Thursday, July 20, 2023

6th Circuit Hears Oral Arguments in RLUIPA Land Use Dispute

The U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday (July 19) heard oral arguments (audio of full oral arguments) in a RLUIPA land use case, Catholic Healthcare International, Inc. v Genoa Charter Township, Michigan. The dispute is summarized by a Michigan federal district court in one of its opinions:

CHI acquired title to a parcel of undeveloped property... and requested Township approval to construct a grotto/prayer area with associated parking and drive access on the Property.... In response, the Township informed a CHI representative that the proposed construction would be considered a special land use requiring special land use and site plan approval.... Despite this instruction from the Township, CHI erected the desired religiously symbolic structures: a Station of the Cross, similar in size and appearance to a birdhouse, and a shrine consisting of an image within a brick wall, referred to as a “grotto,” on the Property without approval or permits from the Township....

The complex history of the case is outlined on the website of the American Freedom Law Center. Yesterday's oral arguments, which focused in part on the issue of ripeness, are discussed by Courthouse News Service.

Biden Appoints New Member of USCIRF

Last week, President Biden announced his appointment of Susie Gelman as a Commissioner on the U.S Commission on International Religious Freedom. From 2016-2023, Gelman served as Board Chair of Israel Policy Forum. She previously served, among other positions, as President of the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington. JNS reports on the appointment.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Louisiana Legislature Overrides Veto of Gender Transition Ban for Minors

Yesterday the Louisiana legislature overrode Governor John Bel Edwards' veto of HB648, the Stop Harming Our Kids Act (full text). The law prohibits medical professionals from providing puberty blockers, hormonal treatments or surgery to treat gender dysphoria in minors. AP reports on the legislative override.

Coach Sues Over Dismissal for His Remarks About Transgender Athletes

Suit was filed this week in a Vermont federal district court by a high school snowboarding coach who was dismissed because of a comment he made regarding a transgender woman on a team that would be competing against his female high school team. The school's notice of termination (Exhibit 8 in Complaint) alleges that the coach used "disparaging names" that created "an objectively offensive environment and constituted harassment based on gender identity...." In the Complaint (full text) in Bloch v. Bouchey, (DD VT, filed 7/17/2023), the coach however alleged in part:

3. Coach Bloch is also a practicing Roman Catholic who believes that God creates males and females with immutable sex. His understanding of science complements his religious beliefs. Coach Bloch believes, based on scientific evidence, that there are only two sexes, which are male and female, and that sex is determined by a person's chromosomes. 

4. But Coach Bloch's respectful expression of his beliefs contradicted the prevailing orthodoxy of the Defendant Vermont state officials, school district, and superintendent. So, Defendant Superintendent Sherry Sousa terminated him and barred him from future employment in the school district. 

5. On February 8, 2023, Coach Bloch and his team were waiting in the lodge for a competition to start. That day, his team was to compete against a team that had a male snowboarder who identifies as a female and competes against females. During downtime in the lodge, Coach Bloch overheard a conversation between two of his athletes about that male competing against females. 

6. Coach Bloch joined the conversation to offer that people express themselves differently and that there can be masculine women and feminine men. 

7. But he affirmed that as a matter of biology, males and females have different DNA, which causes males to develop differently from females and have different physical characteristics. Coach Bloch discussed that biological differences generally give males competitive advantages in athletic events. 

8. The conversation was respectful among all parties and lasted no more than three minutes. It took place entirely outside the presence of the transgender-identifying snowboarder. 

9. Coach Bloch's team and the team with the male who identifies as a female competed without incident. After the competition, the two teams and their coaches, including Coach Bloch, shared a bus home.

