Friday, February 02, 2007

President Speaks At National Prayer Breakfast

Yesterday President Bush spoke at the 55th National Prayer Breakfast held at the Hilton Washington Hotel. In his remarks (full text) he said: "Prayer changes hearts. Prayer changes lives. And prayer makes us a more compassionate and giving people. When we pray we surrender our will to the Almighty, and open ourselves up to His priorities and His touch. His call to love our neighbors as we would like to be loved ourselves is something that we hear when we pray. And we answer that call by reaching out to feed the hungry and clothe the poor and aid the widow and the orphan."

This year's breakfast attracted 3600 guests from 170 nations and all 50 states and U.S. territories. The keynote speaker was Dr. Frances Collins, Director of the Human Genome Project. Among the other speakers was U.S. Congressman Mike McIntyre (D-NC) who hosted a spiritual heritage tour of the U.S. Capitol the night before the breakfast. (

Preliminary Injunction Granted To Student Anti-Abortion Protester

In M.A.L. v. Kinsland, (ED MI, Jan. 31, 2007), a Michigan federal district court granted a preliminary injunction against school officials to an 8th-grade student who was prevented from expressing his anti-abortion views at school last October to mark "Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity"-- an event sponsored by a Christian youth organization. (See prior posting.) The parties subsequently agreed that the student could wear red tape on his wrists and a sweat shirt containing a protest slogan. However they remained at odds on the school's literature distribution policy. The court found it likely that the plaintiff would succeed on the merits of his claim that the school's literature distribution policy is an unconstitutional violation of his First Amendment rights. A release by Alliance Defense Fund discusses the case as does an article in the Monroe (MI) News.

British Humanist Offical Urges End To Bishops' Seats In House of Lords

Ekklesia yesterday reported that in connection with discussions by the British government about House of Lords reform, Hanne Stinson, chief executive of the British Humanist Association, has urged that the practice of automatically setting aside 26 seats for bishops of the Church of England be ended. The House of Lords has a total of 746 members. In the past there have been suggestions about expanding representation to other religious groups, but Congregationalists, Quakers and others have objected to "religious representation" on principle. Stinson has urged that all appointment of Lords be solely on merit.

Federal Employee Has Partial Win On Discriminatory E-Mail Policy Challenge

In Gee v. Kempthorne, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 6695 (D ID, Jan. 30, 2007), an Idaho federal district court has dismissed as moot a First Amendment and RFRA claim by a Mormon employee of the Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation, but has permitted the employee to move ahead with an equal protection claim for a declaratory judgment that in the future, regardless of the Department's computer use policy, Plaintiff may not be treated differently in the enforcement of those policies because of his religious beliefs. The case grew out of limitations placed on plaintiff's use of his office computer for non-government business after he sent out e-mails objecting to other e-mails he had received from Department employees about recognition of June as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month.

Court Rejects Delay Motion In Wiccan Grave Marker Suit

A federal district court judge in Wisconsin has denied a motion by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to delay the start of a trial in a lawsuit seeking a decision on adding the Wiccan pentacle to the list of permissible symbols on veterans' memorial markers in national cemeteries. The Associated Press reported yesterday that in a one-line order, the court rejected a motion by the VA in Circle Sanctuary v. Nicholson to delay the trial while it finalizes a new rule on gravestone markers. The suit alleges that the VA has already delayed ruling on the matter for over nine years. (See prior posting.) Trial is now set to begin on the matter on June 29.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

California Church Moves Ahead With RLUIPA Damage Claim

Yesterday's North County (CA) Times reports that Elsinore Christian Center will move ahead with a $1.9 million damage claim against the City of Lake Elsinore, CA for losses the church suffered when it was prevented from relocating to a downtown building. This follows the church's win last August in the 9th Circuit which upheld the constitutionality of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act. (See prior posting.) A Los Angeles federal district court judge set January 31 as the trial date for this next phase of the case.

Former House Speaker Criticizes Wm. & Mary President

Former U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich has published an article in National Review Online severely critical of Gene R. Nichol, the president of the College of William and Mary who decided that the state school's chapel would only display a cross on Sundays and during Christian services. (See prior posting.) Gingrich said that the President's "reasoning bears the unmistakable influence of former Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O’Connor, whose major contribution to church-state thinking centers on her concept of endorsement.... Unfortunately, the "endorsement test”"has proven itself a decidedly unhelpful legal criterion. It is indeterminate, bordering on arbitrary, because it focuses primarily on subjective perceptions; its first consideration is not how the law actually treats people, but rather how people feel they are treated by the law. Taken to its logical conclusion, the endorsement test leads to the rule of the perpetually aggrieved, a tyranny of the easily offended."

Arizona Bills Would Aid Women Who Flee FLDS Polygamous Community

Yesterday's Arizona Republic reported that two bills have been introduced into the Arizona legislature to assist women who have fled Colorado City's FLDS Church. Rep. David Lujan, an attorney with the non-profit Justice for Children, introduced HB 2325 that would severely limit courts in granting custody or unsupervised visitation rights to a parent who is practicing polygamy or child bigamy. This is designed to prevent having wives who have fled from being forced to send their children back to a father and his other wives. The second bill, HB 2647, would provide funding for transitional housing to women who have fled a polygamous relationship or have been victimized by child bigamy.

Canadian Marriage Commissioner Charged For Refusing To Perform Gay Marriage

In Regina, Saskatchewan yesterday the Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal held a hearing on a discrimination complaint against one of the Canadian province's marriage commissioners who refused to perform a same-sex wedding ceremony on religious grounds. Canadian Press yesterday reported on the hearing. A lawyer for the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission said that marriage commissioners are required by law to provide civil wedding services for gay couples since same-sex marriage has been legalized in the province. However Orville Nichols, a devout Baptist, said he would have never taken the position as a marriage commissioner if at the time he was appointed there had been a requirement that he perform same-sex marriages.

Dallas Restrictions On Feeding Homeless Challenged

Today's Dallas (TX) Morning News reports that Rip Parker Memorial Homeless Ministry and Big Heart Ministries have filed a federal lawsuit to have Dallas' food distribution ordinance declared unconstitutional. The ordinance, which the city has enforced since February 2006, limits the places where groups can distribute food to the hungry. The primary permissible location is the city's downtown Day Resource Center. The ordinance stopped stopped charitable groups from serving food in vacant lots and cardboard box encampments under bridges. The suit claims that the ordinance violates the plaintiffs' free exercise of religion.

6th Circuit En Banc Rehearing Sought In "Teen Ranch" Case

On Tuesday, a petition for en banc review by the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals was filed in Teen Ranch v. Udow (see prior posting). The panel's decision upheld Michigan's decision to cut off placement of abused, neglected and delinquent children with Teen Ranch, finding its program coerces religious participation by the youths. Representing Teen Ranch, the Alliance Defense Fund announced the appeal which argues that teenagers initially placed with Teen Ranch can opt out and be transferred to a different rehabilitation program. The Petition For Rehearing argues that these "'opt-out' procedures result in 'private choice' controlling the flow of state funds to religious groups, thus insulating the state from an Establishment Clause violation."

Canadian Argues For Limiting Tax Exemptions For Some Religions

Canadian Catholic News yesterday called attention to an essay by Janice Gross Stein published last Fall in Literary Review of Canada. The University of Toronto political scientist argued that Canada should not make tax exemptions available to religious groups that fail to comply with "Canadian values". This would include the Catholic Church because of its refusal to ordain women. Constitutional lawyer Peter Lauwers said Stein is attempting to force change on religious groups and this, he said, would meant that "the state is no longer being neutral".

Episcopal Diocese Sues 11 Breakaway Churches

The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia has taken the next legal step in the property disputes between the Diocese and eleven local churches in which a majority of members have voted to leave the Episcopal Church. (See prior postings 1, 2.) Eight of those local congregations have already filed lawsuits seeking to transfer their property to the Church of Nigeria through the Convocation of Anglicans in North America. The Living Church Foundation reported yesterday that in each of the eleven suits, the Diocese is seeking a declaration "that there has been an improper trespass, conversion, alienation and use of the real and personal property”; an order upholding "the trust, proprietary and contract rights of the diocese"; an order restraining further use and occupancy of the property by the local congregations; an order transferring legal title to and control of the property to the Diocese; and an order requiring an accounting by local congregations of their "use of all real and personal property".

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

IRS Posts Online Training Course For Tax-Exempt Organizations

In mid-January, the Internal Revenue Service posted on its website a new web-based version of its Exempt Organizations Workshop on tax compliance issues confronted by small and mid-sized tax exempt organizations, including churches and other religious groups. The Stay Exempt web course covers keeping tax-exempt status, taxation of unrelated business income, employment issues, completing Form 990 and record disclosures.

