Showing posts with label Indiana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indiana. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Supreme Court Denies Cert. In Challenge to Indiana Fetal Remains Law

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday denied review in Jane Doe No. 1 v. Rokita, (Docket No. 22-951, certiorari denied 5/1/2023) (Order List). In the case, the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected 1st Amendment challenges to an Indiana statute that requires abortion providers to dispose of fetal remains either by burial or by cremation. (See prior posting.) The case Docket with links to filings in the Supreme Court is here.  AP reports on the Court's action.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Indiana Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Constitutionality of State's Abortion Ban

On January 19, the Indiana Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Members of the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana, et al. v. Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawai'i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky, Inc. (Video of full oral arguments.) As summarized by the Court:

After a special legislative session, the Indiana General Assembly passed Senate Bill 1 (“S.B. 1”), which criminalizes abortion, with a few limited exceptions. Appellees filed a complaint for declaratory relief and sought a preliminary injunction to enjoin the enforcement of S.B. 1. The trial court granted the preliminary injunction, and Appellants appealed. The Indiana Supreme Court has granted a petition to transfer under Indiana Appellate Rule 56(A) and assumed jurisdiction over the case.

Liberty Counsel issued a press release reporting on the arguments.

Saturday, December 03, 2022

Indiana Court Enjoins Abortion Restrictions as Violating State's RFRA

In Anonymous Plaintiff 1 v. Individual Members of the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana, (IN Super. Ct., Dec. 2, 2022), an Indiana state trial court preliminarily enjoined the state from enforcing Indiana's law restricting abortions against plaintiffs whose religious beliefs permit or require abortions in situations not allowed under Indiana law.  Plaintiffs were Jewish and Muslim, and one plaintiff of no specific denomination. The court, invoking Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act, said in part:

26. This Court finds that the Plaintiffs practices regarding abortion are religious in nature: they have established that, under circumstances that would be prohibited by S.E.A. 1, their religious beliefs would compel them to have abortions....

43. The undisputed evidence establishes that the Plaintiffs do not share the State’s belief that life begins at fertilization or that abortion constitutes the intentional taking of a human life. To the contrary, they have different religious beliefs about when life begins, and they believe that under certain circumstances not permitted by S.E.A. 1, they would be required to receive abortions. Under the law, the Court finds these are sincere religious beliefs.

44. The State has not asserted a compelling interest in refusing to provide an exception to the Plaintiffs if the law were otherwise enforceable. Indiana has no interest in violating the sincere religious beliefs and exercise of the Plaintiffs....

49. The Plaintiffs argue that S.E.A. 1 is not narrowly tailored and is underinclusive, in that it provides exceptions for some abortions—though not religious exceptions—in circumstances that directly contravene the State’s purported interest. 

50. The State argues that abortion, regardless of gestational age of the zygote, embryo, or fetus, is the killing of an innocent human being, and its interest is in preventing that killing....

51. However, the statute explicitly allows abortions in circumstances that the State acknowledges constitute the “killing” of an “innocent human being”: for example, where the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest and where the fetus is viable but will not live beyond three months after birth.

A different state trial court has previously enjoined enforcement of the Act on state constitutional grounds. (See prior posting.)

Indianapolis Star reports on the decision. [Thanks to Daniel Conkle via Religionlaw for the lead.]

Monday, October 24, 2022

State's Removal of 16-Year-Old Transgender Child from Parents' Home Did Not Violate Their Free Exercise Rights

In In re A.C. (Minor Child), (IN App., Oct. 21, 2022), an Indiana state appeals court upheld a trial court's order removing from the home a 16-year old transgender child who suffered from an untreated eating disorder and who was emotionally abused because of their parent's unwillingness to accept their transgender identity. The parents testified that they could not affirm their child's transgender identity or use the child's preferred pronouns because of their religious beliefs.  In rejecting the parents' Free Exercise claims, the court said in part:

[T]he Dispositional Order was based on Child’s medical and psychological needs and not on the Parents’ disagreement with Child’s transgender identity....

