Thursday, May 18, 2023

5th Circuit Hears Arguments on FDA Approval of Abortion Drug

Yesterday the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments (audio of full arguments) in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. Food & Drug Administration.  In the case, a Texas federal district court held that plaintiffs have a substantial likelihood of success on their claim that the FDA's 2021 action allowing the abortion drug mifepristone to be distributed by mail violates the Comstock Act and thus was also in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act. The court also concluded that the FDA's approval in 2000 of doctors prescribing mifepristone violated the agency's rules for approval of new drugs. (See prior posting.) Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court granted a stay of the district court's order that is to last until appeals to both the 5th Circuit and the Supreme Court have run their course. (See prior posting.)  CNN reports on yesterday's oral arguments.

Texas Legislature Passes Law Banning Gender-Affirming Health Care for Individuals Under 18

Yesterday the Texas legislature gave final approval to SB 14 (full text) which prohibits the provision of gender transitioning or gender reassignment procedures to individuals under 18 years of age. The bill bars both surgeries and puberty suppression or blockers. The state medical board is required to revoke the license of any physician who violates the treatment ban. Texas Governor Greg Abbott is expected to sign the bill.  AP reports on the bill's passage.

Establishment Clause Challenge to Transcendental Meditation Program in High School Moves Ahead

In Williams v. Board of Education of the City of Chicago, (ND IL, May 16, 2023), an Illinois federal district court refused to grant summary judgment to either side on an Establishment Clause challenge to a high school's elective instruction in Transcendental Meditation brought by former student Amonte Williams.  The court said in part:

[T]here is evidence that a Transcendental Meditation instructor separated Williams from his classmates and brought him individually to a different classroom for the initiation. A reasonable jury could find that Williams, having arguably signed up to be trained in Transcendental Meditation, was then required to observe a religious ceremony in order to learn meditation and was misled about the ceremony's religious nature. The scenario as presented by Williams differs from the school prayer cases ... because there was no imposition or mention of any specific beliefs by the defendants. But the initiation ceremony distinguishes this situation from those cases involving the simple practice of Yoga in schools.... The evidence in this record— most notably the details of the initiation ceremony—suggest that a reasonable jury could find that the Transcendental Meditation training as implemented was religious in nature or at least included a required religious ceremony....

... A reasonable jury could find that Williams felt pressured to support the purportedly religious aspects of Transcendental Meditation during the initiation ceremony, when he saw various items placed around a picture of a teacher of Transcendental Meditation while the instructor spoke in a language he did not understand. It is less clear whether Williams would have felt pressured to support the instructor-led meditation in the classrooms.... [T]he Court denies the defendants' motion for summary judgment.... To the extent that Williams intended to move for summary judgment on his Establishment Clause claim ...,  the Court denies the motion. The reason is that a reasonable jury could find that there was no "captive audience," that the initiation ceremony was not religious in nature, or that Williams did not feel pressured to support any religious aspects of the program.

7th Grader Sues Over School's Hate Speech Dress Code

Suit was filed yesterday in a Massachusetts federal district court challenging the Middleborough school district's Dress Code which provides:

Clothing must not state, imply, or depict hate speech or imagery that target groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or any other classification.

The complaint (full text) in Morrison v. Town of Middleborough, (ED MA, filed 5/17/2023), alleges that a 7th-grader's free speech rights were violated when he was not permitted to attend classes wearing a T-shirt carrying the message, "There are only two genders". Two weeks later he came to school wearing a shirt with the message, "There are censored genders". He was also barred from wearing this shirt.  The complaint alleges in part:

101. As Defendants interpret their Speech Policy, some viewpoints on the topic of “gender identity or expression” are permitted while some viewpoints on the same topic are prohibited. In particular, speech expressing the viewpoint that there are only two genders is prohibited, while speech expressing the viewpoint that gender is fluid and is on a spectrum is permitted....

135. Defendants’ censorship of Liam’s shirts while permitting shirts and other apparel with different messages on related topics is viewpoint discrimination, which is unconstitutional in any type of forum....

