Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Navajos Plan Meeting With Obama Administration On Pending Snowbowl Case

The Gallup (NM) Independent reported yesterday that the Navajo Nation Council has approved its attorneys meeting with the Obama administration to try to work out a settlement in Navajo Nation v. United States Forest Service. The Navajo Nation hopes that the meeting can be held before My 8 when the Solicitor General's brief in opposition to granting certiorari is due to be filed with the U.S. Supreme Court. (See prior posting.) In an 8-3 en banc decision in the case, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals held that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act does not bar the Forest Service from approving the use of recycled waste water to make artificial snow at Arizona's Snowbowl ski resort, which operates on federal land that the tribes consider sacred. (See prior posting.) Some delegates to the Navajo Council say the organization may have to appeal to international bodies under principles of international law to obtain relief. They point especially to the United Nations 2007 Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Organization of American States' American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man.

Monday, April 27, 2009

National Mock Trial Championship Refuses Religious Accommodation For Jewish School

According to a posting yesterday on the blog Teaneck Progress , the National High School Mock Trial Championship is refusing to accommodate Maimonides High School of Brookline Massachusetts by rescheduling the school's rounds so they do not take place on the Jewish Sabbath. Maimonides, as winner of the Massachusetts Bar Association's statewide competition, is entitled to move to the national competition. This year the nationals are being hosted by the Young Lawyers Division of the State Bar of Georgia on May 6-10, with the schedule calling for actual competition rounds on Friday and Saturday. Accommodation apparently would have required moving two of the rounds from Saturday to Friday. Reportedly both the attorney general of Georgia and the Anti Defamation League have expressed concern over the competition's refusal to grant the requested schedule change.

In 2005, accommodation was made for a New Jersey Jewish day school, but competition organizers voted to refuse accommodation in future years. Following the 2005 incident, the New Jersey State Bar Foundation and the North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers created an alternative American Mock Trial Invitational to permit state high school champions with weekend religious obligations to still enter a national competition. Also in 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution urging the NHSMTC to accommodate religious beliefs of students. (See prior posting.)

UPDATE: Here (via Blog of the Legal Times) is the full text of a letter from counsel for some of the Maimonides students and their parents to the U.S. Justice Department asking it to investigate and take action to remedy the accommodation denial.

Controversial Religious Themed License Plates Being Considered In Florida

Saturday's St. Petersburg Times reports on the controversial debate and vote in Florida's legislature over adding two specialty plates with religious themes to the more than 100 license plates already available in the state. According to a report by the ADL, on Friday the Florida Senate added amendments providing for:
The "I Believe" plate which prominently displays a cross over a stained glass window, and directs annual license fees to Faith In Teach[ing], Inc., a religious organization, and

The "Trinity" plate which prominently displays a picture of Jesus wearing a crown of thorns with arms spread.
Fees from the Trinity plate will support the Toomey Foundation for the Natural Sciences. (Trinity plate amendment). The final Senate vote on SB 642 may come as early as today. Opposition by the ADL and ACLU has apparently led to withdrawal of similar proposals for a Trinity plate in the pending House version of the bill. [Thanks to both Scott Mange and Steve Sheinberg for leads.]

CAIR Calls For Florida GOP Leader To Step Down Over Sponsorship of Anti-Islam Event

The Florida Security Council, a private group dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of radical Islam, is sponsoring a "Free Speech Summit" tonight featuring controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders and his anti-Islamic video Fitna. (See prior posting.) State Rep. Adam Hasner, Republican majority leader in the Florida House of Representatives, is listed as one of 24 "coalition partners" with the Council. Yesterday the Council on American Islamic Relations called on GOP leaders in Florida to demand that Hasner step down from his state leadership position because of his connection with "a gathering at which the faith of millions of Americans is denigrated and their rights denied." The Summit, originally scheduled for the Delray Beach Marriott, has been relocated. The new location is available only by e-mailing the Florida Security Council.

Berlin Rejects Referendum For Optional Religion Classes In Schools

In Germany's capital of Berlin, voters yesterday rejected a referendum that would have given school children an option to take a religion course in place of the mandatory ethics classes that are now offered. Supporters hoped such classes would prevent the rise of Muslim radicalism. AFP reported yesterday that 51.3% of those voting opposed the measure. However, turnout was so low-- 14.2% of all voters-- that even a higher percentage of those voting would not have passed the measure. The current ethics course was introduced after a 2005 "honor killing" in Berlin's Muslim community. Supporters hoped it would foster common values and integration of children from different backgrounds. Most other German cities however permit an option of religion classes with children of different faiths taught separately. The referendum would have imposed that option in Berlin as well.

Recent Articles and Books of Interest

From SSRN:

From Bepress:

From SmartCILP:

  • Geoffrey C. Hazard, Not the City of God: The Multiplicity of Wrongs and Rules, 42 Akron Law Review 1-11 (2009).

Recent Books:

Sunday, April 26, 2009

San Diego Settles RLUIPA Lawsuit Brought By Church

Yesterday's North County Times reports that a settlement has been reached in a RLUIPA lawsuit brought in 2007 against the city of San Diego (CA) by Grace Church of North County, a non-denominational congregation. The Church had applied for a 10-year conditional use permit to occupy space in a Rancho Bernardo industrial park. The Rancho Bernardo Planning Board refused the request as inconsistent with the community plan for the site. On appeal, the San Diego Planning Commission granted a 5-year permit. Grace Church sued, arguing that the industrial park already has another church and a synagogue in it. Under the settlement, the Church will receive $950,000 in damages and a permit to occupy its space for another 10 years.

Church Sues To Obtain Use of Park For Bible Group Picnics

On Thursday, a Catholic Church in Pensacola, Florida sued city officials to challenge their exclusion from a downtown park of a weekly picnic held by a Bible study group from the Church. The Church members share their food with anyone who happens to be in the park, and then go to the Church nearby for formal Bible study. Originally the Church was told that the park was designated a "non-event park," and subsequently the Church was told use of the park required a permit and payment of a fee under regulations supposedly designed to protect the park's grass. The federal court complaint in St. Faustina Old Catholic Church v. City of Pensacola, (ND FL, filed 4/23/2009) (full text), alleges that the city's policy violates the Church's speech, association, free exercise , due process and equal protection rights protected by the U.S. Constitution as well as Florida's Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Alliance Defense Fund announced the filing of the lawsuit.

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Seymore v. Joslyn, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 32545 (ND NY, April 14, 2009), a New York federal district judge rejected a prisoner's claim that a corrections officer retaliated against him for being a Muslim by suggesting that plaintiff fantasizes about having a homosexual relationship with a male corrections employee.

In Eagle v. Gilbert, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 32976 (ED MI, April 17, 2009), a Michigan federal district court accepted a magistrate's recommendation that an inmate's lawsuit alleging he was prevented from attending Sunday religious services in prison be dismissed. The magistrate's conclusion was based on plaintiff's failure to exhaust administrative remedies in complaining that he was assigned to a Sunday morning work detail that interfered with Protestant services.

In Wakefield v. Indermill, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 32909 (ED CA, April 6, 2009), a California federal magistrate judge dismissed, with leave to file an amended complaint, a lawsuit brought by a Seventh Day Adventist inmate against a Protestant prison chaplain. The court said plaintiff had not adequately alleged that defendant's refusal to provide him with weekly holy communion and foot washing deprived him of a reasonable opportunity to practice his faith or substantially burdened his free exercise.

In Mello v. Martinez, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 32878 (ED CA, April 6, 2009), a California federal magistrate judge permitted an inmate to proceed with his free exercise and RLUIPA claims. Plaintiff alleged that two corrections officers destroyed his religious artifacts that are essential to most of his Native American religious ceremonies.