Even if the Parents were able to demonstrate that the Dispositional Order imposes a substantial burden on their religious freedom, their claim that Child’s continued removal from the home violates the Free Exercise Clause would fail....  [P]rotecting a child’s health and welfare is well recognized as a compelling interest justifying state action that is contrary to a parent’s religious beliefs.

The court also held that the trial court's order requiring the parents to refrain from discussing Child’s transgender identity during visitation does not violate the parents' free speech rights.

Thursday, October 06, 2022

School Counselor's Employment Agreement Sufficient To Invoke Ministerial Exception Doctrine

In Fitzgerald v. Roncalli High School, Inc., (SD IN Sept. 30, 2022), an Indiana federal district court invoked the ministerial exception doctrine to dismiss a suit brought by Michelle Fitzgerald, a Catholic high school guidance counselor who was fired after the school and the church that oversaw it learned that she was in a same-sex marriage. The court said in part:

Fitzgerald argues that Roncalli never entrusted her with religious teaching duties by raising numerous genuine factual disputes over what exactly she did at the school. She contends the record demonstrates that Roncalli entrusted her in description alone. She never engaged in religious teaching, nor did Roncalli expect her to....

[However,] Fitzgerald's employment agreement and Roncalli's description of Fitzgerald's expected duties are, alone, sufficient to resolve this case because those documents make clear that Roncalli entrusted Fitzgerald to teach the Catholic faith and carry out Roncalli's religious mission....

All this indicates Roncalli entrusted guidance counselors like Fitzgerald to convey the Church's message in addition to their secular duties. And under Seventh Circuit precedent, Fitzgerald's non-performance of these entrusted duties makes her "an underperforming minister" who may be removed pursuant to the ministerial exception.

Washington Examiner reports on the decision.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Satanic Temple Files Novel Challenges To Indiana Abortion Law

Earlier this week, The Satanic Temple filed suit in an Indiana federal district court challenging on somewhat novel grounds Indiana's recently enacted restrictive abortion ban. The complaint (full text) in The Satanic Temple v. Holcomb, (SD IN, filed 9/21/2022) not only alleges that the ban violates Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act because it outlaws the Satanic Abortion Ritual, but also alleges other constitutional defects. It contends in part:

59. The property right of an Involuntarily Pregnant Woman to exclude or remove a Protected Unborn Child from her uterus cannot be taken by the State of Indiana without just compensation pursuant to the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

60. The property right to exclude or remove a Protected Unborn Child from a woman’s uterus has substantial commercial value as established by over twenty-five years of experience with gestational surrogacy in Indiana.

It alleges a 13th Amendment violation, contending:

68. The Indiana Abortion Ban causes each Involuntarily Pregnant Woman to provide the services necessary to sustain the life of a Protected Unborn Child that occupies and uses her uterus.

The suit also alleges unconstitutional discrimination between women who become pregnant by accident and those who become pregnant by rape or incest, as well as unconstitutional discrimination between women who become pregnant by accident and those who become pregnant by in vitro fertilization. Courthouse News Service reports briefly on the lawsuit.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Indiana Abortion Ban Preliminarily Enjoined

In Planned Parenthood Northwest, Hawaii, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky, Inc. v. Members of the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana, (IN Cir. Ct., Sept. 22, 2022), an Indiana state trial court judge yesterday issued a preliminary injunction barring enforcement of Indiana's recently enacted restrictive abortion ban. The court said in part:

Regardless of whether the right is framed as a privacy right, a right to bodily autonomy, a right of self-determination, a bundle of liberty rights, or by some other appellation, there is a reasonable likelihood that decisions about family planning, including decisions about whether to carry a pregnancy to term-- are included in [Indiana Constitution] Article I, §1's protections....

Because of these considerations, and the history of Indiana's constitution being interpreted to provide greater protection to individual citizens that its federal counterpart, there is a reasonable likelihood that this significant restriction of personal autonomy offends the liberty guarantees of the Indiana Constitution and the Plaintiffs will prevail on the merits as to their claim that S.B. 1 violates Article I, Section 1 of the Indiana Constitution.

The case was decided by a Special Judge after two other judges recused themselves (Background). ACLU Indiana issued a press release announcing the decision. ABC News reports that the state plans to file an appeal of the decision, and that abortion clinics in the state are preparing to reopen.