Namibian Church Sues Government Paper For Defamation

In Namibia, the fast-growing Universal Church of the Kingdom of God filed a defamation suit seeking damages from the government-owned newspaper that ran an article characterizing the church as a "Satanic sect". Today's Namibian reports that the High Court suit against the Southern Times (jointly owned by the Namibian and Zimbabwean governments) focuses on a December 2005 headline that read "State bans 'Satanic' sect' " and which was published above a photograph showing the church's building in Windhoek. In fact the ban was in Zambia, and came after a riot stemming from rumors about the church.

Proposal For Court-Stripping Amendment To Arizona Constitution

Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson yesterday introduced a proposed state constitutional amendment (SCR 1026) that would strip all state courts in Arizona of jurisdiction over

any matter to the extent that relief is sought against the federal, the state or a local government or against an officer or agent [of such governments], whether or not ... acting in his official or personal capacity, concerning the government's of the officer's or the agent's acknowledgement of God as the sovereign source of law, liberty or government.

Today's Arizona Daily Star says that Sen. Johnson has introduced the amendment in reaction to decisions in other states finding problems with "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and with 10 Commandments displays on public property. Johnson explained her concerns:
In the (federal) Constitution, what it means is that there is to be no state religion. But we're supposed to have religion in everything — the opportunity to have religion in everything. I want religion in government, I want my government to have a faith-based perspective. The courts do their own thing. They're making up law out of how they feel about things. They're not following the Constitution.
The proposed amendment would not affect federal court jurisdiction over suits challenging governmental support of religion.

Israeli Court Convicts Muslim Husband For Unilateral Divorce

In Israel, a Magistrate's Court in Nazareth has convicted a Muslim man of ending his marriage without his wife's agreement and against her will. Yesterday's Haaretz reports that the husband began proceedings in a religious court, but became angry at accusations made by his wife and called for a divorce. Magistrate Court Judge Taufik Katili in his ruling wrote that "defendant's act was arbitrary, carried out during ongoing court discussions while ignoring court procedures. By so doing the defendant objectified and demonized the complainant while disregarding her autonomous will and right to joint determination over the fate of their relationship." The Magistrate's Court sentenced the man to five months of community service and a fine of NIS 30,000.

UPDATE: From Emory's Islamic Family Law site: "Israel's Women's Equal Rights Law 1951 provides penal sanction of imprisonment for husband's unilateral decision to divorce against wife's will and in absence of court judgement permitting such repudiation, but repudiation remains valid."

Rape Victim Denied Morning After Pill By Jail Worker With Religious Objections

The Associated Press yesterday reported on a case in Tampa, Florida in which a rape victim, after being taken to a rape crisis center where she was given the first dose of the morning-after pill, failed to get the needed second dose on time because of religious objections of a Tampa jail worker. While police were investigating the rape of the 21-year old college student, they discovered that she still owed a $4585 fine under an outstanding juvenile warrant from 2003. So they stopped their investigation and arrested the victim. That is where a jail worker refused to give the victim her next dose of medication on religious grounds. The victim ended up taking the second pill a day late after she was released from jail.

Trial Held On Kindergartener's Jesus Poster

On Monday, a New York federal district court heard witnesses in Baldwinsville Central School District v. Peck, on remand from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. (See prior posting). The suit was filed after suburban Syracuse school officials folded a kindergarten student's environmental poster in half to hide a robed figure representing Jesus before displaying the poster at a school assembly. The Second Circuit sent the case back to the trial court to determine whether the school district had engaged in unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination, and whether the school had a compelling interest to take the action it did. Mathew Staver, lawyer for the student's mother said "We think we have shown that a secular picture would not have been covered up and this was censored only because of its religious nature. And that is unlikely that anyone would have misconstrued the full display of Antonio's picture as the school district supporting the establishment of a religion." The Associated Press yesterday reported on the trial.

Italian Judge Is No-Show At Hearing On Requirement For Cross In His Courtroom

In Italy, Judge Luigi Tosti failed to show up at a hearing Tuesday on whether he has violated the law by refusing to hear cases in his courtroom so long as a crucifix remains on display in it. Apparently this is the appeal of an October 2005 conviction. (See prior posting). UPI reports that Tosti, who is Jewish, says that courtrooms in Italy should be religiously neutral. While Italy's constitution requires separation of church and state, local authorities have been given the right to display crucifixes, crosses and other religious symbols in schools, courtrooms and other public buildings. Italy's Justice Department says that the Rocco Code, adopted during the Mussolini era, which requires the cross to be placed in Tosti's courtroom, still governs on this issue. (See prior posting.)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Preliminary Injunction Denied On Missouri Anti-Funeral Picketing Law

In Phelps-Roper v. Nixon, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 5783 (WD MO, Jan. 27, 2007), a Missouri federal district court refused to grant a preliminary injunction to prevent Missouri authorities from enforcing the state's anti-funeral picketing law against members of the Westboro Baptist Church who wish to picket funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their signs generally say that God is punishing America for the sin of homosexuality by killing Americans, including soldiers. (See prior posting.) The court found that plaintiff had not demonstrated a likelihood of success on the merits of her claim that the statute is a content-based restriction on speech and that is overbroad and vague. The court also refused to issue a proposed consent judgment filed by one of the defendants, Prosecuting Attorney for Carroll County, Missouri, that would have permanently enjoined enforcement of the statute. Other defendants in the case objected to the consent judgment.

Russian Prelate Criticizes Teaching Of Evolution

MosNews reports today that Patriarch Alexy II, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, has said that it is unacceptable to impose Darwin's theory of evolution on students in Russian schools. At an educational conference in Moscow, he said: "Teaching the biblical theory of the world’s creation will not harm students. If people choose to believe that they descended from apes, let them, but without imposing their opinions on others."

Indiana Senate Moves Back To Opening Prayers

According to yesterday's Ft. Wayne News-Sentinel, for the first time since 2005, Indiana's Senate opened its session with an oral prayer rather than a moment of silence. The Senate had moved to a moment of silence after a federal district judge said that sectarian prayers used to open sessions of the Indiana House of Representatives were unconstitutional. (See prior posting.) However the Senate's new President Pro Tem, David Long, said members felt it was important to go back to an oral prayer, even if they cannot mention the word Jesus. The Senate prayers will be given by one of six senators at first, Long said. He hopes more Senators will participate later, though some of them feel uncomfortable following judicial guidelines in praying.

Canadian Town Decrees "Norms" For New Immigrants

In Canada, the small village of Herouxville, Quebec has adopted a declaration of "norms" aimed at immigrants who might wish to settle in the town, according to today's Canadian Press. Sponsor of the declaration, Andre Drouin, one of six town councillors, said it was passed in reaction to a number of culture clashes recently in Canada. The 5-page declaration includes a prohibition on stoning women or burning them with acid; a prohibition on carrying weapons to school, including a Sikh kirpan; a prohibition on sex-segregated swimming pools; a provision that female police officers can arrest male suspects; a declaration that women can drive, dance and make decisions on their own; and a statement that children sing Christmas songs at Christmas and adults can drink alcohol. B'nai Brith Quebec called the declaration "an anti-immigrant, anti-ethnic backlash". Salam Elmenyawi, head of the Muslim Council of Montreal, said the declaration is insulting and full of stereotypes.

Public Expressions of Religion Act Reintroduced In Congress

Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KA) yesterday reintroduced into Congress the Public Expressions of Religion Act that would ban plaintiffs from recovering attorneys' fees in civil rights suits against local governments when the successfully challenge public displays of religion and faith. (Press release.) Currently the 1976 Civil Rights Attorney Fees Awards Act (42 USC 1988(b) ) permits recovery of attorneys' fees by successful plaintiffs in Section 1983 suits. The bill was introduced in the last session of Congress. It passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 244-173, but was not voted on in the Senate.

New Mexico Bishops Back Outlawing Of Cockfighting

The Catholic Conference of New Mexico announced that the state's bishops support proposals ( SB 10 and SB 70) in the legislature to ban cockfighting. New Mexico is only one of two states where the practice is still legal. A report from the Catholic News Agency yesterday (which insists on referring to the practice as "rooster fighting") quotes Catholic Conference Executive Director Allen Sanchez: "The church teaches that we are supposed help God's creatures and there are established principles about how to care for animals. It is now time to pass this prohibition and move on to more important issues"-- such as abolishing the death penalty and prohibiting embryonic stem cell research.

