Saturday, April 06, 2019

Inmate's Suit Seeks Imam In Execution Chamber

In the wake of two widely publicized U.S. Supreme Court actions involving similar issues in Alabama and Texas, suit was filed this week by a Muslim death row inmate in Alabama who wants to have an imam present in the execution chamber when when he is executed. The complaint (full text) in Burton v. Dunn, (MD AL, April 4, 2019), alleges that Charles Burton's rights under RLUIPA, the Alabama Religious Freedom Amendment, the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise clause are violated by the prison's current policy under which only the prison's mainline Protestant Christian chaplain is present in the execution chamber. Burton objects to that chaplain's presence. Stanford Law School's Legal Clinic issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit. [Thanks to James Sonne for the lead.]

Friday, April 05, 2019

Belgian Kosher Slaughter Ban Referred To European Court of Justice

As previously reported, in January Belgium's Council of State-- the country's highest court-- heard oral arguments on challenges to laws in Wallonia and Flanders that effectively ban kosher and halal slaughter by requiring animals be stunned before slaughter. Jewish News reported yesterday that the Belgian court has now referred the case to the European Court of Justice for a non-binding opinion on whether the bans are consistent with European Union law.

Suit Challenges Zoning Ban On Tarot Reading

A lawsuit was filed yesterday in a Virginia federal district court alleging that the Town of Richlands, Virginia violated plaintiff's rights in refusing to amend its zoning ordinance to allow him to operate a Tarot reading business in the town. The complaint (full text) in Mullins v. Town of Richlands, Virginia, (WD VA, filed 4/4/2019) alleges in part:
4.... Town of Richlands’ officials have used the Town’s licensing and zoning scheme to prohibit Mr. Mullins from reading Tarot as part of his business because of their disapproval of his religious views and practices.
5. Defendants’ effective prohibition on Tarot reading as part of Mr. Mullins’ business constitutes viewpoint discrimination and is an unconstitutional prior restraint.... Defendants further violate Mr. Mullins right to free exercise of religion .... Finally, Defendant Town of Richlands’ licensing and zoning scheme imposes a substantial burden on Mr. Mullins’ religious exercise in violation of RLUIPA and the Virginia Religious Freedom Act.
The complaint describes the hearing on plaintiff's zoning application:
Several local residents admonished the Town Council against amending the zoning ordinance by citing biblical scripture and warning of dire spiritual consequences for the Town if it allowed fortune telling in Richlands.
WSLS News reports on the lawsuit.

Court Says RLUIPA Claims By Mosque May Proceed

In Adam Community Center v. City of Troy, (ED MI, April 3, 2019), a Michigan federal district court refused to dismiss RLUIPA substantial burden, discrimination and unequal treatment claims brought against the city of Troy, Michigan and various of its zoning officials.  At issue was the city's denial of a zoning variance for setback requirements that would have allowed Adam Community Center to use an existing commercial building as a mosque. The court said in part:
Here, Plaintiff’s complaint sufficiently states a substantial burden claim. Plaintiff alleges that it cannot conduct prayer services in its current facility, that there are no Muslim places of worship within the City for Plaintiff and its community members to practice their religion, that there are no other properties available in the City that satisfy the City’s zoning requirements for places of worship, and that not having a place of worship within the City poses a substantial burden on its ability to engage in religious exercise. Plaintiff also alleges facts, which if true, would support its theory that the City acted with discriminatory intent and treated Plaintiff differently from other faith based organizations. Plaintiff specifically alleges that the zoning laws have not been applied neutrally to it and that commercial businesses and Christian churches are treated more favorably.
Detroit News reports on the decision.

Settlement Reached Requiring Subdivision Gates To Be Open On Sabbath

According to a press release this week from the Office of the New Jersey Attorney General, a settlement agreement has been reached in a religious discrimination suit filed with the state civil rights division:
The homeowner, Nathan Reiss, filed a discrimination complaint in 2017 against The Enclave at the Fairways in Lakewood, alleging that security measures at the adult community interfered with his ability – and the ability of his fellow Orthodox Jewish neighbors – to observe the Sabbath. Specifically, Reiss alleged, a locking electronic pedestrian gate at a community entrance near his home prevented Orthodox Jewish Sabbath observers from walking to synagogue....
Under the settlement announced today and a similar settlement reached in a case filed in federal court, the Enclave Homeowners Association has agreed to unlock the pedestrian gate on the Sabbath, and to make other scheduling accommodations for Jewish Holy Days.
Matzav reports on the settlement. [Thanks to Steven H. Sholk for the lead.]

