Monday, December 21, 2020

Recent Articles and Books of Interest

 From SSRN:

From SmartCILP:
  • Nancy J. Whitmore, Extending the Roberts Court's Affirmation of Individual Expressive Rights to the First Amendment Claim in Masterpiece Cakeshop, [Abstract], 12 Elon Law Review 105-136 (2020).
Recent and Forthcoming Books:

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Federal Court Refuses To Enjoin State COVID Enforcement Proceedings Against Church

In Calvary Chapel San Jose v. Cody, (ND CA, Dec. 18, 2020), a California federal district court, applying the Younger abstention doctrine, refused to issue a temporary restraining order against state court proceedings enforcing a state court's preliminary injunction against a church. The church "blatantly flouted" COVID restrictions on worship service, continuing to hold indoor services for large numbers of worshipers without effectively enforcing mask or social distancing requirements. In refusing the TRO, the court said in part:

Our Federalism properly places this dispute in the more-than-capable hands of the Santa Clara County Superior Court.

Courthouse News Service reports on the decision.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Suit By Fired Parish Office Manager Dismissed On Ecclesiastical Abstention Grounds

In Napolitano v. St. Joseph Catholic Church, (FL App., Dec. 18, 2020), a Florida state appellate court dismissed on ecclesiastical abstention grounds a suit by a church parish's office manager. At issue was whether a new parish priest could fire the office manager after the prior priest, just before his ouster, had on behalf of the parish entered a 4-year contract with the office manager. In affirming the trial court's dismissal of the case, the court said in part:

At the heart of the dispute between Napolitano and the Church Defendants is whether Father Brown had the authority under Canon Law to obligate successor administrations of St. Joseph to retain his chosen employees. Simply put, Napolitano has requested that a secular court examine a hierarchical religious organization and determine who has the authority to speak and act on its behalf. Whether based on actual or apparent authority, Napolitano’s request would require a court to impermissibly wade into ecclesiastical polity, in violation of the First Amendment....

Whether Father Brown had the actual or apparent authority to form the employment agreement and bind St. Joseph and the Diocese, even after his removal, is a quintessentially religious controversy—one that would require judicial inquiry into internal church matters—and constitutes a subject matter of which secular courts lack jurisdiction.

DOJ Sues Vermont Hospital For Violating Church Amendments

The Justice Department announced this week that it filed suit in a Vermont federal district court against the University of Vermont Medical Center for violating the Church Amendments that protect medical workers from being required to assist with abortions in violation of their religious or moral convictions. The complaint (full text) in United States v. University of Vermont Medical Center, (D VT, filed 12/16/2020) alleges in part:

Defendant has scheduled conscience objectors, including nurses, to assist with elective abortions despite specific and repeated requests from those personnel not to be assigned to elective abortions because of their religious beliefs or moral convictions. Moreover, Defendant has repeatedly assigned conscience objectors to participate in elective abortions without giving advance notice of the nature of the procedure.

European Court Upholds Flemish Restrictions on Halal and Kosher Slaughter

In a case referred to it by Belgium's Constitutional Court, the Court of Justice of the European Union in Centraal IsraĆ«litisch Consistorie van BelgiĆ« and Others v. Vlaamse Regering, (CJEU Grand Chamber, Dec. 17, 2020), upheld a decree of the Flemish government requiring kosher and halal slaughter in the country to use a reversible stunning technique that is inconsistent with Jewish and Muslim religious requirements.  The Flemish government contended:

Electronarcosis is a reversible (non-lethal) method of stunning in which the animal, if it has not had its throat cut in the meantime, regains consciousness after a short period and does not feel any negative effects of stunning. If the animal’s throat is cut immediately after stunning, its death will be purely due to bleeding.... [T]he application of reversible, non-lethal stunning during the practice of ritual slaughter constitutes a proportionate measure which respects the spirit of ritual slaughter in the framework of freedom of religion and takes maximum account of the welfare of the animals concerned.