Britain's Blair Give Catholic Church 21 Months To Prepare For Gay Adoptions

In Britain yesterday, Prime Minister Tony Blair announced a compromise of sorts with the Catholic Church on implementation of Britain's new Equality Act that prohibits discrimination against gays and lesbians. (See prior posting.) Catholic adoption agencies will not be granted an exemption from the law's provision, but they will have 21 months to prepare for the new rules. Ekklesia reports that if Parliament approves Blair's proposal in February, Catholic agencies will have until the end of 2008 until the rules apply to them. Until then, they will have a "statutory duty" to refer gay couples to other agencies.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Zimbabwe Supreme Court Considers Rastafarian Challenge To School Rules

In Zimbabwe last week, the Supreme Court heard arguments in a case challenging the expulsion of a first-grade boy from Ruvheneko Primary School in Glen Norah because he came to school wearing dreadlocks. The Harare Herald today reports that the boy's family is challenging the school's rule as a violation of the Rastafarian student's religious freedom. Zimbabwe's Constitution (Sec. 19) protects freedom of religion and conscience, but provides that actions "under authority of law ... with respect to standards or qualifications to be required in relation to places of education" do not violate these protections unless the action is shown to "not to be reasonably justifiable in a democratic society". The boy's lawyer argued to the Supreme Court that the school's grooming provision was a rule and not a "law" as that term is used in the exclusion in Sec. 19. The first-grader is currently back in school under a lower court order that permitted him to attend wearing his dreadlocks pending a decision by the Supreme Court.

New Study Praises Ohio's Implementation of Faith-Based Initiative

Baylor University's Institute for Studies of Religion last week (press release) published Ohio Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives: A Case Study. Written by William Wubbenhorst and Dr. Byron Johnson, the study praises Ohio's experience, saying that it has "received far-reaching and bipartisan support and has by all accounts been responsible for achieving many positive outcomes." The report says that Ohio's efforts were guided by three important principles: "a) The importance of protecting the faith identity of faith-based organizations; b) Assuring the appropriate safeguards against proselytizing when using public funds, both through clear communication of church/state boundaries and the development of indirect funding mechanisms; and c) Developing a process for assessing the outcomes and assuring a level of accountability of publicly-funded services."

Rev. Robert Drinan-- Human Rights Advocate-- Dies At 86

Rev. Robert Drinan, the Roman Catholic priest who as a member of Congress and as a Georgetown Law School teacher served as a champion of international human rights died yesterday at the age of 86. Before entering Congress, Drinan served as Dean of Boston College Law School. Today's Washington Post chronicles his life, as does a release from Georgetown University. Elected in 1971, Drinan was the first Roman Catholic priest to serve as a voting member of Congress. He reluctantly resigned in 1981 after the Vatican ruled that priests could not hold legislative positions. (Code of Canon Law, Sec. 285(3)). Drinan authored 12 books, including Can God and Caesar Co-Exist? Balancing Religious Freedom & International Law (Yale Press, 2004); God and Caesar on the Potomac: A Pilgrimage of Conscience (Michael Glazier, Inc., 1985); Religion, The Courts, And Public Policy (McGraw-Hill Book, 1963).

New Prisoner Claims Include Kosher Catholics and Employment Discrimination

In Presley v. Captain, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 5235 (MD AL, Jan. 19, 2007), an Alabama federal district court permitted an inmate to proceed with free exercise and RLUIPA claims stemming from the alleged denial of access to religious property central to the prisoner's Native American religion at the time of his transfer to a different penal institution.

In Guzzi v. Thompson, (D MA, Jan. 25, 2007), a Massachusetts federal district court denied a preliminary injunction to a Catholic prisoner who claimed that his rights under RLUIPA were infringed when he was denied kosher meals. He argued that traditional concepts of Catholicism require the same dietary laws followed by Jewish sects. However the court held that where the plaintiff makes an argument for protection of a religious practice not generally associated with the system of beliefs of Christian-Catholics to which he belongs, it may properly decide that plaintiff has not shown the likelihood of success on the merits required to support a temporary injunction.

In Rouse v. Caruso, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 4941 (ED MI, Kan. 24, 2007), a Michigan United States Magistrate Judge permitted an inmate to amend his civil rights complaint to allege that a Department of Corrections employee discriminated against him based on his religious beliefs. The court held that while verbal harassment disparaging a prisoner's religious beliefs "does not embody the type of coercive pressure which amounts to a substantial burden on religious exercise" under RLUIPA, a claim that a prisoner was terminated from his prison employment because of his religion does state a valid RLUIPA claim.

RLUIPA Claim By S.C. Church Dismissed, But 1st Amendment Claim Can Proceed

In Christian Methodist Episcopal Church v. Montgomery, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 5133 (D SC, Jan. 18, 2007), a South Carolina federal district court dismissed a RLUIPA claim, but permitted a First Amendment claim to proceed, in a damage action brought by a church that was being asked to comply with zoning ordinances by the town of Atlantic Beach, SC. The suit alleged harassment by officials, but the church was not closed down. The court rejected plaintiffs' RLUIPA claim because the owners of of the church's building never attempted to obtain a zoning variance. It held that the Church could not prove that the Town's zoning laws substantially burden the exercise of religion by merely requiring the owners-- or the church as tenant through assignment of the owners-- to apply for a special use permit. The court also found that the Town has a compelling interest in requiring the owners of the land to be involved in the zoning application, instead of permitting the church alone as tenant to apply.

The court however permitted plaintiffs to proceed with their First Amendment claim that officials interfered with their free exercise rights by harassment such as repeatedly stopping by, inspecting and entering the church building, even during services. It held that the Town, and two officials if they acted intentionally, could be liable for damages.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Biblical Quote In Univ. Kentucky Weight Room Is Seen As Unobjectionable

University of Kentucky basketball coach Tubby Smith has approved the carving of a biblical quotation on a six-inch wooden slab that hangs in the middle of the ceiling of the weight room in UK's new basketball practice facility. The quote from Proverbs 27:17 reads: "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Apparently team members see it-- and are inspired by it-- as they lie on their backs lifting weights. The Lexington Herald-Leader today reports that spokespersons for both the ACLU and for Americans United for Separation of Church and State both say that the posting poses no serious church-state issue. American United's Jeremy Lemming said: "If it didn't say Proverbs, I might think it came from a Star Trek episode."

Public School Religious Bill of Rights Introduced In Colorado

Yesterday's Colorado Springs Gazette reports that state Senator Dave Schultheis has introduced SB07, the "Religious Bill of Rights for Individuals Connected with Public Schools Act", into the Colorado Legislature. Here is a summary of what the far-reaching bill would do, taken from a more extensive discussion of it on Sen. Schultheis' website:
Requires the state board of education to adopt a religious bill of rights for public school students and parents and a religious bill of rights for public school teachers and employees.

Directs the state board to distribute the religious bills of rights to school district boards of education.

Mandates each local board to adopt policies and procedures to implement the act, including the annual distribution of the religious bills of rights to students, parents, teachers, and employees of the school district. Directs local boards of education to provide opt out provisions to individuals for classes or course materials that are in conflict with the individual's religious beliefs.

Makes individual members of local boards personally liable for lawsuits brought under the act if the local board fails to adopt policies and procedures to implement the act or to ensure compliance with the act.

Federal Court Says High School Christian Atletes Group Must Get Equal Access

On Friday, according to the Associated Press, a Kansas federal district court granted a preliminary injunction ordering the Pleasanton School District to grant the Fellowship of Christian Athletes all the privileges that are granted to other noncurriculum clubs at Pleasanton High School. The school had been permitting the religious group to meet at the school and post signs announcing its meetings. However it had not been permitting it to be part of the photo club or the prom planning committee.

In England, Suit On Student Wearing Niqab To School

In Buckinghamshire, England, a lawsuit has been filed over the right of a 12-year old Muslim students to wear a niqab (full face veil) at school. On Friday, Bucks Free Press reported that the girl's father has taken the school to court after she was told not to wear her niqab. However the school is unable to afford the costs of defending the case, and the Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) does not have the funds either. BCC wants to find a compromise that will let the girl return to school. In the meantime, the school is funding the costs of her being taught at home. An initial hearing in the case is scheduled for Feb. 8 in the High Court in London.

Law Prof Suggests New Insights From Old Polygamy Cases

At PrawfsBlawg, Paul Horwitz has an interesting post titled "Teaching the 'Mormon' Cases". He suggests that reading the Reynolds case and Davis v. Beason along with the 1890 Revelation from Wilford Woodruff, then-President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, demonstrates that the Mormon Church's decision to end polygamy illustrates a fascinating effort of a religious group to grapple religiously with a set of secular facts.

