Showing posts with label Louisiana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Louisiana. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Suit Says Police Chief Forced Religion On Officers

The Advocate reports on a federal court lawsuit filed last week against the Port Allen, Louisiana Police Department::
A second former Port Allen police officer has filed a lawsuit alleging Police Chief Esdron Brown consistently forced his religion on his officer corps through mandatory meetings, and further claimed the chief used God's will as reasoning for unjust promotions.
Robert Cannon Jr.,... , filed a federal civil rights case ... alleging the chief's repeated mention of religion and religious-focused meetings created a hostile work environment.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Supreme Court Denies Review In Attempted Cutoff of Medicaid Funds To Planned Parenthood

Over the dissent of Justices Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch, the U.S. Supreme Court today denied certiorari in Gee v. Planned Parenthood of Gulf Coast, Inc., (cert. denied, 12/10/2018). (Order list with dissenting opinion by Thomas, J.)  In the case, the 5th Circuit in a 2-1 decision (full text) upheld the district court's preliminary injunction against the state of Louisiana's termination of Medicaid contracts with Planned Parenthood. At issue in the case is whether Medicaid recipients have a private right of action to challenge the state's action, (SCOTUSblog case page).

Friday, September 21, 2018

Congressman Claims Advocacy Groups Are Spying On Christian School Groups In Louisiana

As a lawsuit against the  Bossier Parish, Louisiana school board alleging widespread Establishment Clause violations continues, Louisiana congressman Mike Johnson this week posted the following warning on his campaign/personal Facebook page:
Last night we received very credible information that atheist litigation groups in CA have contacted private investigators in our area to try to hire them to obtain hidden video of Christian student groups and activities at Benton High School and potentially other Bossier Parish schools.
Unfortunately, this is to be expected now that these groups perceive the Bossier Parish School District as an ATM machine for attorney fee awards in what they believe will be easy Establishment Clause lawsuits. They are wrong, as our district is following the law--even as we fight vigorously to defend religious freedom. Sadly, Bossier schools will have to endure this legal harassment from the atheist groups for a while now, so everyone needs to be prepared.
According to an AP report, Americans United for Separation of Church and State says it has not hired private investigators, and the school district's attorney says he has no first hand knowledge of this kind of activity.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Suit Argues Drag Queen Story Time Violates Establishment Clause

KADN News reported yesterday on a lawsuit filed in federal district court in Louisiana by two religious groups-- Warriors for Christ and Special Forces of Liberty-- seeking to stop Drag Queen Story Time at the Lafayette, Louisiana public library.  The lawsuit argues that the program endorses secular humanism. According to a report last month by the Acadiana Advocate:
Drag Queen Story Time entails a group of male University of Louisiana at Lafayette students reading books to young children while dressed in women’s clothing. Library staff will select the books, which are to be appropriate for children ages three to six. It is scheduled for Oct. 6 at the main branch downtown.
The attorney filing the lawsuit for the religious groups is Christophe Sevier, who has filed numerous suits around the country contending that homosexuality is a "religion." (See prior posting).  Commenting on the Louisiana lawsuit, Sevier said:
The evidence would suggest that the self identified transgendered. They are using a government facility to show that the governments backs their worldview to then target children, to indoctrinate them under a faith based ideology.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Religious Themed Ad Reinstated On Football Field Amid Broader Litigation

As previously reported, in February four parents sued the Bossier Parish, Louisiana school board alleging widespread Establishment Clause violations. Recently, amidst settlement talks in the litigation, the Benton High School Booster Club sold advertising space on the school's football field to Christ Fit Gym. The business' logo that was placed on the field in the end zone includes a cross and a citation to a bible verse.  KTBS News  and KTAL report that at the recommendation of legal counsel the ad was removed just before the school's homecoming game on Friday, pending consultation with the court. But apparently Christ Fit Gym filed suit in state court against the Booster Club challenging removal of the ad, and a temporary restraining order was issued against the Club.  The Booster Club is not a defendant in the federal lawsuit. The School Board that is a party to the federal lawsuit was not previously aware of the logo, but met yesterday to discuss it.  As reported by Bossier Now, amid increasing pressure the Board, after a two hour executive session, decided to fight the federal lawsuit rather than settle it and to allow back Christ Fit Gym's ad.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Street Preacher's Disturbing-the-Peace Citation Was Valid

In Roy v. City of Monroe, (WD LA, Aug. 29, 2018), a Louisiana federal district court dismissed a street preacher's suit challenging the constitutionality of the city of Monroe's disturbing-the-peace ordinance and the citation he received for violating it. The court described the conduct that led to the citation and summons:
The Corner Bar is known as a gathering spot for homosexuals. Roy believes that homosexuality is a sin. He preaches against homosexuality, as well as drinking alcohol, the use of drugs, fornication, and other topics.... On this night, they gathered at a telephone pole across the street from the Corner Bar. Roy was wearing an orange jump suit to demonstrate that he is a “prisoner of Christ” and to pose the questions to others, “Whose prisoner are you?”. At various times, he was also carrying a sixfoot cross made of cedar 4 x 4s. He normally approaches people and says something short to “startle” them or “stop” them. He cannot “afford to” be concerned about other people’s feelings because it might alter his message. Roy tells people that they are “going to Hell,” uses the terms “homosexual” and “whore,” and will tell people that “their father is the devil.” He raises his voice, shouts, and uses “strong Biblical language” to convey his message.