6th Circuit Upholds Kentucky's Abortion Informed Consent Law

In EMW Surgical Women's Center, P.S.C. v. Beshear, (6th Cir., April 4, 2019), the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision, rejected a 1st Amendment free speech challenge to Kentucky's Ultrasound Informed Consent Law. According to the court:
... Kentucky directs a doctor, before performing an abortion, to auscultate (or make audible) the fetal heartbeat, perform an ultrasound, and display and describe the ultrasound images to the patient.
The majority concluded:
H.B. 2—The Ultrasound Informed Consent Act—is an informed-consent statute like the statute in Casey because it provides truthful, non-misleading, and relevant information related to an abortion. The statute incidentally burdens speech only as part of Kentucky’s regulation of professional conduct. Therefore, H.B. 2 is not subject to any heightened scrutiny with respect to the doctors’ First Amendment rights, and it does not violate those rights....
Judge Donald dissented, saying in part:
The Commonwealth has coopted physicians’ examining tables, their probing instruments, and their voices in order to espouse a political message, without regard to the health of the patient or the judgment of the physician....  [T]he majority 1) conflates the undue burden and First Amendment standards, while misreading the explicit language of Casey; 2) ignores the national standards of medical care; and 3) disregards the evidence showing that H.B. 2 is not consistent with the medical practice of informed consent.
[Thanks to Tom Rutledge for the lead.]

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Third Muslim Circumcision Death In Italy

AP reported yesterday on the third death in Italy since December of infant or toddler boys circumcised at home by Muslim families. Apparently Muslim immigrants sometimes have difficulty accessing circumcision services in hospitals either because of the cost or because some Italian doctors refuse to perform the procedure on boys under 4 years of age.

Following SCOTUS, Texas Says No Chaplains In Execution Chamber

In response to last week's U.S. Supreme Court decision in Murphy v. Collier (see prior posting), the Texas Department of Criminal Justice has changed its execution protocol.  According to UPI, under the new rules only security personnel may be in the execution chamber while an inmate's execution is carried out.  No chaplains are permitted.  Official prison chaplains will be available to inmates until they are taken to the execution chamber.  Any spiritual adviser will be able to observe the execution from the witness room. Justice Kavanaugh's opinion last week indicated that this would be one permissible option to avoid denominational discrimination.

Catholic School Challenges City's Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

A small Catholic college preparatory school in South Euclid, Ohio has filed suit in federal district court challenging the city's recently enacted anti-discrimination ordinance.  The complaint (full text) in The Lyceum v. City of South Euclid, Ohio, (ND OH, filed 4/3/2019), challenges the lack of any exemption for religious organizations in the ordinance that bars employment, housing and public accommodation discrimination on the basis of  religion, creed, marital status, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation, among other categories. It also prohibits statements indication that individuals are unwelcome on these bases. The suit alleges that the ordinance violates the school's 1st and 14th Amendment rights. ADF issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit. reports on the case.

SDNY: Title VII Anti-Retaliation Provision Does Not Apply To Critic of Religious Group's Gender Discrimination

In Aparicio v. Christian Union, Inc., (SD NY, March 29, 2019), a New York federal district court dismissed a Title VII retaliation claim brought by an employee of a religious organization. Christian Union is a non-profit organization that operates student leadership organizations at Ivy League colleges. Plaintiff, CUI's former Director of Public Affairs, claims that he was fired because he complained that CUI's policy of excluding women from leadership positions in the organization violates Title VII's anti-discrimination provision. Title VII explicitly allows religious organizations to discriminate on the basis of religion (but not on other bases).  The court here, however, went further. While concluding that the ministerial exception doctrine does not apply, it held:
... CUI's "complementarian" policy, which reserves executive positions for men, reflects its right to choose who performs certain religious roles within the organization. Therefore, in this case, the Free Exercise Clause bars the Court from asserting Title VII's secular sensibilities on who CUI allows to perform its highest religious roles.
Furthermore, Title VII's anti-retaliation provision does not apply when the basis for the alleged retaliation are an employee's objections to his or her employer's religious discrimination.... Essentially, Title VII "permits religious organizations to advance their religious missions by discriminating based on religion in employment," and, where a retaliation claim is based on complaints directed toward that permissible discrimination, Title VII's anti-retaliation provision "does not apply." Lown v. Salvation Army, Inc., 393 F. Supp. 2d 223, 246, 254 (S.D.N.Y. 2005).
Accordingly, applying Title VII's discrimination and retaliation provisions to CUI's "complementarian" policy violate the Free Exercise Clause. For that reason, Plaintiff's Title VII anti-retaliation claim must be dismissed.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Utah Enacts Hate Crimes Law

