Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Localities Adjusting Nativity Displays To Avoid Constitutional Problems

As the Christmas season approaches, cities and counties that traditionally placed Nativity Scenes on government property are now responding to constitutional challenges to them. Either in response to demand letters or to actual litigation, one of two types of responses is typical: (1) transfer the nativity scene to private ownership and display of  on private property; or (2) surrounding the nativity scene with numerous secular displays.

In Wadena, Minnesota, the nativity display previously placed in a public park was sold to the Wadena Ministerial Association for $25 and will be placed on a lawn across from the town's hospital.  Forum News Service reported yesterday that a town resident is also inviting others to display nativity scenes, attempting to break the record for the most creches displayed in one area.

In Franklin County, Indiana, the county avoided losing a lawsuit (see prior posting) by adopting an ordinance allowing county resident to erect their own displays on the courthouse lawn alongside the nativity scene. AP reported yesterday that the county has approved 9 displays, including one of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson huddled around a manger holding the Bill of Rights.

UPDATE: Fox19 reports that the banner put up by Freedom From Religion Foundation proclaiming "There are no gods, no angels, no heaven or hell" was stolen from the Franklin County Courthouse grounds over the Dec. 5 weekend.

Major British Theater Chains Reject Church of England Ad

The three largest movie chains in Britain-- Odeon, Cineworld and Vue-- all have policies against accepting political or religious advertising. Invoking these provisions, the theater chains have refused a 60 second advertisement produced by the Church of England promoting its JustPray.uk website.  According to Sunday's Guardian, the ad which the Church wanted to run before the showing of Star Wars: The Force Awakens (to be released Dec. 18) depicts each line of the Lord's Prayer being said by a different person, beginning with the Archbishop of Cantebury. The Church complained that this refusal chills free speech, and the Church's position has attracted some unexpected backers, including atheist (but free speech advocate) Richard Dawkins. [Thanks to Seth Tillman for the lead.]

Monday, November 23, 2015

Israel's Rabbinical High Court To Consider Retroactive Conversion Revocation Case

Times of Israel and Haaretz report on an appeal filed last week with Israel's Rabbinical High Court seeking reversal of a lower religious court's decision handed down in 2012 that retroactively invalidated a Christian woman's 1983 conversion to Judaism. The lower court's action was taken because the woman was not living the Orthodox Jewish life-style she had promised to lead at the time of her conversion. The appeal is being pursued by the woman's daughter because it calls into question her and her young daughter's religious status. It is expected that the High Court will reverse the invalidation because it usually refuses to retroactively invalidate conversions.

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:
From SmartCILP:

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In In re Pima County Mental Health No. MH64461112, 2015 Ariz. App. Unpub. LEXIS 1364 (AZ App., Nov. 10, 2015), an Arizona appeals court rejected appellant's claim that because she was receiving treatment in accordance with the tenets of Scientology the trial court should not have ordered her to continue to receive court-ordered mental health treatment.

In Schlemm v. Wall, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 155714 (WD WI, Nov. 18, 2015). a Wisconsin federal district court refused to allow a Native American inmate to amend his complaint to add a claim for damages, and ordered the case to proceed only as to declaratory and injunctive relief under RLUIPA as to plaintiff's complaint regarding venison for use during the Navajo Tribe Ghost Feast and wearing a multi-colored headband while praying in his cell and during group religious ceremonies.

In Brown v. Major, 2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 155632 (D SC, Nov. 18, 2015), a South Carolina federal district court adopted a magistrate's recommendations (2015 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 155804, Oct. 30, 2015) and dismissed a Muslim inmate's complaint that he was denied a Kosher diet, the opportunity to pray in common areas, and a Quran.

Settlement Requires 1st Amendment Training For Hawaiian Police

On Nov. 16, a Hawaii federal district court approved a settlement agreement (full text) in Goodhue v. County of  Maui. In the lawsuit, a pastor and his wife charged that their First Amendment rights were infringed when police hired to provide security prevented them from handing out religious literature on sidewalks outside the Maui Fair.  As summarized in an ACLU press release:
As part of the settlement agreement, the County of Maui has dropped its appeal to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and, for three years, will conduct additional specialized training for current and new Maui Police Department (“MPD”) officers on upholding the 1st Amendment in public spaces. 

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Texas State Trooper Sues Over Religious Harassment By Co-Workers

According to the Austin Statesman, Texas state trooper Patsy Jones, assigned to work at the state Capitol, has filed a religious discrimination lawsuit alleging that her colleagues harassed her about being religious because she often reads her Bible at work.  She says that when she complained, her supervisor at the Texas Department of Public Safety suggested mediation with fellow-employees. When she declined, she was ordered to work from home for 6 months, and was then assigned to the night shift.