Friday, August 03, 2018

Qualified Immunity For Issuing Citation To Street Preaher

In Roy v. City of Monroe, (WD LA, Aug. 1 2018), a Louisiana federal district court granted defendant's motion for reconsideration and dismissed on qualified immunity grounds the damage portion of a claim by a street preacher against a police officer.  At issue was a claim that issuance of a citation and summons to the preacher for disturbing the peace violated his First Amendment rights. The court said in part:
Sergeant Booth issued a citation to Roy for disturbing the peace based upon Falcon’s complaint to him, in which she said Roy followed her across the street, called her names, and scared her. Falcon’s complaints were corroborated by Falcon appearing scared and by her direct identification of Roy. Sergeant Booth did not issue a citation to Roy for preaching in a public forum. Viewed from the standpoint of an objectively reasonable police officer, Booth had probable cause, and is entitled to qualified immunity.
Plaintiff's claims for injunctive and declaratory relief and attorneys' fees were set for trial.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Title VII Race Provisions Cover Anti-Jewish Discrimination

In Bonadona v. Louisiana College, (WD LA, July 13, 2018), a Louisiana federal magistrate judge held that Title VII's ban on racial discrimination in employment is broad enough to cover discrimination based on a person's Jewish heritage. At issue is a Title VII suit by an applicant for a coaching position who was not hired because of his Jewish heritage.  Plaintiff was born to a Jewish mother but converted to Christianity in college.The court said in part:
America is no stranger to anti-Semitism, which is often rooted in prejudice against a person based on his heritage/ethnicity without regard to the person’s particular religious beliefs. Jewish citizens have been excluded from certain clubs or neighborhoods, and they have been denied jobs and other opportunities based on the fact that they were Jewish, with no particular concern as to a given individual’s religious leanings. Thus, they have been treated like a racial or ethnic group that Title VII was designed to protect from employment discrimination based on membership in that group.
AP reports on the decision.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Challenge To Hearing Scheduled For Rosh Hashanah Is Rejected

In Tarbutton v. Tarbutton, (LA App., June 27, 2018), a Louisiana state appeals court rejected a claim by a litigant seeking spousal support that her religious freedom rights were infringed when the trial court refused to reschedule a hearing on the matter scheduled for Rosh Hashanah.  Having already received one continuance, Brenna Tarbutton filed another motion for a continuance one day before the hearing.  Since her ex-husband refused to consent to the continuance, the court held the hearing without Brenna present.  At the hearing, it refused to admit into evidence her affidavit of income and expenses. The court said in part:
Not all burdens on religion are unconstitutional and the court may consider important governmental interests in assessing a limitation of a party’s First Amendment rights....
It was Breanna’s delay in filing her motion that required the hearing on the continuance to be held on the asserted holy day. In addition, Breanna’s claim that she was unable to file her motion sooner because of “confusion” about the date of the holy day is not plausible, since she could have consulted a calendar or a religious official to determine the date well before the afternoon prior to the hearing which had been scheduled two months earlier.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Objections To Child's Vaccination Were Not Genuine Religious Beliefs

In Miller v. Dicherry, (LA App, May 29, 2018), a Louisiana state appellate court rejected objections of a mother, who was the domiciliary parent under a joint custody decree, to having her child vaccinated.  The mother argued that she had a First Amendment right to refuse routine vaccinations for her child on religious grounds.  The court held that the mother's objections did not stem from a genuinely held religious beliefs.  It upheld the trial court's grant of authority to the child's father to make the medical decision that the child be vaccinated.  The court said in part:
[T]he trial court found that Ms. Dicharry's "reluctance to have her child vaccinated arises from a personal, moral, or cultural feeling against vaccination for her minor child." The trial court found that "[ t]hese views and feelings are more in the nature of a secular philosophy than a religious belief." Considering the record, we find no manifest error in the trial court's factual determinations.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Consent Decree Settles Louisiana Religion In Schools Lawsuit

