Monday, June 06, 2016

Pope Issues Apostolic Letter On Procedure For Removal of Bishops In Abuse Cases

In the Vatican on Saturday, Pope Francis issued motu proprio (i.e. on his own initiative) an Apostolic Letter (full text in Italian) establishing a procedure for the removal of Bishops (and those of equivalent Canon Law rank) who through their negligence have caused grave harm to others. The Letter titled Come una madre amorevole ("As a Loving Mother") clarifies that negligence in cases of sexual abuse against children or vulnerable adults are among the "grave causes" that justify removal.  Vatican Radio reports:
Father Lombardi [Director of the Holy See Press Office] drew attention especially to two points in the Apostolic Letter. First, the “lack of diligence” necessary for removal from office can exist even be “without grave moral fault” on the part of the Bishop.
Second, in cases concerning the abuse of minors “it is sufficient that the lack of diligence be ‘grave,’ while in other cases it is required that the lack of diligence be ‘very grave’.” This effectively lowers the standard necessary for a Bishop to be removed from office when there is negligence with regard to cases of sexual abuse.
In cases involving important decisions regarding Bishops, including those foreseen in the Apostolic Letter, the specific approval of the Holy Father is necessary. Father Lombardi noted that this is not a new disposition.
However, the Apostolic Letter does introduce a new “dedicated College of jurists” (It.: “apposito Collegio di giuristi"), which will assist the Holy Father before he makes a definitive decision. Father Lombardi said the College would be expected to be composed of Cardinals and Bishops.
[Thanks to Tom Rutledge for the lead.]

UPDATE: Victim advocates are skeptical of the new policy. (Statement by SNAP.)

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:
From elsewhere:

Sunday, June 05, 2016

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Longoria v. Kansas Department of Corrections, 2016 Kan. App. Unpub. LEXIS 414 (KA App., May 27, 2016), a Kansas appellate court dismissed an inmate's complaint that among items taken by a correctional officer from his cell were 5 pages he had torn out from the Bible.

In Isby-Israel v. Lemmon, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 71092 (SD IN, June 1, 2016), an Indiana federal district court dismissed a Hebrew Israelite inmate's complaint regarding the form that was required to be signed in order to obtain kosher meals.

In Skates v. Shusda, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 71446 (ND NY, May 31, 2106), a New York federal magistrate judge recommended that a Nation of Islam inmate be permitted to move ahead with his complaint that he did not received a Sahoor bag meal on one occasion that he needed to consume before down in order to observe the NOI Holy Day of Atonement fast.

In Jackson v. Russell, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 71842 (D DE, June 2, 2016), a Delaware federal district court dismissed an inmate's claim that he was relieved of his duties as chapel photographer and not chosen as Nehemiah Chapel Clerk because he is a Mormon.

In Doering v. Reed, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 72638 (WD AR, June 3, 2016), an Arkansas federal district court adopted a magistrate's recommendation (2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 72639, April 29, 2016) and dismissed an inmate's complaint that a correctional officer asked to see his religious accommodation form that allowed him to wear a beard, and when shown it threw it to the floor and said he hoped plaintiff "got mange."

In Shakur v. Thomas, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 72707 (ND NY, June 2, 2016), a New York federal magistrate judge recommended that a Muslim inmate be allowed to move ahead with his complaint that he was denied an Eid ul-Adha festival meal, was denied halal meals and sahur bags for 6 days during Ramadan when there was a prison shutdown, was denied participation in congregational prayer and a halal meal during the Muslim holiday of Shawwal, and was subjected to retaliation. However he recommended dismissal of various other claims, including and equal protection claim.

In Kindred v. King, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 72851 (ED CA, June 2, 2016), a California federal magistrate judge recommended dismissing with leave to amend a suit by a Native American civil detainee who alleged a series of infringements of his Native American religious practices.