In Zargary v. City of New York, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 33240 (SD NY, April 20, 2009), a New York federal district court rejected a free exercise claim by an Orthodox Jewish woman who objected to being required to briefly remove her headscarf, worn for religious reasons, while her identification photo was taken upon admission to a state correctional facility.

In Kuperman v. Comm'r, New Hampshire Dept. of Corrections, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 33701(D NH, April 20, 2009), a New Hampshire federal district court accepted a magistrate's recommendation (2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 33702 (April 7, 2009)) to permit an Orthodox Jewish inmate to proceed with his free exercise, RLUIPA and equal protection claims. At issue was the decision of prison authorities to deny plaintiff a waiver to grow his beard for religious reasons longer than one-quarter inch. However claims against certain of the defendants were dismissed.

In Nyholm v. Pryce, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 34223 (D NJ, April 20, 2009), a New Jersey federal district court permitted an inmate to move ahead with his claim that his free exercise rights were infringed when he was prohibited from attending religious services during his confinement in administrative segregation.

In Scott v. Tilton, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 34533 (ED CA, April 7, 2009), a California federal magistrate judge dismissed with leave to file an amended complaint an inmate's claim that prison authorities destroyed or donated four religious cassettes that were sent to him, instead of allowing him to retrieve them.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

School Board Grants Uniform Exemption On Religious Grounds For 2nd Grader

The Irving, Texas school board this week, by a vote of 6-1, reversed the decision of an elementary school principal and granted a mother's request that her 7-year old daughter be allowed to wear her shirt untucked for religious reasons. Thursday's Dallas Morning News reported that Dyker Neyland says her second grader needs to wear her shirt tail out to comply with the Biblical requirement for modest dress found in 1 Timothy 2:9. The school's rule is part of its dress requirement for students. Before the vote, Neyland told the Board that she thought she was "being persecuted for being a Christian." [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Attempt Is Being Made To Re-Create Aryan Nations Headquarters In Idaho

Today's Salt Lake Tribune reports that two men in Cour d'Alene, Idaho are attempting to re-create a headquarters for the white separatist, anti-Semitic group, Aryan Nations, there. Apparently the election of Barack Obama is the catalyst for the new try which so far seems to have little support. The first Aryan Nations group that had been headquartered in Cour d'Alene was put out of business after the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2000 obtained a $6.3 million judgment against it on behalf of two residents who were shot by the group's security guards. Aryan Nations leader Richard Butler was forced to declare bankruptcy. Later the group's compound was leveled and turned into a peace park. Aryan Nations was an outgrowth of the Christian Identity movement, and the Idaho group still calls itself "Church of Jesus Christ Christian" on its website.

DC Circuit Again Says GITMO Detainees Not Covered By RFRA

In Rasul v. Myers, (DC Cir., April 24, 2009), the DC Circuit Court of Appeals reaffirmed its earlier holding that Guantanamo detainees cannot bring an action under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to challenge alleged religious harassment at GITMO. The detainees alleged abuses such as denial of a Qu'ran and prayer mats, throwing a copy of the Qur'an into a toilet and forced shaving of their beards. The U.S. Supreme Court had remanded the case to the 9th Circuit for reconsideration in light of intervening Supreme Court precedent. (See prior posting.) Now, in a 2-1 decision, the DC Circuit concludes that non-resident aliens are not protected "persons" under RFRA. Judge Brown, writing a concurring opinion, took a different approach. She concludes that a literal application of RFRA's language would cover plaintiffs, but that this was clearly inconsistent with Congress' broader intent in enacting RFRA. She rejected the narrow definition of "person" put forward by the majority, but wrote:
Accepting plaintiffs' argument that RFRA imports the entire Free Exercise Clause edifice into the military detention context would revolutionize the treatment of captured combatants in a way Congress did not contemplate. In drafting RFRA, Congress was not focused on how to accommodate the important values of religious toleration in the military detention setting. If Congress had focused specifically on this challenge, it would undoubtedly have struck a different balance: somewhere between making government officials' wallets available to every detainee not afforded the full panoply of free exercise rights and declaring those in our custody are not "persons." It would not have created a RFRA-like damage remedy, but it likely would have prohibited, subject to appropriate exceptions, unnecessarily degrading acts of religious humiliation. It would have sought to deter such acts not by compensating the victims, but by punishing the perpetrators or through other administrative measures….

In 2000, when Congress amended RFRA, jihad was not a prominent part of our vocabulary and prolonged military detentions of alleged enemy combatants were not part of our consciousness. They are now. Congress should revisit RFRA with these circumstances in mind.
CNN yesterday reported on the decision.

Islamic Parties Lose Support In Indonesian Parliamentary Election

According to a front-page article in today's New York Times, in Indonesian parliamentary elections held earlier this month, Islamic parties that focused on religious issues suffered a drop in support. They received 26% of the vote, compared to 38% in 2004. Though official results are not yet out, polling and partial results show backing for secular parties, even as the historically moderate Muslims in Indonesia are growing more attached to Islam in their private lives.

Group Announces Campaign To Encourage Graduation Prayer

Now that graduation season is upon us, Liberty Counsel this week announced its annual "Friend or Foe" Graduation Prayer Campaign. It says it is "seeking to educate and, if necessary, litigate to ensure that prayer and religious viewpoints are not suppressed during public school graduation ceremonies." It is distributing its legal memorandum on the issue, suggesting student messages, student or outside speakers selected by religion-neutral criteria, or privately-sponsored graduation ceremonies as techniques that can be used, though most of them do not insure that the speaker will present a prayer.

Lawsuit Filed Over Control of Ft. Worth Episcopal Diocese

The controversy between two groups, both claiming to be the Episcopal Diocese of Ft. Worth (TX) (see prior posting), has not surprisingly now found its way into court. The Ft. Worth Star-Telegram reported this week on a lawsuit filed by the reorganized diocese that remains loyal to the Episcopal Church USA against a break-away group that has affiliated with the more conservative Anglican Province of the Southern Cone. The complaint (full text) filed in Tarrant County District Court last week seeks a declaration that plaintiffs are the proper authorities entitled to control and use Diocese property, including the name, seal and other intellectual property of the Diocese. It asks the court to order defendants to vacate the Diocese's real property and seeks an accounting. It also asks for recognition of trustees elected by plaintiff as the proper trustees of the Diocesan Corporation.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Suit Charges Texas AG's Office With Religious Discrimination

Texas Lawyer reports that earlier this month the former appellate section chief in the Texas Attorney General's Child Support Division filed a religious discrimination lawsuit against the AG's office. She claims that Good Friday gets preferential treatment over Jewish holidays. Texas Government Code §662.003(c) and 662.006 provide that state employees may take a paid day off for Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur or Good Friday, (defined as "optional holidays") but must give up a state holiday during the same fiscal year to make up for it. Plaintiff Rhonda Pressley claims that the AG's office permits employees to take Good Friday afternoon-- but not Jewish holidays-- off without making the time up on another holiday. Her complaint alleges that she was terminated either because she complained to the EEOC about this religious discrimination and/or because she complained that her supervisor favored male employees. The AG's office says that Pressley was terminated for unprofessional conduct.

Iowa Recorders Are Told They Must Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses

According to yesterday's Gay & Lesbian Times, now that the Iowa Supreme Court has legalized same-sex marriage in the state (see prior posting), Victoria Hutton of the Iowa Department of Public Health has notified all 99 county recorders that they must issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Some of the recorders have religious objections to doing so. Meanwhile yesterday's Des Moines Register reports that Iowa magistrate Francis Honrath has decided he will stop performing all marriage ceremonies. A number of other judges and court officials are expected to take similar stands.