Last week, a Louisiana federal district court approved a consent decree (full text) in Cole v. Webster Parish School Board, (WD LA, May 11, 2018).  The suit charged that the school district extensively promoted Christianity in its schools. (See prior posting.)  The consent decree bars prayers at school events, bars religious baccalaureate services, prohibits holding school events at religious venues and bars school officials from promoting their personal religious beliefs to students in class or at school events.  ACLU issued a press release announcing the consent decree.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

At Hearing Judicial Nominee Retreats From Prior Pro-Life Comments

Yesterday the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the nomination of Wendy Vitter to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Louisiana.  NPR reports on the hearing:
Wendy Vitter, nominated by President Trump for a federal judgeship, tried Wednesday to walk back several controversial comments she made about abortion and birth control.
Questioned by skeptical Democrats at her confirmation hearing, she maintained she could "put aside" her long-held "pro-life" advocacy, and as a judge enforce the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision on abortion rights.
In particular, Vitter sought to distance herself from a brochure she had appeared to endorse while leading a panel at a pro-life conference in 2013. The panel was called "Abortion Hurts Women," and the brochure promoted a variety of unsubstantiated claims linking birth control pills to breast cancer, cervical and liver cancers, and "violent death."

Friday, February 23, 2018

College Coach Sues Alleging He Was Not Hired Because of His Jewish Heritage

A Title VII lawsuit was filed in Louisiana federal district court this week by a former assistant football coach at the Baptist-affiliated Louisiana College.  Plaintiff Joshua Bonadona, whose mother is Jewish, was raised in the Jewish religion.  He converted to Christianity while a student at Louisiana College, and was employed as an assistant football coach there for two years after he graduated.  He then went to Southeast Missouri State University for graduate work combined with a coaching position.  Two years after that he applied for an Assistant Coach opening that had arisen back at Louisiana College.  The complaint (full text) in Bonadona v. Louisiana College,  (WD LA, filed 2/21/2018), alleges that Bonadona received assurances from Louisiana College's head coach that he would be hired for the position.  In reliance on that he resigned his Southeast Missouri position.  However Louisiana College president, Dr. Rick Brewer, vetoed the hiring because of Bonadona's "Jewish blood." The lawsuit contends:
People of Jewish heritage are protected as a distinct race under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  Sharre Tefila Congregation v. Cobb, 481 U.S. 615 (1987).  As such, employment discrimination against an individual based upon his Jewish ethnic heritage is prohibited under 42 U.S.C. 2000e-2.
Yahoo Sports and the Bayou Brief report on the lawsuit.

UPDATE: Louisiana College issued a statement denying allegations in the lawsuit.

Thursday, February 08, 2018

Louisiana School District Sued Over Prayers and Proselytizing

Four parents yesterday filed a federal lawsuit against the Bossier Parish, Louisiana school board alleging widespread Establishment Clause violations.  The complaint (full text) in Does 1-4 v. Bossier Parish School Board, (WD LA, Feb. 7, 2018) alleges in part:
3. School officials throughout the Bossier Parish School System regularly deliver or promote the delivery of Christian prayers at school-sponsored events.  Prayers begin and often end graduation ceremonies, sporting events, sports teams’ practices and banquets, pep rallies, and student-council meetings. Many of these school-sponsored events are also held in churches, including within the sanctuary or other rooms bearing religious iconography, thus creating an atmosphere closer to Sunday school than to public school.
 4. What is more, some Bossier Parish teachers proselytize during class, pray aloud for students, require young students to memorize sectarian prayers, and tell students of all religious backgrounds that to be a good person one be Christian.  Bossier Parish teachers and administrators have also placed religious displays in their classrooms and offices, advertised events sponsored by local churches, and incorporated religious teachings, beliefs, or doctrine, like Creationism, into the curriculum. Further, some Bossier Parish teachers, staff, and administrators have endorsed and conferred special favors on sectarian religious clubs and have developed practices that expose the private beliefs of students who do not wish to participate in these organizations, subjecting these children to coercive pressure to join, and ostracization by their classmates if they do not. 
Americans United issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Impact On The Ground of School-Prayer Lawsuit

As previously reported, in December the mother of a Louisiana high school student filed suit against a local school board alleging extensive Establishment Clause violations.  Yesterday, CNN took an in-depth look at the extent to which religion has pervaded Lakeside Junior/High School, and at the impact on students and parents of the school's decision, in response to the pending lawsuit, to end recitation of the Lord's Prayer each morning.