Challenge To Holiday Law Moves Ahead In German Courts

As reported by The Local, in Germany last Thursday the High Court in North Rhine-Westphalia upheld a 100 Euro fine that had been imposed on Martin Budich, the organizer of Religious Freedom in the Ruhr.  Budich was fined for breaking the state's so-called "holiday law" which, among other things, prohibits showing films that are not approved by the state on holidays.  Every year since 2013, on Good Friday Budich has shown the classic British comedy which satirizes the life of Jesus, "The Life of Brian".  His goal has been to test the constitutionality of the holiday law. Now with the High Court's decision, Budich is able to appeal and mount that challenge in Germany's Federal Constitutional Court.  Friendly Atheist has more on the decision. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Sewer Connection To Amish Must Be Made In Least Religiously Intrusive Means

In Yoder v. Sugar Grove Area Sewer Authority, (PA Commw., June 3, 2016), a Pennsylvania appellate court remanded to the trial court a suit by an Old Order Amish family seeking to avoid connecting their property to the public sewer system.  In an earlier decision, the trial court had concluded that the interest in protecting public health through a sewer connection outweighed the Amish family's free exercise rights, but required that the connection to the sewer system be made in accordance with the family's religious convictions. The current suit stems from disagreements on how to carry out this prior order and the trial court's improper belated modification of it. According to the court, the Amish family has religious objections to having electricity power anything associated with the use of their outhouse, and risk excommunication if they use a privy tainted with the use of electric power. In remanding and requiring the trial court to reconsider the method by which a sewer connection would be made to the family's property, the court said in part:
The trial court’s analysis regarding the threat to public safety pertained to the lack of any sewer connection at all, not a connection by nonelectric means, or, failing that, electricity generated by natural, non-electricity provider means. Importantly, the trial court also did not address Owners’ alleged clear right to the least intrusive means of a mandatory connection. 

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Federal Court Dismisses Challenge To State Custody Order

In Goffstein v. Sieve, (SD OH, June 2, 2016), an Ohio federal district court dismissed a suit claiming that an Ohio domestic relations court judge in removing custody of four children from their Orthodox Jewish mother had infringed the mother's right to control the education of her children and the children's right to practice their religion. The court gave custody to the father who was no longer practicing Orthodox Judaism and who sent the children to public school instead of to yeshivas. The court held that its review of the claims is precluded by the Rooker-Feldman doctrine which bars lower federal courts from conducting appellate review of final state-court judgments.

Friday, June 03, 2016

Indian Court Convicts 24 In Killing of Muslims In 2002 Gujarat Riots

Al Jazeera reports that a court in India yesterday convicted 24 people in the 2002 killings of 69 Muslims during religious riots in Gujarat state.  36 others were acquitted for lack of evidence.  The killings took place when a Hindu mob stormed a cluster of buildings in Ajmedabad where Muslims were hiding.  The mob burned and hacked the victims to death.

Muslim Prof Says Administrators Discriminated In Favor of Nigerian Christians

The New Orleans Times-Picayne reports that on Tuesday a Muslim biology professor at Southern University in New Orleans sued in federal district court claiming that administrators discriminated against him and other Muslim professors in order to get rid of them and hire Nigerian Christians, favored by the school's Chancellor Victor Ukpolo. Plaintiff Ibrahim Ekaidi contends that administrators encouraged non-Nigerian faculty to leave by denying them committee assignments, pay raises promotion and tenure.

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Third Canadian Special Prosecutor Can Bring Polygamy Charges Against FLDS Leader

In Blackmore v. British Columbia (Attorney General), (BC CA, June 1, 2016), the British Columbia Court of Appeal upheld the appointment of the third special prosecutor since 2007 to bring polygamy charges against FLDS Church leader Winston Blackmore who lives in Bountiful, British Columbia.  In 2011, a British Columbia court upheld most applications of Canada's anti-polygamy law. (See prior posting.) In yesterday's decision, the appeals court rejected the argument that the first special prosecutor's decision not to approve charges was final. The Province reports on the decision. [Thanks to Religion News for the lead.]

3rd Circuit: Challenge To Abortion Clinic Buffer Zones May Move Ahead

In Bruni v. City of Pittsburgh, (3d Cir., June 1, 2016), the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals reversed the dismissal of a challenge to Pittsburgh's law creating a 15-foot buffer zone around abortion clinics in which demonstrators and pickets are barred.  The majority held:
the First Amendment claims are sufficient to go forward at this stage of the litigation. The speech at issue is core political speech entitled to the maximum protection afforded by the First Amendment, and the City cannot burden it without first trying, or at least demonstrating that it has seriously considered, substantially less restrictive alternatives that would achieve the City’s legitimate, substantial, and content-neutral interests.
Judge Fuentes concurred in the judgment, but filed an opinion disagreeing with the majority's reasoning, arguing that requiring governments that place significant burdens on speech to prove that less restrictive means either failed or were seriously considered and rejected distorts the "narrow-tailoring" doctrine by eliminating the government's latitude to adopt regulations that are not the least intrusive means of serving the government's interest. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports on the decision.