The European Court said in part:

[T]he Charter is a living instrument which must be interpreted in the light of present-day conditions and of the ideas prevailing in democratic States today ... with the result that regard must be had to changes in values and ideas, both in terms of society and legislation, in the Member States. Animal welfare, as a value to which contemporary democratic societies have attached increasing importance for a number of years, may, in the light of changes in society, be taken into account to a greater extent in the context of ritual slaughter and thus help to justify the proportionality of legislation such as that at issue in the main proceedings....

... [T]he measures contained in the decree at issue ... allow a fair balance to be struck between the importance attached to animal welfare and the freedom of Jewish and Muslim believers to manifest their religion and are, therefore, proportionate.

The Court also issued a press release announcing the decision. Meanwhile, Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs harshly criticized the ruling, saying in part:

Beyond the fact that this decision harms the freedom of worship and religion in Europe, a core value of the EU, it also signals to Jewish communities that they are unwanted in Europe. 

Courthouse News Service reports on the decision.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Supreme Court, 7-2, Refuses To Reinstate Injunction Against Kentucky School Closing Order

 In Danville Christian Academy, Inc. v. Beshear, (US Sup. Ct., Dec. 17, 2020), the U.S. Supreme Court by a vote of 7-2 refused to reinstate a district court's injunction against the Kentucky governor's November 18 COVID-related school closing order. The 6th Circuit had stayed the injunction. The governor's Order was challenged by a Christian school. The majority said in part:

The Governor’s school-closing Order effectively expires this week or shortly thereafter, and there is no indication that it will be renewed. The Order applies equally to secular schools and religious schools, but the applicants argue that the Order treats schools (including religious schools) worse than restaurants, bars, and gyms, for example, which remain open. For the latter reason, the applicants argue that the Order is not neutral and generally applicable....

Under all of the circumstances, especially the timing and the impending expiration of the Order, we deny the application without prejudice to the applicants or other parties seeking a new preliminary injunction if the Governor issues a school-closing order that applies in the new year.

Justice Alito filed a dissenting opinion that Justice Gorsuch joined. And Justice Gorsuch filed a dissenting opinion that Justice Alito joined. SCOTUSblog discusses the decision. (See prior related posting.)

VP Pence Hosts Pro-Life Event At White House Complex

Yesterday, Vice President Mike Pence hosted a "Life is Winning Event" in the Executive Office Building at which more than 20 anti-abortion organizations were represented. (Video of the event.) The event included 15 minutes of remarks from the Vice President (full text of remarks) in which he said in part:

... I truly do believe if all of us continue to do all that we can in the months and the years ahead, we will see the sanctity of life restored to the center of American law in our time....

I know what all of you know as well: that he who said “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you” is about life. And we do well in this movement to always remind ourselves that when we make the cause for life our cause, we make His work on this Earth our very own.

So do not grow weary in doing well, because in the last four years, we’ve shown when men and women of faith and conviction come together to stand up for the unborn, to speak out for the voiceless, life can win in America. And with your help and God’s help, life will keep on winning in the United States of America.

DC Archdiocese Seeks Liberalized Capacity Rules For Its Churches

Last week, the Catholic Diocese of Washington, D.C. sued in federal district court challenging D.C.'s COVID-related 50-person cap on religious gatherings.  It seeks, instead, percentage-based limits similar to those imposed on numerous commercial establishments. The complaint (full text) in Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington v. Bowser, (D DC, filed 12/11/2020), alleges that half of the churches in the Archdiocese can accommodate 500 or more worshippers, and the largest can accommodate thousands. It contends that the current limits violate its 1st and 14th Amendment rights. The complaint declares:

 Christmas should be a time for reconciliation and joy, and the Archdiocese simply wants to welcome its flock home. It respectfully requests that it be allowed to do so.

Catholic News Service reports on the lawsuit.

