Showing posts with label Sex abuse claims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sex abuse claims. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Nuns' Hostile Work Environment and Retaliation Claims Can Move Forward

In Brandenburg v. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North America, (SD NY, Feb. 23, 2023), a New York federal district court held that it can proceed to adjudicate hostile work environment and some of the retaliation claims brought by two nuns against the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese and several of its clergy members. The nuns claimed that Father Makris, the school's director of student life and their "spiritual father" subjected them to unwanted sexual attention for 13 to 14 years. According to the court:

[T]he ministerial exception flows from the plaintiff’s status as a “minister.” In this case, however, Defendants’ argument has nothing to do with the fact that Plaintiffs were sanctified nuns; instead, it flows from Father Makris’s status as minister and the alleged rationale for his conduct.... 

These and other cases make plain that the First Amendment does not shield all decisions by religious institutions, whether or employment-related or otherwise, from review. Instead, a court is barred from adjudicating a dispute involving a religious institution “only where resolution of the dispute will require the Court or a jury to choose between competing religious views or interpretations of church doctrine or dogma in order to resolve the dispute.”... 

Defendants do ... assert a religious rationale for ... one relatively minor aspect of Father Makris’s conduct: his kissing of Plaintiffs..... [T]he fact that Defendants proffer a religious rationale does not mean that Defendants should be granted immunity from Plaintiffs’ claims. It merely means that Plaintiffs “may not offer a conflicting interpretation of the teachings of the [Greek Orthodox] Church or canon law to rebut [Defendants’] proffered religious reason.”... [H]owever, Plaintiffs are entitled to offer evidence and argument that Defendants’ proffered religious rationale was not the true rationale for Father Makris’s behavior.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Bankruptcy Reorganization Plan for Harrisburg Diocese Approved By Court

On Feb. 15, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania gave final approval to the Plan of Reorganization for the Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg. (Full text of Reorganization Plan.) (Announcement by Diocese.) A Questions and Answers document explaining the Plan says in part:

The Plan outlines how the RCDH and related entities will (a) establish a Survivor Compensation Trust, (b) provide funding to the Trust in an amount equal to $7,500,000 to provide financial restitution for survivors of clergy sexual abuse, and (c) adopt enhanced child protection protocols. In addition to the financial restitution from the RCDH and related entities, current and historical insurance providers will also contribute $10,750,000 to the Trust....

Prior to filing for reorganization, the RCDH authorized an independent Survivor Compensation Program be established, in order to provide financial restitution to abuse survivors. Through this program, $12,784,450 was provided to assist 111 survivors.... 

More than 60 proofs of claim were submitted during the reorganization process and may be eligible for financial distributions from the Survivor Compensation Trust....

The majority of the claims involve accusations against Diocesan priests. As part of the confirmation process, the Diocese issued a list of persons involved in the claims. That list is available All claims of abuse received during the bankruptcy process were reported to law enforcement.

Links to all the major legal documents filed in the reorganization are available on the Diocese's website. WHP CBS21 reports on the Plan's approval. The Survivor's Network SNAP issued a press release reacting to the Plan approval.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Court Approves Bankruptcy Reorganization Plan for Santa Fe Archdiocese

The Catholic Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico announced yesterday that a U.S. Bankruptcy Court has confirmed a Plan of Reorganization that has been agreed to by the Committee representing victims of clergy abuse and by the Archdiocese. According to an Open Letter from the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors recommending that abuse victims vote to accept the plan:

Under the Plan, the Debtor, its affiliates and their insurers will create a settlement fund of approximately $121.5 million (the “Settlement Amount”) upon the effective date of the Plan. The Plan also includes measures to enhance child protection, including the first-ever publication of abuse related documents through an archive administered by the University of New Mexico.

All the Chapter 11 Plan Documents are available on the Archdiocese's website. In announcing the court's confirmation of the plan, Archbishop Wester said in part:

While I hope and pray that the bankruptcy outcome will bring a measure of justice and relief to the victims of clergy sexual abuse, I realize that nothing can ever compensate them for the criminal and horrendous abuse they endured. I pledge that the Archdiocese of Santa Fe will remain vigilant in protecting children and young people from clergy sexual abuse, doing all we can to assure them of a safe and protective environment in the Catholic Church. We will continue to monitor the safeguards we have put in place and implement the non-monetary agreements....

Once again, I express my most profound sorrow and contrition for those who have endured clergy sexual abuse. This is a sin that cries to heaven for vengeance and which has no place in the Catholic Church: not now, not ever.