4th Circuit Puts Transgender Case On Fast Track to Supreme Court

As previously reported, in April, in a 2-1 decision, the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals held that a Virginia school board's policy barring a transgender boy (who had not undergone sex-reassignment surgery) from using the boy's rest rooms at his school violates Title IX's ban on discrimination on the basis of sex.  The school board filed a motion for a rehearing en banc, but this week in G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board, (4th Cir., May 31, 2016), the court issued an order denying the rehearing petition.  However Judge Niemeyer, who had dissented in the April decision, filed a dissent from the denial of a rehearing, but said:
While I could call for a poll of the court in an effort to require counsel to reargue their positions before an en banc court, the momentous nature of the issue deserves an open road to the Supreme Court to seek the Court’s controlling construction of Title IX for national application. And the facts of this case, in particular, are especially “clean,” such as to enable the Court to address the issue without the distraction of subservient issues.
Lyle Denniston at SCOTUSblog reports on developments.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

EU Court Adviser Says Hijab Ban By Private Business Is Permissible

The Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union has recommended to the Court that it interpret the EU's employment equality directive (Directive 2000/78/EC) as permitting businesses to ban Muslim employees from wearing a headscarf as part of an employer's broader policy seeking to achieve religious and ideological neutrality.  The case arose from a request from the Belgian Court of Cassation for clarification of the Directive's provisions. The EU Advocate's full opinion in Achbita v. G4S Secure Solutions NV (May 31, 2016) observes:
Ultimately, the legal issues surrounding the Islamic headscarf are symbolic of the more fundamental question of how much difference and diversity an open and pluralistic European society must tolerate within its borders and, conversely, how much assimilation it is permitted to require from certain minorities.
The opinion concludes in part:
The fact that a female employee of Muslim faith is prohibited from wearing an Islamic headscarf at work does not constitute direct discrimination based on religion ... if that ban is founded on a general company rule prohibiting visible political, philosophical and religious symbols in the workplace and not on stereotypes or prejudice against one or more particular religions or against religious beliefs in general. That ban may, however, constitute indirect discrimination based on religion....
Such discrimination may be justified in order to enforce a policy of religious and ideological neutrality pursued by the employer in the company concerned, in so far as the principle of proportionality is observed in that regard. In that connection, the following factors in particular must be taken into account: – the size and conspicuousness of the religious symbol, – the nature of the employee’s activity, – the context in which she has to perform that activity, and – the national identity of the Member State concerned.
The Court of Justice issued a press release on the Advocate's opinion, and Reuters reports further on it.

Christian Camp Says Nearby Dairy Farm Approval Violates RLUIPA

A lawsuit was filed last month in an Indiana state trial court by a Christian youth camp which objects to a zoning board's approval of a large dairy farm nearby. The complaint (full text) in House of Prayer Ministries, Inc. v. Rush County Board of Zoning Appeals, (filed 5/16/2016), alleges that the 1400 cows and three large waste lagoons on the farm will expose campers to noxious odors and harmful air emissions that will "interfere with Harvest Christian Camp's thirty-year mission and ability to provide a safe, healthy, and Christian rural setting for thousands of children and teens to be educated, enriched spiritually, and enhanced by the outdoors...."  This, the complaint alleges, amounts to a substantial burden that violates the camp's rights under RLUIPA, the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the First and 14th Amendments and the state constitution's equal privileges and immunities clause. RLUIPA Defense blog reports on the case.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Iran Will Boycott This Year's Hajj

Reflecting continuing tension between the two countries, on Sunday Iran announced that it will not allow its citizens to travel to Saudi Arabia in September for the Hajj.  According to the New York Times, Iran blamed Saudi Arabia for lack of cooperation, while the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah said an Iranian delegation refused to sign an agreement to resolve outstanding issues. The two countries had been at odds over transportation, security and procedures for issuing visas. (See prior posting.) Press TV quoted remarks by Iran's Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Ali Jannati:
Given the way Saudi authorities treated Iranian delegates and talked to them during two rounds of negotiations as well as in view of their sabotage and obstacles they created, unfortunately Iranian pilgrims cannot go to Hajj this year.
Hundreds of Iranian pilgrims were killed in a stampede during last year's Hajj. (See prior posting.)

