Thursday, July 09, 2015

Cannabis Church Sues Under Indiana's New RFRA

In a move foreshadowed two months ago (see prior posting), in Indiana the First Church of Cannabis has filed suit invoking the state's recently-enacted RFRA in an attempt to shield the Church, its founder and two of its members from prosecution for possession of marijuana.  The complaint (full text) in First Church of Cannabis, Inc. v. State of Indiana, (IN Cir. Ct., filed 7/8/2015), alleges that cannabis is the sacrament of the Church, and laws punishing possession of marijuana and visiting a place where marijuana is used substantially burden plaintiffs' exercise of religion. The Indianapolis Star reports that more than 100 people attended the Church's second service yesterday evening, but because of prosecution threats it is not using cannabis at its services until it is successful in its lawsuit. According to WTHR News, Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry complained:
Our office and police agencies have serious public safety issues we have to address every single day. I am beyond frustrated that we are having to devote valuable time and resources to this matter solely because of an ill-advised and unnecessary law enacted by our legislature, The act serves no purpose, no purpose whatsoever, other than political posturing.

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Oklahoma Governor Opposes 10 Commandments Holding

As previously reported, last week the Oklahoma Supreme Court held that a controversial Ten Commandments monument on the statehouse grounds violates the state constitution.  Yesterday, in response, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin issued a statement (full text) resisting the holding. She said:
The Ten Commandments monument was built to recognize and honor the historical significance of the Commandments in our state’s and nation’s systems of laws. The monument was built and maintained with private dollars. It is virtually identical to a monument on the grounds of the Texas State Capitol which the United States Supreme Court ruled to be permissible.  It is a privately funded tribute to historical events, not a taxpayer funded endorsement of any religion, as some have alleged.
Nevertheless, last week the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled Oklahoma’s Ten Commandments monument was impermissible. Their decision was deeply disturbing to many in our Legislature, many in the general public, and to me.
Oklahoma is a state where we respect the rule of law, and we will not ignore the state courts or their decisions. However, we are also a state with three co-equal branches of government. At this time, Attorney General Scott Pruitt, with my support, has filed a petition requesting a rehearing of the Ten Commandments case. Additionally, our Legislature has signaled its support for pursuing changes to our state Constitution that will make it clear the Ten Commandments monument is legally permissible. If legislative efforts are successful, the people of Oklahoma will get to vote on the issue. 
During this process, which will involve both legal appeals and potential legislative and constitutional changes, the Ten Commandments monument will remain on the Capitol grounds.

Kansas Governor Shields Clergy and Religious Social Service Groups That Object To Same-Sex Marriage

Yesterday Kansas Governor Sam Brownback issued Executive Order 15-05 (full text) protecting clergy, religious leaders and religious organizations that have moral objections to same-sex marriage from adverse action by the state. It prohibits the state government from taking any discriminatory action against any individual clergy or religious leader who declines on religious or moral grounds to perform, solemnize, or facilitate a same-sex marriage.  It similarly bars discriminatory action against any religious organization that refuses to provide services, accommodations, facilities, goods, or privileges for a purpose related to the solemnization, formation, celebration or recognition of any same-sex marriage.

Finally the Executive Order provides that the state may not take discriminatory action against a religious organization that provides social services or charitable services because the organization acts upon sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction that marriage is between one man and one woman. Discriminatory action includes denial of tax exemptions or benefits, denial of state grants or contracts, and denial of licensing or accreditation.

The governor issued a press release announcing the Executive Order. Washington Post reports on the governor's action. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

NY Lawsuit Seeks To End Pre-Yom Kippur Practice of Kaparot

Monday's New York Daily News reported on a state court lawsuit filed by a group of Brooklyn residents against four rabbis, a number of Hasidic congregations and the city of New York seeking to stop the annual pre-Yom Kippur practice of Kaparot.  The ritual practice that involves the slaughter of chickens has become common in recent years in Hasidic neighborhoods in Crown Heights and Boro Park. A group called Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos says the practice involves both animal cruelty and substantial public health risks.  Plaintiffs charge that New York authorities are not only not enforcing health and animal cruelty laws, but are abetting violations by blocking off streets and sidewalks so the ritual can take place. An affidavit filed by lawyers in the case says in part:
Ten years ago, Kaporos only occurred in several small alleys and a handful of synagogue parking lots. However, every year it has increased in size and scope. Today, Kaporos has become an overwhelming event that has spiraled out of control. .. (into) a carnival like atmosphere of bloody violence. Clearly this event is now motivated by money and profits, and not by religious redemption.
According to Courthouse News Service:
The complaint alleges that kaporos violates six sections of New York City health codes, four sections of New York state agricultural statutes, and various other laws and regulations. The 19-count complaint names New York City, the NYPD, and nearly 20 other religious leaders and congregations as defendants.
 Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind says that plaintiffs' depictions of the ritual are inaccurate.