Utah Governor Gary Herbert yesterday signed S.B. 103 Victim Targeting Penalty Enhancements (full text). The new law creates enhanced penalties for various crimes when the victim was targeted because of 18 personal attributes. These include race, religion, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity. Utah Policy reports on the enactment of this hate crimes bill.

Parents Failed To Show Sincere Religious Anti-Vaccine Belief

In an administrative decision handed down last month, the New York State Education Department affirmed the denial of a religious exemption from state immunization requirements because parents seeking the exemption failed to show they had a sincerely-held religious belief in opposition to immunization. In In re Appeal of M.W., (NYSED, March 20, 2019), the Commissioner held that the general statements submitted by petitioners regarding their religious beliefs were insufficient to show a sincerely-held religious belief. The students and their family were members of the Temple of the Inner Flame. They argued:
Due to the spiritual beliefs of my families [sic] religion, [the students] cannot receive any medical vaccines.  They are a foreign substance that is not naturally found in the body.  We consider our bodies a temple of God that should be treated as such.
WKBW News reports on the decision.

Court Refuses To Enjoin Activity Ban Imposed On Non-Vaccinated Students

In Kunkel v. NKY Independent Health Department, (KY Cir. Ct., April 2, 2019), a Kentucky state trial court refused to grant a preliminary injunction, thereby upholding the steps taken by a local health department to control an outbreak of chicken pox at a Catholic high school.  The health department first imposed an extra-curricular activity ban, and subsequently an attendance ban for students who were not vaccinated or otherwise immune.  Jerome Kunkel objected on religious grounds to being vaccinated for chicken pox because the vaccine originated from aborted fetal cells. The court noted that the state is not requiring Kunkel to take the vaccination, but is merely excluding him from school as a means of controlling the outbreak. Fox 19 News reports on the decision.

UPDATE: On June 26, 2019, according to the NKY Health Department, the Kentucky Court of Appeals upheld the trial court's decision.

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Same-Sex Marriage Legalized In Cayman Islands

A decision handed down last Friday by the Cayman Islands Grand Court has legalized same-sex marriage in the Caribbean nation that is a British Overseas Territory.  Cayman Compass reports:
The decision, which was met by applause from around 80 people who packed into Courtroom 5, follows a petition by Day and her partner Vickie Bodden Bush.
The couple, who have been in a committed relationship for seven years and have an adopted daughter together, brought a joint judicial review and constitutional challenge after government refused their application to marry in April last year.
Chief Justice Anthony Smellie ruled on Friday that the decision was discriminatory. He said preventing same-sex couples from accessing marriage, and the suite of rights that come with it, was a clear violation of freedoms guaranteed in Cayman’s constitution, including the right to a private and family life.
Chief Justice Smellie used his powers under the Constitution to rewrite the Marriage Law. He ordered that the clause in the law, specifying that marriage is reserved for heterosexual couples, be altered to state, “‘Marriage’ means the union between two people as one another’s spouses.”

Monday, April 01, 2019

Canadian Tribunal Finds Anti-Transgender Election Pamphlet Amounts To Illegal Discrimination

In Canada, the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal last week held that a Christian activist violated the province's Human Rights Code when he circulated a pamphlet attacking a candidate for the province's Legislative Assembly because of her transgender status.  In Oger v. Whatcott, (BCHRT, March 27, 2019), the Tribunal held that William Whatcott's conduct amounted to unlawful hate speech and discrimination against transgender advocate Morgane Ogerunder.  At issue was the application of Section 7 of the Human Rights Code which prohibits publications that, among other things, indicate an intent to discriminate or which likely expose a person to hatred or contempt on the basis of their gender identity or expression. As described by the Tribunal:
Mr. Whatcott created a flyer entitled “Transgenderism vs. Truth in Vancouver‐False Creek” [Flyer]. In it, he called Ms. Oger a “biological male who has renamed himself… after he embraced a transvestite lifestyle”. He expressed a concern “about the promotion and growth of homosexuality and transvestitism in British Columbia and how it is obscuring the immutable truth about our God given gender”. He described being transgender as an “impossibility”, which exposes people to harm and constitutes a sin. Mr. Whatcott ended the Flyer with a call to action: do not vote for Ms. Oger or the NDP.
In its 105-page opinion, the Tribunal rejected Whatcott's freedom of expression and religion defenses, balancing the Charter of Rights and Freedoms against the objectives of human rights legislation. Toronto Star reports on the opinion.