UPDATE: In order to resolve the litigation, D.C.'s Mayor on Dec. 16 issued modified rules (full text of Mayor's Order) that allow houses of worship to admit up to 25% of their capacity, not to exceed 250 persons, for worship services. Other events or programs at churches are limited to 10 persons indoors or 25 outdoors. Other safety protocols are also required for religious services. Washington Post reports on the new Order.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

9th Circuit Orders Injunction Against Nevada's COVID Limits On Churches

In Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley v. Sisolak, (9th Cir., Dec. 15, 2020), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals held that Nevada's COVID-19 restrictions on worship services violate the Free Exercise clause. The court said in part:

The Supreme Court’s decision in Roman Catholic Diocese compels us to reverse the district court. Just like the New York restrictions, the Directive treats numerous secular activities and entities significantly better than religious worship services. Casinos, bowling alleys, retail businesses, restaurants, arcades, and other similar secular entities are limited to 50% of fire-code capacity, yet houses of worship are limited to fifty people regardless of their fire-code capacities.

Nevada Independent reports on the decision.

Federal Agencies Loosen Requirements For Faith-Based Grantees

 Yesterday nine federal departments jointly issued a 381-page release (full text) titled Equal Participation of Faith-Based Organizations in the Federal Agencies’ Programs and Activities. The Release amends existing rules to loosen restrictions on faith-based organizations operation of programs and activities funded by federal grants. The new rules impact grants by the Departments of Education, Homeland Security, Agriculture, Justice, Labor, Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, and Agency for International Development.

DOJ's press release on the new rules says in part:

This final rule ensures equal treatment for faith-based organizations, consistent with the Constitution and other federal law.  It removes requirements in prior regulations that placed unequal burdens on religious organizations, cast unwarranted suspicion on them, and were in tension with their religious liberty rights.  This final rule also clarifies that religious organizations do not lose various legal protections because they participate in federal programs and activities, such as the rights to accommodations and conscience protections under the First Amendment, Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and other federal laws.

Friendly Atheist blog describes the major changes as follows:

Right now, faith-based service providers have to refer clients elsewhere if the people say they feel uncomfortable with their religious affiliation. That’s now gone.

Right now, any clients are required to be told about their religious freedom rights. They’re told they don’t have to participate in any religious activities, they are entitled to go to an alternative service provider, and they can file a complaint if necessary. That’s now gone.

Right now, if clients receive a voucher for social services, there must be a secular provider in addition to any religious providers. That requirement is now gone… which means there may be no secular options for some people.

The new rules become effective Jan. 16, 2021. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.] 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Supreme Court Sends Two Cases On COVID Limits Back For Reconsideration

In two separate cases today, the U.S. Supreme Court vacated district court opinions (1, 2) denying churches or clergy injunctions against state COVID-19 orders. The Supreme Court ordered those courts to reconsider the cases in light of the Supreme Court's recent decision in Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo. In one of today's cases, High Plains Harvest Church v. Polis, (Sup. Ct., Dec. 15, 2020), challenging Colorado restrictions, Justice Kagan, joined by Justices Breyer and Sotomayor dissented on the ground that the case is now moot since the challenged capacity limits have already been lifted. In the second case, Kevin v. Murphy, (Sup. Ct., Dec. 15, 2020), challenging New Jersey restrictions, no dissents to the one paragraph order were recorded. SCOTUSblog has more on the decisions. [updated]

Minnesota Town Approves Asatru Zoning Request

The Washington Post reported yesterday on a controversial religious zoning battle in the 273-person town of Murdock, Minnesota:

The Murdock City Council voted 3-1 ... to allow the Asatru Folk Assembly to turn the run-down church it purchased in July into its first “hof,” or gathering place, in the Midwest. The looming presence of the obscure Nordic folk religion, widely classified as a White supremacist hate group by extremism and religious experts, promoted months of pushback from concerned residents.