Suit Claims Four NY Yeshivas Deny Male Students Adequate Secular Education

The Lower Hudson Journal News reports that on Friday a class action lawsuit was filed in a New York federal district court by parents of students who attend various Orthodox Jewish schools in the East Ramapo school district and by former students of the schools claiming that the schools deny male students adequate secular coursework.  According to the report:
The claim contends that four Hasidic yeshivas in Monsey, Spring Valley and New Square do not teach English, "basic literacy, calculating, and verbal skills necessary to enable children to eventually function productively as civil participants."
The lawsuit also alleges that defendants have broken the law by:
  • Failing to hire or train teachers and staff "capable" of teaching secular studies. 
  • Discriminating against boys by providing girls with more robust secular studies.
  • Failing to oversee or control yeshivas' use of tax money for their designated secular education purposes.
  • Failing to properly equip students with English and other skills necessary to obtain employment, creating generations of people who are dependent on government assistance.
The suit asks the court to order and enforce a requirement of 3 hours per day of secular studies with competent teachers, and asks for remedial courses for prior graduates of the schools.

UPDATE: Here is the full text of the complaint in Doe v. State of New York, (SD NY, filed 11/20/2015). [Thanks to Friendly Atheist for the link to the complaint.]

Friday, November 20, 2015

Candidate Ted Cruz Is Organizing A National Prayer Team To Support His Bid

Yesterday Republican Presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz announced that on Dec. 1 he will launch a national prayer team known as "A Time for Prayer." According to the announcement:
“A Time for Prayer”, led by Cruz Crew volunteers, is dedicated to a focused season of prayer on behalf of the nation, presidential candidate Ted Cruz, his family and staff, and the campaign.
Those interested in joining the National Prayer Team can visit www.tedcruz.org/pray to sign up. Members will receive weekly emails containing prayer requests and a short devotional. Each Tuesday, members will be invited to a 20-minute prayer conference call.

Trump's Call For Registration of U.S. Muslims Criticized By Democrats and Many Fellow-Republicans

The New York Times today reports that Democrats and many fellow-Republicans are criticizing Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump's remarks supportive of a system to register all Muslims in the country.  Trump said it is merely an issue of "management." Hillary Clinton called Trump's comments "shocking rhetoric." Former Gov. Jeb Bush said in response to Trump's position: "You talk about closing mosques, you talk about registering people — that’s just wrong."

Nigerian State Will Monitor Churches and Mosques To Fight Hate Preaching

Vanguard reports today that in Nigeria, the Lagos state governor's office says it will take action to combat religious intolerance:
State Commissioner for Home Affairs, Dr. Abdulhakeem Abdullateef, explained that the government would stop any religion leader who preaches hate messages that is capable of endangering people’s freedom.  According to him, "Henceforth, we’ll start to monitor mosques and churches and ensure that clerics do not engage in hate preaching."...
Let it be known to residents that henceforth, Lagos government in collaboration with Nigeria Inter- Religious Council (NIREC), will not tolerate hate preachers. These are the people who do not preach their religion but continue to spread mischief about people of other religions. We will not tolerate religious intolerance.

EEOC Releases Its 2015 Performance Report

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission yesterday released its 2015 Performance and Accountability Report. (Full text.) The lengthy report focuses on how well the agency has implemented three performance objectives in combating employment discrimination: strategic law enforcement; education and outreach; and excellent and consistent service through a diverse workforce.

Library Settles Challenge To Use of Meeting Rooms and Changes Its Rules

Library Journal reported yesterday that the Lawrence, Massachusetts pubic library has changed the rules for the use of its meeting rooms after the city settled a lawsuit (see prior posting) challenging the ban on using the rooms for political or religious advocacy. The suit was brought by Liberty Counsel whose application to use a room for a session that would include prayer, hymns and an appeal to return the country to Christian values was turned down. The revised rules exclude use of meeting rooms only for private social events or for groups soliciting business, trying to make a profit or fundraising.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Defense Authorization Act Encourages Religious Diversity In The Armed Forces

After an initial veto by President Obama of the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act, Congress passed a revised version last week and on Monday sent it to the President for his signature.  It is expected the President will sign the bill. (Defense One.) The 1278-page bill (full text) contains at least 3 provision relating to religion or religious services in the military.

Section 504 permits extension of the mandatory retirement age of a chief chaplain or deputy chief of chaplains to 68. Section 898  provides that the Department of Defense may not preclude non-profit organizations from competing for contracts for religious related services at military installations.