Florida City Settles Suit; Permits Use Of Park Facility By Church

On Friday, the Alliance Defense Fund announced that a settlement has been reached in Life Ministries v. The City of Lauderhill Parks and Leisure Services Department, (SD FL, Case No. 06-61874-CIV) (dismissal order). In a complaint filed in a Florida federal district court in December, the religious group claimed that its rights under the First and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and the Florida Religious Freedom Restoration Act had been infringed when the city refused to permit the group to continue meeting free of charge at a community room at a city park, while permitting other non-profit groups to continue to use the facilities without charge. (ADF release.) Under the settlement, the city will refund the monthly fee that the church was required to pay for several weeks.

Scientologists In Berlin Subject To Sunday Closing Laws

In Germany, residents of an upscale area in Berlin are upset about a new center recently opened by the Church of Scientology. Friday's Spiegel reports that city officials have found a creative way to limit the center's activities. In 1995, the German Federal Labor Court ruled that Scientology is "neither a religion nor an ideology", but merely a business. (Opinion full text in German.) This means that Germany's Sunday closing laws can be applied to the group, preventing it from offering courses or selling postcards, books, educational or fundraising goods on Sundays. Scientology has been under observation by Germany's domestic intelligence officials for a long time because of its aggressive recruitment practices.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Pennsylvania Court Permits Removed Episcopal Priest To Sue His Bishop

The Philadelphia Inquirer reported Friday that a trial court in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania will permit an Episcopal priest to sue his bishop in state court for removing him from the priesthood. The long-running dispute (background documents) pits Rev. David Moyer, rector of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Rosemont, Pennsylvania against Bishop Charles E. Bennison Jr. who removed Moyer from the priesthood without granting him an ecclesiastical hearing.

Moyer is a conservative who opposes Bishop Bennison's feminist and gay rights views. After Moyer refused to permit the bishop to preach in his church, the bishop prohibited Moyer from dispensing the sacraments. Moyer then affiliated with the breakaway Anglican Church in America. Focusing on that move, Bennison invoked a little-know provision of church law that permits a bishop to summarily remove a priest who joins another faith. This avoided the public forum that Moyer wanted to use to accuse Bennison and others in the Episcopal hierarchy of disregard for the scriptures. Also reporting on the case, The Living Church Foundation quotes Moyer as taking the position that he did not abandon the Communion of the Church, so that the "abandonment canon" allowing removal without a trial was wrongly applied to him.

The trial court's decision is a surprising one in light of the U.S. Supreme Court's 1976 holding in Serbian Eastern Orthodox Diocese v. Milivojevich, that cast doubt on whether there is an exception for "fraud, collusion or arbitrariness" to the First Amendment doctrine that precludes civil courts from examining decision by hierarchical churches regarding religious disputes. However the trial judge apparently agreed with arguments made by Moyer's attorneys that the priest had no other remedy because Bishop Bennison denied him due process by removing him without a church trial. They also claim Bennison fraudulently concealed relevant documents from the diocesan standing committee that approved the priest's removal.

The trial judge's exact rationale seems unclear because apparently he did not (at least yet) issue an opinion to accompany his ruling. The case has provoked extensive discussion on the Religionlaw listserv ("Landmark First Amendment Religion Litigation?" thread in archive). [Thanks to Aaron J. Stemplewicz and to James Maule via Religionlaw for the lead.]

Yemen Jews Forced Out Of Their Village By Shi'ite Radicals

Earlier this week, the Jewish Press and the Jerusalem Post reported that in Yemen, 45 Jews have left their village in Sa'ada county after a leader of the Jewish community was warned-- in a letter delivered to him by 4 masked Shi'ite militants-- that if the Jews stayed they would be exposed to killings, abductions and looting. The letter said: "After accurate surveillance over the Jews residing in Al Haid, it has become clear to us that they were doing things which serve mainly global Zionism, which seeks to corrupt the people and distance them from their principles, their values, their morals, and their religion. Islam calls upon us to fight against the disseminators of decay."

The Yemen Times, reporting that the threats against Yemen's Jews are being discussed by the Israeli government, said that the trouble began when a Jewish teenager recently arrived from Israel took photos of some tribal girls on farms with his personal camera, as well as in a village jointly inhabited by both Jews and Muslims. The threatening letter that was delivered to the Jewish community has been posted on the website of Yemen's Islah Party. Yemeni Prime Minister Abdulqader Bajammal, at a press conference attended by Jordan’s Prime Minister, said: "We don’t allow anyone to harm any of the Jewish citizens in Yemen. We strongly reject what happened to Jews in Sa’ada." He promised all citizens, including Jews, state protection.

The Jews have moved to a hotel in Yemen's capital of Sa'ada. The Yemen Observer reported today that the governor of Sada'a, Yahya al-Shami, has promised that arrangements were underway to return the Jews to their homes with a security escort. However no date for their return has been set.

The Jews involved are part of a few hundred Jews left in Yemen. Most of Yemen's 45,000 Jews have been brought to Israel, beginning in 1949 after 1948 Muslim riots in Aden that killed 82 people.

Las Cruces Schools Seek Attorneys' Fees After Establishment Clause Win

Now that the Las Cruces, New Mexico Public Schools has won a suit brought against it challenging its logo and a school mural featuring three crosses (see prior posting), the school system is asking a federal judge to require unsuccessful plaintiff Paul Weinbaum to reimburse the schools for $16,000 of the nearly $53,000 that was spent to defend the lawsuit. Today's Las Cruces Sun-News says that the $16,000 represents that amount spent by the school system on the Establishment Clause litigation after a similar suit against the city was dismissed by the court. (See prior posting.) School system attorney William "Rusty" Babington says that once the city's suit was dismissed, the suit against the schools was clearly frivolous. City attorney Fermin Rubio said the city will not seek to recover the $20,000 it spent in legal fees defending the suit brought against it by Weinbaum.

UPDATE: Thanks to shlep, here is the full text of the school board's Motion For Award of Attorney's Fees.

Canadian School Board Ends Gideon Bible Distribution

In the Canadian province of British Columbia, the Burnaby School Board has voted to end the offering of free Bibles by the Gideons to public school students. CBC News reported yesterday that the long-standing practice of Gideons International giving out pamphlets to fifth grade students asking them and their parents if they would like to receive a free Bible was ended after a parent complained. The majority of school board concluded that it is not the role of the public school system to spread religious beliefs. Dissenting board member Richard Lee argued that the practice should be permitted, with other religions also having an opportunity to hand out literature.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Establishment Clause Challenge To Criminalizing Murder of Fetus Rejected

In Flores v. State of Texas, (TX 9th Ct. App., Jan. 24, 2007), a Texas state court of appeals rejected an Establishment Clause challenge to a provision of Texas criminal law that defines capital murder as including the murder of "an unborn child at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth". The claim was raised in an appeal of a conviction by Gerardo Flores who had been sentenced to life in prison for killing his girlfriend's twin sons in utero by hitting the pregnant woman and stepping on her abdomen. Flores had argued that the statute was unconstitutional because it adopted a religious view of the commencement of life. The court, however, said that a statute does not violate the Establishment Clause merely because it is consistent with religious views. It said that the challenged statute does not foster excessive government entanglement with religion, but rather protects the future viability of the unborn child.

The court also rejected Flores equal protection claim that focused on the fact that the statute excepts from punishment a pregnant mother who aborts a fetus, while it punishes a biological father who takes action to do so.

House Resolution Honors Contributions of Catholic Schools

On Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representative passed H. Res. 51: Honoring the Contributions of Catholic Schools, by a vote of 428 to 0 (with 7 voting "present"). The Resolution supports the goals of Catholic Schools Week. It points out that 14% of students enrolled in Catholic schools are non-Catholic, and says that "Catholic schools produce students strongly dedicated to their faith, values, families, and communities by providing an intellectually stimulating environment rich in spiritual, character, and moral development."

Christian Group Excluded From Pagan Pride Festival Sues

In Grand Rapids, Michigan earlier this week, the Alliance Defense Fund filed suit in federal district court on behalf of David Ickes and seven other members of the Worldwide Street Preachers' Fellowship who were prevented by police from preaching to a crowd gathered in a public park for a Pagan Pride Festival. (Press release.) The complaint (full text) in Worldwide Street Preachers' Fellowship v. City of Grand Rapids, claims that city ordinances requiring a permit for public speeches and religious meetings in any public park, as well as the city's disorderly conduct ordinance, violate plaintiffs' First Amendment rights. Plaintiffs' memorandum in support of its motion for a preliminary injunction is also available online.

