Showing posts with label Jewish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jewish. Show all posts

Thursday, December 02, 2021

White House Hosts Hanukkah Celebration

CNN Reports on yesterday's Hanukkah celebration at the White House, saying in part:

The first and second families held a menorah lighting ceremony to celebrate Hanukkah at the White House on Wednesday evening, marking the first time the holiday has been celebrated at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with the Jewish spouse of a president or vice president.

"This is a White House tradition, but for the first time in history it is a family tradition," President Joe Biden said during the event in the East Room. He said the White House was honored to have second gentleman Doug Emhoff, who is Jewish, leading the lighting.

Here is a video of the 30 minute ceremony, via PBS.  The Forward has background on Hanukkah celebrations at the White House.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

President Biden Issues Hanukkah Message

President Biden issued a statement (full text) today wishing everyone a Happy Hanukah, and saying in part:

At its core, Hanukkah recounts a story at the heart of the human spirit – one that is inherently Jewish and undeniably American. It commemorates how even the most fragile flame can sustain a tradition and nourish the soul of a people. It teaches us that even a little bit of light, wherever it is found, can dispel the darkness and illuminate a path forward. And it reminds us that whether it is the Holy Temple in Jerusalem or the temple of our democracy, nothing broken or profaned is beyond repair.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Religious Pre-Schools Seek Exemption From Non-Discrimination Laws To Participate In "Build Back Better" Funding

New York Times yesterday reported that Catholic and Orthodox Jewish groups are lobbying hard for changes in President Biden's proposed Build Back Better Act. They seek to have drafters remove language which would apply nondiscrimination provisions to religiously affiliated prekindergarten and child care facilities. The bill as now drafted treats facilities that would accept child care vouchers issued to families as direct recipients of federal funding:

[Present provisions] could bar federal funds from going to programs that refused to hire a gay employee, gave preference to applicants of their faith or failed to renovate their facilities to accommodate disabled students....

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Orthodox Union ... have made the case to members of Congress that they could not accept money to run preschool or child care programs unless the bill expressly exempts them from anti-discrimination laws, such as Title IX, which protects against discrimination by sex, and the Americans With Disabilities Act, which they argue could require costly upgrades to old buildings, including houses of worship.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Lev Tahor Sect Leaders Convicted Of Kidnapping and Sexual Exploitation of Minors

The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York announced on Wednesday that a federal court jury has convicted two leaders of the fundamentalist Jewish Lev Tahor sect on kidnapping and sexual exploitation charges:

The defendants, leaders of an extremist Jewish sect called Lev Tahor, masterminded a scheme to kidnap a 14-year-old girl (“Minor-1”) and a 12-year-old boy (“Minor-2”) from their mother in Woodridge, New York.  The defendants then smuggled the children across the U.S. border to Mexico, where they reunited Minor-1 with her adult “husband” to allow him to continue his illegal sexual relationship with Minor-1.

The Forward reports on the convictions.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

6th Circuit: RLUIPA Requires More Than Vegan Sabbath And Holiday Meals For Jewish Inmates

In Ackerman v. Washington, (6th Cir., Oct. 12, 2021), the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals held that Michigan Department of Corrections universal religious meal plan is inadequate to meet the religious needs of Jewish prisoners. The court summarized its holding:

The Michigan Department of Corrections serves a universal religious diet to all prisoners with religious dietary needs. It created this meal plan to avoid forcing prisoners to eat foods that violate their sincere religious beliefs. And because some religious beliefs forbid eating animal products, the universal religious meals are vegan. Because other prisoners require kosher food, the vegan meal is also kosher.

Gerald Ackerman and Mark Shaykin are Jewish prisoners confined in MDOC facilities. Their religious beliefs require them to eat a meal with kosher meat and a meal with dairy on the Jewish Sabbath and four Jewish holidays. They also believe that they must eat cheesecake on the holiday of Shavuot to celebrate the holiday properly. So they claim that MDOC policies that force them to eat vegan meals on these days substantially burden their sincere religious beliefs. And they argue that the MDOC needs to accommodate their beliefs under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA). We agree and affirm the district court’s judgment in the prisoners’ favor.