The complaint goes on to allege that the school was acting pursuant to Vermont's Harassment, Hazing and Bullying Law. It contends that the HHB Law and policies under it violated the coach's free speech rights, including the 1st Amendment's ban on viewpoint discrimination, prior restraints and overbreadth. It also alleges due process violations.  ADF issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Denial of Teacher's Religious Exemption from Covid Vaccine Mandate Is Upheld

In In re Matyas v. Board of Education of the City School District of the City of New York, (NY County Sup. Ct., July 11, 2023), a New York trial court rejected a teacher's challenge to the Department of Education's denial of an exemption from its Covid vaccine mandate. The court said in part:

[P]etitioner submitted, to the DOE, a request for a reasonable accommodation exempting her from the COVID-19 vaccination requirement on the ground that her childhood Roman Catholic faith, and what appears to have been her recent conversion to an unspecified sect of Evangelical Protestant Christianity, made it impossible for her to take any type of vaccination. She cited several passages from both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible... most which discuss one’s faith and trust in the almighty, and the last of which proscribes the mixing of human blood with the mixing of the blood of sacrificed animals. . As the petitioner phrased it, although she teaches biology, 

“[t]here is only one GOD. To trust that a vaccine will protect us more than God would, is to have a false idol. I cannot betray my faith and GOD and my conscious. I will not follow any false idols in search of salvation I know that my salvation is secure in my faith in GOD.”...

With respect to ... her First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion and discrimination in employment on the basis of religion, the petitioner has not established either that the City’s vaccine mandate was premised upon religion, as she has not demonstrated that her conclusions about the alleged proscription of desecrating the human body with vaccinations is an established Catholic or Evangelical doctrine, or shown that they were more than her personal interpretation of her obligations as a practicing Catholic or Evangelical....

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Iowa Trial Court Temporarily Enjoins State's New Heartbeat Abortion Ban

In Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, Inc. v. Reynolds, (IA Dist. Ct., July 17, 2023), an Iowa state trial court issued a temporary injunction barring enforcement of Iowa's new heartbeat abortion ban. The court held that a decision of the Iowa Supreme Court in 2022 left the federal undue burden test as the controlling test in Iowa abortion cases. The trial court said in part:

When the undue burden standard is applied, it is readily apparent that the Petitioners are likely to succeed on their claim that H.F.732 violates the Due Process clause, article I, section 9 of the Iowa Constitution.

The court's decision was complicated by the fact that in 2018, Iowa passed a similar heartbeat law which was enjoined by a trial court. That injunction remained in place when last month the Iowa Supreme Court deadlocked 3-3 in an appeal of that decision. In yesterday's decision by the trial court, the temporary injunction had one exception. The court said:

The court believes it must follow current Iowa Supreme Court precedent and preserve the status quo ante while this litigation and adversarial presentation which our Supreme Court has invited moves forward. 

However, as the Governor has now signed H.F. 732 into law, the court should except from that status quo, section 2, paragraph 5 of H.F. 732, directing the Iowa Board of Medicine to adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 17A. Should the injunction entered today ultimately be dissolved, it would only benefit all involved, patients and providers alike, to have rules in place to administer the law.

Iowa ACLU issued a press release announcing the decision.

Parochial School Students Sue For Equal Access to District Extracurricular Activities

Suit was filed last week in a Pennsylvania federal district court on behalf of two parochial school students and their parents challenging a school district policy that allowed home school and charter school students to participate in the district's extracurricular and co-curricular activities but does not allow private and parochial school students the same right. The complaint (full text) in Religious Rights Foundation of Pa v. State College Area School District, (MD PA, filed 7/10/2023), contends that exclusion of religious parochial schools violates plaintiff's free exercise and equal protection rights. Penn Live reports on the lawsuit..

Monday, July 17, 2023

Biden and VP Laud Rev. Jesse Jackson on His Retirement

 At the Rainbow PUSH Coalition's 57th Annual Convention in Chicago yesterday, the Reverend Jesse Jackson officially announced his retirement as the organization's president and Reverend Dr. Frederick Douglass Haynes III of Dallas was named to succeed Jackson. (NBC DFW News). Vice President Kamala Harris spoke at the Convention, (Full text of Remarks.) Also President Joe Biden issued a Statement (full text) thanking Rev. Jackson for his life's work, saying in part:

The promise of America is that we are all created equal in the image of God and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. While we’ve never fully lived up to that promise, we’ve never fully walked away from it because of extraordinary leaders like Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr.

