be granted Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return.  As reported by JTA:

Israel’s Law of Return offers automatic citizenship to anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent. The state also generally recognizes those who converted to Judaism under Orthodox standards.

Past Supreme Court decisions have mandated that the state also recognize Jews who converted outside of Israel under non-Orthodox authority, provided they live in a recognized Jewish community....

Monday’s decision extends the right to citizenship to those who converted to Judaism under non-Orthodox auspices in Israel itself. The petition that spurred the court ruling was filed in 2005 but was postponed for more than a decade because the court wanted to give the government time to resolve the matter through legislation.

According to the New York Times:

The decision was mainly symbolic because typically, only 30 or 40 foreigners convert to Reform or Masorti Judaism in Israel every year.... 

But the ruling chips away some of the monopoly Orthodox rabbis have held over questions of religious identity that are central to frictions within Israeli society. It also inflames a long-running debate about the relationship between Israel’s civil and religious authorities — and particularly the role of the Supreme Court.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

8th Circuit: Arkansas Anti-Boycott of Israel Law Violates 1st Amendment

In Arkansas Times LP v. Waldrip, (8th Cir., Feb. 12, 2021), the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision, struck down an Arkansas' statute requiring businesses that enter contracts with public entities to certify that they will not engage in any boycott of Israel. "Boycott of Israel" is defined in the statute as "engaging in refusals to deal, terminating business activities, or other actions that are intended to limit commercial relations with Israel...." The majority said in part:

Considering the Act as a whole, we conclude that the term “other actions” in the definition of ... “boycott of Israel” encompasses more than “commercial conduct” similar to refusing to deal or terminating business activities. Instead, the Act [also] requires government contractors ... to limit their support and promotion of boycotts of Israel. As such, the Act restricts government contractors’ ability to participate in speech and other protected, boycott-associated activities.... Therefore, the Act imposes a condition on government contractors that implicates their First Amendment rights.

Judge Kobes dissented.  Courthouse News Service reported on the decision.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

State Department Allows "Israel" To Be Listed As Birthplace On Passports of Americans Born In Jerusalem

Last Wednesday, Politco reported:

The Trump administration is expected to soon announce that the U.S. passports of Americans born in Jerusalem can now mention Israel as the country of birth.

The decision, confirmed by a U.S. official Wednesday, is the latest by President Donald Trump that favors Israel in the long-running Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It could be revealed as early as Thursday, just days before next week’s U.S. presidential election, and it could help Trump as he seeks to turn out evangelical Christians and other voters in his base who strongly support Israel.

Public confirmation of this policy change appears to have been made through a Tweet by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reading:

Consistent with President @realDonaldTrump's policy, I am happy to announce U.S. citizens born in Jerusalem can now elect to list their place of birth as either "Jerusalem" or "Israel" on their passports. We remain committed to lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

As reported by Al Jazeera, yesterday US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman ceremonially presented the first such passport to Menachem Zivotofsky.

An attempt by Congress to change the passport policy was invalidated by the Supreme Court in 2015 on the grounds that it infringed the President's exclusive power to recognize foreign governments. (See prior posting.)

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Israel's High Court Says Disciplinary Panel Required For Municipal Rabbi's Comments

 A 3-judge panel of Israel's High Court of Justice ruled yesterday that the country's Chief Rabbinate must convene a disciplinary panel to try Safed's Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu. Jerusalem Post and Haaretz report on the decision. At issue are a number of statements by Eliyahu critical of Arabs and of the LGBTQ community. Also at issue are political statements by Eliyahu. The judges each wrote about the balance between free speech and limits on what a state-funded municipal rabbi may say. Now, according to Jerusalem Post:

Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn of the Blue and White Party now needs to request that Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef form a disciplinary panel for Eliyahu.