Friday, September 09, 2022

Indiana Abortion Restrictions Challenged Under State RFRA

A class action lawsuit was filed yesterday in an Indiana state trial court court on behalf of all persons in the state whose religious beliefs direct them to obtain abortions in situations prohibited by the state's recently enacted restrictive abortion ban. The suit was filed by five anonymous plaintiffs and an organization, Hoosier Jews For Choice.  The complaint (full text) in Anonymous Plaintiffs 1-5 v. Individual Members of the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana, (IN Super. Ct., filed 9/8/2022), contends that the law violates Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act. ACLU issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Church Autonomy Doctrine Bars Catholic High School Teacher's Suit Against Archdiocese

In Payne-Elliott v. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Inc., (IN Sup. Ct., Aug. 31, 2022), the Indiana Supreme Court held that the church autonomy doctrine bars a suit by a former Catholic school teacher against the Catholic Archdiocese for interfering with his employment contract with a Catholic high school. The suit alleges that the Archdiocese pressured the school to fire plaintiff because he had entered a same-sex marriage. Citing a 2003 decision, the court said in part:

[U]nder the church-autonomy doctrine a civil court may not (1) penalize via tort law (2) a communication or coordination among church officials or members (3) on a matter of internal church policy or administration that (4) does not culminate in a criminal act.

Becket issued a press release announcing the decision.

Suit Contends Indiana Abortion Restrictions Violate State Constitution

Suit was filed Tuesday in an Indiana state trial court challenging the state's recently-enacted law that bans abortions, with exceptions during early pregnancy to protect the life or to prevent serious health risk to the mother, in cases if lethal fetal anomaly, and in cases of rape or incest. Also all abortions are required to be performed in hospitals or hospital-owned outpatient surgical centers. The complaint (full text) in Planned Parenthood Great Northwest v. Members of the Medical Licensing Board of Indiana, (IN Cir. Ct., filed 8/3-/2022), contends in part:

S.B. 1’s total abortion ban strips away the fundamental rights of people seeking abortion care in Indiana in violation of the State Constitution. It will infringe on Hoosiers’ right to privacy, violate Indiana’s guarantee of equal privileges and immunities, and violate the Constitution’s due course of law clause through its unconstitutionally vague language.

Courthouse News Service reports on the lawsuit.

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Preliminary Injunction Bars Indiana Enforcement Of Ban On Transgender Girl Playing On Girls' Baseball Team

A recently enacted Indiana statute prohibits transgender girls from playing on girls' athletic teams sponsored by public schools or certain private schools.  In A.M. v. Indianapolis Public Schools, (SD IN, July 26, 2022), an Indiana federal district court, relying on Title IX, issued a preliminary injunction barring school officials from applying the statute to prevent plaintiff, a transgender girl entering the 5th grade, from playing on the girl's softball team. The court said in part:

[N]otably, § 20-33-13-4 does not prohibit all transgender athletes from playing with the team of the sex with which they identify – it only prohibits transgender females from doing so. The singling out of transgender females is unequivocally discrimination on the basis of sex, regardless of the policy argument as to why that choice was made. The Court finds that A.M. has established a strong likelihood that she will succeed on the merits of her Title IX claim.

The Hill reports on the decision.

Sunday, August 07, 2022

Indiana Governor Signs New Law Restricting Abortions

On Friday, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb signed Senate Enrolled Act 1 (full text). Under the new law, Indiana's former ban on abortions after 20 weeks or viability (whichever is sooner) except for life or substantial health reasons is amended to allow abortions only when necessary to prevent a serious health risk to the pregnant woman or to save her life, or for 20 weeks when the fetus is diagnosed with a fatal abnormality. Abortions may be performed during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy when the result of rape or incest. Parental consent for abortion for a minor is not required in the case of rape or incest. The law does not apply to in vitro fertilizations. ABC News reports on the new law. [Post revised for accuracy.]

