Showing posts with label Jewish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jewish. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Brooklyn Yeshiva Will Pay Additional $5 Million In Penalties for Lunch Program Fraud

The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of New York announced on Monday that Central United Talmudic Academy, a yeshiva in Brooklyn, has entered a three-year deferred prosecution agreement under which it has agreed to pay $5 million in penalties for conspiracy to commit wire fraud.  This is in addition to $3 million in restitution it has already paid. The Announcement describes "several overlapping frauds" to which CUTA has admitted, saying in part:

According to admissions in the statement of facts and other public documents, between 2014 and 2016, CUTA received more than $3.2 million in reimbursement for a meal program that purported to feed students of the yeshiva.  The program was almost entirely fictitious.  Rather than feed its children, the School diverted the funding, including to subsidize parties for adults. To commit the crime, the School fabricated records and made dozens of sworn misrepresentations to government agencies.

During the investigation into the fictitious meal program, the investigative team uncovered evidence of other fraudulent conduct by the School and its employees.  In addition to the program fraud noted above, this included various payroll practices that enabled the School’s employees to commit benefit and tax fraud....

By underrepresenting its employees’ income, CUTA enabled its employees to obtain various public benefits—including health care and childcare—that would not have been available if the employees honestly reported their income.

Officials of the school have previously pleaded guilty and been sentenced for fraud. The Announcement was also posted in Yiddish on the website of the U.S. Attorney's Office. Gothamist reports on the agreement.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Yeshiva University Creates New LGBTQ Student Group Amid Litigation

Yeshiva University, which is embroiled in litigation over whether it must recognize an LGBTQ student group, YU Pride Alliance, yesterday announced that it has approved a new club for undergraduate LGBTQ students "that presents an approved traditional Orthodox alternative to YU Pride Alliance." Known as Kol Yisrael Areivim Club, the new organization is described by the University:

This newly founded undergraduate student club, which emerges from Yeshiva’s principles and its students’ interest for a club under traditional Orthodox auspices, was approved by the Administration, in partnership with lay leadership, and endorsed by senior Roshei Yeshiva. It also reflects input and perspectives from conversations between Yeshiva’s rabbis, educators, and current and past undergraduate LGBTQ students. The club will provide students with space to grow in their personal journeys, navigating the formidable challenges that they face in living a fully committed, uncompromisingly authentic halachic life within Orthodox communities. Within this association students may gather, share their experiences, host events, and support one another while benefiting from the full resources of the Yeshiva community – all within the framework of Halacha – as all other student clubs.

The University said it also wants to strengthen its support systems for LGBTQ students. 

YU Pride Alliance issued a response to the University's announcement, calling it a "desperate stunt" by the University, saying in part:

The YU sham is not a club as it was not formed by students, is not led by students, and does not have members; rather it is a feeble attempt by YU to continue denying LGBTQ students equal treatment as full members of the YU community.

Both sides say the current litigation will continue. The Forward reports on these developments.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

European Commission Holding Conference on Halal and Kosher Slaughter

Jerusalem Post reports that today in Brussels, the European Commission, in partnership with the Council of Europe, the OSCE and the U.N. Commissioner for Equality, will hold a conference on "Freedom of religion with regard to religious slaughter." According to the European Commission:

The conference will bring together representatives of the European Union (EU) Member States and other national authorities, special envoys and coordinators on combating antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred, representatives of national Jewish, Muslim and other religious communities, international organizations and independent experts.

Sunday, October 09, 2022

Suit Challenges Kentucky Abortion Bans As Violating Jewish Religious Beliefs

Suit was filed last Thursday in a Kentucky state trial court by three Jewish women who contend that Kentucky's strict abortion bans violate their religious freedom rights. The complaint (full text) in Sobel v. Cameron, (KY Cir. Ct., filed 10/6/2022), alleges that Kentucky law might be read to make it a capital offense to discard excess embryos created in the process of in vitro fertilization. The complaint alleges in part:

35. Under Jewish law, a fetus does not become a human being or child until birth. Under no circumstances has Jewish law defined a human being or child as the moment that a human spermatozoon fuses with a human ovum.

36. The question of when life begins for a human being is a religious and philosophical question without universal beliefs across different religions....

39. Plaintiff’s religious beliefs demand that they have more children through IVF, yet the law forces Plaintiffs to spend exorbitant fees to keep their embryos frozen indefinitely or face potential felony charges. This dilemma forces Plaintiffs to abandon their sincere religious beliefs of having more children by limiting access to IVF and substantially burdens their right to freely exercise these sincerely held religious belief....