Conscience Rights of Clerks and Judges Become An Issue After Supreme Court's Marriage Equality Ruling

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage, issues continue to arise regarding the right of state and county officials to refuse on personal religious grounds to issue licenses or perform weddings.

The Christian Science Monitor reports that in Hood County, Texas, County Clerk Katie Lang last week initially refused to issue a marriage license to Joe Stapleton and Jim Cato. On Monday the couple filed a federal lawsuit and less than two hours later Lang's office agreed to issue the couple a marriage license.  However the couple's lawyer says the lawsuit will proceed unless Lang agrees to issue licenses in the future to all couples, gay and straight.

According to the Toledo Blade, in Toledo, Ohio on Monday a same-sex couple who were issued a marriage license ran into delays when they went to the office of the judge on duty to perform marriages for that day.  Municipal Court Judge C. Allen McConnell's bailiff told them that McConnell does not do "these types of marriages." However, after a 45-minute wait, another judge, William M. Connelly, Jr., performed the ceremony for them.

In Kentucky, court clerk Casey Davis who objects on religious grounds to issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples has come up with a creative suggestion. Davis wants state law amended so couples can obtain marriage licenses online.  AP reports that Davis has asked Gov. Steve Beshear to call a special session of the legislature to amend the law to allow the online procedure.  According to the Lexington Herald-Leader, Beshear for cost reasons has rejected the idea of a special legislative session on marriage issues, even though House Speaker Greg Stumbo favors it.

Milwaukee Archdiocese Seeks Supreme Court Review In Bankruptcy Decision

According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, yesterday a petition for certiorari was filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in Listecki v. Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors.  In the case, the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that $55 million held by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in a perpetual care trust fund for maintaining Catholic cemeteries is potentially available in the Archdiocese's bankruptcy to satisfy claims of clergy sex abuse victims. (See prior posting.)

9th Circuit Hears Oral Arguments In Challenge To Big Mountain Jesus Statue

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday heard oral arguments (video of full arguments) in Freedom From Religion Foundation v. Weber. In the case, a Montana federal district court rejected an Establishment Clause challenge to the U.S. Forest Service's renewal of  of a Special Use Permit issued to the Knights of Columbus to allow the organization to continue to maintain a statue of Jesus near a ski slope on Montana's Big Mountain. The trial court found that the statue has lost its religious connotation. (See prior posting.) AP reports on yesterday's arguments.

Suit Challenges County's Refusal To Allow Invocations By Theists or Humanists

The ACLU, Americans United and the Freedom From Religion Foundation filed suit in federal district court yesterday challenging Brevard County, Florida's policy of rejecting or ignoring requests by atheists and Humanists to deliver invocations at meetings of the Brevard County Board of Commissioners during the regular pre-meeting invocation period. Nontheists were allowed to make presentations only during the public comment period of the meeting. The complaint (full text) in Williamson v. Brevard County, (MD FL, filed 7/7/2015), contends that this policy violates the 1st and 14th Amendments as well as provisions of the Florida Constitution. It emphasizes that the County's policy is not the nondiscriminatory access envisioned by the Supreme Court in its Town of Greece decision permitting sectarian invocations. An ACLU press release announced the filing of the lawsuit, and  Florida Today reports on it.

Tuesday, July 07, 2015

James Dunn, Religious Liberty Advocate, Dies At 83

The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty announced that religious liberty advocate James M. Dunn, who led the organization for nearly 20 years, died on July 4 at age 83.  Religion News Service describes Dunn as "a religious liberty advocate who worked the corridors of Washington power for two decades to defend the separation of church and state."

In India, Rapper, Singer and YouTube Sued For Insulting Zoroastrianism

According to yesterday's Los Angeles Times, in India a Parsi civic organization has filed a public interest lawsuit against rapper Snoop Dogg, Iranian pop singer Amitis Moghaddam, YouTube and other defendants for insulting their Zoroastrian religion.  The suit, filed in a court in the city of Kolkata, seeks to have a musical video featuring the celebrities banned because of its use of a giant gold Faravahar, the winged disc that is a respected symbol of Zoroastrianism.  The three-and-a-half minute video for the song King shows Snoop Dog on a throne under the Farvahar smoking weed, and shows Moghaddam dressed as a Persian queen lying under the Farvahar being fanned by  two scantily clothed men.