AP reports on the court's action and has additional background on the proceedings. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

French Catholic Bishops Set Up National Canonical Penal Court

On December 5, the Conference of Bishops of France in a lengthy press release (full text in French) announced the creation of a National Canonical Penal Court.  According to National Catholic Reporter:

[The Bishops' statement] said the 20-member court, approved by the Vatican in September, would be tasked with judging "canonical offenses committed by clergy and laity" nationwide, such as acts of sacrilege, apostasy, schism, misuse of sacraments and teachings against the church's magisterium. The court aimed to "strengthen and harmonize" procedures formerly followed by diocesan and archdiocesan tribunals....

Establishment of the court, partly staffed by lay experts, was one of 45 recommendations by an Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church in its 2,500-page report released in October 2021.... 

However, while the new court would hear accusations involving adults, claims of sexual offenses by clergy against minors and canonical complaints against bishops would continue to be referred to the Vatican, the statement said.

The bishops' statement said church courts were "specific to the church's religious purposes," and complied with the country's 1905 church-state separation law.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

NY Child Victim Act Revives Claim Even Though Prior Order of Dismissal Did Not Specify Statute of Limitations Grounds

In D.P. v. Riverside Church in the City of New York, (NY Cnty. Sup. Ct., Nov. 14, 2022), a New York state trial court refused to dismiss on res judicata grounds a suit against Riverside Church alleging abuse of a teenage player by the founder of a Harlem basketball program sponsored by the church. A federal court lawsuit making similar allegations was dismissed in 2008 after plaintiff filed a stipulation of dismissal.  While the federal court's order of dismissal did not state the grounds for dismissal, plaintiff in this case filed an affidavit saying that the rationale was the statute of limitations.  The New York state court held that since the Child Victim Act revived causes of action that had previously been dismissed on limitations grounds, it would allow plaintiff to move ahead with the suit, saying in part:

As the Federal case was discontinued in 2008 and makes no mention as to why same occurred this court must give every deference to the party seeking an opportunity to proceed with this case under the CVA on the merits.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Maryland AG Asks Court to Approve Release of Report on Clergy Abuse

 A 35-page motion (full text) was filed yesterday by the Attorney General of Maryland in a Maryland state trial court seeking court approval to release a 456-page Report on Clergy Abuse in Maryland.  In re Special Investigation No. CID 18-2673 (Baltomore City Cir. Ct., filed 11/17/2022).  The Report that is the subject of the motion is the product of a three-and-one-half year grand jury investigation into sexual abuse by priests assigned to the Archdiocese of Baltimore and the Archdiocese's response to that abuse. Court approval is needed in order to release grand jury material. According to the motion:

The Report identifies 115 priests that were prosecuted for sex abuse and/or identified publicly by the Archdiocese as having been "credibly accused" of sexual abuse. The Report includes an additional 43 priests accused of sexual abuse but not identified publicly by the Archdiocese....

As shown in the Report, both boys and girls were abused, with ages ranging from preschool through young adulthood....

Washington Post reports on the AG's motion.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Buffalo Catholic Diocese Reaches Settlement With New York AG In Suit Over Handling of Sex Abuse Claims

The Catholic Diocese of Buffalo announced yesterday in a press release and a Letter to the Faithful that it has reached a settlement with the New York Attorney General in the suit brought against it and two of its former bishops alleging that they mishandled complaints of sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults. (See prior posting.) The provisions of the Stipulated Final Order (full text) in People of the State of New York v. Diocese of Buffalo, (SD NY, Oct. 24, 2022) were described by Bishop Michael Fisher in part as follows:

The settlement that the Diocese and the New York Attorney General have agreed to confirms that the rigorous policies and protocols the Diocese has put in place over the past several years are the right ones to ensure that all young people and other vulnerable persons are safe and never at risk of abuse of any kind by a member of the clergy, diocesan employee, volunteer, or member of a religious order serving in the Diocese of Buffalo.  At the same time, we have strengthened our Safe Environment policies with the Priest Supervision Program which I implemented in June of last year to account for priests removed from active ministry, and with the additional appointment of a new Child Protection Policy Coordinator. We hope that these initiatives, along with our commitment to producing an additional detailed annual compliance audit by an independent auditor, will provide further evidence of our commitment to the level of accountability and transparency that all Catholic faithful and the broader public rightly deserve and require.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Catholic Bishops Release Report On State of the Church

Last week, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops released a report on the state of the Church in the United States. Titled National Synthesis of the People of God in the United States of America for the Diocesan Phase of the 2021-2023 Synod (full text), a section captioned "Enduring Wounds" says in part:

Chief among the enduring wounds ... is the still-unfolding effects of the sexual abuse crisis.... The sin and crime of sexual abuse has eroded not only trust in the hierarchy and the moral integrity of the Church, but also created a culture of fear that keeps people from entering into relationship with one another....

