Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Washington Vaccine Mandate Upheld Over Free Exercise Challenge

 In Wise v. Inslee, (ED WA, Oct. 25, 2021), a Washington federal district court refused to enjoin Washington state's COVID vaccine mandate for for educators, healthcare workers, and state employees and contractors. One claim was that the mandate violates free exercise rights. The mandate recognizes that individuals may be entitled to disability related or religious accommodations under various anti-discrimination statutes. According to the court:

Plaintiffs appear to argue Proclamation 21-14 is facially neutral but not generally applicable because it essentially creates “an unlawful faith-based barrier to gainful employment.”....

As Defendants rightly indicate, because there are no exemptions for political, personal, or other objections, if anything, the Proclamation encourages religious practice....   Plaintiffs cannot demonstrate a discriminatory application solely because they disagree with the availability of accommodations. Plaintiffs have failed to demonstrate how the Proclamation is not generally applicable....

Plaintiffs’ objections to the Proclamation relate primarily to their disagreement with Defendants’ judgment regarding public health, which is insufficient to overcome the constitutionality of Defendants’ actions in enacting and promulgating the Proclamation, regardless of which level of scrutiny is applied.

Center Square reports on the decision.