Malaysia Will Bar Conversion of Children Where One Spouse Changes Religion

Islam Online reports that the government of Malaysia yesterday decided that civil marriage laws and other laws should be amended to require that children be raised in the religion that both their parents shared at the time of their marriage. If one spouse converts after the marriage, he or she will not have the right to have the children converted as well. To the extent this will require changes in Islamic law, the issue will be brought to the attention of the Sultans who are in charge of religious affairs. The issue has come up in a recent high profile case in which a Hindu husband converted to Islam and then apparently converted the children as well without the consent of his still-Hindu wife. The wife is suing for custody of the children.

UPDATE: Reaction to the government's decision has been swift. Friday's Malaysia's Star reports that the High Court in Ipoh handed down an initial ruling in the case of the Hindu wife that triggered much of the concern. The court granted M. Indira Gandhi interim custody of her three children and an injunction preventing her husband from entering their home.

Meanwhile, a debate on the constitutionality of the government's decision began. Friday's Bernama reports that the director of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia says the proposal is inconsistent with Article 12(4) of the Constitution that provides: "the religion of a person under the age of eighteen years shall be decided by his parent or guardian." He emphasizes that the Constitutional language refers to "parent" in the singular. On the other side, Malaysia Today argues that the government's position is constitutional, pointing out that the Eleventh Schedule to the Constitution on interpretive principles provides that "words in the singular include the plural, and words in the plural include the singular."

UPDATE 2: On May 6, PTI reported that a High Court judge granted an interim stay of the order that gave Ghandhi interim custody of her children. The husband claimed the civil court lacks jurisdiction and that he has a custody order issued by a Shariah court. The husband has been evading service of the civil court's interim custody order, and a motion to hold him in contempt is pending.

Nomination of Creationist As Texas Board of Education Chair Is In Trouble

Texas State Board of Education Chairman Don McLeroy was elevated from board member to his chairmanship position as an interim appointment by Gov. Rick Perry in the summer of 2007. Now, finally, the Texas Senate is holding hearings on whether to ratify his nomination to the chairmanship. (Eye on Williamson). The Austin Statesman reports that McLeroy faced "searing questioning" by the Senate Nominations Committee on Wednesday. Sen. Eliot Shapleigh says that McLeroy has used his chairmanship to promote his religious views on issues such as Bible course curriculum, language arts instruction and science standards.

The Houston Chronicle reports that McLeroy, a dentist, admits he is a "young earth Creationist" who believes the earth is about 6000 year old. However McLeroy says he has not pushed his viewpoints into educational policy and that the recently adopted science curriculum standards were not religious. (See prior posting.) McLeroy needs 21 votes from the 31-member Texas Senate for confirmation. It is unclear whether he will be able to get that amount of support. Nominations Chairman Mike Jackson said he will not move ahead on the Senate floor with the nomination if it looks like it would not pass. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Connecticut Law Implements Same-Sex Marriage Ruling With Exemptions For Religious Organziations

Yesterday Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell signed S.B. No. 899, a bill to implement the state Supreme Court's 2008 decision validating same-sex marriages. (AP). The bill also recognizes same-sex civil unions from other states and merges Connecticut civil unions into marriages. On Wednesday, the Senate and House both adopted amendments granting extensive religious exemptions. Those exemptions provide:
[A] religious organization ... or any nonprofit institution or organization operated, supervised or controlled by or in conjunction with a religious organization ..., shall not be required to provide services, accommodations, advantages, facilities, goods or privileges to an individual if the request for [them]... is related to the solemnization of a marriage or celebration of a marriage and such solemnization or celebration is in violation of their religious beliefs and faith....

... The marriage laws of this state shall not ... shall not require a fraternal benefit society ... which is operated, supervised or controlled by ... a religious organization to provide insurance benefits to any person if to do so would violate the fraternal benefit society's free exercise of religion as guaranteed by the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States and section 3 of article first of the Constitution of the state.

Nothing in this act shall be deemed or construed to affect the manner in which a religious organization may provide adoption, foster care or social services if such religious organization does not receive state or federal funds for that specific program or purpose.

The bill also provides that no member of the clergy shall be required to solemnize any marriage in violation of his or her right to the free exercise of religion and no church shall be required to participate in solemnizing a marriage in violation of its religious beliefs.

Yesterday's edition of The Edge reports on the amendments adopted Wednesday. Yesterday's Hartford Courant, reporting on the bill, points out that the state legislature rejected broader proposals that would have exempted objecting individuals and businesses from having to provide services in connection with same-sex marriages.

Judge Refuses To Enjoin Installation of New Pastor of Prestigious NY Church

The New York Times reported yesterday that a New York state trial judge effectively denied a motion for a temporary injunction sought by dissidents to prevent the installation of Rev. Dr. Brad R. Braxton as Senior Pastor of the historic Riverside Church on Manhattan's upper West side. Judge Lewis Bart Stone adjourned the case until late May, well after the installation of Rev. Braxton scheduled for Sunday. A group of congregants are concerned about the size of Braxton's compensation package and his more conservative style of religious practice. In the past, Riverside Church has been a center of social activism. The judge urged the parties to reach a settlement of their disputes.

Report Urges Changes To Protect Against Improper Searches of Muslims Returning to US

Earlier this week, Muslim Advocates issued a report titled Unreasonable Intrusions: Investigating the Politics, Faith & Finances of Americans Returning Home. Here is an excerpt from the Executive Summary of the 52-page report:
Law-abiding Muslim, Arab and South Asian Americans returning home after overseas travel have experienced widespread, systematic and profound privacy intrusions by federal agents at the nation’s borders and airports. U.S. Department of Homeland Security ("DHS") Customs & Border Protection ("CBP") agents have questioned individuals about their political beliefs, religious practices, and charities they support. Agents have also sought to review and copy business cards, credit cards, and data on laptops, digital cameras and cell phones. These interrogations and searches are taking place without evidence or even suspicion that the travelers have engaged in wrongdoing.

These experiences and others chronicled in this report suggest that law-abiding Americans are being systematically selected by CBP agents for searches and interrogations on the basis of race, religion, and national origin. Far from serving legitimate aims, such profiling undermines security, wasting scarce government resources and generating mountains of false leads, as well as eroding trust between law enforcement authorities and the public....

Muslim Advocates proposes a series of discrete policy revisions that would restore constitutional protections eroded by the status quo border security apparatus and allow ample authority for the government to conduct legitimate activities to protect our nation’s security. They include steps that both the executive branch and Congress can take to better protect our nation’s border and our rights.
Farhana Khera, Executive Director of Muslim Advocates, wrote about the report Wednesday on the Washington Post's Faith Divide blog.

6th Circuit Hears Oral Arguments In 10 Commandments Case

Yesterday, the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in ACLU v. Grayson County, Kentucky. In the case, a Kentucky federal district court, on Establishment Clause grounds, permanently enjoined a display of the Ten Commandments as part of a Foundations of American Law and Government Display in the Grayson County Courthouse. (See prior posting.) AP reported that the judges questioned counsel more than usual, as the two sides debated whether or not the county had a secular purpose for the display.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hindu Group in RLUIPA Case Says Temple Size Is A Religious Necessity

AP reported yesterday that the Adhi Parasakthi Charitable, Medical, Educational and Cultural Society has recently filed a federal lawsuit against West Pikeland Township, Pennsylvania, challenging the Township's refusal to permit the group to build a Hindu Temple larger than 5,000 square feet on a 24.5 acre site in an area zoned residential and conservation. The group wants to build a 26,000-square-foot temple and a 9,000-square-foot auxiliary support building on the site in Chester Springs. Neighbors object. Some of them voiced concerns at the Township Supervisors meeting about a "mosque" and possible movement in of Hindus.