Yosef needs to form that panel, consisting of a rabbinical court judge or emeritus judge and two municipal chief rabbis, within 30 days. The panel can record a note in Eliyahu’s file, issue him with a warning, reprimand him or dismiss him from his position.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Report Contends UAE-Bahrain-Israel Deal Could Change Status Quo On Temple Mount

Relying on a Report from the NGO Terrestrial Jerusalem, Al Jazeeera says that a clause in the UAE-Bahrain normalization agreements with Israel could lead to a change in status of the Temple Mount/ Al-Aqsa compound. Under the current status quo arrangements, only Muslims can pray on the Temple Mount/ Al-Aqsa compound.  President Trump's Middle East Peace Plan called for the Temple Mount to be open to worshipers of all faiths. However a later clarification by U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman  said: "The status quo, in the manner that it is observed today, will continue absent an agreement to the contrary." Recent statements by the UAE and Bahrain are now being seen as signaling a breach of the status quo arrangement.

Donald Trump's Peace Plan carefully referred to the Temple Mount as "Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif."  The August 13 Joint Statement by the UAE, Israel and the United States as well as the September 11 Joint Statement by Bahrain, Israel and the U.S. include the following statement which refers only to Al Aqsa Mosque:

As set forth in the Vision for Peace, all Muslims who come in peace may visit and pray at the Al Aqsa Mosque, and Jerusalem’s other holy sites should remain open for peaceful worshippers of all faiths.

According to the Terrestrial Jerusalem Report:

Israel defines Al Aqsa as the structure of the mosque, as does the wording of the Statement, whereas Muslims define Al Aqsa as the entire esplanade of Haram al Sharif/the Temple Mount. Consequently, according to Israel (and apparently to the United States), anything on the Mount that is not the structure of the mosque is defined as "one of Jerusalem's other holy sites", and open to prayer by all – including Jews. Accordingly, Jews may now be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount, just not in the mosque....

Both the Israeli Prime Minister and the US negotiating team fully understand the significance of every word and every nuance relating to Jerusalem in general, and to the Temple Mount/Haram Al Sharif in particular. Consequently, this choice of terminology is neither random nor a misstep, and cannot seen as anything but an intentional, albeit surreptitious attempt to leave the door wide open to Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, thereby radically changing the status quo.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Tel Aviv Mayor Sues New Transportation Minister For Libel Over Claims About Tefillin Stands

Yeshiva World reported yesterday on a libel lawsuit filed in Israel by Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai against newly-appointed Transportation Minister Miri Regev.  The suit, filed in Tel Aviv- Jaffa Magistrate's Court, seeks damages equivalent to $142,000 (US). According to the report:
The lawsuit refers to public statements Regev made at a February campaign event, at which she accused Huldai of coming out against Judaism and freedom of religion by banning Tel Aviv residents from putting on tefillin.
Huldai says that in February, the city of Tel Aviv banned all kinds of stands (including tefillin stands which urge passers-by to put on phylacteries) within 100 meters of schools and other public buildings that serve minors. He says that Regev intentionally distorted the facts and refused to correct her statements. He says that he had no input into the decision and that it did not single out tefillin stands.

Friday, May 01, 2020

Israel's High Court Invalidates Ban On Bringing Chametz Into Hospitals During Passover

Jerusalem Post reports that yesterday Israel's High Court of Justice, in a 2-1 decision, invalidated the Chief Rabbinate's ban on patients and visitors bringing food that is not kosher for Passover (chametz) into patients' hospital rooms.  It also invalidated the order to search those entering hospitals during Passover for chametz. According to the paper's report:
In a majority ruling, judges Uzi Vogelman and Ofer Grosskopf wrote that the ban harms the fundamental rights for the autonomy of the individual and freedom of religion.
They wrote that it also harms the dignity of patients and their right to self-determination and the exercise of their own choices and preferences.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Israeli Court Awards Damages To LGBT Group that Was Refused Service