Recent Articles and Reports of Interest

From SSRN:

From SmartCILP:

Friday, July 14, 2023

Catholic School's Non-Renewal of Counsellor Who Entered Same-Sex Marriage Upheld

In Fitzgerald v. Roncalli High School, Inc., (7th Cir., July 13, 2023), the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals held that the ministerial exception doctrine requires dismissal of a suit which was brought by a Catholic high school guidance counselor whose contract was not renewed because her same-sex marriage was inconsistent with the Catholic school's religious mission. The court found this to be an easy case because last year in a different decision the 7th Circuit held that a suit by plaintiff's Co-Director of Guidance was barred by the ministerial exception doctrine. (See prior posting.) The court said in part:

Our precedent makes clear that Fitzgerald was a minister at Roncalli and that the ministerial exception bars this suit. But cases like today’s—involving two plaintiffs with the same title, at the same school, performing the same duties, and bringing the same claims in our court—are rare. A fact-specific inquiry remains necessary in cases where the ministerial exception is asserted as a defense to balance the enforcement of our laws against the protections of our Constitution.

Judge Brennan filed a concurring opinion pointing out that the case could also have been resolved by relying on the statutory religious employer exemption in Title VII which would have avoided the constitutional question. Becket issued a press release announcing the decision.

Court Says HHS Used "Smurfing" To Avoid Review of Guidance To Pharmacies

In State of Texas v. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, (WD TX, July 12, 2023), a Texas federal district court refused to dismiss a challenge by the state of Texas and a pharmacy company to the Department of Health & Human Service's July 14, 2022, Guidance to Nation's Retail Pharmacies: Obligations under Federal Civil Rights Laws to Ensure Access to Comprehensive Reproductive Health Care ServicesTexas claims that the Guidance is an attempt to pre-empt Texas' abortion bans. Plaintiffs contend that the Guidance exceeds HHS's statutory authority and violates the Administrative Procedure Act. HHS alleges the plaintiffs lack standing. According to the court:

Plaintiffs’ standing in this case turns on the answer to a single question: does the Pharmacy Guidance require pharmacies to dispense drugs for abortion purposes? Defendants argue now that the Pharmacy Guidance only “addresses situations in which a pharmacy would fail to fill a prescription for non-abortion purposes.” What’s more, Defendants argue that “Texas cannot point to any language in the guidance that purports to require pharmacies to dispense drugs for abortion purposes.” Thus, in Defendants’ view, because the Pharmacy Guidance is not about abortion, it “does not conflict with, or purport to preempt, Texas laws that restrict abortion.” But that argument perfectly evidences agency smurfing—an executive branch breaking up a policy goal into silos, hoping to sever the threads that link the compartmentalized pieces to the executive’s goal....

This administration has, before and since Dobbs, openly stated its intention to operate by fiat to find non-legislative workarounds to Supreme Court dictates. This Court will not play along with such a breach of constitutional constraints.

Earlier in its opinion, the court set out at greater length its concern about "smurfing":

A recent trend among federal agencies appears to be borrowing a technique common among money launderers to avoid judicial review. The technique known as “smurfing” in the financial arena occurs when the launderer divides a large transaction—which might otherwise trigger a bank’s reporting requirements—into various smaller transactions to avoid detection....

Agency smurfing, similar to financial smurfing, occurs when the executive branch smurfs one policy goal into multiple, supposedly “unreviewable” and “unchallengeable” pieces. Consider an executive branch, who, immediately following a Supreme Court decision, seeks to achieve a policy goal contrary to the Court’s holding. The executive branch knows, however, that courts will likely view that policy goal as incompatible with the Supreme Court’s reasoning. In its efforts to avoid scrutiny, and eventual discovery of their true purpose, the executive branch breaks up the policy goal into separate, seemingly unrelated and innocent pieces—an executive order here, a press release and guidance there.

