Monday, September 09, 2024

Factual Issues Remain in Chaplain's Suit Over Ouster for Anti-Trans Blog Post

 In Fox v. City of Austin, (WD TX, Sept. 4, 2024), a Texas federal district court refused to grant summary judgment to either side on several claims in a suit brought by a volunteer chaplain for the Austin, Texas fire department.  Plaintiff was fired because of his blog posts saying that God created each person as male or female, that sex is immutable and that it is unfair to allow males to compete in women's sports. Applying the balancing test in the Supreme Court's Pickering decision, the court concluded that there is a genuine dispute of material fact as to the extent of the disruption that the blog posts caused within the Fire Department.  Thus, the court refused to grant summary judgment on plaintiff's free speech retaliation claim, his free exercise claim and his claim under the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The court did dismiss plaintiff's claim that his free speech rights were violated when the Department requested that plaintiff write an apology note and it found that the fire chief had qualified immunity in the claim against him for damages.