Another enduring wound widely reflected in synodal consultations was the experience that the Church is deeply divided. Participants felt this division as a profound sense of pain and anxiety. “As one participant shared, the divisive political ideologies present in our society have seeped into all aspects of our lives.” Division regarding the celebration of the liturgy was reflected in synodal consultations.... The most common issue regarding the liturgy is the celebration of the pre-Conciliar Mass.”...

Many regional syntheses cited the perceived lack of unity among the bishops in the United States, and even of some individual bishops with the Holy Father, as a source of grave scandal.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Justice Department Initiates Investigation Of Sex Abuse By Southern Baptist Clergy And Executives

Baptist Press reported yesterday that the Justice Department has informed the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention that it has initiated an investigation that will involve multiple SBC entities. This comes after an independent investigation (full text of report) of sexual abuse allegations against clergy and Executive Committee members commissioned by SBC. A Release by the SBC Executive Committee (quoted in full in the Baptist Press report) says in part:

Individually and collectively each SBC entity is resolved to fully and completely cooperate with the investigation. While we continue to grieve and lament past mistakes related to sexual abuse, current leaders across the SBC have demonstrated a firm conviction to address those issues of the past and are implementing measures to ensure they are never repeated in the future. 

Friday, July 29, 2022

Interlocutory Appeal Available On Charitable Immunity Ruling, But Not On Church Autonomy Holding

In Doe v. Roman Catholic Bishop of Springfield, (MA Sup. Jud. Ct., July 28, 2022), the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court held that an defendant cannot not take an interlocutory appeal from the trial court's refusal to dismiss portions of a lawsuit on church autonomy grounds. The suit alleged that plaintiff, in the 1960's when he served as an altar boy, was sexually abused by multiple church officials including a parish priest, a pastor and the bishop. The court said in part:

The [ecclesiastical abstention] rule's central purpose is to address the historic, philosophical concern with government interference in religious affairs by maintaining the constitutional separation between religion and government; at least originally, another purpose was to prevent civil courts from addressing matters in which they lack competence.... 

Both these concerns can be addressed on appeal after final judgment if a lower court inadvertently rules on a religious issue.

The court held, however, that an interlocutory appeal is available from the trial court's ruling on charitable immunity, saying in part:

Unlike ecclesiastical abstention, then, the purpose of common-law charitable immunity was to protect certain parties "from the burden of litigation and trial." 

 At common law, charitable immunity extended only to wrongdoing "committed in the course of activities carried on to accomplish charitable activities." ... The abuse allegedly carried out by Weldon and other church leaders was not, and could not be, related in any way to a charitable mission....

However, one count should have been dismissed.... Count six alleges that the Roman Catholic Bishop of Springfield negligently hired and supervised the church leaders who allegedly assaulted the plaintiff. A negligent supervision claim is exactly the sort of allegation against which common-law charitable immunity was meant to protect.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Britain's Sexual Offenses Act Now Outlaws Child Sexual Abuse By Religious Instructors

Britain's Sexual Offenses Act 2003 (Secs. 16-19) criminalizes abuse of a position of trust by engaging in sexual activity with a child or causing a child to witness sexual activity.  As reported by Law & Religion UK, amendments to the Act which expand the definition of "position of trust" came into effect on June 28. The Act now defines "position of trust" to include any person who knowingly coaches, teaches, trains, supervises or instructs on a regular basis in a sport or a religion. Religion is defined to include

(a) a religion which involves belief in more than one god, and (b) a religion which does not involve belief in a god.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Supreme Court Denies Review In Challenge To California Time Extension For Sex Abuse Claims

The U.S. Supreme Court today denied review in Roman Catholic Bishop of Oakland v. Superior Court of the State of California, (Docket No. 21-1377, certiorari denied 6/21/2022). (Order List.) In the case, 9 dioceses and archdioceses challenged California legislation that extended the limitation period for suits alleging childhood sexual assault to plaintiff’s 40th birthday or 5 years after discovery; created a 3-year window to bring previously time-barred civil actions for for childhood sexual assault; and provided for treble damages in cover-up cases. Here is the Supreme Court case page.