City leaders, meanwhile, were advised that denying the AFA’s permit could leave Murdock vulnerable to a potentially devastating religious discrimination suit.

Michigan Catholic School Challenges COVID Closure Order

A private Catholic school has sued seeking a declaration that Michigan's latest COVID-19 order temporarily closing down in-person high school instruction violates its Free Exercise rights.  The complaint (full text) in Saint Michael Academy, Inc. v. Gordon, (WD MI, filed 12/11/2020) alleges in part:

The Declaration of Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya, a world-renowned scientific expert, professor of Medicine at Stanford University, and author of 136 articles in peer-reviewed journals, attached to this Complaint as Exhibit 3, presents scientific analysis which shows that prohibiting in-person instruction for pupils in grades 9 through 12 as does Director Gordon’s current Order, is not warranted by either transmission or mortality data, and causes these students great harm....

Without in-person instruction, St. Michael Academy is unable to provide the Christ-centered, communal academic environment required for its students to grow and develop in accordance with its religious purpose, mission and vision....

The current Order is an arbitrary order that, while closing down St. Michael Academy’s high school, nevertheless permits many other types of gatherings that pose similar or greater risks of COVID-19 transmission and infection, and that are unprotected by the Free Exercise clause of the United States Constitution.

Thomas More Law Center issued a press release with more details on the case. MLive reports on the lawsuit.

Ohio County's School Closure Order Upheld

In Monclova Christian Academy v. Toledo- Lucas County Health Department, (ND OH, Dec. 14, 2020), an Ohio federal district court refused to issue a temporary restraining order against COVID-19 rules which bar in-person instruction at the high school level, and bar use of schools for various activities. The suit was filed by three Christian schools and an organization of Christian and Catholic schools.  The court said in part:

The nature of Plaintiffs’ arguments stems in part from their assertion that the educational courses they offer to their students are inextricably intertwined with their religious beliefs and, therefore, to prohibit Plaintiffs from holding classes in the manner in which they believe is most consistent with the tenets of their faith is to interfere with the free exercise of their faith....

While, as Plaintiffs note, TLCHD has not ordered gyms, tanning salons, or casinos to close, ... these are not the relevant “comparable secular activities.” Instead, the comparable secular activities are educational classes offered by all other schools in Lucas County. These specific environments have substantially similar groupings and movements of individuals....

Plaintiffs’ arguments ... would extend to prohibit the government from regulating any aspect of a Christian’s public life because, as Plaintiffs’ mission statements make clear, the purpose of providing “a biblical foundation for . . . students” is to prepare students “to exemplify Christ [and] make Biblically-based decisions” throughout an individual’s life, and not only during the schools years.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Austria's Constitutional Court Strikes Down Assisted Suicide Ban; Hijab Ban For Young Girls

Last Friday, Austria's Constitutional Court issued two important decisions. It held it unconstitutional to prohibit assisting suicide.  According to the Court's press release:

At the request of several people affected, including two seriously ill people, the Constitutional Court (VfGH) repealed the provision that makes assisting suicide a criminal offense:

The phrase “or help him” in Section 78 of the Criminal Code is unconstitutional. It violates the right to self-determination, because this fact forbids any kind of assistance under any circumstances.

The Court also struck down the ban on young school girls wearing religious head coverings. Its press release said in part:

Pursuant to Section 43a, Paragraph 1, Clause 1 of the School Education Act, schoolchildren are prohibited from wearing ideologically or religiously influenced clothing that involves covering their heads until the end of the school year in which they turn 10.

Two children and their parents opposed this regulation. The children are raised religiously in the sense of the Sunni or Shiite legal school of Islam. You see in this provision, which is ultimately aimed at the Islamic headscarf (hijab), a disproportionate interference with the right to religious freedom and religious child-rearing. 

With the decision announced today, the Constitutional Court (VfGH) has repealed this "headscarf ban" as unconstitutional....