153. The Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits the government from censoring speech pursuant to vague standards that grant enforcement officials unbridled discretion.

154. The arbitrary determination by school officials of what is and is not “hate speech,” what speech “targets” a specific group, or what speech is “unacceptable to community standards” violates this norm.

ADF issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

North Carolina Legislature Overrides Veto of Abortion Law

 The North Carolina legislature last night voted to override Governor Roy Cooper's veto of Senate Bill 20 which imposes elaborate new restrictions on abortions in the state, summarized in this prior posting

Reuters reports on the legislature's action.

Air Force Announces Portal To Process Religious Exemption Requests

The U.S. Air Force announced last week that it has developed a Portal to streamline requests for religious accommodation filed by Air Force, Space Force, and civilian employees, as well as appeals from denials of requests. According to an Air Force official:

The service has seen an exponential increase in religious accommodation requests, and the portal offers a systemic automated solution to ensure our servicemembers and civilians are assisted in the most expeditious manner going forward.

The Air Force has been embroiled in litigation filed by service members seeking religious exemptions from the military's COVID vaccine mandate. (See prior posting.)

9th Circuit Remands Employees' Challenge to Vaccine Exemption Denial

In Keene v. City and County of San Francisco, (9th Cir., May 15, 2023), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed and remanded a decision from a California federal district court that denied preliminary relief to two city and county employees who were denied religious exemptions from CCSF's COVID vaccine mandate. The appeals court said in part:

The district court erroneously concluded that “[n]either Plaintiff has demonstrated that their religious beliefs are sincere or that those beliefs conflict with receiving the COVID-19 vaccine...."...

Beyond the district court’s factual error, its decision reflects a misunderstanding of Title VII law. A religious belief need not be consistent or rational to be protected under Title VII, and an assertion of a sincere religious belief is generally accepted.... 

The district court did not explain its conclusion that Appellants had not established sincerity beyond stating that there are “no grounds upon which to assert the mistaken conclusion that the FDA-approved vaccines . . . are . . . derived from murdered babies” and generally stating that personal preferences are not sincere religious beliefs. And CCSF offered no argument or evidence that Appellants’ beliefs are insincere. Absent any indication otherwise, it seems that the district court erroneously held that Appellants had not asserted sincere religious beliefs because their beliefs were not scientifically accurate. Remand is warranted for the district court to reevaluate Appellants’ claims applying the proper failure-to-accommodate inquiry....

Courthouse News Service reports on the decision.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

DOE Updates Guidance on Prayer In Public Schools

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Education issued an updated Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools. The Guidance document points out that the Elementary and Secondary Education Act requires the Secretary of Education to issue such guidance to state and local education agencies, and local agencies must certify that they do not have policies that deny participation in constitutionally protected prayer. The Guidance reads in part:

Teachers, school administrators, and other school employees may not encourage or discourage private prayer or other religious activity.

The Constitution does not, however, prohibit school employees themselves from engaging in private prayer during the workday where they are not acting in their official capacities and where their prayer does not result in any coercion of students. Before school or during breaks, for instance, teachers may meet with other teachers for prayer or religious study to the same extent that they may engage in other conversation or nonreligious activities. School employees may also engage in private religious expression or brief personal religious observance during such times, subject to the same neutral rules the school applies to other private conduct by its employees. Employees engaging in such expression or observance may not, however, compel, coerce, persuade, or encourage students to join in the employee's prayer or other religious activity, and a school may take reasonable measures to ensure that students are not pressured or encouraged to join in the private prayer of their teachers or coaches.

Americans United issued a press release welcoming the updated Guidance.

State Department Releases 2022 Report on International Religious Freedom

Yesterday the U.S. State Department released its 2022 Report on International Religious Freedom (full text). The Report describes the status of religious freedom in 196 countries. The Report is submitted annually to Congress in compliance with the International Religious Freedom Act. Secretary of State Blinken, announcing release of the report, said in part:

Over the past year we’ve seen real progress in some parts of the world on expanding religious freedom as people demanded their rights.  Civil society groups pushed for change and governments listened.

