Showing posts with label Homosexuality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homosexuality. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Greek Court Sentences Orthodox Bishop For Anti-Gay Blog Post

AP reports that a 3-judge appeals court in the town of Aigio in southern Greece has convicted Greek Orthodox Bishop Amvrossios of violating laws against racism and of abuse of office in the appeal of the Bishop's acquittal by a lower court.  In a 2015 blog post, the prominent Bishop had urged reader to spit on homosexuals, saying: "They are not human beings, they are rejects of nature."  The court sentenced the bishop to 7 months in prison, suspended for 3 years.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Minister May Move Ahead With "As Applied" Challenge to Disturbing-The-Peace Ordinance

In Roy v City of Monroe, (WD LA, Oct. 19, 2017), a Louisiana federal district court allowed plaintiff Clarence Roy to move ahead with an "as applied" First Amendment challenge to Monroe, Louisiana's disturbing-the-peace ordinance.  Roy is a minister who regularly preaches near a bar whose patrons are predominately gays and lesbians.  Police issued a summons for disturbing the peace to Roy when a woman complained that Roy had called her names, told her she was going to hell, and that her father was "the devil."  The court said in part:
In essence, the validity of Roy’s First Amendment as-applied claim “hinges on probable cause for [his] [summons]—a fact question for the jury.” ....  Accordingly, this claim cannot be resolved on summary judgment.... If Sergeant Booth had probable cause to arrest Roy under §12:153, “there could be no First Amendment violation.”...  However, if a jury finds there was no probable cause for Roy’s arrest, his First Amendment claim may be considered as well.
The court however dismissed a facial challenge, as well as a due process challenge, to the same Ordinance.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Suit Threatened Over Kentucky Juvenile Prison Rule Limiting Counselors' Statements About Homosexuality

Liberty Counsel is threatening a lawsuit against the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) over its policy that provides:
DJJ staff, volunteers, interns, and contractors, in the course of their work, shall not refer to juveniles by using derogatory language in a manner that conveys bias towards or hatred of the LGBTQI community. DJJ staff, volunteers, interns, and contractors shall not imply or tell LGBTQI juveniles that they are abnormal, deviant, sinful, or that they can or should change their sexual orientation or gender identity.
In its press release last Friday, Liberty Counsel indicated that it has sent a demand letter (full text) to DJJ insisting on the reinstatement of a counselor and mentor, Christian pastor David Wells, who apparently had his volunteer prison minister status revoked when he refused to sign a form promising to refrain from telling any juvenile inmates that homosexuality was sinful. The demand letter argues in part:
DJJ 912 violates the First Amendment by prescribing an official state religious “orthodoxy:” now, only a religious belief that homosexuality is not “sinful” may be expressed in DJJ facilities, 

Monday, June 08, 2015

British Employment Tribunal Vindicates Christian Woman Fired For Comments About Homosexuality

In Mbuyi v. Newpark Childcare (Shepherds Bush) Ltd., (Empl. Trib., June 4, 2015), a British Employment Tribunal in Watford held that Sarah Mbuyi, a 31-year old nursery assistant who was a Belgian national and and evangelical Christian, was the victim of religious discrimination when she was fired because of a conversation she had with a lesbian co-worker who was in a civil partnership. In the course of the conversation, Mbuyi told her co-worker that she believes homosexuality is a sin.  The conversation upset the co-worker sufficiently that she asked to be transferred to a different room where she would not be working with Mbuyi. The Tribunal concluded that under the circumstances the firing of Mbuyi was a disproportionate response.  The Tribunal said in part:
The respondent was not anti-Christian.... The issues in this case arose out of the claimant's belief that homosexuality is a sin.... It is a belief worthy of respect in a democratic society, is not incompatible with human dignity and is not in conflict with the fundamental rights of others.  Whilst some may dispute those propositions, we are considering here the belief itself.  When, whether and how such belief maybe manifested, however, is one of the issues in this case, given the inherent interplay with the right not to be discriminated against because of sexual orientation.
The decision has been widely reported in the British media. (The Guardian, MirrorChristian Concern, Christianity Today, National Secular Society).

Friday, May 08, 2015

Suit Seeking Declaration That Homsexuality Is Sinful Receives Quick Dismissal

With the leading academic law-and-religion listserv filled with suggestions for grounds on which the lawsuit might be dismissed, a Nebraska federal district judge has, only six days after the suit was filed, dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction a suit purportedly brought as ambassador of God and Jesus against "Homosexuals" apparently seeking to have the court declare that homosexuality is a sin.  In Driskell v. Homosexuals, (D NE, May 6, 2015), the court began by stating: "A federal court is not a forum for debate or discourse on theological matters." The court went on to find that plaintiff has not complied with the general rules of pleading, plaintiff lacks standing and plaintiff has not set forth a factual or legal basis for a claim under the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States.  Advocate reports on the decision.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Pro Se Plaintiff Asks Court To Declare Homosexuality A Sin

As reported by the Lincoln Journal Star, a 66-year old Nebraska woman last week filed a 7-page handwritten complaint (full text) captioned Sylvia Ann Driskell, Ambassador for Plaintiffs God, and His Son, Jesus Christ vs. Homosexuals, Their Given Name Homosexuals, Their, Alis Gay, (D NE, filed 5/1/2015). The somewhat incoherent complaint, citing Biblical verses, apparently seeks to have the court declare that homosexuality is a sin. [Thanks to Friendly Atheist for the link to the complaint.]

