Sunday, June 14, 2020

Abortion Rights Groups Sues For Defamation

A lawsuit was filed last week in a Texas state trial court by an abortion rights group charging Right To Life East Texas and its director with defamation.  The complaint (full text) in The Lilith Fund for Reproductive Equity v. Dickson, (TX Dist. Ct., filed 6/11/2020), alleges that plaintiff has been defamed as part of defendants' successful efforts to get various municipalities to enact ordinances, contingent on the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade, declaring abortion to be murder. Defendants have labeled plaintiff a criminal organization. The complaint alleges in part:
To be perfectly clear, Lilith Fund is not arguing it has been defamed because Defendants believe or argue that abortion is murder in some moral sense; instead, Lilith Fund has been defamed because Defendants have falsely accused it of assisting in the commission of the specific crime of murder. Lilith Fund has not been defamed because Defendants hope one day to make abortion a crime, but because Defendants presently state that Lilith Fund is, at this moment, breaking the law. These statements are baseless and provably false, and Defendants knew these statements were false when they were uttered as their own statements and the text of the ordinance itself demonstrates. In Texas, this is enough, on its own, to support a claim of defamation, even in the absence of damages.
[Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Court Upholds Nevada COVID-19 Restrictions On Worship Services

In Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley v. Sisolak, (D NV, June 11, 2020), a Nevada federal district court upheld Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak's COVID-19 Order limiting worship services to no more than 50 people with social distancing.  Citing the U.S. Supreme Court's recent South Bay decision, the court said in part:
Given that there are some secular activities comparable to in-person church services that are subject to more lenient restrictions, and yet other activities arguably comparable to in-person church services that are subject to more stringent restrictions, the Court cannot find that the Emergency Directive is an implicit or explicit attempt to specifically target places of worship.... Additionally, whether a church is more like a casino or more like a concert or lecture hall for purposes of assessing risk of COVID-19 transmission is precisely the sort of “dynamic and fact-intensive” decision-making “subject to reasonable disagreement,” that the Court should refrain from engaging in.
Courthouse News reports on the decision. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Friday, June 12, 2020

HHS Adopts Final Rule Rolling Back Transgender and Abortion Protections In Health Care

The Department of Health and Human Services today adopted a final rule that rolls back health care anti-discrimination coverage in federally supported activities and programs. In 2016 by the Obama Administration expanded protections for transgender individuals and for those who had accessed abortion services. The 344-page adopting Release (full text) reversing those changes explains:
The 2016 Rule’s definition of discrimination “on the basis of sex” encompassed discrimination on the basis of gender identity (“an individual’s internal sense of gender, which may be male, female, neither, or a combination of male and female”). In line with that definition, the 2016 Rule imposed several requirements regarding medical treatment and coverage on the basis of gender identity. The same definition also encompassed discrimination on the basis of “termination of pregnancy” without incorporating the explicit abortion-neutrality language of 20 U.S.C. 1688 (which some commenters referred to as the Danforth Amendment) in Title IX, and it imposed a high burden of proof on providers to justify offering gynecological or other single-sex medical services. All of these are essentially legislative changes that the Department lacked the authority to make.
Responding to comments submitted on the Rule in its proposed form, the Release says in part:
The U.S. government has taken the position in Harris and other relevant litigation that discrimination “on the basis of sex” in Title VII and Title IX does not encompass discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. The Department shares that position and is permitted to issue regulations on the basis of the statutory text and its best understanding of the law and need not delay a rule based on speculation as to what the Supreme Court might say about a case dealing with related issues....
The Department does not condone the unjustified denial of needed medical care to anyone, and believes that everyone, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, should be treated with dignity and respect. The Department must interpret Congress’s purpose in passing the ACA by reading that statute’s plain text. The ACA sought to expand access to healthcare and healthcare coverage through some means but not others: in particular, Congress saw fit to incorporate into the ACA certain nondiscrimination protections, and not others. For example, in the unlikely event that a healthcare provider were to deny services to someone based solely on his or her political affiliation, the Department would not be able to address such denial of care under Section 1557. Under this final rule, OCR is committed to no less than full enforcement of the prohibitions on discrimination that Congress included in Section 1557, without exceeding the statutory text. Unlike other bases of discrimination, the categories of gender identity and sexual orientation (as well as political affiliation) are not set forth in those statutes.
Bloomberg Law reports on the new rule.