According to a report by Westpikeland.org, proceedings at the Zoning Hearing Board hearing last August revealed that while Hindu group has some 200 members, only about 20 live within 50 miles of the proposed Temple site. The group's attorney, Richard Lipow, says the size of the proposed Temple is dictated by religious considerations. Certain gods need to be a distance from others. The group says that the Township's zoning ordinances violate the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act as well as the group's free exercise, free expression and assembly rights. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Markup of Hate Crimes Bill Begins, Amid Opposition By Some Christian Groups

Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee began the mark-up of HR 1913, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009. Among other things, the bill will extend coverage to certain crimes committed because of a person's actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. It will also increase assistance to state and local governments in fighting hate crimes. The Advocate reports that Republican Congressmen opposed to passage of the bill offered a large number of amendments, all of which were defeated. One amendment proposed adding "unborn child" to the definition of those against whom Hate Crimes might be perpetrated. Another amendment proposed adding "pregnant women." Rep. Steve King of Iowa suggested changing the bill's name to the "Local Law Enforcement Thought Crimes Prevention Act of 2009."

Some Christian groups are again this year raising the spectre that the bill, if enacted, would infringe the right of Christian ministers to oppose homosexuality. For example, Jeff King, president of International Christian Concern, called the bill "a backdoor tool from the far left and radical homosexuals to shut down legitimate free speech from Christians and others who oppose their lifestyle." ICC argued that the federal aiding and abetting statute (18 USC 2) could allow prosecution of those "who teach that homosexual behavior is sinful and that Islam is a false religion." A release issued by Americans United this week counters the argument, saying:
The bill penalizes assault and physical violence, not speech. In fact, the legislation makes it clear that free speech is protected. Section 10 states, "Nothing in this Act, or the amendments made by this Act, shall be construed to prohibit any expressive conduct protected from legal prohibition by, or any activities protected by the free speech or free exercise clauses of, the First Amendment to the Constitution."
UPDATE: CQ reports that on Thursday (4/23), the House Judiciary Committee approved the Hate Crimes bill by a vote of 15-12. The Committee defeated more than a dozen proposed Republican amendments to the bill.

"Defamation of Religion" and the Durban Review Conference Final Draft

JTA reports that delegates at the United Nations Durban Review Conference in Geneva this week surprisingly adopted the Conference final document on Tuesday, three days before the end of the conference. This move was apparently designed to prevent further debate and modification of the document, or perhaps to prevent further walkouts by delegates. The New York Times describes the action by Conference delegates a bit differently. It reports that while final adoption of the resolution will occur on Friday, on Tuesday the resolution was adopted by the committee that coordinates the conference so that it is no longer open to debate or amendment.

Particularly after the inflammatory speech on Monday by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, most of the press attention has been focused on the Conference's treatment of the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Here the Conference's final document is seen by the U.S. and some other countries as no improvement over Durban I because it "reaffirmed" the 2001 Durban Declaration. (Philadelpha Evening Bulletin.) Anne Bayefsky in the New York Daily News yesterday expanded on the anti-Israel elements of the Conference.

However, another issue of concern leading up to the conference has been efforts by Islamic states to get language into the final document barring "defamation of religion." That reference was removed in negotiations last month. (See prior posting.) The language remains out of the final document; but reference to "negative stereotyping of religions" remains in. This reference can be used by countries to prevent debate or criticism of religious ideas. (See press release from ARTICLE 19.) However the final document also strongly emphasizes the importance of freedom of expression.

In what appears to be the final version of the Outcome Document that was adopted (March 17 draft from UN Watch), here is the relevant language:

10. Recognizes with deep concern the negative stereotyping of religions and the global rise in the number of incidents of racial or religious intolerance and violence, including Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, Christianophobia and anti-Arabism;
11. Reaffirms that any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law, as well as the dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority and hatred and acts of violence and incitement to such acts, and that these prohibitions are consistent with freedom of opinion and expression;....

55. Reaffirms the positive role that the exercise of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, as well as the full respect for the freedom to seek, receive and impart information can play in combating racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance;
56. Stresses that the right to freedom of opinion and expression constitutes one of the essential foundations of a democratic, pluralistic society, since it ensures access to a multitude of ideas and views;

Another press release this week from the UK free speech group, ARTICLE 19, decrying the boycotting of the Conference by some countries, describes the Document's language on free expression in more upbeat terms than many other rights groups might be willing to do:
Months of negotiation have resulted in a draft Outcome Document that reaffirms the essential role of freedom of expression and freedom of information while omitting any reference to "defamation of religions", a concept rejected by free speech activists because it protects belief systems against criticisms or jokes and is incompatible with international human rights law. The Document's current language acknowledges the primacy of the individual as rights holder rather than religion.

According to Mr. Moataz El Fegiery, Executive Director of Cairo Institute for Human Rights, "The replacement of 'defamation of religion' with language protecting an individual's freedom of belief represents a significant acknowledgment by the international community that international law does not recognise this concept; and that it should not be used by the United Nations."

Amended Complaint Protests Second Song Given To 3rd Graders In Florida School

Last week, a Florida federal district court issued a preliminary injunction on Establishment Clause grounds barring Webster Elementary School in St. Johns County, Florida from directing students to rehearse or perform the Diamond Rio band's song, "In God We Still Trust." (See prior posting.) On Tuesday, an amended complaint was filed in the case charging that five days after the issuance of the preliminary injunction, the music teacher at Webster began to teach another "sectarian" song, again to third-graders. This one is titled "Chatter With the Angels." According to yesterday's St. Augustine Record, the amended complaint charges that directing students to perform "Chatter" constitutes retaliation against plaintiffs for having brought the suit challenging "In God We Still Trust." The amended complaint seeks a preliminary injunction barring introduction of this song until the court can rule on the merits of plaintiffs' objections.

In an updated report this morning, the St. Augustine Record says that Chatter With the Angels, an African-American spiritual, is in an approved textbook used throughout the state, and the song has been on the state's approved teaching list for over 20 years. School district officials say the song will not be sung again until the court makes a ruling. Here, via YouTube, is a performance of "Chatter With the Angels" by a Bridgeport (CT) Children's Choir.

NY Murder Trial, Pevaded By Religion, Ends with Convictions

The New York Times on Monday reported on the conclusion of a Queens (NY) murder trial that has torn apart the small local community of Bukharian Jews. The two defendants were sentenced to life in prison without parole. One defendant, Dr. Mazoltuv Borukhova was charged with hiring the other defendant, Mikhail Mallayev, to murder her estranged husband, Dr. Daniel Malikov, after a court awarded temporary custody of their daughter to Malikov. The murder took place on a playground in front of the 4 year old daughter. As reflected in a New York Times article last month, the defendants' religion has been a pervasive theme in the background of the trial:
Both Dr. Borukhova and Mr. Mallayev told the police that they would never be involved in anything illegal because of their religious beliefs. Dr. Borukhova's relatives sit every day in the second row of State Supreme Court, murmuring prayers from books printed in Russian and Hebrew. Dr. Malakov’s relatives occasionally hiss at them across the aisle.

Covering their hair in accordance with religious rules for married women, Dr. Borukhova’s sisters wear bouffant wigs that became an issue when prosecutors claimed that an eyewitness saw one sister at the murder scene..... Mr. Mallayev wore a black leather skullcap and matching jacket early in the trial, but switched to a more staid look: a suit and a velvet yarmulke bearing the Star of David. Earlier, he refused on religious grounds to shave his beard to appear in a lineup, finally agreeing to a shave with an electric razor.
The defendants' Sabbath observance became the center of another controversy as the judge attempted to assure that the trial would end and the jury would return a verdict before his previously scheduled vacation was to begin. In order to avoid court appearances on the Sabbath, defendants' counsel ended up having only overnight to prepare his summation, while the prosecution ended up with the weekend to prepare theirs.

Just before sentencing, Mallayev told the judge he did not kill anyone, saying: "I live by the Ten Commandments." During sentencing, Justice Robert J. Hanophy quoted both the New Testament and Confucius.