Failure To Provide Employee Religious Accommodation Upheld

In Dockery v. Maryville Academy, (ND IL, March 29, 2019), an Illinois federal district court dismissed an employee's Title VII failure to accommodate and religious discrimination claims. Plaintiff, a youth care worker at a child welfare agency, wanted Fridays and Saturdays off for religious reasons. According to the court:
It remains unclear to the Court what religion Plaintiff claims to belong. Some evidence indicates that Plaintiff is Jewish. Plaintiff identified himself as a “Jew” on his employee information sheet. Plaintiff refereed to his culture as Judaism during his deposition. Yet Plaintiff also testified that his culture believes that Jesus Christ is the savior....  Still, the Court recognizes that “sincerity rather than orthodoxy is the touchstone” for determining whether a belief is sincerely held.
The court concluded however:
Defendant had an objective basis for questioning whether Plaintiff sincerely believed that it was against his religion to work during the sabbath. Plaintiff’s failure to provide more information to his employer as requested is grounds for granting summary judgment.

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:
From SmartCILP:

Zoning Ordinance Violates RLUIPA Equal Terms Provision

In Christian Fellowship Centers of New York, Inc. v. Village of Canton, (ND NY, March 29, 2019), a New York federal district court granted a preliminary injunction, holding that Canton (NY) violated the "equal terms" provision of RLUIPA when it refused to permit a church to locate in a district zoned commercial. The court described the challenged zoning law:
Section 325-11 ... of the Canton Village Code prohibits houses of worship from operating in the downtown zone even though it permits not-for-profit organizations to use nearby properties to meet for secular purposes....
In barring its enforcement against the church, the court said in part:
First, the Ordinance treats religious assemblies less well than secular assemblies that have equivalent impacts on its purposes. Second, the “formal differences” relied on by the Village do not trump the “practical” similarities between churches and the secular organizations the Ordinance treats more favorably.... And third, no compelling interest justifies the unequal treatment.
The court rejected the village's argument that churches could be excluded because the state liquor control laws prevented bars from locating within 200 feet of a church.

Religious Exercise Challenge To School's Transgender Policy Moves Ahead

In Students and Parents for Privacy v. School Directors of  Township High School District 211, (ND IL, March 29, 2019), an Illinois federal district court refused to dismiss religious exercise claims by a group of students and parents who object to a high school's policy that allows transgender students to use rest room and locker rooms conforming to their gender identity.  Adopting plaintiffs' label of "compelled affirmation policy," the court held that plaintiffs had stated a claim under Title IX, the Illinois Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment.  The court said in part:
It is enough that plaintiffs allege SPP Parents and SPP Students have sincere religious beliefs that they should not undress or use the bathroom in front of members of the opposite sex and that SPP Parents have a sincere religious belief that they should teach such modesty to their children....
SPP Students are at risk of exposure to opposite-sex individuals while they are undressing or using the restroom, in violation of their sincerely-held religious beliefs.... 
[P]laintiffs have alleged that District 211 conveyed to students that anyone who objects to the compelled affirmation policy is a bigot or intolerant.
The court however dismissed plaintiffs' claims of violations of the right to bodily privacy and the right to control the education of one's children.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Limits On Rescheduling Hearings That Conflict With Religious Holidays Do Not Violate Free Exercise Rights

In Jack Jaffa & Associates v. City of New York, (NY Cty. Sup. St., March 21, 2019), a New York state trial court rejected a claim that rules of New York City's Office of Trials and Hearings violate the First Amendment.  Plaintiff, which represents clients who have been issued administrative summonses by New York City agencies, contended that rules which limit the ability to reschedule hearings that conflict with Jewish and Muslim holidays violate its rights and the rights of its clients.  The court held:
Petitioner has failed to state a claim for violation of its First Amendment right of free exercise of its religion. OATH's rules concerning the rescheduling and adjournment of hearings are neutral in both object and application and therefore "the First Amendment has not been offended."