Mayo Pharmacy, a co-plaintiff, also alleged violation of its free exercise rights under RFRA. The court held that the case was brought in the wrong venue to assert that claim, and it transferred that claim to the District of North Dakota where venue lies. ADF issued a press release announcing the decision.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Iowa Passes Fetal Heartbeat Abortion Ban

In a one-day special legislative session on Tuesday, the Iowa legislature passed HF732 (full text), a ban on most abortions if a fetal heartbeat can be detected (usually after 6 weeks of pregnancy). The law has exceptions for medical emergencies, and for rape or incest if reported to law enforcement or health authorities. "Medical emergency" is defined in Iowa Code §146B.1 as where necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant woman or where the pregnancy poses a serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function. AP in its coverage of the bill reports that Governor Kim Reynolds, who called the special session of the legislature, says she will sign the bill on Friday. Earlier this year, the Iowa Supreme Court was evenly divided, thereby affirming a state trial court's holding that a previous fetal heartbeat law violates the Iowa constitution.

9th Circuit: Prison Official's Referencing Bible Verse Did Not Violate Establishment Clause

In Forter v. Young, (9th Cir., July 12, 2023), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected former prisoner Jeffrey Forter's complaints about the procedure used to deny his religious meal accommodation request.  In seeking access to kosher meals, Forter cited a Bible verse. A response from a prison official disagreed with Forster's interpretation of the verse and cited an additional verse. Forster claimed that response violated the Establishment Clause.  The court disagreed, saying in part:

[T]he Establishment Clause does not prevent religious references by state actors... and the prison official’s actions do not constitute an unconstitutional “official policy that ‘establishes a religion or religious faith, or tends to do so,’”

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Contractor Lacks Standing to Sue Texas AG In Challenge To Anti-BDS Law

In A&R Engineering and Testing, Inc. v. Scott, (5th Cir., July 10, 2023), the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals held that a company and its Palestinian owner, both of whom boycott Israel, lack standing to sue the Texas Attorney General in a challenge to Texas' anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Act. The law requires government contracts to include a clause certifying that the contractor does not and will not boycott Israel during the duration of the contract. Plaintiff wanted to renew its long-standing $1.5 million contract with the city of Houston without the anti-BDS clause in it. The court said in part:

[I]t’s unclear how A&R can trace its economic injury to the Attorney General.... Traceability is particularly difficult to show where the proffered chain of causation turns on the government’s speculative future decisions regarding whether and to what extent it will bring enforcement actions in hypothetical cases....

The court said that the anti-BDS statute does not expressly provide a way for the Attorney General to enforce it, and the Attorney General has not taken any action suggesting that he might enforce it. The court went on:

The City told the district court it would follow state law and include the provision. But the City never attributed its actions to any enforcement or threatened enforcement by the Attorney General. A&R’s injury depended on the “unfettered,” “independent” choices of the City ..., so the injury isn’t traceable to the Attorney General.... And A&R does not have standing to sue him.

(See prior related posting.) Jerusalem Post reports on the court's decision.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

British House of Commons Debates Role of Bishops in House of Lords

In Britain last week (July 6), the House of Commons held a 90-minute debate on current law which gives 26 bishops of the Church of England the right to automatically have seats in the House of Lords. (Full text of debate.) The debate was led by Tommy Sheppard, the co-chair of the all-party parliamentary humanist group, who at the beginning framed the debate by saying in part:

There are only two countries in the world where clerics are automatically guaranteed a place in the legislature. One is the United Kingdom, and the other is the Islamic Republic of Iran. The question before us is whether we wish to be able to make that same comparison in future.

As the debate ended, he concluded: 

I want to stress that no one is suggesting that there is not a role for people of faith in our public life and in our Parliament. No one is suggesting that Anglicans should not be represented in the House of Lords or that bishops should not be in the House of Lords. In fact, 60% of the non-spiritual peers in the House of Lords identify as Christian, so it is hard to make an argument that that particular Church is under-represented in the upper Chamber. What we are talking about is whether this anachronistic situation of additional, guaranteed representation should exist for one Church and one institution alone, above all others.

Among those supporting the role of Bishops was Andrew Selous who said in part:

We have an angry and divided public square, social media lynch mobs, and so on. The world view that we pick up from the Church, however imperfectly demonstrated by the bishops, is one of love, forgiveness and grace, and we have never needed that more in our public life than we do at the moment. We need humility and hopefulness, and that is part of what the bishops point to. That is very necessary and extremely important in a troubled and hurting world. If it’s not broke, don’t change it.