Suit Challenges Use of Church For High School Graduation

Americans United yesterday announced that it has filed a lawsuit in a Wisconsin federal court seeking to enjoin the Elmbrook (WI) School District from holding graduation ceremonies for its two high schools in Elmbrook Church (or any other religious venue) unless all religious symbols visible to attendees, both inside and outside the church, are covered or removed. The complaint in Does v. Elmbrook Joint Common School District No. 21, (ED WI, filed 4/22/2009) (full text), alleges that the district has held high school graduation in the sanctuary of Elmbrook Church for nearly a decade. A 15 to 20 foot high cross towers above the graduates during the ceremony. (Photo.) The Church has made a policy decision that it will not cover the cross during the ceremonies, wishing to rent out its facilities for use without compromising the Church's identity. The Memorandum In Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction (full text) argues that the use of the Church for graduation ceremonies under a large cross is a manifest violation of the Establishment Clause.

German Parents Challenge Sex Education Module in European Human Rights Court

Earlier this week in Germany, the parents of an 11 year old girl filed an Application (full text) with the European Court of Human Rights challenging a fine of 120 Euros imposed on them by a German court for their refusal to send their daughter to school for four days during which a module on sexual abuse prevention was being taught. The classes focused on a stage play titled "My Body Is Mine". The parents, Eduard and Elisabeth Elscheit allege that the play and classes infringed their ability to instill Christian ethics in their daughter Franziska. They argue that the classes encourage children to become sexually active by teaching them to follow their inner feelings on sexuality. The parents contend that Protocol 1, Art. 2 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights protects their right to educate their children according to their own religious and philosophical beliefs. Alliance Defense Fund, which is representing the parents, issued a release on Tuesday announcing the appeal.

Miss California's Comments On Gay Marriage Create Controversy

Last Sunday night, Miss North Carolina, Kristen Dalton, was crowned Miss USA. (ABC News). However much of the attention since then has been focuses on runner-up, Miss California-- Carrie Prejean. The consensus seems to be that Prejean lost the top spot because of an answer about gay marriage that she gave in response to a question by, Perez Hilton, one of the judges. Prejean said: "I think it's great Americans are able to choose one or the other.... [I]n my country, in my family I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody there, but that's how I was raised and that's how I think it should be, between a man and a woman." (ABC News).

The fallout continues. Fox News published an article Tuesday exploring whether Prejean had a cause of action for religious discrimination. And others injected the incident into the battle in Congress over enactment of the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 (HR 1913) which has again been introduced into Congress. As reported by the Washington Post, an e-mail sent on Monday to supporters by Gary Bauer of American Values said that the incident: "should be a wake-up call to men and women of faith and everyone who cherishes freedom of speech and religious liberty. The backlash to (Miss California's) commonsense comments demonstrates the naked intolerance of the militant homosexual movement . . . And if it gets its way in Congress, comments like (hers) may someday be considered a 'hate crime.'" David Waters, in a Washington Post blog, also reflects on the entire series of events.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

9th Circuit Says Arizona Scholarship Tax Credits Likely Violate Establishment Clause

In Winn v. Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization, (9th Cir., April 21, 2009), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed an Arizona federal district court's dismissal of a lawsuit challenging Arizona's scholarship tax credit program. The Court of Appeals held that plaintiffs have taxpayer standing. It went on to conclude that plaintiffs' allegations state a claim that Arizona's program as applied violates the Establishment Clause. Arizona grants a tax credit of up to $500 to individuals who contribute funds to nonprofit "school tuition organizations." STO's in turn award private school scholarships to children. In practice, 85% of contributed funds are available only for scholarships to religious schools.

The court wrote at length distinguishing Arizona's plan from the school voucher program upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Zelman case. Here, while taxpayers have a choice of which STO's they will support, parents' choices are constrained by taxpayers' decisions of which STO's to fund. The state has delegated discretion to taxpayers that is used to create incentives for parents to send their children to religious schools. (See prior related posting.) Phoenix's East Valley Tribune reports on the decision.

Two Days of Negotiations Start Over Reform of FLDS Land Ownership

According to AP, today in Salt Lake City, Utah, two days of meetings begin between all the parties to try to reach an agreement on how to finally deal with FLDS Church property owned by the United Effort Plan Trust. In 2005, Utah appointed a special trustee to modify the trust and provide for secular management of the property owned by the polygamous FLDS sect. The trustee, Bruce Wisan, has been moving toward eventually conveying the land to FLDS members (and former members) in private ownership. FLDS members, however, say that their religious beliefs call for sharing of the land by those who adhere to Church teachings. The Utah Attorney General's office has drafted an initial proposal that it has shown to Wisan and to the Colorado attorney general's office, but not to the FLDS negotiators. (See prior related posting.)

UPDATE: The Salt Lake Tribune reported on Thursday that there are some signs of compromise in the negotiations. The major issues are how to allow FLDS members and those who left or never belonged to FLDS to live together. There are also questions of how to manage common areas such as a park, cemetery and health clinic, and how to pay the UEP trust's debts. One proposal under discussion is a 5-person board made up of 2 FLDS members, 2 non-members and a neutral to deal with housing claims.

Turkmenistan Court Imposes 2 Years Suspended On Conscientious Objector

Forum 18 reported Monday that in Turkmenistan, a two-year suspended sentence has been imposed on a conscientious objector who refused compulsory military service. Zafar Abdullaev, a Jehovah's Witness, was charged with violating Article 219, Part 1 of the Criminal Code. The UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief has called on Turkmenistan to create an alternative civilian service option for conscientious objectors. Shirin Akhmedova, Director Turkmenistan's National Institute for Democracy and Human Rights, however, says that conscientious objectors can already serve in medical or construction units within the army. Some however, do not find this option religiously acceptable.

Pastor Sues Broadcaster For Stopping His Religious Activities At CNN Building

In Atlanta (GA), pastor Dick Christensen has filed suit against CNN, Turner Broadcasting and a security guard for false imprisonment, assault and battery, and violating his free speech and free exercise of religion rights. According to WSBTV News yesterday, in December 2008 Christensen and others were proselytizing, carrying banners and handing out Christian literature in front of the CNN headquarters building. A CNN security guard told Christensen he was on CNN property and should move. Christensen insisted he was on a public sidewalk. CNN guards placed Christensen on the ground, handcuffed him and held him in CNN offices for two hours or so before releasing him. CNN says it does not agree with Christensen's version of events. Christensen says that CNN is "hostile to the Christian message."

Judge Orders FBI To Turn Documents On Surveillance of Muslims Over to Court

The ACLU of Southern California yesterday won a preliminary victory in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit it filed in 2007 on behalf of 11 Muslim American leaders, mosques and local organizations who are seeking information on FBI monitoring of themselves and other groups. (See prior related posting.) USA Today and an ACLU press release report on the order issued by a California federal district judge requiring the FBI to turn some 100 documents over to the court so it can decide whether they should be publicly released. The court also ordered the FBI to conduct a search in its offices nationwide for any records of electronic surveillance of the Council on American-Islamic Relations of Greater Los Angeles and its executive director. The ACLU charges that the FBI is targeting Muslims in southern California for surveillance based on their religion.

Christian Leaders In Australian Town Oppose Construction of Muslim School

In Camden, Australia, a town around 40 miles southwest of Sydney, a group of Christian leaders have joined together to oppose approval of plans for a Muslim school to be built by the Quranic Society. Last May, Camden Council voted unanimously to reject the school's plans. The Quranic Society has now reduced the size of its proposed school and has taken its case to the Land and Environment Court. Today's Sydney Morning Herald reports that a letter from the Christian group was read in court yesterday. It said in part: "Our concern is the Quranic Society inevitably advocates a political ideological position that is incompatible with the Australian way of life. This includes promoting Quranic law as being superior to national laws and regarding followers of any rival religion as inevitably at enmity with it."