51. Kentucky's contemporary Abortion Law is focused on preservation of ova and blastocysts on the basis of a religious understanding of fetal personhood.....

The complaint alleges that Kentucky abortion laws are void for vagueness and unintelligibility; violate the Kentucky Religious Freedom Restoration Act; and violate the Kentucky Constitution by giving preference to sectarian Christianity and diminishing Plaintiffs' privileges, rights, and capacities on account of their Jewish faith and beliefs. Los Angeles Times reports on the lawsuit.

City's Harassment Of Private Prayer Services In Rabbi's Home Violated 1st Amendment

In Congregation 3401 Prairie Bais Yeshaya D'Kerestir, Inc. v. City of Miami, (SD FL, Oct. 6, 2022), a Florida federal district court refused to dismiss claims that city officials' harassment of a rabbi's home that hosted daily minyans (prayer services) for invited guests violated the 1st Amendment.  Private groups worshiping in a person's home are permitted in residential areas under the city's zoning code. The court said in part:

Defendant, wielding the City Code "like a club" ... issued multiple erroneous citations against Plaintiff for zoning code violations...; sent City personnel to the Property a staggering 126 times...; installed a surveillance camera that monitors only the Property ...; conducted at least one warrantless search...; and otherwise singled Plaintiffs out for harassment.... These events have had "a chilling effect on Plaintiff[s'] First Amendment Rights."... . Defendant's conduct, at least as alleged, could certainly "chill a person of ordinary firmness from exercising his or her First Amendment rights."  [Quote updated.]

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Village Residents Lack Standing In Establishment Clause Challenge To Zoning Law

In Citizens United to Protect Our Neighborhoods v. Village of Chestnut Ridge, New York, (SD NY, Sept. 30, 2022), a New York federal district court dismissed for lack of standing a suit by a civic organization and Village residents alleging that the Village's new zoning code violated the Establishment Clause by favoring one religious group, Orthodox Jews.  The Code created new categories of religious uses and houses of worship, including "residential gathering places" so that single-family homes could be opened for religious activities, subject to additional parking requirements. This facilitated small-scale worship services often used by Orthodox Jews who for religious reasons cannot drive on the Sabbath and holidays. The court said in part:

Plaintiffs claim the new zoning amendments “target religious uses with special favorable treatment over secular uses.” (Id.) However, Plaintiffs have not identified any injury, nonetheless a particularized and concrete one. The law is clear that generalized grievance is insufficient to establish standing....

Individual Plaintiffs claim they have direct exposure standing because the New Zoning Law was rushed into law and gives preferential treatment to OJC and religious uses over secular uses, such that “the construction of an untold number of houses of worship” will serve as “constant reminders of the law and its endorsement of religion.” ... This is an insufficient basis ... for finding direct exposure standing....

Friday, September 30, 2022

Jewish Plaintiffs Challenge New York's Ban On Firearms In Places of Worship Or Religious Observation

Suit was filed yesterday in a New York federal district court challenging the constitutionality of recently enacted New York Penal Law §265.01-e which bans possession of a firearm, rifle or shotgun in "any place of worship or religious observation." The suit was brought by a modern Orthodox Jewish synagogue, its president and another Jewish individual. The complaint (full text) in Goldstein v. Hochul, (SD NY, filed 9/29/2022) details a number of recent incidents of violence against Jews and alleges in part:

91. Penal Law § 265.01-2(2)(c) discriminates against religious beliefs and regulates and prohibits conduct because it is undertaken for religious reasons.

92. The Statute makes it more dangerous to attend a “sensitive location” than it would be had that law not been enacted, because it strips away the ability for people in that sensitive location to defend themselves. The Statute singles out religious locations for this elevated, state-sanctioned, danger. This acts as a deterrent for law-abiding people to enter such “sensitive locations,” including places of worship....

94. By singling out places of worship and religious observation for reduced Second Amendment rights, the Statute constitutes a religious gerrymander....

The suit also alleges that the statute is unconstitutionally vague, saying in part:

111. As observant Jews, nearly every location is a place of religious observation for plaintiffs Goldstein and Ornstein....

It also contends that the law violates the Second Amendment, the Equal Protection Clause and various provisions of the New York State Constitution. Hamodia reports on the lawsuit.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Messianic Jewish Missionaries May Proceed With Their Defamation Suit

In One for Israel v. Reuven,(SD FL, Sept. 26, 2022), a Florida federal district court in a defamation case held that Messianic Jewish missionaries are not necessarily "limited public figures" who must prove "actual malice" to succeed in a defamation suit. Refusing to dismiss the suit, the court held that the theological conflict between Judaism and Christian missionaries is not a public controversy. At issue in the case was a YouTube video in which defendant, an Orthodox Jewish rabbi, claimed that the missionaries beat up another rabbi at a meeting with an individual who was considering converting to Messianic Judaism. The court also rejected the claim that the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine requires dismissal of the suit. The court said in part:

The statements said in the video have nothing to do with religion; they were about a violent attack that did not happen. These issues have nothing to do with religious doctrine or conflict.