Suit Challenges Illinois Abortion Coverage Mandate

Suit was filed this week in an Illinois state trial court by a religious organization and two employers challenging the Illinois Reproductive Health Act of 2019.  The Act requires every health insurance plan which provides pregnancy-related benefits to also provide coverage for abortion. The complaint (full text) in Illinois Baptist State Association v. Illinois Department of Insurance, (IL Cir. Ct., filed 6/10/2020), contends that the statute violates the Illinois Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act. Thomas More Society issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

DOJ Proposes Changes In Asylum Procedures

The Departments of Justice and Homeland Security announced yesterday that they have submitted to the Federal Register a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (full text) that
will create more efficient procedures for the adjudication of claims for asylum, withholding of removal, and protection under the Convention Against Torture (CAT) regulations.
Among the bases for asylum are a "well-founded fear of persecution on account of ... religion [or] membership in a particular social group...."   The proposed rule changes would (among other things):
Amend the regulations governing credible fear determinations so that individuals found to have such a fear will have their claims for asylum, withholding of removal, or protection under the CAT adjudicated by an immigration judge in streamlined proceedings, rather than in immigration court proceedings conducted under section 240 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)...
Raise the burden of proof for the threshold screening of withholding and CAT protection claims from “significant possibility” to a “reasonable possibility” standard...

State Department Releases 2019 International Religious Freedom Report

Yesterday, the U.S. State Department released its 2019 Report on International Religious Freedom. The State Department said in part:
The annual Report to Congress on International Religious Freedom – the International Religious Freedom Report – describes the status of religious freedom in every country. The report covers government policies violating religious belief and practices of groups, religious denominations and individuals, and U.S. policies to promote religious freedom around the world. The U.S. Department of State submits the reports in accordance with the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.
The State Department presents the Report in an online format that allows readers to select the countries whose activities they wish to see. Secretary of State Pompeo and Ambassador at Large for Religious Freedom Samuel Brownback spoke with the press as they released the report. (Full text of remarks and press conference).

NLRB Reduces Its Jurisdiction Over Religious Colleges

In Bethany College, (NLRB, June 10, 2020), the National Labor Relations Board overruled its 2014 decision in Pacific Lutheran that had expanded NLRB jurisdiction over religiously-affiliated colleges.  The NLRB said in part:
[W]e now hold that the Board does not have jurisdiction over matters concerning teachers or faculty at bona fide religious educational institutions. We further hold that the test set forth in the D.C. Circuit’s Great Falls case is the appropriate test.... Under this bright-line test, the Board will leave the determination of what constitutes religious activity versus secular activity precisely where it has always belonged: with the religiously affiliated institutions themselves, as well as their affiliated churches and, where applicable, the relevant religious community. Applying the Great Falls test will remove any subjective judgments about the nature of the institutions’ activities or those of its faculty members.... It will prevent the type of intrusive inquiries that the Supreme Court prohibited in Catholic Bishop.... Finally, and importantly, it will provide the Board with a mechanism for determining when self-identified religious schools are not, in fact, bona fide religious institutions, therefore protecting the rights of employees working for those institutions.
[Thanks to Steven H. Sholk for the lead.]

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Satanist's 1st Amendment Challenge To Missouri Abortion Law Fails

In Doe v. Parson, (8th Cir., June 9, 2020), the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected claims by a member of the Satanic Temple that Missouri's abortion informed consent law violates her 1st Amendment rights.  Plaintiff argues that the state's informed consent booklet violates the Establishment Clause by promoting "Catholic dogma" about when life begins. The court rejected that argument, saying in part:
Some religions, including Catholicism, embrace the view that life begins at conception. Others, like Doe’s Satanism, do not. Any theory of when life begins necessarily aligns with some religious beliefs and not others. So under Doe’s theory, Missouri’s only option would be to avoid legislating in this area altogether.
The court also rejected plaintiff's argument that the requirement that she certify that she has had an opportunity to view and ultrasound and the informed consent booklet violates her free exercise rights. The court said in part:
Doe makes no argument ... that the informed-consent law is anything other than “neutral” and “generally applicable.”