Monday, July 06, 2015

Israel's Cabinet Strengthens Ultra-Orthodox Control of Religious Status Matters

Times of Israel reports that Israel's Cabinet on Sunday took two steps that place personal status matters of Israeli Jews more firmly under control of the ultra-Orthodox rabbinate.  First the Cabinet withdrew a measure that made its way through the Knesset's Law Committee last year that would have expanded from four to thirty the number of religious courts that could conduct conversions to Judaism.  The new courts made up of municipal rabbis would have loosened somewhat the tight restrictions on conversion presently in effect.  The second Cabinet vote placed rabbinical courts under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Religious Services instead of the Justice Ministry which oversees Christian and Muslim religious courts.  The change places rabbinical courts-- with their authority over marriage and divorce-- under the authority of Religious Affairs Minister David Azoulay who belongs to the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party. These steps resulted from the coalition agreements negotiated between political parties after the most recent Knesset election. (See prior posting.)

Recent Articles and Books of Interest

From SSRN:
From SSRN (Same-sex marriage):
New Books:

Court Dismisses Native American Challenge To San Antonio Revitalization Efforts

In Rocha v. City of San Antonio, (WD TX, July 2, 2015), a Texas federal district court rejected a vast variety of statutory and constitutional challenges to San Antonio's redevelopment efforts at several historical sites including the Hemisfair Historical Park, Alamo Plaza, the Alamo and La Villita.  Plaintiff, who claims to be a direct lineal descendant of the Yanaguana tribes, claims that the city is desecrating historical archaeological sites and Native American burial grounds.  Plaintiff's original complaint, dismissed by the court in this decision, alleged that the city was violating the U.S. Constitution, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act,  the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, the American Indian Religious Freedom Act, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, and San Antonio’s Unified Development Code.  The court also refused to permit plaintiff to amend his complaint to add free exercise claims, claims under eleven sections of the Texas Constitution, and under Title II of the federal Civil Rights Act.

Sunday, July 05, 2015

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Incumaa v. Stirling, (4th Cir., July 1, 2015), the 4th Circuit rejected a claim by an inmate who is a member of Nation of Gods and Earths that his 20 years in solitary confinement following his participation in a 1995 prison riot with other Five Percenters violates his rights under RLUIPA. However the court held that plaintiff may move to trial on his procedural due process challenge to his continuing solitary confinement.

In Beamon v. Dittmann, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 83982 (ED WI, June 29, 2015), a Wisconsin federal district court refused to allow a Block Muslim inmate to add a RLUIPA claim to his complaint because plaintiff only seeks damages that are unavailable under RLUIPA.

In Gray v. Lewis, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 84133 (ND CA, June 29, 2015), a California federal district court allowed an inmate to proceed with most of his claims that he was restricted from obtaining a kosher diet and in other ways not provided with the resources to practice his Yahweh religion. The case was referred to the pro-se prisoner mediation program.

In Sessing v. Beard, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 84194 (ED CA, June 28, 2015), a California federal magistrate judge recommended that an Odinist inmate be allowed to proceed with his equal protection challenge to authorities' denial to him of access to outdoor space and a fire pit for worship since they were permitting Native American inmates access. However plaintiff's RLUIPA and free exercise claims were dismissed.

In Clark v. Anderson, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 84349 (ND TX, June 29, 2015), a Texas federal district court dismissed an inmate's complaint that one defendant failed to return a spiritual book, requiring him to order another copy from the publisher.

In Sousa v. Wegman, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 85208 (ED CA, June 29, 2015), a California federal magistrate judge recommended that an inmate be permitted to move ahead with his attempt to obtain recognition of those with Mexican Indian Beliefs as a religious group, and their access to religious services, holiday celebrations and use of a sweat lodge.

In Adler v. Gonzalez, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 85210 (ED CA, June 30, 2015), in a suit by a Catholic inmate, a California federal magistrate judge recommended a finding that there are still disputed facts that need to go to trial on whether or not Catholic services were available and whether plaintiff made any attempt to participate in them.

In Shabazz v. Johnson, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 86787 (ED VA, July 2, 2015), a Virginia federal district court rejected a Nation of Islam inmate's claim that requiring him to eat the Common Fare diet rather than a strict Nation of Islam diet violated his rights under RLUIPA.

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Final Order Issued In Oregon Same-Sex Wedding Cake Refusal

This week, the Commissioner of the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries went beyond the recommendations of the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) (see prior posting) in finding violations of law by a bakery whose owner refused on religious grounds to provide a wedding cake to a same-sex couple.  In Matter of Melissa Elaine Klein dba Sweetcakes By Melissa, (Bur. Labor & Indus., July 2, 2015), the Commissioner agreed with the ALJ that co-owner Aaron Klein violated ORS 659A.403 that bars discrimination in public accommodations on the basis, among others, of sexual orientation, and that both owners are therefore liable for damages totaling $135,000.  However the Commissioner, rejecting the ALJ's contrary conclusion, held that in addition both co-owners violated ORS 659A.409 that prohibits anyone acting on behalf of a place of public accommodation from issuing any communication that indicates facilities or services will be denied to anyone on account, among others, of sexual orientation.  This finding was based largely on statements in an interview broadcast on radio and television that the bakery would continue to refuse to provide cakes for same-sex weddings, an on a note taped to the bakery door.