Volokh Conspiracy has more on the decision.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

President Biden Sends Rosh Hashana Greetings

The Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana begins at sundown this evening. President Biden today issued a statement (full text) sending warm wishes from Jill and himself to everyone in the United States, Israel and around the world celebrating the holiday. He said in part:

Just as individuals can seek renewal, so too can nations. This past year has seen encouraging progress for our nation.... With COVID-19 no longer the same disruptive threat it was, families can once more gather around the Rosh Hashanah dinner table and sit together in their synagogues. 

At the same time, we have much more work to do to realize the values that bind us as Americans and to restore the soul of our nation.

Friday, September 23, 2022

RLUIPA Suit Charges City Attempt To Prevent Growth Of Orthodox Jewish Population

Suit was filed earlier this month in an Ohio federal district court by a University Heights, Ohio homeowner who was told by the city that he needed to obtain a special use permit in order to hold Jewish prayer services with ten friends in his home. The complaint (full text) in Grand v. City of University Heights, Ohio, (ND OH, filed 9/8/2021), says in part:

3. Since Grand moved into his home in 2019, he experienced discrimination based on his religion. After Grand’s invitation for friends to join him in Orthodox Jewish prayer in January of 2021, the City, led by its mayor, waged a zealous campaign of capricious enforcement of its local ordinances specifically targeting Grand and several other Orthodox Jewish prayer groups. This campaign is directly responsive to a hostile segment of the mayor’s constituency that seeks to prevent the growth of the City’s Orthodox Jewish population by limiting the locations where Orthodox Jews can pray.

4. Additionally, the City has targeted Grand individually for intentional, arbitrary, and discriminatory application of its ordinances that have caused him substantial injuries.

5. This action challenges certain provisions of the [city ordnances under] ... the United States Constitution, the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000, 42 U.S.C. § 2000cc, et seq. (“RLUIPA”), the Ohio Constitution, and Ohio common law.

News5 Cleveland reports on the lawsuit. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

NY Board Of Regents Adopts "Substantial Equivalency" Guidelines For Private And Religious Schools

As reported by JTA, the New York Board of Regents yesterday approved the Final Substantial Equivalency Regulation (full text) (summary) which implements NY Education Law §3204(2) requiring instruction in nonpublic schools to be at least "substantially equivalent" to that in public schools in the same city or district. Originally proposed in March (see prior posting), the Regulation provides multiple pathways for private and religious schools to demonstrate compliance. The Regulation garnered increased attention after the New York Times on Sunday published a lengthy article setting out the findings of its study of the inadequacies of secular instruction in a number of Hasidic Jewish schools. (It also posted the article in Yiddish on its website.) The Forward also has background on the new rule.

Friday, September 09, 2022

11th Circuit: No Liability For Withdrawing Permission For Religious Group To Use After School Classrooms

In Chabad Chayil, Inc. v. School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, (11th Cir., Sept. 8, 2022), the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the district Court' dismissal of free exercise, equal protection and due process claims brought by a Jewish organization that ran a popular after-school Hebrew program for more than ten years using public school classrooms. In 2019, after a complaint and investigation of whether Chabad complied with the rules for use of school facilities without paying a fee, the Miami-Dade County superintendent withdrew permission for Chabad use of school classrooms. Chabad sued. The court held that plaintiff had not shown the elements necessary to assert liability against either the school board or the Inspector General's office that investigated complaints against Chabad.

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Eminent Domain Violated Rights of Chabad

In Chabad Lubavitch of the Beaches, Inc. v. Incorporated Village of  Atlantic Beach, (ED NY, Sept. 6, 2022), a New York federal district court granted a preliminary injunction, concluding that an attempt to acquire the property of a Jewish religious group by eminent domain likely violated the group's 1st Amendment free exercise rights. Chabad acquired the property in order to build a center on it. Eminent domain proceedings were initiated shortly after Chabad held a Menorah lighting ceremony on the property. The court explained:

[T]he Village’s acquisition decision was made in a manner intolerant of Chabad’s members’ religious beliefs and which would restrict Chabad’s practices because of its religious nature. Thus, the Village’s acquisition decision was targeted and not done neutrally, thereby requiring the Court to apply strict scrutiny in deciding whether that decision is constitutionally permissible. 

