Showing posts with label Eid al-Adha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eid al-Adha. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2024

White House Statements Extend Greetings On Eid al-Adha

Today is Eid al-Adha.  Yesterday the White House posted a message from President Biden (full text) and a separate message from Vice-President Harris (full text) conveying holiday wishes to American Muslims and Muslims around the world.  President Biden said in part:

This year, Eid al-Adha comes at a difficult time for many Muslims around the world. In Gaza, innocent civilians are suffering the horrors of the war between Hamas and Israel. Too many innocent people have been killed, including thousands of children. Families have fled their homes and seen their communities destroyed. Their pain is immense. My Administration is doing everything we can to bring an end to the war, free all hostages, deliver humanitarian relief, and work toward a future two-state solution, which I continue to believe is the only way to achieve a lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis. And I strongly believe that the three-phase ceasefire proposal Israel has made to Hamas and that the U.N. Security Council has endorsed is the best way to end the violence in Gaza and ultimately end the war.

We’re also working to bring a peaceful resolution to the horrific conflict in Sudan. And we continue to advocate for the rights of other Muslim communities – including the Rohingya in Burma and the Uyghurs in the People’s Republic of China – facing persecution around the world. They, like all people, deserve to live free from violence and fear....

In the spirit of Eid al-Adha, let us all renew our commitment to values that unite us – compassion, empathy, and mutual respect – which are both American and Islamic. We look forward to welcoming home our American Muslim pilgrims who have earned the title “Al-Hajj.” To them and all Muslims across the globe, we wish you a blessed and meaningful holiday. Eid Mubarak!

The White House also posted a Fact Sheet (full text) setting out a lengthy list of steps it has taken this year to support the Muslim community.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

2nd Circuit Reverses Dismissal of Muslim Inmate's Complaint About Eid Meal

In Brandon v. Royce, (2d Cir., May 15, 2024), the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals held that the district court erred in granting summary judgment dismissing a Muslim inmate's free exercise of religion claim against three Sing Sing prison officials. At issue was plaintiff's participation in a special meal for Muslim inmates and their guests around Eid al-Adha. Because the event was overbooked, prison officials offered inmates the special meal in their cells if they withdrew from attending the group event. Plaintiff withdrew but did not receive a meal.  On appeal, defendants argued, among other things, that they had a legitimate penological interest in not delivering the meal to plaintiff's cell-- a concern that civilian and inmate cooks who prepared meals for the event might place contraband in the meal trays. The court concluded:

In granting summary judgment to the defendants, the district court did not resolve the parties’ dispute as to whether the September 26 event was a religious event related to Eid al-Adha or an unrelated “family event.”  Rather, the district court relied on the defendants’ asserted penological interests and their view that there was an alternative means of Brandon exercising his First Amendment right: by attending the September 26 event and receiving the special meal there.  Neither ground supports granting judgment as a matter of law to the defendants at the summary judgment stage....

To be sure, we do not dispute that an increased possibility that a visitor would introduce contraband into a prison is a legitimate penological concern ....  We simply conclude that there is no unambiguous record support for the defendants’ claim that they denied Brandon a meal tray on September 26 because “the presence of outside guests increased the risk that contraband could be hidden in the food.”...  And we further conclude, based on the evidence before the district court, that the penological concerns relied on by the district court and raised on appeal cannot at this juncture support summary judgment in favor of the defendants....

Thursday, January 12, 2023

New Michigan City Ordinance Permits Animal Sacrifice

 As reported by the Detroit Free Press, the Hamtramck, Michigan City Council on Tuesday by a vote of 3-2 voted to amend the city's Animal Ordinance to permit animal sacrifices on residential property. The new Ordinance (full text) provides in part:

Any person wishing to conduct an animal sacrifice for religious purposes must notify the City by reporting such intention to the Clerk’s Office at least one week prior to the date of animal sacrifice;

(1) Such person shall provide the exact date and time of animal sacrifice to the City and shall schedule a time for the City to conduct post sacrifice inspection of the site to ensure, in the opinion of the inspector, that the area was properly cleaned and sanitized after the sacrifice was concluded.

(2) Such person shall pay the City a fee, as set by city council annually, for the sanitation inspection. Such fee shall be paid at the time when such person informs the City of the sacrifice as required above.

(B) Any and all actions necessary to restrict the act of sacrifice from public viewing must be taken without exception. The public, for the purposes of this subsection, shall be defined as any individual who has not formally indicated their intention to view the animal sacrifice.

Hamtramck has a large Muslim population and all members of City Council are Muslim.  Some Muslims sacrifice animals for Eid al-Adha.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Biden's Send Greetings To Those Celebrating Eid al-Adha

Yesterday the Muslim world celebrated Eid al-Adha. Yesterday the White House issued a Statement (full text) from the President sending greetings from himself and Jill Biden to all of those celebrating the festival.  The Statement says in part:

The Eid traditions and Hajj rituals that commemorate the devotion of Abraham and his son to God are an opportunity for Muslims to renew their faith, and a reminder of the common roots of the world’s great Abrahamic religions. And the act of sharing the sacrifice with those less fortunate in service of God mirrors our common commitment to work together to meet the challenges of our world today.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Bidens Send Eid Greetings

Today is Eid al-Adha. Yesterday President and Mrs. Biden issued a statement (full text) sending greetings to those celebrating the holiday. The statement reads in part:

The Hajj, which convenes people from all walks of life and from every corner of the globe, is also a reminder of Islam’s commitment to equality and the shared roots of the world’s Abrahamic faiths. The United States is committed to working with the international community to emerge stronger from the pandemic, and thousands of Muslim Americans are among those eager to perform the pilgrimage next year, God willing.

Friday, December 01, 2017

European Court Advocate General Opines On Eid al-Adha Slaughterhouses

In Moskeeën v. Gewest, (ECJ Adv. Gen., Nov. 30, 2017), the Advocate General of the European Court of Justice concluded in his recommendation to the court that Belgian authorities had not infringed the religious freedom of Muslims by ending the practice of creating temporary slaughterhouses to be used for Eid al-Adha.  His opinion reads in part:
90.      Inasmuch as it cannot, in my opinion, be held that any limitation of freedom of religion results from the general obligation to use approved slaughterhouses, the question of whether such a limitation is justified does not arise.
91.      Nevertheless, in the event that the Court of Justice does not support that conclusion and considers that the obligation to use approved slaughterhouses, which alone is being challenged in this case, constitutes an interference with freedom of religion in that it prevents practising Muslims from fulfilling their religious obligation during the Feast of the Sacrifice, I am of the opinion that there would then be no legitimate objective in the public interest such as might justify the existence of a limitation of that freedom.
The Court issued a press release summarizing the Opinion.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Italian Court Overturns Convictions For Eid al-Adha Sacrifice

An Italian appeals court last week overturned the animal cruelty conviction of two Romanian travelers who had been fined by a lower court for the public slaughter of a young goat to mark the Muslim festival Eid  al-Adah (the Feast of the Sacrifice). The Local yesterday reported on the decision by the appellate court in Genoa:
In overturning the conviction, judge Mauro Amisano wrote that animal cruelty charges “presume the lack of any valid motive which renders the cruelty abject and futile.”
Amisano added that the sacrifice had a valid motive as it was part of a religious festival and had been carried out according to longstanding tradition.
“As part of a religious practice, one can assume the men did not expose the animal to any additional suffering,” he added.
“It cannot be considered illegal because it is a practice which is permitted by the freedom of religious expression.”