Law & Crime reports on the decision.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Israeli Court On Appeal Upholds Ban On Jewish Prayer On Temple Mount

In Israel last Friday, a Jerusalem district court reversed a Magistrate Court's decision that would have allowed Jews to pray on the Temple Mount. The appeals court heeded concerns by Israeli authorities that allowing Jewish prayer there could lead to violence that could endanger national security. As reported by Haaretz:

The earlier ruling by the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court concerned a Jewish man, Arye Lipo, who was barred from the Temple Mount for 15 days after the police caught him quietly praying there. The court rescinded the ban, ruling that the man, “like many others, prays on a daily basis on the Temple Mount.”...

Under an unofficial understanding, Jews are allowed to visit but not pray on the Mount, which is known to Muslims as the Haram al-Sharif, or the Noble Sanctuary. Although the police enforce this, recent months have seen a loosening of the status quo, with more Jews praying in the compound individually and even in groups.

Noting that Lipo prayed “quietly” and privately, the magistrate's court said that “this activity by itself is not enough to violate the police’s instructions.”...

Hamas spokesman Abdel Latif al-Qanua called the decision "blatant aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque and a declaration of war...."

Friday, October 01, 2021

Religious Accommodation That Violates OSHA Rules Not Required

In Hamilton v. City of New York, (ED NY, Sept.28, 2021), a New York federal district court dismissed religious discrimination and failure to accommodate claims brought by a Jewish New York City firefighter. Plaintiff, who wore a beard for religious reasons, was transferred from full-duty to light duty because OSHA regulations preclude firefighters with beards from wearing close fitting respirators. The court held that NYFD cannot be held liable for failing to offer an accommodation that is expressly prohibited by federal law.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

6th Circuit Dismisses Suit Against Anti-Israel Picketers of Synagogue

In Gerber v. Herskovitz, (6th Cir., Sept. 15, 2021), the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a suit by synagogue members against anti-Israel pickets who have picketed services at the Beth Israel Synagogue in Ann Arbor, Michigan every week since 2003.  The district court had dismissed the suit on standing grounds. (See prior posting.) On appeal, the majority said in part:

The district court granted the defendants’ motions to dismiss for lack of standing. We disagree on that point, as the plaintiffs have alleged a concrete and particularized harm to a legally protected interest. But the reality that they have standing to bring these claims does not entitle them to relief. The key obstacle is the robust protections that the First Amendment affords to nonviolent protests on matters of public concern. We affirm the district court’s dismissal on that basis.

Judge Clay filed a concurring opinion stating that he would have affirmed the district court's dismissal on standing grounds, saying in part:

Plaintiffs’ allegations of extreme emotional distress fail to establish standing in this case because there is no legally protected interest in not being offended by the speech of others.

Courthouse News Service reports on the decision.

Bidens Extend Yom Kippur Greetings

Today President Biden issued a statement (full text) on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur which begins this evening. The statement reads in part:

At its core, this sacred and solemn day reaffirms a universal principle at the essence of our humanity: that, through word and deed, we each have the ability to right wrongs, mend rifts, and heal wounds.... 

... Jill and I extend our very best wishes for an easy and meaningful fast to all who observe Yom Kippur.... May we each be sealed in the Book of Life.

Monday, September 06, 2021

Biden Issues Rosh Hashanah Greetings

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins this evening at sundown. Yesterday President Biden issued a Statement (full text) extending holiday wishes from himself and Jill Biden to those celebrating the holiday. The statement reads in part:

Rosh Hashanah is a reaffirmation that we are each endowed, by virtue of our Creator and our common humanity, with the ability to bridge the gap between the world we see and the world we seek.

