Monday, January 27, 2020

Recent Articles of Interests

From SSRN:

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Son's Wish To Be Cremated Prevails Over Mother's Religious Objections

In In re Remains of Ghostley, (AZ App., Jan. 22, 2020), a mother appealed the order of a probate court directing that the remains of her adult son be cremated.  The son's father and the son's girl friend both affirmed that the son's wishes were to be cremated and to have his ashes spread over the places he loved.  The mother contended that her Jewish religious beliefs opposed cremation and that the thought of her son's being cremated caused her to suffer emotional hardship. Arizona statutes provide that the decedent's wishes must be followed "if they are reasonable and do not impose an economic or emotional hardship." The Arizona appellate court concluded:
[T]he probate court did not err in making the factual determination that Mother’s distress arising from her son’s wishes to be cremated did not rise to the level of “emotional hardship” as contemplated by § 36-831.01. We defer to a trial court’s factual findings unless they are clearly erroneous....
Mother testified that her distress stemmed primarily from her professed religious beliefs, the sincerity of which we do not purport to question here. However ... nothing compelled the court to elevate Mother’s religious beliefs above the wishes of her son. Notably, the record reflects that decedent was also religious, and his own spiritual beliefs could have played a role in his decision to be cremated.
AP reports on the decision.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

President Proclaims National School Choice Week

Yesterday President Trump issued a Presidential Proclamation (full text) declaring January 26 to February 1 as National School Choice Week.  His Proclamation says in part:
Each child is a gift from God who has boundless potential and deserves a fair shot at the American Dream. To have that fair shot, children and their families must be free to pursue an educational environment that matches their individual learning style, develops their unique talents, and prepares them with the knowledge and character needed for fulfilling and productive lives.....
Today, I renew my call on the Congress to focus on what is best for children and pass a Federal tax credit to support State-based educational choice programs.....

Trump Addresses March For Life

Yesterday President Trump addressed the 47th Annual March for Life on the National Mall in Washington. (Full text of remarks). He is the first President to attend the March in person.  He said in part:
All of us here today understand an eternal truth: Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God.  (Applause.)  Together, we must protect, cherish, and defend the dignity and sanctity of every human life.  (Applause.)...
We have taken decisive action to protect the religious liberty –- so important.  Religious liberty has been under attack all over the world, and, frankly, very strongly attacked in our nation.  You see it better than anyone.  But we are stopping it, and we’re taking care of doctors, nurses, teachers, and groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor.  (Applause.)  We are preserving faith-based adoption.  (Applause.)
And to uphold our founding documents, we have confirmed 187 federal judges — (applause) — who apply the Constitution as written, including two phenomenal Supreme Court Justices: Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.  (Applause.)

Friday, January 24, 2020

President Sends Greetings On Lunar New Year

The White House today issued a message from President Trump (full text) sending greetings to those in the U.S. and around the world who are celebrating the Lunar New Year.  He said in part:
On this occasion, we join millions around the globe in welcoming the Year of the Rat and embracing a new year filled with opportunities to make a positive impact in the lives of others.  As those of Asian heritage celebrate this special time of year ... we wish them happiness, health, and prosperity in the year to come.

HHS Says California Violated Federal Conscience Protections On Abortion Coverage

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Civil Rights today issued a Notice of Violation (full text) to the state of California finding that the state violated federal law by making elective abortion coverage mandatory in all policies offered by insurance companies regulated by the state's Department of Managed Health Care. A Christian church and a Catholic religious order filed complaints with HHS saying that California's Mandate Letters to health care plans resulted in the religious organizations being required to offer their employees policies that cover abortions, in violation of the conscience provisions of the federal Weldon Amendment.

The Notice of Violation explains:
... [T]he only exemption California offered (to a health plan issuer) was limited to plans covering a narrow set of “religious employers” under California law. However, the Weldon Amendment protects from discrimination all plans that decline to cover abortion, without requiring any plan issuers, sponsors, or beneficiaries to have a religious character or have a religious reason for not providing or paying for such coverage.... [E]ven a categorical exemption of “religious employers,” as defined by California law, would have only been available to approximately 37% of those employer groups who, prior to the Mandate Letters, had health care coverage that limited or excluded abortion.
The Notice of Violation concludes:
If OCR does not receive sufficient assurance that California will cease requiring all health care plans, as a class, to cover abortion, or that it is willing to negotiate in good faith towards that end, OCR will forward this Notice of Violation and the evidence supporting OCR’s findings in this matter to the appropriate HHS funding components for further action under applicable grants and contracts regulations. Such referral may ultimately result in limitations on continued receipt of certain HHS funds in accordance with the Constitution and applicable Supreme Court case law. 
HHS also issued a press release explaining its action which in part quotes the Director of HHS's Office of Civil Rights:
We are putting California on notice that it must stop forcing people of good will to subsidize the taking of human life, not only because it’s the moral thing to do, but because it’s the law.