Unfortunately, the report also documents the continuation and, in some instances, the rise of very troubling trends.  Governments in many parts of the world continue to target religious minorities using a host of methods, including torture, beatings, unlawful surveillance, and so-called re-education camps.  They also continued to engage in other forms of discrimination on the basis of faith or lack of faith, like excluding religious minorities from certain professions or forcing them to work during times of religious observance.

Governments use anti-conversion, blasphemy, apostasy laws, which ban the act of leaving a faith, to justify harassment against those who don’t follow their particular interpretation of a theology, often weaponizing those laws against humanists, atheists, and LGBTQI+ individuals....

In a press release, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom reacted to the State Department's Report.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:

From SmartCILP:

Sunday, May 14, 2023

North Carolina Governor Vetoes New Abortion Restrictions

Yesterday, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper vetoed (veto message) (press release) Senate Bill 20 (full text) which imposed numerous new restrictions on abortions.  According to the General Asembly Conference Committee's summary of the bill:

Part I of the Conference Committee Substitute to Senate Bill 20 would repeal and replace the current abortion law in North Carolina. Under the new law, abortion would be permitted through the first twelve weeks of pregnancy for any reason, through the twentieth week of pregnancy if the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest, through the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy if there is a life-limiting anomaly in the unborn child, and at any time if there is a medical emergency for the pregnant woman. Part I would also criminalize the provision or advertising of abortion-inducing drugs in certain circumstances, prohibit eugenic abortions, and establish informed consent and reporting requirements for abortion.

NPR reports on the governor's action, saying that now a veto override battle will take place in the legislature.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Montana Supreme Court: State Constitution Protects Abortion Care by Advance Practice Registered Nurses

In Weems v. State of Montana, (MT Sup. Ct., May 12, 2023), the Montana Supreme Court held that a 2005 Montana statute that bars Advance Practice Registered Nurses from delivering abortion care violates the Montana Constitution.  The court summarized its decision:

Article II, Section 10, of the Montana Constitution guarantees a woman a fundamental right of privacy to seek abortion care from a qualified health care provider of her choosing, absent a clear demonstration of a medically acknowledged, bona fide health risk. The State has failed to meet its burden of demonstrating that APRN-FNPs and APRN-CNMs providing abortion care present a medically acknowledged, bona fide health risk. The State has failed to present any evidence that demonstrates abortions performed by APRNs include more risk than those provided by physicians or PAs. The State has failed to identify any reason why APRNs should be restricted from providing abortions, and thus failed to articulate a medically acknowledged, bona fide health risk. The District Court correctly determined that no genuine dispute of material fact exists regarding the safety and efficacy of APRNs providing early abortion care. Accordingly, § 50-20-109(1)(a), MCA, is an unconstitutional interference with a woman’s right of privacy to seek medical care from a qualified provider of her choice.

Law & Crime reports on the decision.

Friday, May 12, 2023

New Florida Law Protects Conscience Rights of Health Care Providers

 Yesterday Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 1580 (full text) which protects conscience rights of health care providers and insurers. The law provides in part:

It is the intent of the Legislature to provide the right of medical conscience for health care providers and payors to ensure they can care for patients in a manner consistent with their moral, ethical, and religious convictions. Further, it is the intent of the Legislature that licensed health care providers and payors be free from threat of discrimination for providing conscience-based health care....

 A health care provider or health care payor has the right to opt out of participation in or payment for any health care service on the basis of a conscience-based objection....

A board ... may not take disciplinary action against a health care practitioner’s license or deny a license to an individual solely because the individual has spoken or written publicly about a health care service or public policy, including, but not limited to, speech through the use of a social media platform ... provided that the individual is not using such speech or written communication to provide medical advice or treatment to a specific patient or patients....