Ban On Sex Offender Attending Church Services Is Upheld

In State of Washington v. Duschene, (WA App., June 8, 2020), a Washington state appellate court upheld the sentence and community custody provisions imposed on a convicted sex offender.  Among other things, defendant argued that the condition that prohibits him from entering areas where children's activities regularly occur violates his 1st Amendment free exercise rights because this prohibits him from attending church services.  The court disagreed, saying in part:
A burden on the exercise of religion ... must withstand strict scrutiny.... Once the complaining party establishes a coercive effect, the burden of proof shifts to the government to show the restrictions serve a compelling state interest and are the least restrictive means for achieving that interest....
The record shows that DuSchene has regularly attended church in the past, and that he considers himself a Christian. But he does not argue that he sincerely holds his religious convictions, that those convictions are central to the practice of his religion, or that the challenged enactment burdens the free exercise of his religion. Thus, he has not established that the condition has a coercive effect, and his challenge on this ground fails.

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Catholic Peace Activist Sentenced To Time Served For Trespassing

RNS reports:
A U.S. District Court judge has sentenced an 80-year-old Catholic peace activist to time already served for trespassing onto the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in St. Marys, Georgia, more than two years ago as part of a symbolic nuclear disarmament action.
Elizabeth McAlister, a former nun with the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, had already served 17 months in a Glynn County Detention Center in Brunswick, Georgia, following the April 4, 2018 action.
In a video conference call on Monday (June 8), Judge Lisa Godbey Wood sentenced McAlister to time served, three years of probation and $25 a month in restitution until the amount of damage caused by the break-in — which the Navy estimated at $33,503 — is paid back in full by all the activists.

Minnesota Amish Must Install Septic Tanks

In Mast v. County of Fillmore, (MN App., June 8, 2020), the Minnesota state Court of Appeals rejected claims by four members of the Amish community that laws requiring them to install septic systems to dispose of their waste water violate their freedom of conscience under the Minnesota Constitution and their rights under RLUIPA. The Court of Appeals said in part:
the district court appropriately concluded that respondents met their burden of demonstrating that appellants’ mulch-basin system does not provide a less-restrictive means of accomplishing the government’s compelling interests of protecting public health and the environment.
Rochester Post Bulletin reports on the decision.

4th Circuit Dismisses "Muslim Ban" Lawsuits

In International Refugee Assistance Project v. Trump, (4th Cir., June 8, 2020), the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed three separate actions challenging President Trump's restrictions on the entry of foreign nationals from specified countries.  Among other things, plaintiffs contended that the Executive Order was "inexplicable by anything but animus toward Muslims." The Court of Appeals, relying on the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Trump v. Hawaii, concluded:
At bottom, in view of the Supreme Court’s conclusions with respect to Proclamation 9645 in Hawaii, we conclude that the plaintiffs’ constitutional claims in this case lack the plausibility necessary to survive the government’s motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6).
AP reports on the decision.

Monday, June 08, 2020

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:
From SSRN (non-U.S. Law):
From SmartCILP:
  • De'Siree N. Reeves, Missing Link: The Origin of Sherbert and the Irony of Religious Equality, [Abstract],15 Stanford Journal of Civil Rights & Civil Liberties 201-252 (2019).

Sunday, June 07, 2020

Court Rejects Claim of Retaliation Because of Foster Parents' Religious Beliefs

In Lasche v. State of New Jersey, (D NJ, June 4, 2020), a New Jersey federal district court rejected claims by a couple who were formerly foster parents that the state acted unconstitutionally when it removed a foster child from their home and when it suspended their foster care license. Plaintiffs claim that they were retaliated against because of their religious belief that homosexuality is a sin, or because they shared their religious belief with their child. The court found insufficient allegations to support an equal protection claim. As to plaintiffs' 1st Amendment retaliation claim, the court said in part:
there is no legal support for Plaintiffs’ assertion of a First Amendment right to share their religious beliefs with their foster child, who was neither their biological child nor their adoptive child. In fact, finding that foster parents have an unfettered constitutional right to share their religious beliefs with a foster child would seemingly conflict with the free exercise rights of the foster children and his or her biological parents. Accordingly, I do not find that Plaintiffs can assert a First Amendment retaliation claim based on such a theory.
Rejecting the argument that the state's actions were in retaliation merely for their religious beliefs, the court said in part:
Plaintiffs’ allegations present a close-question regarding causality, nonetheless, I find that Plaintiffs have failed to allege facts demonstrating “a pattern of antagonism,” or other circumstantial evidence from which retaliatory or discriminatory motives can be inferred.