A regulation that selectively picks out a certain religious or ideological conviction by deliberately privileging or disadvantaging such a belief requires a special objective justification with regard to the requirement of religious and ideological neutrality.

AFP reported on the headscarf decision. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Recent Articles of Interest

 From SSRN:

From SmartCILP:

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Court Refuses To Enjoin Kentucky Limits On In-Person Religious School Instruction

 In Pleasant View Baptist Church v. Saddler, (ED KY, Dec. 11, 2020, a Kentucky federal district court refused to issue a preliminary injunction against enforcement of Kentucky's COVID-19 orders that, among other things, ban in-person teaching at religious schools and limit the size of in-home social gatherings. Relying on 6th Circuit precedent, the court rejected free exercise challenges by Christian schools. It added, however:

Ultimately, the Supreme Court will decide this question. Danville Christian Academy, Inc., et al. v. Beshear, 20-6341 (6th Cir. Nov. 29, 2020), appeal docketed, No. 20A96 (Dec. 1, 2020). At this juncture, an injunction is not supported given the teaching of the Sixth Circuit, but that could change. And if it does, this Court will revisit Pleasant View’s request.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Street Preacher Planning Protest Lacks Standing In TRO Proceeding

In Gibson v. City of Vancouver, 2020 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 232408 (WD WA, Dec. 3, 2020), a Washington federal district court refused to issue a temporary restraining order to protect a street preacher who planned to hold a 20-person outdoor prayer protest at a public park to oppose the governor's COVID-19 orders. The court held that plaintiff lacks standing to sue, saying in part that plaintiff:

has not demonstrated that any of the Defendants he sued have communicated a specific warning or threat to initiate any proceedings against him if he carries out his plan...

Court Refuses To Enjoin City's Holiday Display Policy

In Knights of Columbus Star of the Sea Council 7297 v. City of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, (D DE, Dec. 11, 2020), a Delaware federal district court refused to issue a preliminary injunction against the city's policy on religious displays at the Rehoboth Beach Bandstand. Plaintiffs want to continue their past practice of erecting a creche on the site for the Christmas season. The city's policy, which allegedly at one time banned religious displays of all kinds, was revised while this litigation was pending so that it now prohibits only any unattended private display on city property. However it permits attended religious and secular displays. The court said in part:

[B]ecause the motion is directed to a policy that no longer exists (if it ever did) and there is no realistic chance the alleged unconstitutional conduct will be resumed before the Court can reach the merits of the case, the motion must be denied as moot. It is also unripe. The Knights is free to apply to display an attended creche, but it has not yet done so. Finally, ... even assuming Plaintiff has established a likelihood of success on the merits, the motion must be denied because Plaintiff has failed to show it will suffer irreparable harm in the absence of preliminary injunctive relief.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Michigan Court of Claims: State Civil Rights Law Bans Gender Identity, But Not Sexual Orientation, Discrimination

In 2018, the Michigan Civil Rights Commission in Interpretive Statement 2018-1 concluded that:

as used in the Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act “discrimination because of... sex” includes discrimination because of gender identity and discrimination because of sexual orientation.

Now in Rouch World, LLC v. Michigan Department of Civil Rights, (MI Ct. Cl., Dec. 7, 2020), the Michigan Court of Claims 

"discrimination because of sex under the ELCRA includes discrimination because of an individual’s “gender identity,” and thus Interpretative Statement 2018-1 is valid to that extent....

However, feeling itself bound by a prior state Court of Appeals decision, the court held:

discrimination because of an individual’s “sexual orientation” is not prohibited under the ELCRA. Whether enforcement of Interpretative Statement 2018-1, as modified by this opinion and order, would interfere with plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights to the free exercise of religion has not been sufficiently briefed to resolve at this juncture.

At issue in the case According to the Detroit News, Michigan's attorney general plans to support the Civil Rights Commission's full interpretation in an appeal.