Pensacola News Journal reports on the new law.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

8th Circuit Upholds Constitutionality of Federal Ban on Damaging Religious Real Property

In United States v. Hari, (8th Cir., May 10, 2023), the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the constitutionality under the Commerce Clause of 18 USC §247.  The statute bars damaging religious real property because of the religious character of the property, and bars obstructing a person's enjoyment of free exercise of religion by force or threat of force against them or against religious real property, when the person's conduct affects interstate commerce. The court said in part:

Here, the statute specifically requires that the offense “affects interstate or foreign commerce.” This “ensures, through a case-by-case inquiry, that each defendant’s [offense] affected interstate commerce.”

The court also upheld defendant's conviction under 18 USC § 924(c)(1) for carrying or using a destructive device during and in relation to any crime of violence.  The conduct for which defendant was convicted was described by the court:

In August 2017, Emily Hari loaded a pickup truck with a 20 pound pipe bomb, two assault rifles, and a sledgehammer and drove with two confederates from Illinois to the Dar al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota. The trio smashed a window of the Imam’s office before the parishioners’ dawn prayer and threw gasoline, diesel fuel, and the pipe bomb inside. The bomb detonated. No one was injured; the building suffered fire and smoke damage. Hari and the others fled.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Alabama Law Protects Identity of Donors, Supporters, Volunteers and Members of Non-Profits

Yesterday, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed S-59, The Personal Privacy Protection Act (full text). The new law prohibits any governmental agency from requiring disclosure of, or from releasing information about, the identity any member. supporter, volunteer, or donor of a non-profit organization.  It also bars requiring any current or prospective contractor or grantee to disclose non-profits to which it has donated or provided support. The Act contains a number of exceptions, including required disclosures under campaign finance laws.  Indiana has recently enacted a similar statute. (See prior posting.) ADF issued a press release announcing the signing of the law.

European Court: Finland May Require Jehovah's Witnesses to Obtain Consent Before Taking Notes on Those They Visit

In Jehovah's Witnesses v. Finland, (ECHR, May 9, 2023), the European Court of Human Rights held that Finland's data collection regulations did not infringe the religious freedom protected by Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights of Jehovah's Witnesses who proselytized door-to-door.  At issue was notes taken by Jehovah's Witnesses in the course of their door-to-door preaching identifying those who did not wish to be visited again, and those who are deaf or spoke a foreign language so Witnesses who knew sign language or the relevant foreign language could visit in the future. Finland's Data Protection Ombudsman had held that this personal data could not be collected without the explicit consent of the person in question. Upholding that determination, the court said in part:

The relevant order had been based on the Personal Data Act in force at the time of the proceedings. That law was formulated with sufficient precision and aimed to protect the rights and freedoms of others. The Supreme Administrative Court had taken into account the fact that individuals whose personal data had been collected were entitled to trust that their data were not collected without their knowledge and consent. They also had a legitimate expectation, guaranteed by law, that they would have access to the data and, if necessary, the right to require that the data be corrected or deleted. Ensuring the rights of data subjects therefore inspired confidence rather than distrust in the applicant community’s activities. The consent requirement and the fact that it did not interfere with the core areas of the applicant community’s freedom of religion or freedom of expression had thus been proportionate.

Courthouse News Service reports on the decision.

EEOC Sues IHOP Restaurant for Failing to Accommodate Cook's Religious Beliefs

The EEOC announced yesterday that it has filed a Title VII religious discrimination suit in a North Carolina federal district court against a Charlotte, North Carolina IHOP restaurant operated by Suncakes, LLC.  The EEOC charged that the restaurant failed to reasonably accommodate an employee's religious exercise:

... Suncakes hired a cook ... in January 2021. At the time of hire, the employee requested and was granted a religious accommodation of not working on Sundays to honor his religious observances. After a change in management in April 2021, the new general manager expressed hostility toward the accommodation and required the employee to work on Sunday, April 25 and Sunday, May 9. After the May 9 shift, the employee told the general manager he would not be working the following Sunday. The general manager refused to allow the employee to work his next scheduled shift and fired him. The manager then made comments to other employees such as, “religion should not take precedence over [the employee’s] job”” and that the employee “thinks it is more important to go to church than to pay his bills.”