Pence Speaks At World Holocaust Forum

Vice President Mike Pence spoke yesterday at the Fifth World Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem. (Full text of remarks.) The event, held at Yad Vashem, marked the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.  The vice-president said in part:
Through pogroms, persecutions, and expulsions in the ghettos, and finally, even through the death camps, the Jewish people clung to an ancient promise that He would “never leave you or forsake you” and that he would leave this people to inherit the land that he swore to your ancestors that he would give them.
And so, today, as we bear witness to the strength and the resilience and the faith of the Jewish people, so too we bear witness to God’s faithfulness to the Jewish people.
UPDATE: On Jan. 24, President Trump issued a Proclamation on National Day Of Remembrance Of The 75th Anniversary Of The Liberation Of Auschwitz, 2020.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

World Court Orders Myanmar To Prevent Further Genocide of Rohingya

The United Nations International Court of Justice has handed down an opinion and order imposing provisional measures on Myanmar to protect the Rohingya in Myanmar's Rakhine state from continuing acts of genocide. The court's opinion in The Gambia v. Myanmar, (ICJ, Jan. 23, 2020), deals at length with jurisdictional issues, standing and the availability of provisional relief pending a final decision in the case. Finding that a plausible claim has been stated and that there is a real and imminent risk of irreparable prejudice if interim relief is not granted, the Court ordered:
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar shall, in accordance with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in relation to the members of the Rohingya group in its territory, take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of this Convention, in particular:
(a) killing members of the group;
(b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to the members of the group;
(c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and
(d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
...The Republic of the Union of Myanmar shall, in relation to the members of the Rohingya group in its territory, ensure that its military, as well as any irregular armed units which may be directed or supported by it and any organizations and persons which may be subject to its control, direction or influence, do not commit any acts described in point (1) above, or of conspiracy to commit genocide, of direct and public incitement to commit genocide, of attempt to commit genocide, or of complicity in genocide....
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar shall take effective measures to prevent the destruction and ensure the preservation of evidence related to allegations of acts within the scope of Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide....
The Court also issued a press release summarizing the decision. CNN has extensive background on the case.

10th Circuit Hears Oral Arguments On Passport Gender Markers

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit yesterday heard oral arguments (audio of full arguments) in Zzyym v. Pompeo. In the case, a Colorado federal district court held that the State Department's policy on passport gender designations is arbitrary and capricious under the Administrative Procedure Act. (Full text of district court's 2018 opinion). The Department requires selection of "M" or "F" as gender on passport applications, and refused to allow plaintiff who is an intersex individual to select "X" as a gender marker. Lambda Legal's case page has extensive additional information and links to pleadings, briefs and decisions in the case.

Christian School Denied Injunction Against Anti-Discrimination Provisions In Aid Programs

In Bethel Ministries, Inc. v. Salmon, (D MD, Jan. 21, 2020), a Maryland federal district court refused to issue a preliminary injunction requested by a Christian elementary school. Bethel Christian Academy sought to enjoin enforcement of a provision requiring non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in order to participate in state-sponsored scholarship and school aid programs.  The court concluded that the school had not shown that the state targeted, was hostile to, or expressly discriminated against the school because of its religious beliefs. Nor had the school shown a likelihood of success on its claim that its free speech rights were infringed.

Utah Administrative Rule Banning Conversion Therapy Becomes Effective

As reported by NPR, in Utah a new rule under the Mental Health Professional Practice Act (full text of rule [scroll to pp. 61-66]) bans mental health professionals from providing conversion therapy to minors. The rule defines conversion therapy as
any practice or treatment that seeks to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of a patient or client, including mental health therapy that seeks to change, eliminate, or reduce behaviors, expressions, attractions, or feelings related to a patient or client's sexual orientation or gender identity.
The new rule became effective yesterday.  It excludes from coverage:
(i) a clergy member or religious counselor who is acting substantially in a pastoral or religious capacity and not in the capacity of a mental health therapist; or
(ii) a parent or grandparent who is a mental health therapist and who is acting substantially in the capacity of a parent or grandparent and not in the capacity of a mental health therapist.
KUER traces the evolution of the ban in Utah. After the original version of the ban failed to pass the state legislature last year, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert negotiated a version with the above exclusions that gained the support of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. While Utah becomes the 19th state to pass this sort of ban, it is the first with a Republican governor and Republican controlled legislature to do so. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Canadian Court Says University Need Not Discipline Abortion Counter-Protesters