Ministerial Exception Bars Race Claim By Church Music Director

In Ross v. Metropolitan Church of God, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 4784 (ND GA, Jan. 23, 2007), a Georgia federal district court applied the "ministerial exception" to Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to dismiss a racial discrimination claim brought by the former Pastor of Worship Arts of the Metropolitan Church of God against the Church and its Senior Pastor. The Senior Pastor was charged with making racially insensitive remarks to plaintiff, who is African-American, and telling him that his music "won't work here" because "this is a white church". Ultimately plaintiff was fired. The court held that the First Amendment precludes it from making the kind of inquiry that would be involved in this case-- determining what is suitable music for worship services at the Metropolitan Church. The case had originally been filed in state court and removed to federal court. The court remanded the remaining state law claims to state court.

High School Graduation In Church Building Considered

In Montgomery County, Maryland, the Board of Education is struggling with a difficult decision on whether to hold this year's Blair High School graduation in the Jericho City of Praise Church. Wednesday's Washington Jewish Week reports that the Church's 10,000-seat auditorium is the only local venue large enough for the ceremony. However, some potential attendees say they are uncomfortable being in the auditorium that contains a pediment with the words "Jesus is the Lord" at the back of the stage. The Church says it will not cover the inscription for the graduation. Also a stained glass window with a cross is there, and "Jesus is the Lord!!!" is written in large letters on the outside of the building.

The Board's other choices for graduation, however, are not attractive. DAR Constitution Hall only seats 4,000, has parking and accessibility problems. Also the DAR has a segregationist history. Show Place Arena also is not well designed for graduations and is not near a Metro stop. An arena can be rented from the University of Maryland, but that will cost $37,000, while Jericho City of Praise Church does not charge for use of its facilities.

UPDATE: On Jan. 31, Washington Jewish Week reported that Blair High School graduation will be held at the Comcast Center in College Park, and that Montgomery County Public Schools will cover the cost for all other high schools in the county to also hold their graduations at Comcast Center.

Ohio Teacher Challenges Required Dues To Union That Supports Abortion

CNS News reported yesterday on a federal lawsuit that was filed this week in Columbus, Ohio challenging the constitutionality of a provision of the state's public employee labor relations law. Ohio Revised Code section 4117.09(C) exempts from the requirement to pay union dues "any public employee who is a member of and adheres to established and traditional tenets or teachings of a bona fide religion or religious body which has historically held conscientious objections to joining or financially supporting an employee organization..." St. Mary's school teacher Carol Katter is a Catholic, and refuses to pay dues to her public employee union because it supports abortion on demand. She says that Ohio's law amounts to an unconstitutional establishment of religion because it exempts only adherents of specific faiths such as Seventh-Day Adventists and Mennonites. She says that her union (Ohio Education Association) told her she would need to change religions in order to get an exemption.

Last September, in another similar suit, the Justice Department and the EEOC entered a consent decree with a different public employee union requiring it to allow any employee with sincere religious objections to paying union dues to instead make a donation to charity. (See prior posting.)

Shariah Divorce Refusal May Be Sentencing Consideration In Canada

In Canada, prosecutors have argued to a Montreal court that a Muslim man's refusal to grant a Shariah divorce to his wife should be considered an aggravating factor when he is sentenced for stabbing her and their baby daughter. Meanwhile, Quebec's ban on the use of religious tribunals to settle family law disputes has placed the wife in a difficult position. She wants to go back to her family in Lebanon, but fears that without an Islamic divorce, if she does she will be forced to return to her husband or be charged with abducting her own daughter. Reporting on the case yesterday, the Montreal Gazette says that Shahina Siddiqui, executive director of the Islamic Social Services Association suggested the woman obtain a civil divorce in Canada and then ask an imam or a panel of Muslim scholars to acknowledge the court divorce.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Detroit Muslim Says His Daughter Kept From Islam By State Caseworker

Yesterday's Detroit News reports that on Monday a suit was filed in a Michigan federal district court by a Muslim father who is in a custody fight over his daughter. The suit claims that the state's Department of Human Services and a local church are conspiring to prohibit his daughter from practicing Islam. Abraham Ben-Abbad of Dearborn alleges that a caseworker told his former wife that she could ignore a court order and keep their 13-year old daughter from visiting her father during Ramadan and on other religious holidays. He also claims that the caseworker permitted the pastor of Dearborn Assembly of God Church to help plan his daughter's future. The lawsuit claims that the church's pastor, Trey Hancock, operates an outreach program for American women married to Muslim men, and that his ministry is directed at converting Muslims to Christianity.

London Rabbi Cleared Of Excessive Noise Charges

In Britain, a High Court has ruled in favor of a North London rabbi charged with violating a noise abatement order. Yesterday's Metro reported that Rabbi Moshe Rottenberg had been charged by a Muslim neighbor of his synagogue with excessive noise-- chanting, stamping and shouting. However the crown court, overturning the rabbi's conviction by a magistrate, found that the noise was infrequent and did not amount to a nuisance. Rabbi Rottenberg's lawyers argued that the noise occurred only on holy days. The High Court, upholding the crown court, said that the judge did not have to follow the views of environmental health officers who thought the noise was excessive.

Rehearing Scheduled For Niqab-Wearing Woman's Small Claims Case

Yesterday's Detroit Free Press reports that a new hearing has been granted to Ginnnah Muhammad, the Muslim woman whose small-claims case in Hamtramck (MI) was dismissed last October when she refused a judge's order to remove her veil while testifying. (See prior posting.) Muhammad says she plans again to wear her niqab (full face veil). It is unclear what Judge Paul Paruk's reaction to this will be at the Feb. 21 hearing. The case involves claims between Muhammad and a rental car company.

Pakistan's Blasphemy Laws May Eventually Be Changed

Reform of Pakistan's blasphemy laws has become a subject of increasing interest. This recent background article from Pakistan's The News argues: "Blasphemy laws are objectionable for three fundamental reasons: (i) they violate Article 25 of the constitution that makes all citizens equal before law and entitled to its equal protection; (ii) they are manipulated to penalize and harass citizens belonging to minority communities; and (iii) they undermine free speech and encourage religious bigotry and obscurantism by threatening to persecute intellectuals and scholars who debate or question stereotypical views on religious doctrine."

The issue has become more pressing in light of last week's decision by the Lahore High Court overturning the 25-year sentence of a Christian, Shahbaz Masih Kaka. The court found that the original accusations against the mentally disabled youth, who had already spent 18 months in jail, were not credible. (, Jan. 22.) A senior Pakistani government official says that the blasphemy laws will be amended after the national elections that will be held later this year or early next year. Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, chairman of the Pakistan Senate's foreign affairs committee, said that action any earlier than that would give an election issue to opposition Islamic parties. (Catholic News, Jan. 25).

District Court Dismisses Poway School T-Shirt Claim As Related Cert. Petition Is Pending

Last April, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the denial of a preliminary injunction in a suit brought by two California high school students claiming that their high school improperly banned one of them-- Tyler Harper-- from wearing a T-shirt proclaiming: "Be Ashamed, Our School Embraced What God Has Condemned", and "Homosexuality Is Shameful". A school rule banned the T-shirts as "hate behavior". A petition for cert. is pending in the U.S. Supreme Court. Now in Harper v. Poway Unified School District, (SD CA, Jan. 24, 2007), the district court has dismissed claims brought by Tyler Harper as moot because he has graduated. It also rejected the First Amendment and state law challenges to the school's hate behavior policies brought by Tyler's sister, Kelsie Harper. Yesterday's San Diego Union-Tribune reported on the decision. It says that Kevin Theriot, lawyer for the Harpers, says they will appeal the district court decision.

UPDATE: On Feb. 7, Alliance Defense Fund filed a notice of appeal on behalf of Tyler and Kelsie Harper.

Indian State Seeks Return Of Lands Held By Catholic Missionaries

The Indian state of Chattisgarh has filed 262 cases against the Catholic Church seeking to obtain the return of land on which Catholic missionaries have built hospitals, schools and other institutions. The state's government is controlled by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party. Relying on local legislation that bans the sale of Tribal lands to non-Tribals, in one of the cases a local court has required the Sisters of the Holy Cross return to 12 acres on which they built a monastery and a school. Asia News reported yesterday that more than 80,000 Tribals demonstrated in support of the Catholic Church last Monday. One demonstrator said that the land "was not stolen from us, but was regularly sold to the Church by our ancestors, which now uses it to help. We are happy for the schools and hospitals [because they] educate us and provide us with medical care."

Recently Available Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Cummings v. Darsey, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 4257 (D NJ, Jan. 16, 2007), a New Jersey federal district court permitted a Muslim prisoner to proceed with a challenge to a drug treatment program that he is required to attend. He claimed that it includes a religious component that is offensive to him as a Muslim and that attendance at the program prevents from attending most of the Muslim religious services that are available.