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Louisiana AG and Rep Release Pamphlet On Student Religious Rights

As reported by the New Orleans Times-Picayune, yesterday Louisiana's attorney general and one of its members of Congress released a new 15-page publication Louisiana Student Rights Review: Answers to Common Questions About Religious Freedom In Schools. The Introduction to the Q&A format pamphlet says in part:
The right to religious expression, in particular, has been increasingly challenged and misunderstood in recent years, and many people have been led to believe our elementary and secondary schools must be “religion-free” zones. To the contrary, both federal and state laws specifically protect religious freedom rights in public schools. Thankfully, Congress and our state legislature still recognize the fundamental importance of religious liberty—the first freedom listed in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Suit Charges Louisiana School Promotes Christian Beliefs and Broadcasts Daily Prayer

In Louisiana yesterday, the mother of a high school student filed suit against a local school board alleging extensive Establishment Clause violations.  The complaint (full text) in Cole v. Webster Parish School Board, (WD LA, filed 12/18/2017) alleges in part:
2 ... [T]he Webster Parish School District has a longstanding custom, policy, and practice of promoting and inculcating Christian religious beliefs by sponsoring religious activities and conveying religious messages to students, including by broadcasting prayers daily over school speakers.
3. So engrained is official promotion of religion at Webster Parish schools that virtually all school events—such as sports games, pep rallies, assemblies, and graduation ceremonies—include school-sponsored Christian prayer, religious messages and/or proselytizing. Graduation ceremonies are frequently held in houses of worship, and at times they resemble religious rituals that include Bible verses and Christian prayers.
The ACLU issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit. Shreveport Times reports on the lawsuit.

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Louisiana Governor Exceeded Authority In Expanding Non-Discrimination Protections

In Louisiana Department of Justice v. Edwards, (LA App, Nov. 1, 2017), a Louisiana state appeals court held that Louisiana Governor John Edwards exceeded his authority when he issued an Executive Order that extended non-discrimination provisions for state contracts and state employment to include sexual orientation and gender identity.  the court said in part:
[T]he Governor's Executive Order constituted an unconstitutional interference with the authority vested solely in the legislative branch of our state government by expanding the protections that currently exist in anti-discrimination laws rather than directing the faithful execution of the existing anti-discrimination laws of this state.
The Times-Picayune reports on the decision.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Minister May Move Ahead With "As Applied" Challenge to Disturbing-The-Peace Ordinance

In Roy v City of Monroe, (WD LA, Oct. 19, 2017), a Louisiana federal district court allowed plaintiff Clarence Roy to move ahead with an "as applied" First Amendment challenge to Monroe, Louisiana's disturbing-the-peace ordinance.  Roy is a minister who regularly preaches near a bar whose patrons are predominately gays and lesbians.  Police issued a summons for disturbing the peace to Roy when a woman complained that Roy had called her names, told her she was going to hell, and that her father was "the devil."  The court said in part:
In essence, the validity of Roy’s First Amendment as-applied claim “hinges on probable cause for [his] [summons]—a fact question for the jury.” ....  Accordingly, this claim cannot be resolved on summary judgment.... If Sergeant Booth had probable cause to arrest Roy under §12:153, “there could be no First Amendment violation.”...  However, if a jury finds there was no probable cause for Roy’s arrest, his First Amendment claim may be considered as well.
The court however dismissed a facial challenge, as well as a due process challenge, to the same Ordinance.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Louisiana AG Opinion Says ABA Model Rule Barring Discrimination Is Unconstitutional

The Louisiana State Bar Association is considering adopting an amendment to its Rules of Professional Conduct that would define professional misconduct as including:
conduct in connection with the practice of law that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know involves discrimination prohibited by law because of race, color, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, or disability.  This rule does not prohibit legitimate advocacy when race, color, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, or disability are issues,nor does it limit the ability of a lawyer to accept, decline or withdraw from a representation in accordance with Rule 1.16.
This is a narrower version of ABA Model Rule 8.4(g) which the ABA House of Delegates adopted in 2016.  Last week, the Louisiana Attorney General's Office issued Attorney General's Opinion 17-0114 which concludes that the ABA version of the Model Rule is likely unconstitutional under the First and Fourteenth Amendments, and that while Louisiana's proposed version seeks to avoid many of the constitutional problems, it still suffers from some of the same vagueness and overbreadth issues as does the ABA rule.

In addition to finding that the ABA Model Rule is overbroad and vague, the Opinion also concluded that it violates associational and religious liberty protections, saying in part:
Lawyers participate in a wide variety of associations that engage in expressive conduct which could run afoul of ABA Model Rule 8.4(g), including faith-based legal organizations and activist organizations that promote a specific political or social platform....
ABA Model Rule 8.4(g) could also result in lawyers being punished for practicing their religion.  The United States Supreme Court specifically noted in Obergefell v. Hodges that "those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be condoned."  However this type of advocacy appears to be prohibited by ABA Model Rule 8.4(g).... Under Rule 8.4(g), a lawyer who acts as a legal advisor on the board of their church would be engaging in professional misconduct if they participated in a march against same-sex marriage or taught a class at their religious institution against divorce....
AP reports on the Attorney General's Opinion.