Friday, July 29, 2022

7th Circuit: Ministerial Exception Doctrine Applies To State Tort Claims

In Starkey v. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Inc., (7th Cir., July 28, 2022), the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals held that the the Co-Director of Guidance at a Catholic high school was a "minister" for purposes of the ministerial exception doctrine. It went on to hold that the ministerial exception doctrine applies to state tort claims against the Archdiocese for Interference with Contractual Relationship and Intentional Interference with Employment Relationship. In the case, the school refused to renew its contract with Lynn Starkey, who had been employed by the school for nearly forty years, after the school learned of Starkey's same-sex marriage. Starkey sued both the school and the Archdiocese. Summarizing its holding, the court said in part:

Starkey was a minister because she was entrusted with communicating the Catholic faith to the school’s students and guiding the school’s religious mission. The ministerial exception bars all her claims, federal and state.

Becket issued a press release discussing the decision.

Friday, July 01, 2022

Indiana Supreme Court Hears Arguments In Suit By Fired Catholic School Teacher

Last Tuesday, the Indiana Supreme Court heard oral arguments in  Payne-Elliott v. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Inc. (video of full oral arguments). In the case, an Indiana state appellate court reversed the dismissal of a suit by a former teacher in a Catholic high school who claimed that the Archdiocese intentionally interfered with his contractual and employment relationships with the school. After plaintiff married his same-sex partner, the Archbishop insisted that the school terminate his teaching contract or else it could no longer designate itself as "Catholic." (See prior posting). Indiana Public Media reports on the case.

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

7th Circuit Hears Oral Arguments On Reinstatement Of Doctor Who Refuses Vaccination On Religious Grounds

The U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday heard oral arguments (audio of full arguments) in Halczenko v. Ascension Health, Inc., (Docket No. 22-1040, 5/31/2022). In the case, an Indiana federal district court last December (full text of district court opinion) denied a preliminary injunction to a pediatric intensive care doctor who was denied a religious exemption from a hospital's COVID vaccination requirement and was placed on unpaid leave. The court held that plaintiff had not shown irreparable injury necessary to obtain an injunction.  Compensatory and other relief will be available if he ultimately prevails. Bloomberg Law reports on the oral arguments, saying in part:

One judge during oral argument ... homed in on the speculative nature of Paul Halczenko’s alleged irreparable harm from not getting rehired by Ascension St. Vincent Hospital right away—that not practicing medicine would cause his skills to atrophy and cost him his career.

Other members of the three-judge panel—all of whom were appointed by President Donald Trump—focused on apparent factual and legal shortcomings in the doctor’s bid for a preliminary injunction against Ascension Health Inc. and the hospital.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

7th Circuit Hears Oral Arguments In Ministerial Exception Case Involving Catholic School

Yesterday, the US. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments (audio of full arguments) in Starkey v. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis. In the case, an Indiana federal district court  held that the ministerial exception doctrine bars Title VII retaliation, discrimination and hostile work environment claims as well as state law claims of interference with contractual and employment relationships in a suit brought by the former Co-Director of Guidance at a private Catholic high school. The school refused to renew its contract with Lynn Starkey, who had been employed by the school for nearly forty years, after the school learned of Starkey's same-sex marriage. (See prior posting.)

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Indiana and Utah Governors Veto Bans Of Transgender Females On Sports Teams

Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb on Monday vetoed HEA 1041 (full text) which bans transgender females from competing on female interscholastic athletic teams.  In his veto letter (full text), the Governor said in part:

[T]he presumption of the policy laid out in HEA 1041 is that there is an existing problem in K-12 sports in Indiana that requires further state government intervention. It implies that the goals of consistency and fairness in competitive female sports are not currently being met. After thorough review, I find no evidence to support either claim even if I support the overall goal.

AP reports on the governor's action.

Meanwhile, yesterday Utah Governor Spencer Cox vetoed H.B.11 (full text) which similarly prohibited transgender females from competing on female interscholastic athletic teams. The bill provided that if this ban was struck down by the courts, a School Activity Eligibility Commission would be created to determine the eligibility for gender-specific teams of students who are undergoing gender transition. The Commission would establish a baseline range of physical characteristics for different sports and ages to use in making its determinations.