Sunday, April 05, 2015

Bakery's Refusal To Place Anti-Gay Messages on Cakes Is Not Religious Discrimination

Scripps Media reported Friday that the Colorado Civil Rights Division has recently ruled in a Letter of Determination finding No Probable Cause that a Denver bakery did not engage in religious discrimination when it refused to bake and decorate two cakes with anti-gay-marriage messages.  William Jack, a Christian, asked the Azucar Bakery to furnish cakes shaped like a Bible decorated with two groomsmen, a cross with red X over it, and with Biblical verses that deal with sin and homosexuality. The bakery owner told Jack that she would bake the cakes, but not decorate them as requested. Instead she would furnish him with a pastry bag and icing so he could decorate it as he wished.  The Division Director's decision concluded that the bakery owner refused to decorate the cakes because Jack had requested "derogatory language and imagery," and not because of Jack's Christian creed. Jack is filing an appeal with the Civil Rights Division. (See prior related posting.)

Friday, March 27, 2015

California AG Asks Court To Allow Her To Reject Virulently Anti-Gay Initiative Measure

Religion News Service reports that California Attorney General Kamala Harris this week asked a state court to allow her to refuse to process a virulently anti-gay (and likely unconstitutional) initiative petition filed in proper form last month with the Attorney General's office.  Harris asked for an order so that she will not be required to issue a title and ballot summary for the proposal which could get on the ballot only if the sponsors were able to collect over 365,000 valid signatures. The initiative measure (full text) is titled the "Sodomite Suppression Act."  It begins by describing sodomy as "a monstrous evil that Almighty God ...commands us to suppress...." Not only would the Act outlaw "sodomistic propaganda" and bar "sodomites" from public office and public employment, but it also calls for "death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method" for anyone who "willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification." The punishment for distributing sodomistic propaganda would be a $1 million fine, 10 years in prison, and/ or expulsion from the state of California.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fired Atlanta Fire Chief Sues Mayor and City

Today former Atlanta Fire Chief Kevin Cochran filed a federal court lawsuit against Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and the City of Atlanta  claiming that Reed's firing of Cochran last month violated Cochran's 1st and 14th Amendment rights. (See prior related posting.)  The 54-page complaint (full text) in Cochran v. City of Atlanta, Georgia, (ND GA, filed 2/18/2015) contends that
[Reed] terminated Cochran for holding historical Christian beliefs about marriage and sexuality and making those views known in a self-published, non-work-related, religious book.
As reported by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Cochran's book, titled Who Told You That You Were Naked?: Overcoming the Stronghold of Condemnation, includes passages that describe homosexuality as a "sexual perversion" akin to bestiality. Cochran gave copies of his book to a number of city officials and employees. The suit seeks reinstatement, damages and an end to city policy that requires pre-clearance before employees publish a work.  ADF issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Dismissal of Atlanta Fire Chief Over Anti-Gay Book Riles Religious Conservatives

As reported by GA Voice, last week Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed dismissed Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran for publishing a book reflecting Cochran's anti-gay views, without discussing the matter with the mayor. Reed says that the publication is inconsistent with the city's policy that bars discrimination, among other things, on the basis of sexual orientation, and casts doubt on Cochran's ability to lead a diverse work force.  However yesterday's New York Times reports that the firing has generated a backlash:
[C]onservatives and religious organizations were outraged. The Georgia Baptist Convention has organized an online petition demanding that the firing be reversed. The evangelist Franklin Graham, in an opinion piece for a religious news site, called Mr. Cochran the “latest target of politically correct bullying against Bible-believing Christians.”
The firing may give impetus to a religious freedom bill that has again been proposed in the Georgia legislature. Summarizing the situation, Mayor Reed said:  "I hired him to put out fires. Not to create them."