Pakistani Court Overturns Two Blasphemy Convicitions

Compass Direct News reported yesterday that two elderly Christian men convicted of blasphemy in Pakistan have had their convictions overturned by a high court in Lahore. Last Thursday the court reversed the 10-year sentences of 67-year old James Masih and 72-year old Buta Masih who had been accused of burning pages from the Quran. They were also charged with terrorism- related offenses of creating fear and panic. The men say that the charges were fabricated as part of a dispute over land that a Muslim neighbor wanted James Masih to sell. Police arrested the two men in October 2006 as a group of 500 Muslims who had heard rumors of the Quran burning tried to kill the men. They men have already served over two years of their terms.

White House Plans For National Day of Prayer Are Uncertain

Federal law (36 USC 119) designates the first Thursday in May as National Day of Prayer, though a pending federal lawsuit is challenging the constitutionality of that statute. (See prior posting.) A Religion News Service article published yesterday reports that there is a good deal of uncertainty over whether the White House will host an official observance of the event this year. The Bush White House during its eight years had marked the day with a ceremony in the East Room attended by a range of religious leaders. The National Day of Prayer Task Force headed by Shirley Dobson is planning its own event, as in past years. However this year it is scheduling its ceremony on Capitol Hill in the morning-- the time when the White House event, with Dobson and others in attendance, had traditionally been held. Brian Toon, vice chair of the Task Force, says this year the White House has not been in touch with them about its plans. Joshua DuBois, executive director of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, said on Sunday that it is "too early to talk about the planning" for the National Day of Prayer.

UPDATE: On April 21, the Interfaith Alliance and Jews on First sent a letter to President Obama (full text) requesting that he issue a Proclamation calling for a National Day of Prayer and Reflection that is inclusive of all religious traditions as well as of those professing no religion. The letter says that "several years ago, the National Day of Prayer was taken over by a group of religious exclusivists led by Shirley Dobson of Focus on the Family."

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Historian Discusses Early School Bible Reading Case

On April 1, the Ohio Supreme Court hosted an hour-long Forum on "The Cincinnati Bible War Case of 1873," with a presentation by Notre Dame historian Linda Przybyszewski. A video of the full presentation is online. The Court's press release on the Forum summarizes the history:
Amid the increasing diversity and pluralism of the post-Civil War era, the Cincinnati public schools were faced with a growing Catholic population unhappy that their children were instructed with the protestant version of the Bible. The school board’s solution to remove all bibles from the classroom erupted into a raging national controversy over the relationship between religion and government. In 1873, the Ohio Supreme Court put an end to the Cincinnati Bible War, upholding the board’s decision to end Bible reading in its schools.
The Ohio Supreme Court decision at the center of this discussion is Board of Education v. Minor, 23 Ohio St. 211 (OH Sup. Ct., 1873) [LEXIS link to full opinion]. The opinion is full of surprisingly 21st-century sounding defenses of church-state separation and protection of minority religions. The following is an example, but a full reading of the opinion is well worth the time:
Counsel say that to withdraw all religious instruction from the schools would be to put them under the control of "infidel sects." This is by no means so. To teach the doctrines of infidelity, and thereby teach that Christianity is false, is one thing; and to give no instructions on the subject is quite another thing. The only fair and impartial method, where serious objection is made, is to let each sect give its own instructions, elsewhere than in the state schools, where of necessity all are to meet; and to put disputed doctrines of religion among other subjects of instruction, for there are many others, which can more conveniently, satisfactorily, and safely be taught elsewhere.

Notre Dame Alums Call For Contribution Boycott Over Obama Invitation

A group of Notre Dame alumni, protesting University's invitation to President Barack Obama to speak at graduation and receive an honorary degree, are now calling for Father John Jenkins to be replaced as president of the University. Zenit reports that a "Replace Jenkins" website, objecting to Obama's "well known commitment to abortion in the broadest possible context" says that "Father Jenkins' decision to honor President Obama directly violates the 2004 US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ directive on Catholics in Political Life and is offensive to all Catholics." The website call on alums to sign a petition pledging to withhold contributions until Jenkins is replaced. The website says that supporters can instead contribute directly to pro-life organizations at the university, and that these amounts will be credited by Notre Dame to the alum's eligibility for the football lottery. (See prior related posting.)

Court Denies Tax Exemption For Property Leased To Summer Camp

A New York trial court has denied an exemption for 2006-08 property taxes for 130 acres of land in Pomona, New York owned by Congregation Rabbinical College of Tartikov, according to a report last week by the Lower Hudson Journal News. The court ruled that the Rabbinical College's profit from leasing the land to a summer camp makes the undeveloped property unconnected to the Rabbinical College's other activities. The Village of Pomona has already granted an exemption for 2009 taxes, but will consider revoking it for future years. A discrimination suit against Pomona is pending in federal court over the Villae of Pomona's refusal to permit the Rabbinical College to build facilities on 30 acres of its land. (See prior posting.)

UPDATE: The text of the court's decision in Congregation Rabbinical Coll. of Tartikov, Inc. v Town of Ramapo, (NY Sup. Ct., April 15, 2009), is now available online.

Creationist Institute Sues Texas Higher Ed Board Over Denial of Certification

The Institute for Creation Research has filed suit in a Texas federal court against the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board charging that the state agency violated its civil rights by denying it a certificate of authority to offer a masters degree in science education. The Institute says it is "the only graduate school which specializes in creationism-informed science education." It argues that without its program: "The monopolistic realities of the science education market in Texas (and in America generally) would limit creationist learners to science education opportunities from evolutionist graduate schools." Today's Dallas Morning News reports that the Institute had previously been approved by California authorities to offer a degree program, but now needs Texas approval because it moved its offices from San Diego to Dallas in 2006. (See prior related posting.)

UPDATE: Here are links to the full complaint and related documents, thanks to a commenter.

Russian Orthodox Church Wants UN To Reocognize Problem of "Christianophobia"

Interfax reports today that the Russian Orthodox Church has asked this week's Durban Review Conference (World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance) being held in Geneva to add the notion of "Christianophobia" to the world's lexicon. Archpriest Georgy Ryabykh, deputy head of the Moscow Patriarchate Department for External Church Relations, says UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon mentioned anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in his opening remarks at the Conference, but made no mention of insults to Christians and violation of their rights. (See prior related posting.)

Monday, April 20, 2009

NY Court Says Muslim Marriage Is Valid, Even Though Not Recognized In NJ

New York law recognizes a marriage celebrated in a religious ceremony as valid even if the parties do not obtain the required marriage license. (NY Dom. Rel. Law § 25). New Jersey, on the other hand, does not recognize a religious marriage as valid if the parties failed to obtain a marriage license. (N.J. Stat. § 37:1-10). In Matter of Farraj, (NY Sup. Ct., April 14, 2009), a New York trial court held that New York law would be applied to render a Muslim marriage performed in New Jersey valid, even though the parties did not obtain a marriage license. The ceremony was held in New Jersey only because Islamic law requires that the marriage take place at the home of the bride's eldest male relative-- here her brother. The groom and the officiating imam both traveled from New York for the ceremony. The couple went back to New York for the wedding reception and lived in New York from that time until the husband's death over four years later. The court relied on Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws Section 283 to hold that the law of the state with the most significant relationship to the parties and the marriage should govern to validate the marriage.

The court went on to rule that since the marriage was valid, petitioner, Rabaa M. Hanash, has standing as a surviving spouse to petition the court for an accounting of her deceased husband's estate. One of the deceased husband's adult children from a former marriage had contested Hanash's right to demand an accounting, arguing that she was never lawfully married to Daoud Farraj .

Cert. Denied In Challenge To Jury's Use of Bible In Deliberations

The U.S. Supreme court today denied certiorari in Oliver v. Quarterman, Docket No. 08-833). (Order List.) In the case, the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals held that a jury's use of the Bible during the sentencing phase in a murder case was improper, but was not shown to have influenced the jury's decision. (See prior posting.)