Court Upholds Most of NY's Statute Barring Employer Reproductive Health Discrimination; Enjoins Notice Provision

In CompassCare v. Cuomo, (ND NY, June 5, 2020), a church and two pro-life organizations challenged the constitutionality of N.Y Labor Law § 203-e which prohibits employers from discriminating or taking retaliatory action against an employee because of the employee's reproductive decision making or use of any drug, device or medical service. It also requires employee handbooks to give notice to employees of their rights under the statute. According to the court:
Plaintiffs’ complaint, then, is that Labor Law § 203-e will alter their appearance and thus undermine their message. People will know that, even though they proclaim a public commitment to a particular message about religion, sexuality, abortion, and contraception, employees may engage in conduct contrary to their professions of faith....
The court, in a 67-page opinion, rejected plaintiffs' free speech and association claims, saying in part:
The limitations here are not on the speech for which the Plaintiffs contend they associate, but instead threaten to create a situation where hearers might perceive that not all employees ... of the Plaintiffs practiced what they preached. The danger that others be able to call the Plaintiffs hypocrites is not a significant limitation on Plaintiffs’ speech or right to associate. 
The court also rejected plaintiffs' free exercise claims, saying in part:
In the end, the Court cannot find that the evidence presented by the Plaintiffs establishes that the legislature’s purpose was “to challenge the plaintiffs’ religious beliefs” and instead finds that “there was a neutral, secular purpose” for Section 203-e: protecting New Yorkers’ right to make their own decisions about reproduction, including whether to have a child and whether to use birth control....
The court, however, did find that the notice provision amounts to unconstitutional compelled speech and enjoined enforcement of this portion of the law, saying in part:
The notice directed by the statute is language that the Plaintiffs would otherwise not use, and they contend that the prohibitions on discrimination because of “reproductive decision making” undermines their message that the only choices that persons should make on such matters are to carry a child to term, not use birth control, and conduct their sexual lives according to the standards Plaintiffs claim the Bible sets out. While the language in Section 203-e’s notice section does not mention abortion by name, does not suggest to anyone that abortion providers are available, and does not direct anyone to use birth control, the Court finds that the statute compels Defendants to use language they otherwise would not. The notice provision, therefore, is subject to strict scrutiny. No issue of professional speech applies here, which could raise an issue concerning some other level of scrutiny.

Friday, June 05, 2020

Suit Challenges New Jersey's COVID-19 Limit On Worship Services

Earlier this week, two churches and their pastors filed suit in a New Jersey federal district court challenging New Jersey's COVID-19 orders which limit worship services to ten people.  The complaint (full text) in Solid Rock Baptist Church v. Murphy, (D NJ, filed 6/3/2020) alleges in part:
[L]ocal police officers have visited the churches, installed cameras on church property for surveillance purposes, investigated the parking lot of one church, filed Complaints against the 3 pastors for allowing religious gatherings that exceed the 10-people limit, even though the gathered individuals were separated by six feet and wore masks unless hindered from doing so for health reasons, while occupying the sanctuary, meeting or exceeding the social distancing and personal hygiene recommendations for “Essential Services” still permitted to gather.
... The Defendants’ Orders are not neutral laws of general applicability because they target constitutionally protected activity, significantly burden the Plaintiffs’ right to the freedom of religion and assembly, establish an orthodox form of religious exercise approved by the State of New Jersey, all the while providing broad exemptions for many secular activities that are not constitutionally protected....
[Thanks to Matthew Brown for the lead.]