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

5 Church Members Indicted For Assault and Kidnapping In Efforts To Cure Teen of Homosexuality

The Shelby (NC) Star reported yesterday on the kidnapping and assault indictments last month of five members of a North Carolina church growing out of their attempts to break a 19-year old young man free of homosexual "demons."  Matt Fenner, who had joined the World of Faith Fellowship Church in Spindale, NC, says some 20 church members joined 3 others that had taken him to the back of the sanctuary.  Begining with "blasting"-- a high-pitched screaming prayer--, the groups's efforts at eliminating Fenner's homosexuality  led to their pushing, hitting and screaming at him for two hours in January 2013. Fenner says he had to press authorities to investigate.  The church's attorneys say that the charges are "an absolute complete fabrication." Apparently the 750-member church that operates a 35-acre complex in Spindale has been accused for years of exerting excessive control over its members. The church has also posted a denial on its website, saying "it is clear that [Fenner] has been influenced by several individuals who have vowed to destroy our church."

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Rhode Island Supreme Court Rejects Firefighters' Objections To Riding In Pride Parade

In Fabrizio v. City of Providence, (RI Sup. Ct., Dec. 19, 2014), the Rhode Island Supreme Court dismissed a suit brought by two Catholic firefighters who objected on religious grounds to serving as part of the crew on a fire engine in a gay pride parade. They contended that "their beliefs as Catholics do not allow them to “support, encourage, nor condone homosexual behavior.'" The Court said, however:
The respondents' appearance in the parade, solely as members of the Providence Fire Department, did not constitute a form of expression on their part. Rather, it was simply the accomplishing of a task assigned to an engine company of the Providence Fire Department, and the individuals chosen to carry out that assignment cannot be said to have engaged in personal speech by carrying out their work as public servants.
Courthouse News Service reports on the decision.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Russian Constitutional Court Upholds Ban on Promoting Homosexuality To Minors, Interpreting It Narrowly

Interfax reported last week that Russia's Constitutional Court has upheld the constitutionality of Article 6.21 of the Russian Code of Administrative Violations that bans promoting homosexuality among minors, but said it must be interpreted narrowly.  The Sept. 23 decision (full text in Russian), which was issued without a public hearing, came in a suit filed by gay rights activists who had been fined under the law. According to Interfax:
the Constitutional Court decided that the legislator's purpose was to establish a balance between personal autonomy and the public interest with regard for the traditional ideas of marriage, family and motherhood in Russian society, in which many religious people are represented.
Constitutional Court Judge Nikolay Bondar commented on the decision, saying:
The Russian Constitutional Court has found that the contested provision does not contradict the Constitution. It also gave a constitutional law interpretation, which shows all law enforcers that a broad interpretation of the ban is unacceptable and it is compulsory for everyone, including courts.... 
Secondly, the court ruled that this provision is not aimed at banning or officially condemning non-traditional sexual relations. Thirdly, this article does not prevent impartial public debate of the legal status of sexual minorities, including by holding public events according to the procedures established by law. However, minors should not be involved in the relevant events, no matter whether it's rallies or debates, and the disseminated information should not be targeted at them.
(See prior related posting.)

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Uganda's Constitutional Court Invalidates Anti-Gay Law Because of Lack of Parliamentary Quorum

Uganda's Constitutional Court yesterday struck down the controversial anti-homosexuality law passed by the country's Parliament last December and signed into law by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni in February. The Court avoided the substantive constitutional issue, instead finding procedural defects in the bill's enactment. As reported by AP:
The panel of five judges on the East African country's Constitutional Court said the speaker of parliament acted illegally when she allowed a vote on the measure despite at least three objections - including from the country's prime minister - over a lack of a quorum when the bill was passed on Dec. 20.
The bill provided for punishment up to life in prison for engaging in homosexual relationships, and also called for prison terms for promoting homosexuality. The World Bank and some European countries have withheld aid because of the law.

According to BuzzFeed, the courtroom yesterday became something of a circus as anti-LGBT pastor Martin Ssempa prayed loudly and argued with petitioners in the case as those in the courtroom sat through a 3-hour recess that preceded the Court's handing down its decision.

It is not clear what the practical effect of the ruling will be. There have been no actual arrests under the law, but there has been a 20-fold increase in incidents of anti-LGBT harassment. Also a colonial-era law criminalizing sex acts "against the order of nature" was unaffected by yesterday's ruling.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Supreme Court Denies Cert. In Reparative Therapy and Mt. Soledad Cross Cases

Nearly lost in the coverage of today's Hobby Lobby decision were two important denials of certiorari by the Supreme Court. (Order List of June 30, 2014).  The court denied review in Pickup v. Brown (Docket No. 13-949) and the related case of Welch v. Brown (Docket No. 13-1281).  The 9th Circuit's consolidated decision in the two cases upheld the constitutionality of California Senate Bill 1172 that bans state-licensed mental health providers from engaging in sexual orientation change efforts with patients under 18. (See prior posting.)