In UAlberta Pro-Life v Governors of the University of Alberta, (Alberta Ct. App., Jan. 6, 2020), an appellate court in the Canadian province of Alberta held that the University of Alberta was not required to discipline counter-demonstrators who held signs and banners that blocked the pro-life displays of an anti-abortion student group. Justice Watson, writing the primary opinion, said in part:
The case at bar does not provide an appropriate opportunity to reach any final conclusion about what a ‘positive’ aspect of freedom of expression might mean. It is one thing to provide equal access to opportunities to express. It is quite another to take steps to ensure that the party exercising the freedom has an optimal chance to persuade other people. The University cannot be expected to guarantee that Pro-Life’s message will persuade anybody. More particularly, one thing it does not mean, in my view, is that the University was required to set its face so much against counter protests that it must prosecute without exception any overshoot potentially governed by the Rules of Student Behaviour.
The court however held that the University was not justified in imposing a $17,500 security deposit for the organization to hold a subsequent event.  It held that the University is subject to Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms in regulating freedom of expression by students on campus grounds.

Justice Watson then wrote in part:
While I do not agree that victim blaming is what is involved, there appears to be error here by the University in imposing on Pro-Life the exclusive burden of overcoming problems arising from the fact that their expression might attract an adverse response.
... [I]t cannot be said that Pro-Life should be held 100% responsible for costs that future events might generate. Although the University says the concept of the heckler’s veto is misplaced here, the position for the University escalated the status of potential objectors to not merely being on par with the expresser, but above the expresser’s position.
[Thanks to James Phillips for the lead.]

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Transcript of Today's Arguments in Espinoza v. Montana Dept. of Revenue Now Available

The transcript of today's oral arguments in the U.S. Supreme Court  in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue is now available. Amy Howe at SCOTUS blog discusses the oral arguments, saying in part:
This morning the Supreme Court heard oral argument in the latest chapter of the battle over the use of public funding for religious schools. Supporters of such funding argue that the government should not be allowed to discriminate against religious families and schools, while opponents warn that requiring the government to allow public funds to be used for religious schools could harm public education. Both of those issues were at the forefront of today’s oral argument, as was the question of whether the lawsuit should continue at all. By the time the justices left the bench, it appeared that the outcome could hinge on the votes of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Stephen Breyer.

Supreme Court Will Hear Arguments Today In Montana Religious School Aid Case

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments this morning in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue.  In the case, the Montana Supreme Court held that Montana's tax credit program for contributions to student scholarship organizations is unconstitutional under Montana Constitution Art. X, Sec, 6 which prohibits state aid to sectarian schools. (See prior posting.) The Solicitor General will  participate in oral argument, contending that Montana's "no-aid" provision violates the U.S. Constitution's free exercise clause.  SCOTUS blog has a preview of today's arguments. Here is SCOTUS blog's case page with links to all the filings in the case and to additional discussion of the issues involved. I will post the transcript of the oral arguments later today when it becomes available.

2nd Circuit: No Amended Complaint In Falun Gong Torture Lawsuit

In Chen Gang v. Zhao Zhizhen, (2d Cir., Jan. 13, 2020), the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with the district court holding plaintiffs cannot file a third amended complaint in their long-running lawsuit. In the suit, originally filed in 2004, plaintiffs representing a class of Falun Gong practitioners claimed that defendant used his influential position in China to encourage persecution of Falun Gong members there. The motion came after dismissal of plaintiffs' earlier complaint alleging aiding and abetting and conspiracy in violation of the Torture Victim Protection Act. Washington Post reported on the decision.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

New Survey On Antisemitism In France

American Jewish Committee Paris yesterday released a new 35-page report on antisemitism in France (Full text of report). The report analyzes surveys conducted in October and November of 2019. AJC's release summarizing the report says in part:
Nearly three-quarters, 73%, of the French public, and 72% of Jews, consider antisemitism a problem that affects all of French society. 47% of the general public and 67% of the Jewish respondents say the level of antisemitism in France is high, while 27% and 22%, respectively, say it is low.
While 53% of the general public say antisemitism has been increasing, and 18% decreasing, in recent years, 77% of Jews say it has increased and 12% decreased....
... 70 percent of French Jews say they have been victims of at least one antisemitic incident in their lifetime, 64% have suffered anti-Semitic verbal abuse at least once, and 23% have been targets of physical violence on at least one occasion, with 10 percent saying they were attacked several times.