President's Faith Based Council Creates 6 Task Forces

The Washington Post today provides more information on what the President's Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships is doing. It has set up six task forces to advise the President. The task forces are on (1) reform of the faith-based office, (2) fatherhood, (3) U.S. economic recovery, (4) interreligious dialogue, (5) global poverty, and (6) the environment and climate change. One topic, however, has become too controversial for the task forces to handle. The question of whether faith-based groups that take government funds can use religious criteria in hiring has been removed from the task force on reform of the faith-based office and given over to the White House legal counsel and the Justice Department.

Islamists Demand Additional Concessions On Islamic Law In Pakistan

Last week, Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari signed the Nizam-e-Adl Regulation 2009, implementing Islamic law in the Malakand division of the Northwest Frontier Province. (See prior posting.) Under an arrangement with the Taliban, a special bench of the Peshawar High Court was to be set up, to be renamed Dar-ul-Quza (Qazi court), and a Sessions judge —to now be called Qazi — will hear cases with an Alim-e-Din (Quranic scholar) who will decide "religious technicalities." (See prior posting.) However the Washington Post reports on a speech yesterday to thousands, aired live on national television, by Sufi Muhammad, founder of banned militant organization Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM), that is pressing for far greater government concessions.

According to Pakistan's Daily Times, Sufi told the audience that Pakistan's superior courts are un-Islamic and could not hear appeals from decisions of qazi courts set up in Malakand. He demanded that the government withdraw all judges from the Malakand division within four days and set up a Darul Qaza to hear appeals from the new qazi courts. Sufi also told the crowd: "There is no room for democracy in Islam," and demanded appointment of Qazi courts throughout the Malakand division. The Washington Post comments that Sufi's speech, along with one Friday at the Red Mosque in Islamabad by radical cleric Abdul Aziz (see prior posting), "pose a direct, unprecedented religious challenge to modern state authority" in Pakistan.

Egypt Presses Government Employees To Stop Wearing Niqab

Egypt's Ministry of Religious Endowments has held the first in a series of seminars designed to convince Muslim women in government jobs to stop wearing the niqab-- the full face veil. Those attending the seminar were given a book titled "Face Veil is a Custom not a Religious Obligation." Al Arabiya reports today that this follows a ban earlier this month imposed by the Ministry of Health on nurses wearing the niqab in hospitals. The government campaign is aimed at convincing women that the headscarf is sufficient under Islamic law.

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

US Will Boycott Durban Review Conference

The State Department, in a press release issued yesterday, announced that it would boycott the United Nations Durban Review Conference being held in Geneva this week. This follows earlier withdrawal of the U.S. from pre-conference meetings and a statement that it would re-engage only if dramatic changes were made in the conference draft resolution. (See prior posting.) The Hudson Institute's Eye on the UN last week published a scathing report on the final draft of the review conference outcome document that continues to reflect the agenda of Islamic countries. CNN reports that the Congressional Black Caucus was dismayed at President Obama's decision and would have liked the U.S. to send a diverse delegation to the anti-racism conference.

Somalia Adopts Islamic Law

According today's the New York Times, Somalia's Parliament yesterday voted unanimously to institute Islamic law in the country. The vote ratifies a decision by the cabinet last month. Justice Minister Sheik Abdirahman Mohamoud Farah said that the adoption of Sharia was designed to undercut support for Islamist opponents of the government.

Directory of Church Social Services Distributed In Schools Is Criticized

Civil libertarians are criticizing a directory of youth groups and programs distributed to students in Greece, New York public schools last week. They say that its Christian focus crosses the church-state line. Today's Rochester (NY) Democrat & Chronicle reports that the directory was produced and funded by local churches and lists mostly programs offered by Christian churches in town. However a few community food pantry, educational and support resources are also included. The directory is signed by the Greece Central School District superintendent, the school board president and a local Baptist pastor who heads a faith committee of the school board that provides input from the faith community. School officials say the directory is merely a resource for parents and young people looking for help, and that they worked with school district attorneys to avoid church-state issues.

EEOC Sues Over Harassment of Evangelical Employee

Business Management Daily reports today that the EEOC has filed a religious discrimination lawsuit against a Mount Airy, Virginia carport dealer for failing to respond to complaints from an employee about religious harassment from co-workers. Brenda Thompson, who belongs to an evangelical nondenominational church, was called a "devil-worshipper" by her co-workers. They also called here religion a "cult".

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Odneal v. Pierce, (5th Cir., April 3, 2009), the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals held that a Texas federal district court had improperly rejected a RLUIPA claim by a Native American inmate who wanted to maintain long hair (a kouplock) and wear a medicine pouch. However the court upheld the dismissal of plaintiff's challenge to the frequency of religious services in his prison unit. Earlier this month the Houston Chronicle reported on the decision.

Al-Amin v. Shear, (4th Cir., April 10, 2009), the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals vacated a Virginia district court's decision, holding that the trial court had applied the wrong standard in rejecting plaintiff's claim under RLUIPA that he should be able to use his now-legal name (Al-Amin) in place of his name when he was committed (Jones) to access his inmate account. In connection with plaintiff's claims regarding his diet during Ramadan, the court held that the statute of limitations under RLUIPA is 4 years, and that factual questions remained about some of his claims. The court also held that the district court had improperly dismissed on statute of limitations grounds plaintiff's claims regarding refusal of donations of Islamic materials for the prison chaplain's library.

In Greenberg v. Hill, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 28027 (SD OH, March 31, 2009), an Ohio federal district court adopted a magistrate's recommendation, holding that an inmate's free exercise and RLUIPA rights were not violated when Jewish inmates were denied a full kosher Seder meal on two nights in April 2007.

In Allen v. Tilton, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 28499 (CD CA, April 2, 2009), a California federal magistrate judge dismissed, but allowed the filing of an amended complaint, by a Muslim inmate who claims his fre exercise rights were violated when he was denied a Halal diet.

In Riley v. Terhune, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 29082 (ED CA, April 2, 2009), a California federal magistrate judge rejected an inmate's claim his free exercise and RLUIPA rights were violated by the correction department's grooming regulations. Plaintiff had alleged only that he practices an ancient Egyptian religion that requires long hair.

In Lichtenthal v. Brustman, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 29153 (D NJ, April 7, 2009), a New Jersey federal district judge rejected an inmate's claim that he should be permitted to reside at a halfway house closer to his home or permitted to drive 180 miles to his home to observe the Jewish Sabbath and be given a furlough to observe Passover.

In Menefield v. Tilton, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 30504 (ED CA, March 27, 2009). a California federal district judge permitted a Muslim prisoner to proceed with free exercise, equal protection and RLUIPA challenges to the refusal to provide him with either Halal or kosher meals. The court also ordered appointment of counsel for plaintiff.

In Jones v. Burk, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 30859 (ED CA, March 26, 2009), a California federal district judge allowed an inmate to move ahead with his claim for damages under RLUIPA growing out of the refusal by prison authorities to allow plaintiff to keep prayer beads, prayer oil, prayer clay and a skull cap.

In Jones v. Walker, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 31387 (WD TX, March 17, 2009), a Texas federal district judge adopted a magistrate's recommendation and dismissed an inmate's claims that prison officials failed to follow state policies on confiscating and destroying a "contraband" prayer rug and providing rotation of pork-free substitutes and pork-free holiday meals.

KATV News reports that in a case on remand from the 8th Circuit (see prior posting), a Tennessee federal district judge has awarded an inmate damages of $625 for violation of his free exercise rights. Plaintiff was required to clean his cell on Saturday mornings in violation of his observance of the Sabbath.