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Satanic Temple Sues to Deliver Invocation at Chicago City Council

The Satanic Temple filed suit last week in an Illinois federal district court challenging the city's exclusion of its clergy from delivering an invocation before Chicago City Council.  The complaint (full text) in The Satanic Temple, Inc. v. City of Chicago, (ND IL, filed 5/3/2023) alleges in part:

2. The City of Chicago has a longstanding practice of inviting clergy to open each meeting of its City Council with a prayer. 

3. Plaintiffs, The Satanic Temple Inc. (“TST”), and Adam Vavrick, an ordained minister of the Satanic Temple and a leader of TST’s Illinois congregation, seek to take part in this time-honored tradition by delivering an invocation before a City Council meeting. For more than three years, the City has rebuffed Plaintiffs’ efforts to provide an invocation without providing any clear explanation of why. 

4. The City’s practices with regard to invocations before City Council violate the First Amendment in two ways:

  • first, the City violates the First Amendment’s establishment clause by excluding disfavored minority faiths from the opportunity to provide an invocation; and 
  • second, the City grants the City Clerk unconstrained discretion to decide who can and cannot deliver an invocation because it lacks any standards for selection of clergy to give invocations and has not established a uniform process for members of the clergy to apply to give an invocation.
Reason reports on the lawsuit.

Teachers Sue Over School District's Policy on Transgender Students

Suit was filed last month in a California federal district court by two middle school teachers who claim that their school district's policy on dealing with transgender students violates their free speech and free exercise rights, as well as the rights of parents.  The complaint (full text) in Mirabelli v. Olson, (SD CA, filed 4/27/2023), alleges in part:

According to EUSD’s policies, all elementary and middle school teachers must unhesitatingly accept a child’s assertion of a transgender or gender diverse identity, and must “begin to treat the student immediately” according to their asserted gender identity. “There’s no requirement for parent or caretaker agreement or even for knowledge.”... There is absolutely no room for discussion, polite disagreement, or even questioning whether the child is sincere or acting on a whim. 

... Once a child’s social transitioning has begun, EUSD elementary and middle school teachers must ensure that parents do not find out. EUSD’s policies state that “revealing a student’s transgender status to individuals who do not have a legitimate need for the information, without the student’s consent” is prohibited, and “parents or caretakers” are, according to EUSD, individuals who “do not have a legitimate need for the information,” irrespective of the age of the student or the specific facts of the situation....

Faced with EUSD’s immoral policies deceiving parents, both Mrs. Mirabelli and Mrs. West sought an accommodation that would allow them to act in the best interests of the children in their care—as required by their moral and religious convictions....

Mrs. Mirabelli’s and Mrs. West’s request was flatly denied.

The two plaintiffs devised a "joint statement of faith" for purposes of the lawsuit, even though they come from different religious traditions. One is Roman Catholic and the other a "devout Christian."  They alleged:

Plaintiffs’ faith teaches that God immutably creates each person as male or female; these two distinct, complementary sexes reflect the image of God; and rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that person.

... Plaintiffs also believe that they cannot affirm as true those ideas and concepts that they believe are not true, nor can they aid and abet the deception of others. Doing so, they believe, would violate biblical commands against dishonesty and lying.

Fox News reports on the lawsuit.

Oakland Catholic Diocese Files for Chapter 11 Reorganization.

The Catholic Diocese of Oakland, California announced yesterday that it is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization, saying in part:

The filing is necessary in light of the more than 330 lawsuits alleging child sexual abuse brought against RCBO under a recent California statute that allowed decades-old claims otherwise time barred and expired to be filed....

Most of the claims brought under the most recent California statute stem from allegations of sexual abuse that occurred in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s by priests who are no longer active in ministry and/or deceased. Chapter 11 is a court-supervised, transparent process that allows for the evaluation of the merits of each claim and gives claimants a say in the outcome and visibility into the proceedings and RCBO’s finances. With the Chapter 11 filing, legal actions against RCBO will stop, allowing RCBO to develop a plan of reorganization, based on assets and insurance coverage available to be used to settle claims with abuse survivors.

Catholic schools that operate in the diocese are separate entities and are not included in the bankruptcy filing.