Additionally, the Court denied certiorari in Mount Soledad Memorial Association v. Trunk, (Docket No. 13-1061).  In seeking cert., petitioners were attempting to bypass the 9th Circuit and obtain Supreme Court review of a long-running battle over a 43-foot high cross in the now federally-owned Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial in California. (See prior posting.) Justice Alito filed a separate statement [scroll to end of Order List] concurring in the denial of review, but mainly because of the very demanding standard to obtain Supreme Court review before the Court of Appeals acts.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Convictions of Anti-Gay Pride Protesters Reversed

In Faust v. State of Texas, (TX Ct. App., June 12, 2014), a Texas state appeals court reversed the convictions of two members of the Kingdom Baptist Church who were charged with interference with public duties.  The convictions grew out of the church members' attempt at a gay pride parade to cross a police line formed to keep a distance between KBC protesters and the parade. The court said in part:
The skirmish line at issue here was not narrowly tailored to serve the government’s interest in public safety. All members of the church were barred from proceeding down the street regardless of whether they had previously assaulted parade-goers or not, whether they were yelling profanity or threatening words or not, or whether they were even protesting at all. Although there was evidence that the police department had received complaints about the church’s “street preaching” many times in the past, the only evidence the church had ever reached beyond the boundaries of protected speech was that one of their members, Chad Sutherland, had assaulted a parade participant at the 2011 parade. There was no evidence that Sutherland was with the church members at the 2012 parade, that any of the members present at the 2012 parade were involved with the 2011 assault, or that any of the members present were threatening any parade-goers with imminent physical injury. ....
The skirmish line prohibited all members of the church from exercising their right of free speech merely because of their association with the church. This is far too broad a limitation.... Although we do not believe that the police were required to wait until violence erupted before they stepped in, we do believe there must have been some indication that the public’s safety was at risk beyond the history of one assault by a member of the organization who may not even have been present at the time the skirmish line was in place..... Because the skirmish line was not narrowly tailored, it was an unconstitutional infringement upon Appellants’ right of free speech.
Christian News reports on the decision.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Cert. Petition Filed In Challenge To California's Ban On Teen Repairative Therapy

In a press release yesterday, the Pacific Justice Institute announced that it has filed a petition for certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court in Pickup v. Brown. In the case, the 9th Circuit upheld the constitutionality of California's  ban on state-licensed mental health providers engaging in sexual orientation change efforts with patients under 18. (See prior posting.)

Friday, April 04, 2014

Discrimination Against Gay Employee By Religious Supervisor States Title VII Religious Discrimination Claim

In Terveer v. Billington, (D DC, March 31, 2014), Peter Terveer, a former management analyst with the Library of Congress alleged religious discrimination, sex discrimination and retaliation claims under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Terveer claimed, among other things, that he was denied a within-grade salary increase after his supervisor, a conservative Catholic, learned that Terveer was homosexual. The court said, in part, that Terveer claims:
he alleged facts showing that he was discriminated against because he failed to live up to his supervisor’s religious expectations. The Court agrees with Plaintiff. Title VII seeks to protect employees not only from discrimination on the basis of their religious beliefs, but also from forced religious conformity or adverse treatment because they do “not hold or follow [their] employer’s religious beliefs."
Advocate reports on the decision.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fred Phelps, Founder of Anti-Gay Westboro Baptist Church, Dies

As reported by CNN, Fred Phelps, Sr., founder of the Topeka, Kansas- based Westboro Baptist Church, died today at age 84.  Members of the church became known for their picketing of funerals of U.S. service members, as well as other events, with signs decrying homosexuality.  Perhaps their most famous sign read "God Hates Fags."  The church claims to have picketed over 53,000 events. It has extended its rhetoric to oppose to many other celebrities and religious groups as well.  Westboro's activity led to anti-funeral picketing laws being enacted at both the federal and state levels, and extensive litigation over some of those laws. It was reported earlier this week that elders in the Westboro Baptist Church had excommunicated Phelps. Wikipedia has more on Phelps' life.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lesbian Employee Forced To Watch Religious Anti-Gay Video Loses Claim For Harassment

As reported by the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, a Sonoma County, California trial court yesterday issued a tentative decision (full text) in White v. GC Micro Corp., (Cal. Super. Ct., Feb. 25, 2014).  Plaintiff in the case, a lesbian in a committed domestic partnership, was recruited by GC Micro's CEO to move from Colorado to California to work for the company. She was fired after 5 months.  The supervisor in charge of training sales staff made derogatory remarks about plaintiff's sexual orientation and lifestyle, and required her to watch a video featuring a minister who had "outspoken disdain for homosexuality" and believed "that all homosexuals are sinners." However, according to the court, plaintiff "does not allege that the video contained any inappropriate material." The court allowed plaintiff to move ahead with a sexual orientation discrimination claim and a fraud claim against the company, but dismissed with leave to amend the claims against the CEO and supervisor personally. The court dismissed completely plaintiff's claim for harassment.