Friday, June 03, 2022

Oversight Report Issued On Philadelphia Archdiocese Compensation Of Abuse Claimants

Yesterday, the Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia released the Final Report (full text) of the Oversight Committee monitoring the Archdiocese's Independent Reconciliation and Reparations Program. The Program was designed to to provide compensation and support to victims of childhood sexual abuse committed by clergy of the Archdiocese. The Report says in part:

Of the 623 claims filed, 619 received final determination letters. Three of the 623 claims filed remain "on hold" as a result of ongoing criminal investigations of these claims, and one claim was withdrawn by the Claimant prior to determination.

Of the 619 Claimants who received determination letters, 475 were determined to be eligible for compensation, while 144 were determined to be ineligible.

Of the 475 eligible claims, as of the writing of this report:

  • 438 Claimants (more than 90% of those eligible) have accepted their offers and been paid a combined total of $78,465,000;
  • one claim was withdrawn after the determination was made;
  • fifteen claims missed the acceptance deadline....; and
  • twenty-one offers (totaling $2,040,000) were rejected by the Claimants.... 
...We also confirmed that the Archdiocese reports all allegations of criminal conduct to law enforcement regardless of when the conduct is alleged to have occurred or the status of the alleged perpetrator. The Archdiocese does not make a determination of an allegation's potential viability for prosecution, but rather leaves that determination to the law enforcement authorities with appropriate jurisdiction over the allegation.

Catholic Philly has additional details. The victim advocacy organization SNAP also issued a press release reacting to the Report.

Thursday, June 02, 2022

Louisiana Legislature Clarifies Child Sex-Abuse Look-Back Window

The Louisiana legislature yesterday gave final passage to HB402 (full text). The law clarifies that the 3-year look-back window to bring child sex abuse claims that was enacted last year applies to sex abuse claims, no matter how long ago they arose.  As explained by Louisiana Illuminator:

[O]ver the past year, the Catholic Church has repeatedly argued in Louisiana courts that some of the claims being brought under the lookback window should be thrown out because the window only applies to abuse that has happened since 1993.  Attorneys for the church said last year’s law is restrictive because it references an old statute regarding child abuse that wasn’t enacted until that year....

HB402 eliminates that ambiguity. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Anti-SLAPP Motion Denied In Suit Against Archdiocese Over Priest's Molestation of Children

In Ratcliff v. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, (CA App., May 19, 2022), a California state appellate court affirmed the denial of an anti-SLAPP motion sought by the Los Angeles Archdiocese.  The court explained:

Seven adults allege they were molested by a priest when they were children. They brought suit against The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles and related entities ..., alleging defendants were vicariously liable for ratifying the molestation and directly liable for their own negligence in failing to supervise the priest, and related acts and omissions. The Archdiocese moved to strike the operative complaint under the anti-SLAPP law (Code Civ. Proc., § 425.16), arguing that some of the acts by which it purportedly ratified the molestation or acted negligently constituted speech or litigation conduct protected by the anti-SLAPP statute....

The court concluded however that:

The Archdiocese, both in its anti-SLAPP motion before the trial court, and in its briefing on appeal, goes to great lengths to overlook the actual allegations of ratification, namely the acts of failing to investigate and supervise (and, instead, transferring to different parishes)... 

The four purported negligence claims identified by the Archdiocese have one key factor in common: they are all based on a decision not to speak, not speech itself.... We conclude the failure to speak alleged as a basis for liability here is not conduct in furtherance of the right of free speech.

New York Enacts One-Year Window To Bring Old Adult Sex Abuse Cases

Yesterday New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed S66A (full text), a bill which creates a one-year window to bring previously time-barred civil actions for sexual assaults that were committed on an adult. New York Post reports on the bill. Previously, in 2019, New York enacted the Child Victims Act applying to prior child sexual abuse. (See prior posting.)

Monday, May 23, 2022

Report Finds Southern Baptist Convention Mishandled Sexual Abuse Allegations

Yesterday, the report of an independent investigation into the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee’s Response to Sexual Abuse Allegations was released. The 288-page report (full text) (Appendix 1 & 2) summarizes its findings in part:

For almost two decades, survivors of abuse and other concerned Southern Baptists have been contacting the Southern Baptist Convention (“SBC”) Executive Committee (“EC”) to report child molesters and other abusers who were in the pulpit or employed as church staff. They made phone calls, mailed letters, sent emails, appeared at SBC and EC meetings, held rallies, and contacted the press…only to be met, time and time again, with resistance, stonewalling, and even outright hostility from some within the EC.