Governor Cox issued a lengthy and detailed veto letter (full text), which reads in part:

Because the bill was substantially changed in the final hours of the legislative session with no public input and in a way that will likely bankrupt the Utah High School Athletic Association and result in millions of dollars in legal fees for local school districts with no state protection, and for several other reasons below, I have chosen to veto this bill....

Four kids and only one of them playing girls sports. That’s what all of this is about. Four kids who aren’t dominating or winning trophies or taking scholarships. Four kids who are just trying to find some friends and feel like they are a part of something. Four kids trying to get through each day. Rarely has so much fear and anger been directed at so few. I don’t understand what they are going through or why they feel the way they do. But I want them to live. And all the research shows that even a little acceptance and connection can reduce suicidality significantly. For that reason, as much as any other, I have taken this action in the hope that we can continue to work together and find a better way. If a veto override occurs, I hope we can work to find ways to show these four kids that we love them and they have a place in our state.

AP reports on the governor's action, and reports that legislative leaders plan to reconvene on Friday to consider a veto override.  The Governor has issued a Proclamation calling a special session of the legislature for Friday to consider an indemnification provision for the Utah High School Athletic Association and local school districts that will be sued.

UPDATE: As reported by AP, on March 25, the Utah legislature overrode the governor's veto.

UPDATE: As reported by WYFI, on May 24 the Indiana legislature overrode the governor's veto. The ACLU has filed suit challenging the law.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Appeals Court Reverses Dismissal Of Fired Catholic Teacher's Suit

In Payne-Elliott v. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Inc., (IN Ct. App., Nov. 23, 2021), an Indiana state appellate court reversed a trial court's dismissal of a suit by a former teacher in a Catholic high school who claimed that the Archdiocese intentionally interfered with his contractual and employment relationships with the school. After plaintiff married his same-sex partner, the Archbishop insisted that the school terminate his teaching contract or else it could no longer designate itself as "Catholic." In rejecting dismissal of the suit, the appeals court said in part:

Here, the parties have yet to undertake the requisite “fact-sensitive and claim specific” analysis that must precede analysis of whether the First Amendment bars Payne-Elliott’s claims against the Archdiocese. For instance, do genuine issues of material fact exist regarding: (1) whether Payne-Elliott’s job duties as a teacher at an Archdiocese-affiliated school rendered him a “minister”; or (2) the applicability of the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine?  At this juncture, discovery in this matter is ongoing, and we find that this matter is well shy of being ripe for summary disposition....

Moreover, at this very early juncture, this Court cannot say that “it appears to a certainty on the face of the complaint” that Payne-Elliott is not entitled to any relief.... Nor can we say that the allegations present no possible set of facts upon which the complainant can recover.

WISH-TV News reports on the decision.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Transgender Students Sue Their High School For Gender Recognition

Suit was filed in an Indiana federal district court this week by two transgender male high school students against their school. The complaint (full text) in B.E. and S.E. v. Vigo County School Corp., (SD IN, filed 11/8/2021) alleges in part:

Defendants’ failure to recognize the plaintiffs as male and to allow them to use male restrooms and the male locker room and to require that they be addressed by the names and pronouns consistent with their male gender violates both the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972....

Los Angeles Blade reports on the lawsuit.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Supreme Court Hears Arguments Today On State AG's Intervention To Defend Abortion Law [UPDATED]

Today the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Cameron v. EMW Women’s Surgical Center. In the case, the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 decision (full text of decision) refused to allow the state attorney general to intervene to defend the constitutionality of a Kentucky statute which banned D&E abortions prior to fetal demise. The AG sought to intervene after the 6th Circuit held the statute unconstitutional and no state official would seek a rehearing or an appeal. The Supreme Court's grant of review was limited to the question of whether intervention should have been allowed. SCOTUSblog has a preview of today's arguments. The arguments will be streamed live on C-SPAN at 10:00 a.m. EST. The SCOTUSblog case page has links to all the filings in the case. When a transcript and recordings of the arguments become available, I will update this post with links to them.

UPDATE: Here are links to the transcript and audio of the oral arguments. CNBC reports extensively on the oral arguments in an article titled Supreme Court signals it will side with Kentucky attorney general in bid to defend restrictive abortion law.