Monday, January 20, 2020

5th Circuit: Court Should Not Agree To Use Pronoun Requested By Litigant

In United States v. Varner, (5th Cir., Jan. 15, 2020), the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals denied a motion by a transgender female inmate for a name change on the inmate's judgement of confinement.  Petitioner wanted the male name on her judgment changed to reflect her later name change to that of a female.  In addition, petitioner sought to require the courts to refer to her using female pronouns. The majority and the partial dissent disagree on whether this motion refers to the district court, or only to the Court of Appeals. In rejecting this request, the majority said in part:
[I]f a court were to compel the use of particular pronouns at the invitation of litigants, it could raise delicate questions about judicial impartiality. Federal judges should always seek to promote confidence that they will dispense evenhanded justice. See Canon 2(A).... In cases like these, a court may have the most benign motives in honoring a party’s request to be addressed with pronouns matching his “deeply felt, inherent sense of [his] gender.” ... Yet in doing so, the court may unintentionally convey its tacit approval of the litigant’s underlying legal position.... Even this appearance of bias, whether real or not, should be avoided....
A Washington Post op-ed discusses the decision.

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Claims Against Notre Dame and Feds Over Contraceptive Coverage Move Ahead

Irish 4 Reproductive Health v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (ND IN, Jan. 16, 2020), is the latest installment in the dispute over the extent to which Notre Dame University must provide contraceptive coverage in its health insurance plans for employees and students. As described by the Indiana federal district court:
There are really two separate disputes at play here. The first involves a challenge to regulations that would allow Notre Dame to declare itself exempt from the Women’s Health Amendment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“ACA”)....
The second part of this case presents a [new] wrinkle.... [A] week after issuing the interim final rules..., the Federal Defendants executed a private settlement agreement with Notre Dame exempting the university from all existing and future requirements with respect to contraceptive coverage. Notre Dame did not seek input from its students or faculty before entering into the settlement agreement. The Plaintiffs in this case — Irish 4 Reproductive Health (an association of Notre Dame students), Natasha Reifenberg, and Jane Does 1-3 — claim this backroom deal is illegal and unconstitutional. 
The court refused to dismiss plaintiffs' claims that the settlement agreement and the exemptive rules violate the Administrative Procedure Act and the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment. However the court did dismiss due process and equal protection challenges. (See prior related posting.)

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Canadian Court Says Indigenous Events In School Did Not Infringe Religious Freedom of Christian Students

In Canada, in Servatius v. Board of Education School District No. 70, (BC Sup. Ct., Jan. 8, 2020), a British Columbia trial court judge rejected claims of infringement of religious freedom asserted by the mother of two school children. The court summarized the dispute:
As part of an effort to acquaint students with Indigenous culture and to promote a sense of belonging in Indigenous children, a Nuu-chah-nulth Elder visited a Port Alberni elementary school and demonstrated the practice of smudging. A few months later, an assembly at this public school witnessed an Indigenous dance performance, in the midst of which the dancer said a prayer. The petitioner is an evangelical Christian. Her nine-year-old daughter and seven-year-old son were enrolled in the school and witnessed these demonstrations of Indigenous culture and spirituality.
In dismissing the claims, the court said in part:
When arrangements are made for Indigenous events in its schools, even events with elements of spirituality, the School District is not professing or favouring Indigenous beliefs. Educators are holding these events to teach about Indigenous culture, and to introduce students to Indigenous perspectives and worldviews....
I conclude that proof on an objective basis of interference with the ability of the petitioner or her children to act in accordance with their religious beliefs requires more than the children being in the presence of an Elder demonstrating a custom with spiritual overtones or being in the presence of a dancer who said a brief prayer. In most instances, it is not difficult to recognize the boundary between a student learning about different beliefs and being made to participate in spiritual rituals. A field trip to a mosque to watch prayers would be learning about Islam; an Imam coming to the classroom and demonstrating prayer rituals would likewise not be problematic. However, in either of these cases, if the involvement of the students progressed to being called upon to pray or read from the Koran then it might well be said that educators have compelled the manifestation of a specific religious practice or the affirmation of a specific religious belief. If a Catholic priest came to school with altar candles and a censer containing incense to acquaint the students with the sights and scents of Church rites, this would seem to be well within the bounds of what the S.L. case stands for: religious freedom is not compromised when students are taught about other beliefs. If, however, the children underwent a baptism, this would be far over the line.
(See prior related posting.)