Our investigation revealed that, for many years, a few senior EC leaders, along with outside counsel, largely controlled the EC’s response to these reports of abuse. They closely guarded information about abuse allegations and lawsuits, which were not shared with EC Trustees, and were singularly focused on avoiding liability for the SBC to the exclusion of other considerations. In service of this goal, survivors and others who reported abuse were ignored, disbelieved, or met with the constant refrain that the SBC could take no action due to its polity regarding church autonomy – even if it meant that convicted molesters continued in ministry with no notice or warning to their current church or congregation....

The Report also disclosed:

During the course of our investigation, an SBC pastor and his wife came forward to report that former SBC President Johnny Hunt (2008-2010), who was the immediate past SBC President at the time, had sexually assaulted the wife on July 25, 2010. The allegations include grooming of the wife during Dr. Hunt’s term as SBC President. At the time of the allegations, Dr. Hunt was also Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church, Woodstock, Georgia.

The Report also sets out a series of recommendations to improve SBC's response to sexual abuse and misconduct allegations in the future.

Houston Chronicle has more on the Report.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Charity Fraud Claims May Proceed Against Christian Apologetics Ministry

In Carrier v. Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, Inc., (ND GA, May 13, 2022), a Georgia federal district court allowed plaintiffs to move ahead with some of their charity fraud claims against RZIM, a Christian apologetics ministry, and the estate of its founder Ravi Zacharias. Plaintiffs claims include ones of unjust enrichment and violation of the state's Fair Business Practice Act. The court describes plaintiffs' claims:

They allege that the Defendants “bilked hundreds of millions of dollars from well-meaning contributors who believed RZIM and Zacharias to be faith-filled Christian leaders,” when “[i]n fact, Zacharias was a prolific sexual predator who used his ministry and RZIM funds to perpetrate sexual and spiritual abuse against women.”... 

Responding to defendants' assertion of the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine as a defense, the court said in part:

The Court will exercise jurisdiction over the Plaintiffs’ claims to the extent they are predicated on misuse-of-funds allegations but not faith-based allegations. At bottom, the faith-based allegations ask the Court to examine the theology and customs of Christianity and Christian apologetics to determine whether Zacharias and RZIM fulfilled the religion’s (and the Plaintiffs’) moral standards. The Court would have to make inherently ecclesiastical determinations as part of this inquiry, such as what it means to be a “faith-filled, moral, and upstanding Christian leader” ..., and whether Zacharias’s alleged sexual misconduct is “diametrically opposed to the teachings of Christianity.”... It is not the role of federal courts to answer these kinds of questions “because that would require defining the very core of what the religious body as a whole believes.”... 

On the other hand, the Court believes that the Plaintiffs’ misuse-of funds allegations do not pose the same First Amendment concerns. Those allegations, and the claims associated with them, raise what amounts to a secular factual question: whether the Defendants solicited funds for one purpose (i.e., Christian evangelism) but instead used those funds for another purpose (i.e., to perpetrate and cover up sexual abuse). That dispute “concerns the [D]efendants’ actions, not their beliefs,” and can be decided according to state statutes and common law principles. 

Thursday, May 05, 2022

Cert. Filed In Challenge To California's Extension Of Time To Bring Childhood Sex Assault Claims

A petition for certiorari (full text) was filed last month with the U.S. Supreme Court in Roman Catholic Bishop of Oakland v. Superior Court of the State of California,, (Docket No. 21-1377, filed 4/15/2022). In the case, 9 dioceses and archdioceses challenge California legislation that extended the limitation period for suits alleging childhood sexual assault to plaintiff’s 40th birthday or 5 years after discovery; created a 3-year window to bring previously time-barred civil actions for for childhood sexual assault; and provided for treble damages in cover-up cases. National Catholic Register reports on the cert. petition.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Plaintiff In Abuse Case May Discover Psychological Report In Priest's Personnel File

In Harmon v. Diocese of Albany, (NY App. Div., April 21, 2022), a New York state appellate court upheld a trial court's discovery order in a case alleging sexual abuse of  plaintiff by a Catholic priest in the 1980's.  The trial court ordered the Diocese to turn over to plaintiff a memo, a report and correspondence in the priest's personnel file from a psychologist who had been retained by the the Bishop to determine whether it would be appropriate for the priest to resume his ministry and the risk of recidivism. The court also upheld the trial court's order requiring disclosure to plaintiff of the personnel files of 48 former priests whose names are on the Diocese's list of credibly accused clergy. Albany Times-Union reports on the decision.