In Furnace v. Arceo, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 3725 (ND CA, Jan. 5, 2007), a California federal district court permitted a state prisoner to proceed with a free exercise and equal protection challenge claiming he was denied religious meals and refused a transfer to another prison that could provide him such meals.

Whitfield v. v. Illinois Dep't of Corrections, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 94779 (ND IL, March 20, 2006) is an older case that has just become available on Lexis. In it the court rejected a prisoner's claim that his right to practice his African Hebrew Israelite religion (including its dietary restrictions) was infringed, and that retaliation was practiced against him for filing a grievance. Plaintiff failed to prove that he was in fact affiliated with the African Hebrew Israelite religion.

Lawson v. McDonough, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 94681 (ND FL, Dec. 27, 2006) involved claims under RLUIPA and the Florida Religious Freedom Restoration Act by an Orthodox Jewish inmate who was serving a life sentence in Florida. He asserted that he was denied the right to observe over a dozen religious requirements. In a lengthy opinion, a federal magistrate judge in Florida federal district court recommended permiting him to move ahead with some of his claims, but dismissed others because plaintiff had not exhausted his administrative remedies or because of mootness or lack of standing to raise the claims.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Liberal Clergy Question Goal Of Proposed New Hampshire Bill On Marriages

In New Hampshire, House Bill 69 recently introduced into the legislature may interfere with the right of liberal clergy to perform religious wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples. Yesterday's Concord Monitor says, however, that the the bill's sponsor, Republican Representative Daniel Itse, denies that this is the bill's goal. He says it is aimed at strengthening separation of church and state and is neutral on the issue of same-sex ceremonies.

The bill would amend RSA 457.37 that currently exempts some religious officials from obtaining licenses to perform marriages. The amended statute would read: "Nothing contained in this chapter shall affect the right of ... religious officiants authorized by their church, religion, sect, or denomination to solemnize marriages in the way usually practiced among them, and all marriages so solemnized shall be valid unless proscribed by RSA 457:1 or RSA 457:2". Sections 457:1 and 2 prohibit, among other things, same-sex marriages.

Reform Rabbi Richard Klein of Temple Beth Jacob in Concord says the bill is a response to the growing practice among liberal clerics to stop asking for licenses from couples, gay or straight, who seek religious marriages. He fears that the statute implies some kind penalty-- such as loss of the right to perform any marriages-- for clergy who perform same-sex marriage ceremonies. He says that interferes with freedom of religion. Rev. Jed Rardin, pastor of South Congregational Church in Concord, says he officiates at marriage ceremonies for same-sex couples even though they are not legally recognized.

Philadelphia Anti-Gay Pride Protesters Lose Civil Rights Suit

Last week, a Pennsylvania federal district court handed a defeat to a group of evangelical Christians who brought civil rights claims after they were prevented from disseminating their anti-gay messages at a 2004 Philadelphia gay pride event. (See prior posting.) In Startzell v. City of Philadelphia, (ED PA, Jan. 18, 2007), the court held that Philadelphia's content-neutral permit requirement did not violate the group's First Amendment rights. It held that organizers of Philly Pride had the right to exclude the Christian group's contrary message from their event. The court found that the Philadelphia police acted to protect First Amendment rights and prevent violence at the event, saying that there is no constitutional right to drown out the speech of another person. Yesterday's Philadelphia Inquirer covered the decision and reported that an appeal is planned. [Thanks to How Appealing for the lead.]

Russian Court Finds Nude In Ad Violates Religious Norms

In Moscow this week, a Russian trial court has upheld a complaint brought by Russia's Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) against a magazine publisher that ran an ad featuring a semi-nude model in its Moulin Rouge magazine. Interfax reported yesterday that the FAS relied on quotations from the Bible and the Koran in demonstrating that the ad violates "the commonly accepted norms of humanity and morality" and contains "offensive images of the religious beliefs of natural persons". Alexander Osokin, lawyer for the publisher, Rodinov Publishing House, says his client will appeal. He said: "we did not insult religious things; the model in the advertisement does not hold any crosses or crescents or other symbols in her hands. The FAS can go too far in this way and turn our state into a clerical one."

Suit Seeks Right To Proselytize Outside Shopping Center

On Monday, Alliance Defense Fund filed suit in federal court against the city of Jacksonville, Florida on behalf Christian activist John Schaffer to vindicate his right to proselytize passersby near Jacksonville Landing shopping center. (Press release.) At issue are his speech rights in the exterior commons area and perimeter sidewalks of the Landing. These are owned by the city and are not leased to the shopping center. The complaint in Schaffer v. City of Jacksonville (full text) alleges violations of the First and 14th Amendments and of Florida's Religious Freedom Restoration Act. ADF has filed a Memorandum in Support of Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment.

Court's Revocation of Treatment Alternative Not Based On Religion

In State of Ohio v. Caulley, (OH 12 Dist. Ct. App., Jan. 22, 2007), an Ohio appellate court upheld a trial judge's revocation of a community control sanction that allowed a convicted defendant to attend a treatment program instead of serving his 3-year prison sentence. Keith Caulley had asked to be removed from the MonDay program because it violated religious beliefs. He said that the program would require him to report the disruptive behavior of other participants, contrary to his religious beliefs. He believed that it is only God's job to judge.

In revoking the community control sanction and sentencing Caulley to prison, the judge made remarks such as: "Can you tell me where in the Bible it says it is all right to drink and drive, it is all right to flee the police, it is all right to steal your children? You have a record that is four pages long, what part of God's plan does that come under?" Caulley claimed that this demonstrates his sentence was based on his religious belief, in violation of Ohio Revised Code 2929.11(C) and the First Amendment's Establishment Clause. The Court of Appeals, however, disagreed, finding that the judge's remarks were merely an expression of skepticism regarding the sincerity of Caulley's religious beliefs that he claimed prevented him from completing the MonDay program

Jacksonville Settles "Day of Faith" Lawsuit

The city of Jacksonville, Florida has settled a suit filed against it last summer challenging city sponsorship of a Day of Faith anti-violence rally. (See prior posting.) Yesterday News4Jax reported that the city has issued a directive providing that all future city programs must have a secular purpose, must not advance or inhibit religion, and must not foster excessive entanglement with religion. The city will also pay plaintiffs, American Atheists, $5000 plus court costs.

Christian Leaders Press Again For Religious References In EU Constitution

Reuters reported this week that as Germany is attempting to revive efforts to get agreement on a Constitution for the European Union, Catholic and Protestant leaders are stepping up their campaign to have a reference to Europe's Christian heritage included in the document. A 2004 draft included a reference to the continent's "cultural, religious and humanist heritage". Christian religious leaders however are urging German Chancellor Angela Merkel -- a pastor's daughter -- to press for a stronger statement during her current term as EU president. However religious leaders are unlikely to be successful since the EU is currently negotiating with largely Muslim Turkey for its entry into the EU. (See prior related posting.)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Suit Claims Church-Sponsored Youth Cabaret Is Religious Activity

In Albany, New York, Trinity Methodist Church has been charged with zoning violations because its New Age Cabaret featuring drug- and alcohol-free shows is considered by the city to be an illegal nightclub. Today's Albany Times Union reports that police ordered the show closed down last July after neighbors complained about noise and youths on the street. In December, City Court Judge Gary Stiglmeier rejected the church's motion to drop the zoning charges, and set trial to begin February 2. Stiglmeier wrote that the protection for religion extends to "worship or the discussion of religious beliefs, participating in the sacramental use of bread and wine, and proselytizing," and that here the Church was trying to improperly extend the definition. However, Michael Rhodes-Devey, a lawyer representing Trinity in the federal lawsuit, said: "There is no difference between Trinity's shows and the dinner dance for couples at the Catholic church where they play music that has nothing to do with religion."

Last Friday Trinity Church filed suit in federal district court claiming that the city is violating the church's free exercise of religion. The church is seeking a federal order permitting it to reopen its musical shows. It will also seek a postponement of the zoning violations trial in state court.

Catholic Church In England Threatens To Close Adoption Services Over Gay Rights Law

BBC News reports today that Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, has written to Britain's cabinet ministers to tell them that the Church will be forced to close down its adoption agencies if the Church is not permitted an exemption from new rules that will require agencies to permit placement of children with gay and lesbian couples. The Equality Act, which comes into force in England, Scotland and Wales in April, prohibits discrimination in the provision of goods, facilities and services on the basis of sexual orientation. Catholic Church's agencies handle only 4% of all adoptions (about 200), but these comprise about one-third of the children who are difficult to place. (See prior related posting.)