And Neil Coyle who said in part:

I support reform of the House of Lords, but just targeting bishops for removal would leave the House full of Tory donors and political patronage, and that is not a House I would be happy to see.... Frankly, the composition of the upper House is less of an issue than its role....

I am mindful that a bishop at least represents a diocese, which gives them—more than others they sit with—a constituency, of sorts, to reflect in the House of Lords.... The bishops’ contributions come from their expertise and experience, are based on years of service, and are underpinned by values that are integral to what they bring to our upper Chamber.... Although there are so few bishops in the Lords, they have been crucial to narrow recent wins. Their votes have been decisive—I thank them for their service—including on the Government’s plan to sack nurses for daring to strike in favour of their employment rights and pay.... Lords should be commended for serving until 4 am, rather than being told that their contribution is unwelcome.

[Thanks to Law & Religion UK for the lead.]

County Did Not Show Compelling Interest in Requiring Amish Plaintiffs to Use Septic Tanks

In Must v. County of Fillmore, (MN App., July 10, 2023), a Minnesota state appellate court in a suit brought under RLUIPA held that the county had not shown that it has a compelling interest in requiring appellants-- 3 members of the Amish community-- to use septic tanks in violation of their religious beliefs. The court said in part:

[T]he district court relied on speculation in making key findings about the harmful content of Amish gray water, the amount of water the Amish use, the number of objecting households, and the amount of Amish gray-water discharge. The district court’s reliance on speculation is precisely what the Supreme Court forbids in Fulton [v. City of Philadelphia]. Thus, we conclude that the record evidence is insufficient to support the district court’s ruling that the septic-tank requirement furthers a compelling state interest specific to these appellants.

In 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court had remanded the case for consideration in light of the Fulton decision. (See prior posting.) Courthouse News Service reports on yesterday's Minnesota court decision.

Monday, July 10, 2023

9th Circuit: Falun Gong Can Move Ahead With Human Rights Suit Against Cisco

In Doe I v. Cisco Systems, Inc., (9th Cir., July 7, 2023), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 93-page opinion, held that Falun Gong victims of human rights abuses carried out by China can move ahead with claims against Cisco Systems and its executives for their assistance that enabled China to carry out monitoring of Internet activity by Falun Gong members. The court said in part:

Plaintiff-Appellants are practitioners of Falun Gong, a religion originating in China in the 1990s. They allege that they or family members are victims of human rights abuses committed by the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese government officials. The alleged abuses, Plaintiffs contend, were enabled by the technological assistance of Defendants, U.S. corporation Cisco Systems, Inc., and two Cisco executives....

Plaintiffs initiated this lawsuit more than a decade ago, alleging that Cisco aided and abetted or conspired with Chinese officials in violation of the Alien Tort Statute, the Torture Victim Protection Act of 1991 ... and other federal and state laws. Specifically, Plaintiffs contend that Cisco, operating largely from its corporate headquarters in California, “designed, implemented and helped to maintain a surveillance and internal security network” for Chinese officials, greatly enhancing their capacity to identify Falun Gong practitioners and ensnare them in a system of physical and mental torture, forced labor, and prolonged and arbitrary detention. 

... We once again recognize aiding and abetting liability under the ATS ... and hold Plaintiffs’ allegations against corporate defendant Cisco sufficient to meet the applicable aiding and abetting standard. We also conclude that this case involves a permissible domestic application of the ATS against corporate defendant Cisco, because much of the corporation’s alleged conduct constituting aiding and abetting occurred in the United States. Finally, we reverse the district court’s dismissal of the claim under the TVPA against Chambers and Cheung, as the TVPA does provide a private right of action against those who aid and abet torture, and the allegations against [Cisco executives] Chambers and Cheung are sufficient to meet the aiding and abetting standard.

NTD reports on the decision.