In Bailey v. Rubenstein, 2009 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 32192 (SD WV, April 15, 2009), a West Virginia federal district court accepted a magistrate's recommendation and dismissed a claim by a Native American inmate that prison restrictions on smoking infringed his free exercise rights and his rights under RLUIPA.

In Blount v. Echols, 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 108397 (WD AK, Sept. 4, 2008), an Arkansas federal magistrate judge rejected defendant's motion for summary judgment and permitted a Mormon inmate to move ahead with his challenge to prison rules that allow detainees to have only one religious book while in lock-down.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Court Says Fallen Eruv Wire Is Not A Known Dangerous Condition

In Egar v. Congregation Talmud Torah, (NY Sup. Ct., April 16, 2009), a New York state trial court dismissed a claim by a victim of a slip-and-fall accident that a group of synagogues should be liable for her injuries because she tripped over a fallen wire that was part of an eruv maintained by the defendants. The eruv (a symbolic enclosure within which observant Jews may carry items on the Sabbath) ran through the property of St. John's Episcopal Hospital's teaching center where plaintiff fell. Plaintiff claimed that defendants had constructive notice that the eruv constituted a dangerous condition because a year earlier an eruv wire had fallen in a different location. The court disagreed, saying that a "single incident of the eruv falling a year before this incident certainly does not constitute evidence of a regularly recurring condition of which defendants must be aware." [Thanks to YY Landa for the lead.]

Radical Cleric In Pakistan Returns To Red Mosque To Push For Shari'a Nationally

Time Magazine yesterday reports on another victory in Pakistan for those who favor imposition of Islamic law in the country. Radical cleric Abdul Aziz has been released on bail by Pakistan's Supreme Court after it ruled that there was insufficient evidence to hold him on charges of inciting violence. He had originally been arrested in 2007 after a week-long confrontation between government authorities and clerics from the Red Mosque-- including Aziz-- who had set up a religious court to enforce Islamic law. A day after his release, he returned to the pulpit at Islamabad's Red Mosque, preaching a sermon promising to continue to fight to establish Shari'a (Islamic law) throughout the country. (See prior related posting 1, 2.)

Growing Trend For Churches To Locate In Commercial Space

Newspapers from two separate states report on a growing phenomenon-- churches locating in commercial areas. Sometimes zoning officials see this as a problem because the tax exempt institutions are taking property that might be tax producing. Elsewhere, however, planners see this as creating a promising economic partnership. Yesterday's Galesburg (IL) Register-Mail says that many Illinois churches, looking to expand at lower cost than constructing new buildings, are relocating to closed big-box stores and auto service centers that they remodel to meet their needs. Today's Tyler (TX) Morning Telegraph reports that in cities like Conroe and Tyler, Texas, the many churches relocating to downtown areas have brought increased vitality to the commercial districts. Church goers have extra parking on Sundays, while workers during the week have expanded parking in church lots. Planners also see the potential for downtown restaurants to serve church-goers. Architect Don Mabry says that churches are the largest owners of real estate in downtown Tyler, attracting more people downtown than any single business does.

Yemen's Parliament Investigating Handling of Qur'an Desecration Complaints

Yemen Post reported today that Yemen's Parliament has set up a special committee to investigate what procedures the Interior Ministry follows when it receives a report charging desecration of the Qur'an. The action comes after a group of private citizens took matters into their own hands when police did not respond to a complaint charging a man with tearing and stepping on a copy of the Qur'an. Last Tuesday, a group of private citizens gathered from a number of mosques after morning prayers and went to the house of the alleged offender where they broke in, burned the furniture inside as well as two cars parked at the house.

Cert. Petition Filed In Illinois "Choose Life" License Plate Case

A petition for certiorari was filed with the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday in Choose Life Illinois, Inc. v. White. Yesterday's Christian Post reports that the petition for review was filed by the Thomas More Society after the 7th Circuit refused to grant en banc review in the case. A 3-judge panel of the 7th Circuit last November upheld Illinois' refusal to issue a special "Choose Life" license plate after after proponents obtained the requisite number of signatures requesting it. (See prior posting.)

UPDATE: Here is the full text of the petition for certiorari.

Justice Thomas On Religion and His Court Duties

Last Monday's New York Times reported on comments made by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas at a dinner sponsored by the Bill of Rights Institute honoring winners of a high school essay contest. Answering questions submitted in advance in writing by students, at one point Thomas said:
how can you not reminisce about a childhood where you began each day with the Pledge of Allegiance as little kids lined up in the schoolyard and then marched in two by two with a flag and a crucifix in each classroom?
Asked how his religious faith influences his work on the court, he responded:
I think that it really gives content to the oath that you took. You say, "So help me God."... There are some cases that will drive you to your knees.... In those moments you ask for strength and wisdom to have the right answer and the courage to stand up for it. Beyond that, it would be illegitimate, I think, and a violation of my oath to incorporate my religious beliefs into the decision-making process.
[Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Friday, April 17, 2009

Coach Can Proceed With Discrimination Claim Against Jewish School

In Flynn v Rabbi Haskel Lookstein Middle School of Ramaz, (NY Sup. Ct., April 14, 2009), a New York state trial court held that Kevin Flynn, the former coordinator of athletics for a New York Jewish day school, stated a prima facie case of religious discrimination and could proceed to discovery. In the case, Flynn, one of only a handful of non-Jewish faculty at the school, says he was treated less favorably than Jewish faculty. The complaint alleges that an administrator referred to Flynn as having a "hot Irish temper," and that Flynn was the only faculty member required to attend anger management training. The complaint also alleges that discrimination was the underlying motivation for Flynn's eventual termination. The court however dismissed Flynn's claims for wrongful termination, defamation and various contractual claims.

Group Charges FBI Is Asking Muslims To Monitor Mosques

The Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan has written Attorney General Eric Holder asking him to investigate complaints against the FBI. Reportedly agents are asking Muslims to give information on people attending mosques and the donations they make. Time reported yesterday that in particular, people with pending immigration issues are being approached by the FBI with offers of help in exchange for their monitoring mosques.

Georgetown Explains Covering of Religious Symbols For Obama's Speech

President Barack Obama delivered a speech (full text) at Georgetown University on Tuesday. According to The Hoya yesterday, the University has explained that: "In coordinating the logistical arrangements for the event, Georgetown honored the White House staff's request to cover all of the Georgetown University signage and symbols behind the Gaston Hall stage in order to accommodate a backdrop of American flags, consistent with other policy speeches." The "IHS" monogram-- a symbol of Jesus' name-- located directly behind the podium was covered with a piece of wood painted black.

An article in today's Philadelphia Evening Bulletin explains further that the drape placed at the rear of the stage was not high enough to fully cover the IHS and cross above the university seal, so, according to a University spokesman "it seemed most respectful to have them covered so as not to be seen out of context." However Patrick Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society, said: "It is such a sad commentary that Catholic universities are willingly hiding the most visible signs of their Catholic identity when hosting secular leaders."

Oklahoma Passes Bill On Use of Historical Religious References In Classrooms

The Oklahoma state Senate on Wednesday passed by a vote of 40-7 a bill that had already been approved by the House (in an 88-5 vote) which will permit public schools to use religious references from a wide array of historical documents in classrooms and school events. HB 1756 lists 9 types of historical documents that may be utilized, including presidential speeches and published records of Congress. It then provides:
School districts shall not limit or restrain instruction in American or Oklahoma state history or heritage based on religious references in documents, writings, speeches, proclamations, or the materials described in subsection B of this section. These and any other materials shall be used for educational purposes only and not to establish or promote any religion.
Wednesday's Tulsa World, reporting on the Senate vote, quoted Sen. Clark Jolley, the Senate sponsor of the bill, who said it will allow teachers to discuss the religious context of historical documents like the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of Independence. However Sen. Johnnie Crutchfield, who is also a teacher, said that the bill's passage was motivated by politics and is an "answer in search of a problem."