In that effort, we’ve made significant progress, but much work remains. To protect ourselves and each other against a once-in-a-century virus. To rebuild an economy that provides opportunity for all Americans. To give hate no safe harbor, and speak out with clarity and conviction against antisemitism wherever and however it manifests. To reaffirm our ironclad bond with the State of Israel.

Thursday, September 02, 2021

Mask Mandate Did Not Violate Jewish Student's Rights

In Zinman v. Nova Southeastern University, Inc., (SD FL, Aug. 30, 2021), a Florida federal magistrate judge recommended dismissing a suit by a law student against his law school and several other defendants challenging on religious grounds COVID-related mask mandates. The court described plaintiff's claim:

Plaintiff, who is Jewish, contends that the mask mandates require actions that run contrary to his religious beliefs. Specifically, he alleges that Judaism prohibits idolatry ... and that complying with mask mandates would be tantamount to worshiping false idols – i.e., the “so-called  ‘experts’ who claim to be able to save lives if people simply obey their commands without question.”

The magistrate judge ruled that Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act only covers discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin, and does not cover religious discrimination. He went on:

Even if the Court were to assume that one’s race or national origin can be “Jewish” for purposes of a Title VI claim, Plaintiff fails to include factual allegations to show that Nova’s mask mandate was discriminatory from a racial or national origin perspective. That is because Plaintiff implies that the issue with the mask mandate is that compliance with it is tantamount to worshiping false idols, and that it is impermissible for Jewish people to worship idols.... However, this issue pertains to a religious belief, not a racial characteristic. If the Court were to accept Plaintiff’s argument, then one who discriminates against a Jewish person would automatically be liable for discrimination based on race, religion, and national origin, without any regard to what the nature of the discriminatory act was. Such a broad and overgeneralized position, however, is untenable.

The magistrate also concluded that plaintiff's free exercise rights were not violated because the mask mandates were neutral and generally applicable requirements that are subject only to rational basis review. He also found no free speech violation, saying in part: "neither wearing or not wearing a mask is inherently expressive."

Monday, August 23, 2021

Suit Says Social Worker Sexually Assaulted Children At Jewish Social Service Agency

A suit was filed one day before the expiration of the two-year look-back period under New York's Child Victims Act by two anonymous plaintiffs against a clinical social worker and several Jewish organizations. (Full text of 75-page complaint in Doe v. Klar, (NY County Sup. Ct., filed 8/13/2021)).  The Forward describes the lawsuit:

A rabbi sexually assaulted children while he was supposed to be treating them for mental health issues, and the prominent Jewish institutions he worked for covered it up, claims a lawsuit filed in New York August 13.

Rabbi Yaakov David Klar allegedly carried out his abuse while he was a social worker at Chai Lifeline, a national Jewish social services provider, and as a teacher at the Pupa Cheder in Monsey, N.Y....

Klar allegedly began years of abuse of the plaintiff in 2002, when the lawsuit alleges the defendants already knew or should have known of the rabbi’s predatory history....

Only later did they enter a “secret arrangement” to allow Klar to leave quietly — and they never reported his suspected actions to the authorities, according to the lawsuit.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Court Allows Equal Protection Challenge To Zoning Law To Proceed

In Orthodox Jewish Coalition of Chestnut Ridge v. Village of Chestnut Ridge New York, (SD NY, Aug. 13, 2021), a New York federal district court granted plaintiff's motion to reconsider its March 31, 2021 decision that dismissed an equal protection challenge to the Village's former zoning law. The court now held that Equal Protection and state law claims by three Orthodox synagogues and three individual plaintiffs may proceed, saying in part:

Plaintiffs argue that “the Court erred in holding that [Plaintiffs] were required to allege that . . . facially discriminatory laws were enacted with a discriminatory purpose.” ... They are correct.