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:

From SmartCILP:

Sunday, July 09, 2023

6th Circuit Stays Injunction Against Tennessee's Ban on Treatment of Transgender Youth

In L.W. v. Skrmetti, (6th Cir., July 8, 2023), the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in a 2-1 decision stayed a district court's preliminary injunction against Tennessee's ban on providing puberty blockers and hormone therapy for minors suffering from gender dysphoria. Chief Judge Sutton's majority opinion first held that the district court had abused its power by issuing a state-wide injunction in the case. It went on to hold that plaintiffs are unlikely to prevail on their due process or equal protection challenges, saying in part:

Life-tenured federal judges should be wary of removing a vexing and novel topic of medical debate from the ebbs and flows of democracy by construing a largely unamendable federal constitution to occupy the field....

Parents, it is true, have a substantive due process right “to make decisions concerning the care, custody, and control of their children.”.... But the Supreme Court cases recognizing this right confine it to narrow fields, such as education ... and visitation rights.... No Supreme Court case extends it to a general right to receive new medical or experimental drug treatments.....

Gender-affirming procedures often employ FDA-approved drugs for non-approved, “off label” uses. Tennessee decided that such off-label use in this area presents unacceptable dangers.... Many medical professionals and many medical organizations may disagree. But the Constitution does not require Tennessee to view these treatments the same way as the majority of experts or to allow drugs for all uses simply because the FDA has approved them for some....

Equal protection.... The Act bans gender-affirming care for minors of both sexes. The ban thus applies to all minors, regardless of their biological birth with male or female sex organs. That prohibition does not prefer one sex to the detriment of the other.....

The plaintiffs separately claim that the Act amounts to transgender-based discrimination, violating the rights of a quasi-suspect class. But neither the Supreme Court nor this court has recognized transgender status as a quasi-suspect class. Until that changes, rational basis review applies to transgender-based classifications....

These initial views, we must acknowledge, are just that: initial. We may be wrong. It may be that the one week we have had to resolve this motion does not suffice to see our own mistakes. In an effort to mitigate any potential harm from that possibility, we will expedite the appeal of the preliminary injunction....

Judge White dissented in part, agreeing that the injunction was too broad, but concluding that plaintiffs would likely succeed on their Equal Protection challenge because the law discriminates on the basis of sex.

Politico reports on the decision.

Saturday, July 08, 2023

State AG's Warn Target Corp. About Consequences of Its Pride Campaign

Earlier this week, the Indiana Attorney General, joined by the Attorneys General of Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and South Carolina sent a joint letter (full text) to the CEO of Target Corp. complaining about the company's promotion and sale of products supporting Pride month. The states' legal officers suggested that Target may have violated state child-protection and parental rights laws.  It also suggests that Target has violated its duties to the states as shareholders of Target stock (presumably held in state pension funds).  The 5-page, heavily footnoted letter said in part:

As the chief legal officers of our States, we are charged with enforcing state laws protecting children and safeguarding parental rights.... 

In light of these responsibilities, we wish to communicate our concern for Target’s recent “Pride” campaign. During this campaign, Target wittingly marketed and sold LGBTQIA+ promotional products to families and young children as part of a comprehensive effort to promote gender and sexual identity among children...  Target also sold products with anti-Christian designs, such as pentagrams, horned skulls, and other Satanic products....

In connection with its “Pride” campaign, Target provides financial support to an organization called GLSEN (pronounced “glisten”). GLSEN furnishes resources to activists for the purpose of undermining parents’ constitutional and statutory rights by supporting “secret gender transitions for kids” and directing public schools to withhold “any information that may reveal a student’s gender identity to others, including [to] parents or guardians.”...

...Target’s directors and officers have a fiduciary duty to our States as shareholders in the company. The evidence suggests that Target’s directors and officers may be negligent in undertaking the “Pride” campaign, which negatively affected Target’s stock price. Moreover, it may have improperly directed company resources for collateral political or social goals unrelated to the company’s and its shareholders’ best interests....

We live in a different day and age from our nation’s founding. But certain immutable precepts and principles must always endure so long as America is to remain free and prosperous.

CBS News reports on the letter.