The most important religion-related provision, however, is Section 528 which is a "sense of Congress" resolution encouraging diversity in the military. It reads:
(a) Findings-- Congress finds the following: (1) The United States military includes individuals with a variety of national, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds that have roots all over the world. (2) In addition to diverse backgrounds, members of the Armed Forces come from numerous religious traditions, including Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, non-denominational, non-practicing, and many more. (3) Members of the Armed Forces from diverse backgrounds and religious traditions have lost their lives or been injured defending the national security of the United States. (4) Diversity contributes to the strength of the Armed Forces, and service members from different backgrounds and religious traditions share the same goal of defending the United States. (5) The unity of the Armed Forces reflects the strength in diversity that makes the United States a great nation.
(b) Sense of Congress-- It is the sense of Congress that the United States should (1) continue to recognize and promote diversity in the Armed Forces; and (2) honor those from all diverse backgrounds and religious traditions who have made sacrifices in serving the United States through the Armed Forces.

County Tries To Neutralize Courthouse Drawing of Jesus By Hanging Many Other Paintings

The Lexington Herald-Leader on Monday reported that a Kentucky county judge-executive responded to a complaint about a picture of Jesus hanging in the local courthouse by inviting local artists to submit other pictures to hang along side it.  After the Freedom From Religion Foundation sent a letter to Breathitt County Judge-Executive John Lester “JL” Smith in August asking him to remove the drawing of Jesus, Smith's response was to seek other artwork so that the walls now feature everything from landscapes to a portrait of Rachel Maddow to a drawing of Mr. Magoo.  An FFRF attorney argues however that this does not cure the original religious purpose for hanging the charcoal of a man kneeling before Jesus with the caption "In your place what would Jesus do."

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

CORRECTION: No Injunction Issued Against California's Reproductive FACT Act; Case Still Pending

Based on an error in a report by a news service, Religion Clause incorrectly reported last week that a California federal district court had issued a preliminary injunction barring the state of California from enforcing its recently enacted Reproductive FACT Act against two religiously affiliated pregnancy counseling centers. A proposed order has been filed by plaintiffs in A Woman's Friend Pregnancy Resource Center v. Harris, but a hearing on it will not take place until Dec. 18. Thanks to Stephen Blakeman for alerting me to the error, which the news service caught two days ago.

Kasich Would Create Agency To Promote Judeo-Christian Values To Counter ISIS

In a speech at the National Press Club yesterday, Ohio Governor John Kasich, a contender for the Republican presidential nomination, told his audience that if elected he would set up an agency with a mandate to promote Judeo-Christian values around the world.  According to the Huffington Post, Kasich says the agency would promote human rights, democracy and the freedom of speech, religion and association as a counter to the message of Islamic militants. Kasich would distribute the information to countries in the Middle East, and to China, Iran and Russia as part of the "battle of ideas" with ISIS.

Facebook Is Immune From Suit For Removing Sikh Group's Page In India

In Sikhs For Justice ("SFJ"), Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., (ND CA, Nov. 13, 2015), a California federal district court dismissed a lawsuit by a Sikh human rights group that objected to Facebook's blocking of access in India to the group's Facebook page.  The suit alleges that Facebook discriminated in violation of the public accommodation provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act when it collaborated with the government of India in retaliating against SFJ for its online campaign complaining about the treatment of Sikhs and promoting an independent Sikh state. (See prior posting.) The court held that Sec. 230 of the Communications Decency Act immunizes Facebook from liability.  That section immunizes interactive computer services from liability as a publisher of content posted by third parties.  The court agreed with Facebook that the lawsuit "is entirely based on Defendant’s blocking of the SFJ Page in India, which is publisher conduct immunized by the CDA." Courthouse News Service reports on the decision.

U.S. Catholic Bishops Debate Voters' Guide In Light of Pope Francis' Priorities

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops report that among the actions taken yesterday at their Fall General Assembly was the adoption of a new introductory note to and limited revision of their quadrennial statement on political responsibility, "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship." According to Religion News Service yesterday, the debate on revision of this voters' guide highlighted the split between those bishops who want to echo the priorities of Pope Francis and those who support more traditional priorities. San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy, objecting that revisions had not gone far enough, told the Assembly:
I believe that this document is gravely hobbled. Specifically, I think the pope is telling us that alongside the issues of abortion and euthanasia — which are central aspects of our commitment to transform this world — poverty and the degradation of the Earth are also central.  But this document keeps to the structure of the worldview of 2007. It does not put those there.

India's Supreme Court Orders Crematorium Moved To Save Taj Mahal From Pollution Damage

In India yesterday, the country's Supreme Court ordered an over 200-year old crematorium near the Taj Mahal to either close down or be replaced by an electric crematorium.  According to the Times of India, smoke from the wooden funeral pyres burning 500 feet away from the Taj Mahal are causing deterioration of the Taj Mahal's marble dome and minarets. The white marble dome is now yellow with pollution from the 25 cremations every day.  Pro-Hindu political parties and religious groups oppose moving the crematorium.