Finding the state law provisions constitutional, the Commissioner issued a cease and desist order barring the owners from
publishing, issuing, circulating or displaying ... any communication, notice, advertisement or sign of any kind to the effect that any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities, services or privileges of a place of public accommodation will be refused, withheld from or denied to, or that any discrimination will be made against, any person on account of sexual orientation.

Friday, July 03, 2015

4th of July-- A Biblical Focus From Israeli Prime Minister

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has an interesting U.S. 4th of July narrative, more religious than the Independence Day speeches usually heard in American venues. Speaking (full text) on Tuesday at U.S. Independence Day celebrations at US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Shapiro's residence, Netanyahu said in part:
The Founding Fathers of America were inspired by the Bible, and specifically by the Book of the Exodus, by the dream of building freedom in a new Promised Land. And as you stand in the Chamber of the American Congress, you see right across you the image of one man - Moses, with a quote from the Bible.
And since the establishment of the United States, that's two and a half centuries, the vision of justice and the vision of peace espoused by the Prophets of Israel served as a guiding light for Americans from Thomas Jefferson to Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King to many others seeking to form a more perfect union.

Afghan Appeals Court Overturns Death Sentences In Mob Killing of Falsely-Accused Quran Burner

According to CNN, an Afghanistan appellate court in a secret session has overturned the death sentences of four men who were convicted in May in the brutal  mob killing of Farkhunda, a 27-year old woman who was falsely accused of burning the Qur'an.  (See prior posting.) The report which CNN received yesterday from a judge with knowledge of the decision, says that 3 of the men were re-sentenced to 20-year terms and one to 10 years.

ACLU Sues Kentucky Clerk Who Is Refusing To Issue Marriage Licenses

Yesterday the Kentucky ACLU filed a federal class-action lawsuit against Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis who is refusing to issue marriage licences to anyone because of her religious objections to issuing them to same-sex couples. (ACLU press release). The complaint (full text) in Miller v. Davis, (ED KY, filed 7/2/2015) alleges that Davis' refusal "constitutes a substantial, direct and continuous infringement upon Plaintiffs’ fundamental right to marry," as well as amounting to a violation of the Establishment Clause. AP reports on the lawsuit.

ACLU Uses Indiana RFRA In Suit Challenging New Restrictions On Sex Offenders

The ACLU of Indiana filed a lawsuit yesterday challenging the prohibition in a newly enacted state law that keeps certain registered sex offenders from attending religious services. (ACLU press release).  At issue is Indiana Code § 35-42-4-14 (eff. July 1, 2015) that bars certain registered sex offenders from entering school property.  The complaint (full text) in John Doe I v. Allen and Elkhart County Prosecutors, (IN Super. Ct., filed 7/1/2015), alleges in part:
This statute ... [bans serious sex offenders] from going to worship in churches, synagogues, mosques, or other religious buildings that are located on the same as property parochial schools or certain preschool programming. Banning sex offenders from ... church on Sunday, because there are students in a school on the same grounds on Monday, is irrational and violates the due process of law protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.... It also violates Indiana’s newly enacted Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Indiana Code § 34-13-9-0.7, et seq. (eff. July 1, 2015), which prohibits government from imposing a substantial burden on a person’s exercise of religion absent a compelling governmental interest and a showing that the action is the least restrictive means to further that interest.
AP reports on the lawsuit and reactions to it.

Suit Against Navy By Humanist Chaplain Applicant Can Proceed on Two Grounds

Heap v. Carter, (ED VA, July 1, 2015), is a suit brought by Dr. Jason Heap, a certified Humanist Celebrant, and The Humanist Society, his endorsing agency, challenging the U.S. Navy's denial of Heap's application to become a Navy Chaplain. Plaintiffs alleged that the Navy and Department of Defense have an unconstitutional policy of discrimination against Humanism.  In a 75-page opinion, a Virginia federal district court ultimately allowed Dr. Heap to move ahead with his Establishment Clause and Equal Protection/ Substantive Due Process challenges to the Navy and Department of Defense's actions.  However the court dismissed challenges brought under other parts of the 1st Amendment, the No Religious Test clause, and RFRA, dismissed The Humanist Society as a plaintiff for lack of standing and on ripeness grounds, and dismissed claims against the individual defendants.