... The Village never inquired from the Property’s prior owner whether he was interested in selling the Property ... notwithstanding it being adjacent to and/or in very close proximity to Village-owned and controlled properties and it having sat vacant for three years, with a prominent “For Sale” sign having been erected in front of the Property for the last two of those three years.... Instead, for vague reasons, not strongly supported by direct evidence ... the Village’s apparent urgency to acquire the Properties intensified during the same time when Chabad purchased the Property....

Further, the several anti-Semitic comments posted to the FB Group page after the January 10 open meeting, i.e., community member comments, add to the suspicion caused by the timing of events and call into question the Village’s stated motivation for acquiring the Property by eminent domain....  [O]ne of the Village Trustees, was an administrator/monitor of the FB Group; thus, it is difficult not to conclude that at least one member of the Village Board was aware of several strong opponents to Chabad’s presence in the Village, based upon impermissible religious animus.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Another Lawsuit Over Touro Synagogue Dismissed On A Technicality

Providence Journal reports on the latest legal scuffle over the historic Touro Synagogue which is owned by New York's Shearith Israel congregation, but which has been the home of Rhode Island-based Congregation Jeshuat Israel. (See prior related posting.) Shearith Israel had filed an action to evict Jeshuat Israel, though Shearith Israel says it was merely trying to obtain more transparency and two seats on Jeshuat Israel's 15-person board. A Rhode Island state trial court judge seized on a technicality to dismiss the eviction action. Judge Colleen Hastings concluded in an Aug. 29 decision that the eviction notice ordered Jeshuat Israel to vacate the premises on January 31, the last day of its lease, while it should have ordered it to vacate on February 1, the day after the lease expired. Apparently this latest controversy arose when the New York congregation discovered that a tombstone had been erected in the Rhode Island synagogue's cemetery for New York businessman, diplomat and philanthropist John Loeb, though Loeb is still alive. Loeb contributed $12 million for the building of the visitor center at Touro Synagogue.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Yeshiva University Asks Supreme Court For Stay While State Court Ruling On Recognizing LGBTQ Group Is Appealed

Yesterday, an emergency Application for a Stay Pending Appellate Review (full text) was filed in Yeshiva University v. YU Pride Alliance, (Sup. Ct., filed 8/29/2022). In the case,  a New York state trial court held that New York City's public accommodation law requires Yeshiva University to officially recognize as a student organization an LGBTQ group, YU Pride Alliance. (See prior posting.) State appellate courts refused to stay the ruling. The petition contends that Yeshiva University is likely to succeed on its contention that forcing it to recognize the group violates the University's free exercise rights and the principles of church autonomy. The filing asks that alternatively it be treated as a petition for certiorari. Becket issued a press release announcing the filing of the Application.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Last Defendant In Poway Synagogue Tax Fraud Scheme Sentenced

The U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of California announced on Friday that attorney Elliot Adler, the eleventh and last individual being prosecuted for the tax fraud scheme connected with Chabad of Poway, was sentenced to one year and one day in prison, fined $20,000, and ordered to forfeit gold coins purchased with funds used in the fraud. According to the announcement:

Beginning at least as early as 2010 and continuing through October 2018, Adler participated in a so-called “90/10” tax scheme with Rabbi Goldstein. Specifically, Adler gave money to Rabbi Goldstein that purported to be a donation to Chabad of Poway. Goldstein then secretly funneled ninety percent of the funds back to Adler, keeping ten percent of the funds as his fee. None of the donated funds was actually given to the Chabad as a charitable donation. Adler then falsely claimed that the fraudulent donations were tax-deductible on his tax returns, allowing him to reduce his personal income tax liability by approximately $500,000 (cumulatively) for tax years 2011 through 2017.

(See prior related posting.)

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Subsidized Housing Family Size Limit Did Not Violate Rights Of Orthodox Jewish Family

In Katz v. New York City Housing Preservation & Development, (SD NY, Aug. 8, 2022), a New York federal district court rejected Free Exercise and Affordable Housing Act claims brought by an Orthodox Jewish family whose applications for an affordable housing unit were denied  because their family size exceeded the apartments' maximum occupancy limit. Plaintiffs claim that their religious beliefs require them to have a large family.  As to the Free Exercise claim, the court said in part:

The Katzes do not claim that Defendants’ policies disfavor acts only religious in nature or that Defendants otherwise showed overt animus in denying their applications or later appeals. Nor do they claim that the maximum occupancy limit is not generally applicable. They thus ask the Court to apply rational-basis review to analyze the occupancy restrictions....