Australian State Funds Rebuilding Of Destroyed Catholic Church

In Australia, the government of the state of Western Australia has given $2.5 million in disaster aid to the Catholic Diocese of Bunbury to help rebuild historic St Patrick's Catholic Cathedral that was largely destroyed in a 2005 tornado. Developments were reported in today's Catholic News. The Australian Constitution imposes some constraints on the federal government under its establishment clause, but these do not limit the separate Australian states. (Background).

Court Orders Illinois To Issue "Choose Life" License Plates.

Last week in Choose Life Illinois, Inc. v. White, Case No. 04-C-4316 (ND IL, Jan. 19, 2007) [opinion available on PACER] an Illinois federal district court ordered the Illinois Secretary of State to issue "Choose Life" specialty license plates, finding that the Secretary of State's denial amounted to unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination against private speech. The court found that under Illinois law, enabling legislation is not needed for each new specialty plate design, so long as the requisite number of applications for a plate design is received and other design requirements are met. The district court stayed its order for 30 days so the state would have time to file an appeal. Today's Chicago Tribune reports on the decision.

Church Autonomy Leads To Dismissal of Damage Claim For Disfellowshipping

In Anderson v. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, (TN App., Jan. 19, 2007), a Tennessee state appellate court dismissed a suit brought by two former members of the Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses seeking $20 million in damages because of their expulsion from the organization and related injuries. They asserted various claims growing out of their disfellowshipping and shunning after they went public with charges about the church's handling of child sexual abuse allegations. The court held that plaintiffs' claims should have been dismissed because they are barred by the First Amendment's protection of purely religious matters from interference by secular courts. The court rejected plaintiffs' claims that the religious reasons given by the church were merely pretexts-- saying that courts are precluded from making that sort of inquiry. The court also rejected plaintiffs' defamation claims. The Associated Press reported on the decision yesterday.

Cert Filed In Title VII "Ministerial Exception" Case

The Associated Press reported yesterday that a petition for certiorari has been filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in Petruska v. Gannon University. In the case, the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals had held that the "ministerial exception" to Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act precluded recovery by a female chaplain who claimed that she was demoted at Gannon University because she was a woman. (See prior posting.)

6th Circuit Ends Funds For Faith-Based Group That Coerces Religious Participation

In Teen Ranch, Inc. v. Udow, (6th Cir., Jan. 17, 2007), the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the decision of Michigan's Family Independence Agency to stop placing abused, neglected and delinquent children with Teen Ranch because the faith-based organization coerces religious participation and incorporates religious teaching as part of its treatment plan for troubled youth placed there by the state. The Michigan statue authorizing contracts with faith-based organziations provides that no state funds shall be used for sectarian worship, instruction, or proselytization. The provision follows the madate of federal law. The Court of Appeals upheld the district court's finding that youth participants did not have a true private choice to opt out of religious activities. Finally the court held that federal law, 42 USC 604a, limits Teen Ranch to a suit in state court insofar as it is attempting to assert a violation of provisions of federal law allowing faith-based organizations to participate in contracts using federal funds given to states under the TANF block grant program.

Monday, January 22, 2007

As Appeal About To Be Argued, Controversial Texas Monument Is Removed

Tomorrow the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments en banc in Staley v. Harris County Texas, to review a 2-1 a panel decision upholding an Establishment Clause challenge to a monument to a local philanthropist that contained a Bible and was located on the grounds of the Harris County, Texas courthouse. (See prior posting.) However the case now takes on a new twist. Today's Houston Chronicle reports that last Friday the monument was totally removed from the courthouse lawn as part of a courthouse renovation. The Bible had already been removed in response to a federal court order. The contractor carrying out the renovation said the county wants to reinstall the monument elsewhere on county property with the Bible back in it. Plaintiff's attorney Randall Kallinen says this is an attempt by the county to get the case dismissed as moot.

UPDATE: A report from the Houston Chronicle covers oral arguments that were held on Tuesday before 16 judges on the 5th Circuit. Questions focused on whether the case had become moot, instead of focusing on the merits. In response to a question from Judge E. Grady Jolly, plaintiff's lawyer said his client would accept a mootness finding if the district court's decision and ruling on attorney fees were not vacated.

RLUIPA Suit In Offing Over Proposed NY Rabbinical College

Yesterday’s New York Times reported on a religious land use dispute in the village of Pamona, New York. The Brooklyn-based Congregational Rabbinical College of Tartikov has purchased 100 acres of land in the village for $13 million in the Rockland County village. It plans to build a college to educate rabbis to become religious judges in civil disputes among Orthodox Jews. Organizers say 1,000 rabbis would be housed here along with their families in buildings as tall as 6-stories. Each rabbi would study for 15 years. The formal proposal which is expected next month, will call for as many as ten buildings with up to 4,500 residents and parking for 1,000 cars. The current population of Pamona is only 3,200. Already there are problems with adequate sewers and drinking water. City officials expect a RLUIPA lawsuit to be filed in order for the group to get the zoning approvals it needs. Also, the history of bloc voting by growing Orthodox Jewish communities has increased their influence in local politics.

Pennsylvania School District Mulls Closings For Muslim Festivals

In Allentown, Pennsylvania, the Parkland School District board next month will consider a request that schools close down for the Islamic feast of Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, or both. Yesterday’s Morning Call discusses the issues that school boards face in deciding whether to close down for various religious holidays.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Scotland Yard Has Problem Accommodating Muslim Recruit

Accommodation of Muslim religious practices by British authorities seems to be posing problems. The Mail today reports on an incident involving a graduating British police recruit. To mark the completion of the 18 weeks of basic training by the recruits, Scotland Yard held a ceremony at which Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair was to inspect the 200 graduates. One of the graduating recruits-- described as a non-Asian Muslim-- told her training supervisor ahead of time that she could not shake Sir Ian's hand because it was against her religion. The recruit, who wore a traditional Muslim hijab headscarf, also declined to be photographed with Sir Ian because she did not want her picture used for "propaganda purposes" in attempting to recruit Muslims to the police force. While some officers feared that the recruit's beliefs might impede her ability to perform her police duties, she denies this. She says she has no problem in physical contact with men as part of her professional duties. But the graduation parade, she said, was a personal event where here religious beliefs preclude physical contact with unrelated men.

The Mail described the Police Commissioner as "bloody furious" with the recruit's request, but said he agreed in order "not to cause a scene". Apparently he shook hands with all the other recruits in a way that made obvious the Muslim woman's refusal. Life Style Extra says that the incident provided the exiled Saudi-born founder of al-Muhajiroun, which calls for the creation of Sharia law in Britain, the opportunity to tell British Muslims that they should not join the police force because it enforces man-made laws and is against Islam. [Thanks to Little Green Footballs for the lead.]

Vatican Seeks Greater Recognition By China, Turkey

Last week the media reported on talks between the Vatican and two separate countries to improve relations. After two days of meetings between the Vatican and Chinese officials (New York Times, Jan. 20) over whether the Vatican has control over the appointment of Catholic bishops in China, on Saturday the Vatican issued a conciliatory statement (New York Times, Jan. 21) saying it wanted a "respectful and constructive dialogue" to rebuild diplomatic ties with China. However the statement also noted the "grave suffering" of "bishops, priests and the faithful, who without ceding to compromises, have maintained their faith to Seat of St. Peter.

Meanwhile, last week during a meeting with Turkey's new ambassador to the Holy See, Pope Benedict XVI called on Turkey to give the Catholic Church legal status as a recognized religious institution. (AKI, Jan. 19).

Recent Scholarly Publications On Law and Religion

From Bepress:
Mark A. Levine, Put That in Your Thurible and Smoke It: Religious Gerrymandering of Sacramental Intoxication, (Jan. 16, 2007).
From SSRN:
Robert W. McGee, The Ethics of Tax Evasion: A Survey of Episcopal Seminarian Opinion, (Jan. 2007).

Ana Batricevic, Marriage in Compliance with the Serbian Orthodox Church, (March 22, 2006).

From SmartCILP:

Sylvie Langlaude, Indoctrination, Secularism, Religious Liberty, and the ECHR, 55 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 929-944 (2006).

The Journal of Law and Religion (Vol 21, No. 2 has been published). The full table of contents is available online. Among the articles are: AALS 2006 Annual Meeting Papers, Professional Responsibility and the Religious Traditions; and a Law, Religion and Ethics Symposium.

Recently published articles in other journals:
Judge and Society in Antiquity, edited by Bernard M. Levinson and Aaron Skaist. Maarav: A Journal for the Study of the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures 12:1–2 (published 2006) includes the following:
Bernard M. Levinson, Deuteronomy’s Conception of Law as an "Ideal Type": A Missing Chapter in the History of Constitutional Law.