Friday, August 06, 2021

White House Announces Liaison To Jewish Community

The White House announced yesterday that Chanan Weissman will serve as the Biden-Harris Administration's liaison to the Jewish community. He served in the same role in the Obama administration.

Wednesday, August 04, 2021

For First Time, Orthodox Rabbi Appointed To An Australian State Supreme Court

 ABC News and Hamodia report that for the first time, an Orthodox rabbi has been appointed to a Supreme Court of a state in Australia. Rabbi Marcus Solomon takes office today as the newest justice of the Supreme Court of the state of Western Australia. Rabbi Solomon, who has particular expertise in complex commercial matters, received his law degree in 1991. In 2006 he founded Perth Yeshivah, Western Australia's first post-secondary institution of Jewish studies and Talmudic law.

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Social Work Applicant Moves Ahead On Religious Discrimination Claim

In Weiss v. City University of New York, (SD NY, filed 7/2/2021), a New York federal district court refused to dismiss certain of plaintiff's equal protection and Establishment Clause claims. Plaintiff alleged that she was denied admission to the University's social work program because officials weeded out Jews from a religious background, believing they are too conservative to be social workers.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

EEOC Complaint Charges Stanford University With Anti-Jewish Hostile Work Environment

 As reported by The Forward, a complaint was filed last week with the EEOC (full text and summary of June 15 complaint) on behalf of a psychiatrist and a clinical social worker at Stanford University  Counseling & Psychological Services division charging that a hostile work environment has been created for Jewish employees.  The complaint alleges in part:

... Stanford University ... has permitted the DEI [Diversity, Equity and Inclusion] program to be perverted so that it accomplishes precisely the opposite of its intended aims....

... [T]he CAPS DEI program has maligned and marginalized Jews on the basis of religion, race and ethnic identity by castigating Jews as white, powerful and privileged members of society who contribute to systemic racism and denying and attempting to erase Jewish ancestral identity. In addition, the DEI program has denigrated the concept of Jewish victimhood and deliberately excluded anti-Semitism from the program’s agenda.... 

The CAPS DEI program... relies upon racial and ethnic stereotyping and scapegoating by describing all Jews as white or white-passing and therefore complicit in anti-Black racism. Jewish staff have been pressured to attend the DEI program’s racially segregated “whiteness accountability” affinity group, which was created for “staff who hold privilege via white identity” and “who are white identified, may be newly grappling with or realizing their white identity, or identify as or are perceived as white presenting or passing (aka seen as white by others even though you hold other identities).”

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Judge Jack Weinstein Dies At Age 99-- Supporter of Jewish Group's Criminal Justice Reform Efforts

U.S. federal district Judge Jack B. Weinstein died on Tuesday at the age of 99. He served on the Eastern District of New York for 53 years-- until he took inactive senior status in 2020. The New York Times describes Weinstein as "a legal scholar and famously independent federal judge in Brooklyn who led the legal system into an era of mass tort litigation." has published a lengthy account of Weinstein's support for the Aleph Institute, Chabad-Lubavitch's organization that advocates for criminal justice reform.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

ISIS Supporter Pleads Guilty To Planning Ohio Synagogue Attack

The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Ohio announced that yesterday Damon M. Joseph, aka Abdullah Ali Yusuf, pleaded guilty today to attempting to commit a hate crime by planning an ISIS-inspired attack on a synagogue in the Toledo, Ohio area. He also pleaded guilty to providing material support to ISIS and the Islamic State of Iraq. According to the Cleveland Jewish News, a preliminary plea agreement provides for a 20-year prison sentence for Joseph.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

New Pew Survey On Jewish Americans Released

The Pew Research Center yesterday released a 248-page survey Jewish Americans in 2020. (Summary of Report) (Full text of Report). The report estimates the Jewish population in the United States to be 7.5 million. Its one-sentence summary of the detailed and extensive report is:

U.S. Jews are culturally engaged, increasingly diverse, politically polarized and worried about anti-Semitism.