Here, the City has a legitimate state interest in preventing overcrowding in subsidized apartment units. And limiting a unit’s occupancy to two people per bedroom is rationally related to that legitimate interest by setting a numerical cap on each apartment....

Rejecting the Fair Housing Act claim, the court said in part:

Here, the Katzes have failed to plausibly allege that the policies have created a disproportionate effect on Orthodox Jews because they never allege that the occupancy limits have or will result in an underrepresentation of Orthodox Jews in affordable housing lotteries in New York City. That is because at no point does the Complaint compare Orthodox Jews applying for New York City affordable housing lotteries to similarly situated individuals.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Suit Challenges Wyoming's Abortion Ban [UPDATED]

On Monday, suit was filed in a Wyoming state trial court seeking a temporary restraining order as well as preliminary and permanent injunctions against enforcement of the recently enacted Wyoming Criminal Abortion Ban. The Complaint (full text) and supporting Memorandum (full text) in Johnson v. State of Wyoming, (WY Dist. Ct., filed 7/25/2022), contends that the ban violates plaintiffs' fundamental rights protected by the Wyoming Constitution, saying in part:

Plaintiff's fundamental rights which make up the right to be left alone by the government absent a compelling need narrowly drawn include, but are not limited to, their rights to equality, due process, uniform operation of the laws, family composition, privacy and bodily integrity, conscience, and access to health care.

One of the six plaintiffs alleges:

She is a reproductive age woman with immediate plans to marry and have children. Ms. Dow is a life-long practicing conservative Jew who intends to continue practicing her faith, including raising her children in her faith, which requires her to consider abortion as an available health care alternative in the event of pregnancy conditions which threaten her health.

WyoFile reports that a district judge has found good cause exists for an emergency hearing and has set a hearing for today.

UPDATE: The Casper Star Tribune reports that the court issued a 14-day temporary restraining order against enforcement of the law on July 27, the day the law was to go into effect.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Yeshiva University Must Recognize LGBTQ Student Group

In YU Pride Alliance v. Yeshiva University, (NY Cty. Sup.Ct., June 14, 2022), a New York state trial court held that New York City's public accommodation law requires Yeshiva University to officially recognize as a student organization an LGBTQ group, YU Pride Alliance.  The University must immediately grant the organization the full and equal treatment accorded to other student organizations.  The court rejected the University's claim that it is exempt from coverage under the definitions in NY Admin Code §8-102 which excludes from coverage a "religious corporation incorporated under the education law."  While Yeshiva University is incorporated under the education law, according to the court:

Yeshiva's organizing documents do not expressly indicate that Yeshiva has a religious purpose. Rather, Yeshiva organized itself as an "educational corporation" and for educational purposes, exclusively.... [T]he inquiry must focus on the purpose of the institution, which is typically expressed in a corporation's organizing documents. There may be schools organized under the education law that have a stated religious purpose so that they are exempt.... Since Yeshiva has not done so, the court does not need to reach this issue.

The court went on to hold that applying the public accommodation provisions of the New York City Human Rights Law to Yeshiva does not violate its First Amendment free exercise or free speech rights, saying in part:

Assuming arguendo that Yeshiva's refusal to recognize an LGBTQ student group is part of its exercise of religion, the NYCHRL's impact on Yeshiva's exercise of religion is only incidental to the NYCHRL's ban on discrimination. There can be no dispute that the NYCHRL is a neutral law of general applicability. It does not target religious practice....

... Yeshiva's Free Speech rights will not be violated by application of the NYCHRL. Formal recognition of a student group does not equate with endorsement of that group's message....

Washington Examiner reports on the decision.

New Jersey Township Settles RLUIPA Zoning Case With DOJ

The Department of Justice announced yesterday that a proposed Consent Order (full text) has been filed with a New Jersey federal district court in United States v. Township of Jackson, (D NJ, filed 6/15/2022). According to the Justice Department:

[The order] would resolve a lawsuit the United States filed in May 2020 alleging that the Township and Planning Board passed zoning ordinances that broadly prohibited religious schools and banned schools with dormitories, both of which are important to providing religious education within the Orthodox Jewish community. The complaint alleged that the intent of the ordinances was to prevent Orthodox Jewish schools from opening in the Township and thereby dissuade members of that community from living in or moving to Jackson....

The consent order requires Jackson Township to repeal the remaining active discriminatory ordinance and replace it with an ordinance that will allow religious elementary and secondary schools, religious higher learning institutions and religious residential schools. The consent order also requires that the new zoning ordinance treat religious schools equally with non-religious institutions that operate in the Township.

Also, the Township must pay a $45,000 civil penalty and pay $150,000 into a settlement fund.