Amihai Radzyner, Talmudic Law as Religious Law: The Source of the Desire to Limit Judicial Powers.
New Book:
Gad Barzilai (ed.), Law and Religion, (Ashgate Publishing, Jan. 2007).

Wiccan Employee Accuses Starbucks of Discrimination

Yesterday's Oregonian reported that a suit was filed earlier this month in federal district court in Portland, Oregon by a former employee of Starbucks accusing the company of discriminating against her based on her Wiccan religion. Alicia Hedum, formerly a barista a manager at Starbucks' Hillsboro Landing cafe, said her manager asked her several times to remove her Wiccan cross even though other employees, including the manager, wore Christian crosses.
Hedum said when she would not do so, Starbucks retaliated by refusing to promote or transfer her, reduced her hours and focused on her "minor tardiness."

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Kentucky Trial Court Upholds Christian Medi-Share Under Insurance Law

A Franklin County, Kentucky trial court earlier this week ruled in favor of Christian Care Ministry’s Medi-Share Program. The program brings Christians together to share the cost of their medial bills, and support one another with prayers and notes of encouragement. The state Department of Insurance had challenged the program claiming that it fell under the insurance regulatory laws. Judge Thomas D. Wingate however ruled that the program does not involve risk shifting, and so is not subject to Kentucky’s insurance laws. A press release from Medi-Share discussing the decision said that since 1993, members of the program have shared more than $250 million in medical expenses. (See prior related posting.)

California Pastor Won't Disperse Homeless From Church Steps

Today's Los Angeles Times reports that the pastor of Long Beach, California’s First Congregational Church is refusing to comply with orders from the city prosecutor’s office to disperse the 15 to 20 homeless people who camp each night on the steps between the sidewalk and the front door of the church. The prosecutor says that its office has received complaints about urination, defecation and littering, and that the church could face fines of $1000 per day for maintaining a nuisance. The church is relying on a ruling in by the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals protecting a similar situation at midtown Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. (See prior posting.) The prosecutor’s office says a number of the homeless people, who cart cardboard and blankets through the neighborhood to the church each night, have been informed that nearby shelters are available to them. However City Council member Bonnie Lowenthal says the city does not have enough housing for the homeless available. The city and First Congregational Church’s pastor Jerald Stinson will meet shortly to see if a compromise can be worked out.

Tension Between Church and Venezuela's Chavez

Today’s International Herald Tribune reports increasing tension between the Catholic church and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. A number of church leaders are concerned that Chavez’s socialist reforms will infringe free speech and religious education. Chavez, however, says, "Christianity is essentially socialist, so no one — no Christian, no Catholic — should be alarmed."

Controversial Utah Bill On Free Exercise Moves To Senate

Yesterday in Utah, the controversial Free Exercise of Religion Without Government Interference Bill (SB 111) was approved 4-2 by the state Senate Government Operations and Political Subdivisions Committee. Three newspapers today reported on the hearings: Deseret News, Salt Lake Tribune and Daily Herald.

SB 111 would prohibit any state or local governmental unit from substantially burdening religion, even through a neutral law of general applicability, unless the government shows a compelling interest and that it is using the least restrictive means to further that interest. (Suits by prison inmates are governed by a less restrictive standard.) The bill provides that a substantial burden can occur even though the belief or practice at issue is not a central part of a person’s religion. It authorizes injunctive and declaratory relief as well as the recovery of court costs and attorneys’ fees. Suits may be brought against the government or a government official in his or her official capacity, but not against a government official in his or her individual capacity. The law allows a substantial burden on religion to be asserted as a defense in a judicial or administrative proceeding

The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Chris Buttars, said that it will protect practices like the singing of Christmas carols on the steps of city hall, and Mormon students wearing T-shirts to school with the slogan “CTR” (Choose the Right). Utah’s Attorney General, however, raised concerns that the law would lead to increased litigation against the state. He said the bill might protect a student who wears a Satanic T-shirt to school by claiming to worship Satan. University officials are concerned that the bill might allow students to challenge a class offered at a time that conflicts with a religious holiday or their time of prayer.

En Banc Review Sought In 5th Circuit School Board Prayer Case

Yesterday, both sides filed motions asking the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to grant en banc review of a 3-judge panel’s fragmented December decision in Doe v. Tangipahoa Parish School District. (See prior posting.) The three judge panel was unable to agree on whether the Lemon case or the Marsh (legislative prayer) case governed invocations at school board meetings. 2theadvocate reported today on these developments.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Parents Sue For Vaccination Exemption For Son

In Albany, New York, parents are suing to get their 5-year old son into elementary school, and are seeking $1 million in damages, claiming religious discrimination. Their son was refused admission to South Colonie School District's Saddlewood Elementary School on the grounds that he has not received routine immunizations. The child's mother is Catholic and father is Jewish. They say it is against their religious beliefs to permit their son to be vaccinated. New York law permits an exemption on religious grounds. However the state has refused them an exemption, saying their objection is personal and not religious. Their attorney says that the state is requiring the parents to belong to a church that forbids vaccination, and that this is imposing a religious test on them. The filing of the suit was covered today in the Albany Times Union and by WTEN News.

Pakistani Christian Released On Bond In Blasphemy Case

Journal Chretien yesterday reported that for the fist time ever in Pakistan, a defendant charged with blasphemy under Section 295B of the Pakistan Criminal Code has been released from jail on bond pending his trial. Shahid Masih, a 17-year old Christian, was arrested last September after he was accused of stealing a copy of the Quran and burning it. He was granted bail earlier this week. The Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement says that the charges against Masih were fabricated. Masih has been taken to an undisclosed location because of fear for his and his family's safety.

Police Close Catholic Parish In India To Prevent Clashes Over Language For Mass

In southern India, police have closed down a Catholic parish because of physical clashes between two competing groups in the parish over the language that will be used to celebrate Mass. Indian Catholic reported yesterday that Kannada and Tamil Catholics from Mother of God Parish in Jakkalli (2200 km south of New Delhi) are involved in the dispute that has found its way into court as well.

Last July, the Diocese insisted that the parish follow the diocesan policy of conducting Sunday Masses only in Kannada, but with one reading and two hymns in Tamil. That led Tamils to boycott Mass and to file a lawsuit over the issue. On Dec. 13, a local court upheld their right to have Masses in Tamil and ordered the diocese not to interfere. This led the parish to resume its earlier practice of conducting the first Mass in Kannada and the second in Tamil. On Dec. 24 and 25, police were present at both Masses to keep order, but when they left youths from the two groups clashed.

Egyptian Blogger Goes To Trial For Insulting Islam

Yesterday in Egypt for the first time a blogger went on trial for insulting Islam in his online writings. The Associated Press reports that Abdel Kareem Nabil, a critic of conservative Muslims and especially of al-Azhar University, was charged with inciting sedition, insulting Islam, harming national unity and insulting the president of Egypt. Another blogger, Seif al-Islam, said the government was likely prosecuting Nabil as part of its "competition with the Muslim Brotherhood to show its Islamic credentials." The trial of Nabil whose Arabic language blog often criticized both Islamic authorities and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was adjourned until January 25 to give defense counsel time to review the indictment.

Rehearing To Be Sought In 4th Circuit "Good News Club" Case

An Anderson (SC) School District will ask the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals to grant a rehearing in Child Evangelism Fellowship v. Anderson School District 5 (see prior posting). Last December, the court questioned the rule under which the school refused to waive a usage fee for religious Good News Club meetings. The court said that the rule did not give administrators sufficient guidelines to prevent content-based discrimination. Wednesday's Anderson Independent Mail says that the school's insurers recommended the petition for a rehearing.

Irish Prelate Urges Repeal Of Ban On Catholic Monarch

Bishop Alan Harper, new head of the Irish Anglican church, says that the ban on Catholics and those married to Catholics becoming the British monarch should be abolished. Catholic News reported yesterday that Harper urged repeal of the 1701 Act of Settlement, saying that it "belongs to its time and we should move on".

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Radical Sheik In Australia May Be Charged For Inciting Violence

In Australia, Federal Police are investigating a series of DVD's featuring radical Sheik Feiz Mohammed, the leader of the Global Islamic Youth Centre in Sydney. Called the "Death Series", the DVDs urge young Muslims to to sacrifice themselves for Islam, talk of a Muslim killing a Jew and ridicule Jews as pigs. Today's Sydney Morning Herald reports that Australia's Acting Attorney-General, Kevin Andrews, labeled the preachings an "importation of hatred" and said an investigation had been launched. He told reporters, "There is an offense in Australia, in broad terms, for a person to incite violence against another person or group of people based on political opinion or religious grounds or belief."