Catholic Publisher Must File Reports With AG Under New Hampshire Law

In Attorney General, Director of Charitable Trusts v. Loreto Publications, Inc., (NH Sup. Ct., May 27, 2016), the New Hampshire Supreme Court held that a non-profit publishing house and bookseller of Catholic literature is a "charitable trust" under New Hampshire law and thus is required to register and submit annual reports to the state Attorney General's office. The court interpreted the reporting exclusion in NH RSA 7:19 for "religious organizations" to apply to organizations classified by the Internal Revenue Service as "churches" under the federal tax code.  According to the court, "Loreto conducts no religious services, has no congregation, and provides no religious instruction." While the exemption also applies to integrated auxiliaries of religious organizations, Loreto is not integrated auxiliary of the Catholic Church either.

Britain's Home Office Launches Investigation Into Sharia Law

In Britain last week, Home Secretary Theresa May announced that her office has begun an independent investigation into the application of Sharia law in England and Wales.  The review will be chaired by Professor Mona Siddiqui, an internationally known expert in Islamic and inter-religious studies. Her panel of experts will be advised by two imams. According to the Department's May 26 press release:
The Home Secretary committed to an independent review of the application of Sharia Law as part of the government’s Counter-Extremism Strategy. The strategy notes that many people in England and Wales follow religious codes and practices, and benefit from the guidance they offer. However, there is evidence some Sharia councils may be working in a discriminatory and unacceptable way, seeking to legitimise forced marriage and issuing divorces that are unfair to women, contrary to the teachings of Islam. It will also seek out examples of best practice among Sharia councils.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:
From SSRN (Non-U.S. Law):

Judge Sentences Defendant To 12 Sundays of Baptist Services

Yesterday's Cincinnati Enquirer reports on the elaborate in-court discussion that led a Hamilton County, Ohio trial court judge to sentence defendant Jake Strotman, charged with attempted assault, to attend a local Baptist church for the next 12 Sundays.  He also paid $480 in court costs and $2800 in attorneys' fees.  The assault charge grew out of a brawl that developed outside a hockey arena between enthusiastic street preachers and hockey fans (including Strotman) who had been drinking at the game.  Strotman, a Catholic, is apparently happy with the sentence.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Transgender Man Sues Men-Only Barber Shop That Refused Him Service

A state court lawsuit was filed last week in California against a men-only barber shop and two of its barbers who, for religious reasons, refused to cut the hair of a transgender man.  The complaint (full text) in Oliver v. The Barbershop, R.C., Inc., (CA Super., filed 5/24/2016), relates the following reasons given to reporters by the barber shop's owner for the policy:
"It's a shame for a man to have long hair, but if a woman has long hair, it's her glory and it speaks to being given to her as her covering, and I don't want to be the one who is taking away from her glory."  Hernandez also told reporters that when "people go against what God has created, you start getting everything out of whack."
The suit seeks injunctive relief under California's Unruh Civil Rights Act. A Lambda Legal press release reports on the case.

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Clark v. Curry, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 67162 (MD AL, May 23, 2016), an Alabama federal district court adopted a magistrate's recommendation (2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 67312, April 20, 2016) and dismissed plaintiff's objections to allegedly required participation in a faith-based Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program as a condition of his suspended sentence.

In Smith v. Fischer, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 67403 (WD NY, May 23, 2016), a New York federal district court dismissed an inmate's complaint about a 9-day delay in receiving a kosher diet.

In Powlette v. Morris, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 67796 (SD NY, May 23, 2016) a New York federal district court dismissed on qualified immunity grounds plaintiffs' complaint that prison authorities replaced the Rastafari holiday of Negus Day with the Battle of Adwa Victory in the 2013 DOCCS Religious Calendar.

In Riley v. Muhammad, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 68766 (WD PA, April 4, 2016), a Pennsylvania federal district court adopted a magistrate's recommendation and dismissed an inmate's complaint that he was not allowed to have his pants legs rolled up in violation of his religious beliefs, his complaint over the way prison authorities calculated the beginning of Ramadan, and his complaiant that he was not furnishes halal meat.

In Muhammad v. Douglas, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 70000 (SD NY, May 25, 2016), a New York federal district court dismissed an inmate's claim that his free exercise rights were infringed by placing him in keeplock for refusing to have his beard removed.

In Hoffman v. Lassen Adult Detention Facility, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 70086 (ED CA, May 26, 2016), a California federal magistrate judge recommended allowing plaintiff to proceed with his claim for damages for an initial denial of his request for a kosher diet.