In a case reminiscent of many pending in the United States, a Magistrate's Court in the Israeli city of Beersheba has awarded damages equivalent to $14,000 plus attorneys' fees in a suit against Rainbow Color, a shop that refused to print posters for a gay rights organization at Ben Gurion University. Times of Israel yesterday reported in part:
“We do not deal with abomination materials. We are Jews!” the shop had said in response to the chapter’s request for an estimate on the posters.
Aguda argued that Rainbow Color had violated the Prohibition of Discrimination in Products, Services and Entry into Places of Entertainment and Public Places Law Act passed by the Knesset in 2000.
Rainbow Color claimed that its owners, who are religious, are barred from providing assistance to offenders of religious law. In its defense, the owners added the rulings of two Orthodox rabbis who wrote that according to Jewish law the publication of such posters is prohibited.
However the judge ruled:
When their beliefs conflict with a necessity of providing service to all in a public space, the last value holds superior.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Trump Releases Middle East Peace Plan Including Plans For Jerusalem and Holy Sites

President Trump today released his his 181-page Israeli- Palestinian peace plan titled Peace To Prosperity. (Full text of plan.) The briefer Fact Sheet released by the White House summarizes the plan's provisions on Holy Sites in Jerusalem:
Israel will continue to safeguard Jerusalem’s Holy Sites and will guarantee freedom of worship for Jews, Christians, Muslims, and people of all faiths.
  • The status quo at the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif will be preserved.
  • The special and historic role of the King of Jordan with regard to the Muslim Holy Shrines in Jerusalem will be preserved.
  • All Muslims are welcome to peacefully visit al-Aqsa Mosque.
The full plan includes this language as part of its description of arrangements for Jerusalem and its holy sites:
Unlike many previous powers that had ruled Jerusalem, and had destroyed the holy sites of other faiths, the State of Israel is to be commended for safeguarding the religious sites of all and maintaining a religious status quo.
Given this commendable record for more than half a century, as well as the extreme sensitivity regarding some of Jerusalem’s holy sites, we believe that this practice should remain, and that all of Jerusalem’s holy sites should be subject to the same governance regimes that exist today. In particular the status quo at the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif should continue uninterrupted.
Jerusalem’s holy sites should remain open and available for peaceful worshippers and tourists of all faiths. People of every faith should be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, in a manner that is fully respectful to their religion, taking into account the times of each religion’s prayers and holidays, as well as other religious factors.....
... We believe that returning to a divided Jerusalem, and in particular having two separate security forces in one of the most sensitive areas on earth, would be a grave mistake.
While a physical division of the city must be avoided, a security barrier currently exists that does not follow the municipal boundary and that already separates Arab neighborhoods (i.e., Kafr Aqab, and the eastern part of Shuafat) in Jerusalem from the rest of the neighborhoods in the city.
This physical barrier should remain in place and should serve as a border between the capitals of the two parties.
Jerusalem will remain the sovereign capital of the State of Israel, and it should remain an undivided city. The sovereign capital of the State of Palestine should be in the section of East Jerusalem located in all areas east and north of the existing security barrier, including Kafr Aqab, the eastern part of Shuafat and Abu Dis, and could be named Al Quds or another name as determined by the State of Palestine. 

Friday, January 24, 2020

Pence Speaks At World Holocaust Forum

Vice President Mike Pence spoke yesterday at the Fifth World Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem. (Full text of remarks.) The event, held at Yad Vashem, marked the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.  The vice-president said in part:
Through pogroms, persecutions, and expulsions in the ghettos, and finally, even through the death camps, the Jewish people clung to an ancient promise that He would “never leave you or forsake you” and that he would leave this people to inherit the land that he swore to your ancestors that he would give them.
And so, today, as we bear witness to the strength and the resilience and the faith of the Jewish people, so too we bear witness to God’s faithfulness to the Jewish people.
UPDATE: On Jan. 24, President Trump issued a Proclamation on National Day Of Remembrance Of The 75th Anniversary Of The Liberation Of Auschwitz, 2020.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

8th Circuit Hears Oral Arguments In Challenge To State Anti-BDS Law

Yesterday the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments (audio of full oral arguments) in Arkansas Times LP vs. Waldrip.  In the case, an Arkansas federal district court dismissed a challenge to an Arkansas law which requires companies doing business with the state to certify that they are not boycotting Israel. (See prior posting.) Courthouse News Service reports on yesterday's oral arguments.