6th Circuit Strikes Down Kentucky Abortion Law

In EMW Women’s Surgical Center v. Friedlander, (6th Cir., June 2, 2020), the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 decision held unconstitutional a Kentucky statute that prohibits  dilation and evacuation abortions after 13 weeks of pregnancy unless fetal demise occurs before removal of the fetus from the uterus. The majority, affirming the grant of a permanent injunction, said in part:
Altogether, H.B. 454 imposes substantial burdens on the right to choose. Because none of the fetal-demise procedures proposed by the Secretary provides a feasible workaround to H.B. 454’s restrictions, it effectively prohibits the most common second-trimester abortion method, the D&E. In the balance against these burdens, we weigh the minimal benefits that H.B. 454 provides with respect to the Commonwealth’s asserted interests. These benefits are vastly outweighed by the burdens imposed by H.B. 454. Thus, H.B. 454 unduly burdens the right to choose, in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Judge Bush dissented, arguing in part:
[T]here is a potential conflict of interest between Plaintiffs and their patients: for whatever reason—be it financial, litigation strategy, or otherwise—EMW’s physicians have refused to obtain the necessary training to perform fetal demise, even though uncontroverted studies presented at trial show that many, and perhaps a substantial majority, of women would choose fetal demise before undergoing a D&E procedure.... EMW’s doctors simply do not want to provide fetal demise before a D&E procedure, and their opposition to fetal demise creates a potential conflict of interest that deprives them of standing to bring this facial challenge against H.B. 454.
Courthouse News Service reports on the decision. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Suit Challenges Prof's Radical Interpretation of Islam

This week, a Muslim student at Scottsdale, Arizona Community College filed a lawsuit against the college and a World Politics professor claiming that the faculty member's course contains a module on Islamic terrorism that is based on one-sided, biased perspectives of Islam. The complaint in Sabra v. Maricopa County Community College District, (D AZ, filed 6/2/2020) (full text of complaint and exhibits are at the end of this CAIR press release) alleges that the professor violates the Establishment Clause by teaching that Islam mandates terrorism without telling students that only some extremists believe this. It also claims that the professor violated the free exercise clause by requiring the student to agree to the professor's radical interpretation of Islam in answering a quiz. A law firm was commissioned to conduct an outside review of the College's response to complaints about the professor's actions. The full text of that report is at the end of this article from Fronteras.

3rd Circuit, 2-1, Affirms Dismissal of Church's Challenge To Delaware COVID-19 Limits

In Bullock v. Carney, 2020 U.S. App. LEXIS 17374 (3d Cir., May 30, 2020), a majority of a 3-judge panel in the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Delaware federal district court's denial of a preliminary injunction to a pastor who objected to the Governor's COVID-19 restrictions on worship services. In a one-sentence order, the court affirmed the district court "substantially for the reasons set forth in the Court's May 29, 2020 Memorandum Opinion."  Judge Phipps filed a dissenting opinion, saying in part:
Reverend Bullock does not bring a free exercise claim in isolation, but rather he also challenges a restriction on a communicative element of that freedom. Specifically, he disputes limitations on gathering size, preaching, baptism, and communion. And in any event, because these restrictions govern churches specifically, they do not act as neutral and generally applicable regulations. Accordingly, to be constitutional, the Governor's order must survive strict scrutiny.
A reasonable probability exists that the Governor's order does not meet that most exacting standard of constitutional scrutiny....  Here, the Governor's order furthers a compelling state interest — preventing the spread of the coronavirus. But ... a reasonable probability exists that the Governor will not be able to demonstrate that the challenged restrictions on churches are narrowly tailored to accomplishing that goal.

Thursday, June 04, 2020

Christian Group Challenges England's Liberalization of Abortion Rules In COVID-19 Crisis

On March 30, Britain's Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, as part of the country's COVID-19 restrictions, approved a temporary rule allowing women seeking a non-surgical, medical abortion to take both Mifepristone and Misoprostol at home, following a remote consultation, instead of having to go to a clinic. Christian Concern filed a challenge to the new rule.  After the challenge was rejected, Christian Concern sought to have the High Court of Justice to allow judicial review of the challenges to the new rule. In The Queen v. Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, (High Ct., May __, 2020), a two judge panel, after a May 19 hearing, in a draft opinion refused permission to bring the claim for judicial review. Christian concern is appealing the ruling. Christian Concern has more information on the case. [Thanks to Law & Religion UK for the lead.]