Sunday, May 07, 2017

Courthouse Renovation Discovery Creates Church-State Concern

A church-state controversy may be in the making in Nelson County, Virginia where $5 million renovation of a century-old historic courthouse has uncovered a religious inscription in the courtroom.  Today's Lynchburg News & Advance reports that as four coats of paint were stripped from the wood structure resting on columns supporting a courtroom balcony, the inscription "Virtus — Keep God’s Commandments — Veritas" was revealed.  Historians say the inscription may date from the 1830's when newly-formed Protestant denominations used the courthouse for worship services.

Recent Prisoner Free Exercise Cases

In Myrick v. Torres, 2017 Pa. Commw. Unpub. LEXIS 310 (Commonwealth Ct. PA, May 1, 2017), a Pennsylvania appeals court affirmed the dismissal with leave to amend by the trial court of an inmate's complaint that the number of choir practices for Seventh Day Adventist were reduced and that the Chaplain Program Director favored Latin music and services and replaced Christian ushers with Latin ushers.

In Chichakli v. Cheatham, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 66746 (SD FL, May 1, 2017), a Florida federal district court allowed an inmate to move ahead with his 1st Amendment (but not his RLUIPA) claim growing out of alleged denial of access to his prayer book, Bible, and Tefillin.

In Mitchell v. Robicheaux, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 66826 (ED CA, May 1, 2017), a California federal magistrate judge recommended revoking plaintiff's in forma pauperis status under the "3 strikes" provision in a suit alleging failure to provide plaintiff meals consistent with the religion of Islam.

In Vaughn v. Wegman, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 66839 (ED CA, May 1, 2017), a California federal magistrate judge recommended that an inmate be allowed to move ahead with his complaint that he was denied kosher meals and access to Jewish religious services.

In Sessing v. Sherman, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 67626 (ED CA, May 3, 2017), a California federal district court terminated an inmate's suit which challenged a now-discontinued policy that prohibited the construction of new worship grounds at his Substance Abuse Treatment Facility, preventing him from exercising his outdoor, fire-centric Odinist religion.

In Gordon v. Sniff, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 67753 (CD CA, May 2, 2017), a California federal district court adopted a magistrate's recommendations (2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 67757, April 28, 2017), and allowed an inmate to move ahead with most of his claims alleging that Muslim inmates were denied all religious services, while services were provided for all other religious beliefs.

In Brinkman v. Ryan, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 68293 (D AZ, May 3, 2017), an Arizona federal district court dismissed a Wiccan inmate's complaint that his religious practices were not accommodated.

In Wolcott v. Board of Rabbis of Northern & Southern California, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 68435 (ED CA, May 3, 2017), a California federal magistrate judge recommended dismissing a complaint by an inmate seeking to convert to Judaism that he is unable to obtain Tefillin and Tzittzit.

Saturday, May 06, 2017

International Religious Freedom Provisions In Just-Signed Budget Act

H.R. 244, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (full text), which President Trump signed into law yesterday contains a number of provisions relating to religious liberty. Among the provisions are the following that focus on international religious freedom initiatives:
SEC. 7033.
(a) International Religious Freedom Office And Special Envoy To Promote Religious Freedom.—
(1) Funds appropriated by this Act under the heading “Diplomatic and Consular Programs” shall be made available for the Office of International Religious Freedom, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Department of State, the Office of the Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, and the Special Envoy to Promote Religious Freedom of Religious Minorities in the Near East and South Central Asia.... 
(2) Funds appropriated under the heading “Diplomatic and Consular Programs” and designated for the Office of International Religious Freedom shall be made available for the development and implementation of an international religious freedom curriculum.... 
(b) Assistance.—
(1) INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM PROGRAMS.—Of the funds appropriated by this Act under the heading “Democracy Fund” and available for the Human Rights and Democracy Fund (HRDF), not less than $10,000,000 shall be made available for international religious freedom programs: Provided, That the Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom shall consult with the Committees on Appropriations on the uses of such funds.
(2) PROTECTION AND INVESTIGATION PROGRAMS.—Of the funds appropriated by this Act under the heading “Economic Support Fund”, not less than $10,000,000 shall be made available for programs to protect vulnerable and persecuted religious minorities: Provided, That a portion of such funds shall be made available for programs to investigate the persecution of such minorities by governments and non-state actors and for the public dissemination of information collected on such persecution, including on the Department of State Web site.
(3) HUMANITARIAN PROGRAMS.—Funds appropriated by this Act under the headings “International Disaster Assistance” and “Migration and Refugee Assistance” shall be made available for humanitarian assistance for vulnerable and persecuted religious minorities, including victims of genocide designated by the Secretary of State and other groups that have suffered crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing.... 
(A) Not later than 90 days after enactment of this Act and after consultation with relevant central governments in the Middle East and North Africa regions, the Secretary of State shall submit to the Committees on Appropriations a plan for transitional justice, reconciliation, and reintegration programs for vulnerable and persecuted religious minorities in such regions.... 
(c) International Broadcasting.—Funds appropriated by this Act under the heading “Broadcasting Board of Governors, International Broadcasting Operations” shall be made available for programs related to international religious freedom, including reporting on the condition of vulnerable and persecuted religious groups.
(d) Atrocities Prevention.—Funds appropriated by this Act under the headings “Economic Support Fund” and “International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement” shall be made available for programs to prevent atrocities and to implement the recommendations of the Atrocities Prevention Board....
(e) Designation Of Non-State Actors.—The President shall, concurrent with the annual foreign country review required by section 402(b)(1) of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 ... review and identify any non-state actors in such countries that have engaged in particularly severe violations of religious freedom, and designate, in a manner consistent with such Act, each such group as a non-state actor of particular concern for religious freedom operating in such reviewed country or surrounding region: Provided, That whenever the President designates such a non-state actor under this subsection, the President shall, as soon as practicable after the designation is made, submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees detailing the reasons for such designation.

Friday, May 05, 2017

FFRF Sues To Enjoin Executive Order's Directions On Johnson Amendment

Yesterday the Freedom From Religion Foundation filed suit in a Wisconsin federal district court challenging President Trump's Executive Order on Free Speech and Religious Liberty.  The complaint (full text) in Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. v. Trump, (WD WI, filed 5/4/2017) seeks an order declaring that the Executive Order violates the Establishment Clause and the equal protection element of the 5th Amendment by providing preferential treatment to churches, and that it exceeds the President's powers under Article II. The complaint also asks for an injunction preventing the Commissioner of Internal Revenue from implementing the Executive Order. The complaint quotes at length Presidential statements, particularly to Evangelical Christian audiences, promising to overturn the Johnson Amendment, and then contends:
The EO, with the President’s annotated interpretation and construction, makes clear that a relaxed and differential standard of enforcement of § 501(c)(3)’ electioneering restrictions shall be applied to churches and religious officials.
An FFRF press release announced the filing of the lawsuit. The suit came as the ACLU announced it would not sue over the Executive Order. (See prior posting).  [Thanks to Norman Buck for the lead.] 

FOIA Suit Seeks Information On Border Searches of Muslims

A Muslim advocacy organization this week filed a Freedom of Information Act suit in federal district court.  The complaint (full text) in Muslim Advocates v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security, (D DC, file 5/2/2017) alleges that plaintiff is seeking:
documents and information relating to the government’s border searches of electronic devices in the possession of persons from the seven Muslim-majority countries covered by President Donald Trump’s January 27, 2017 Executive Order, in addition to its border searches of electronic devices in the possession of persons – including U.S. citizens – whom U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) agents perceived to be Muslim. As discussed widely in news reports, these searches – which may include the physical retention of an individual’s electronic devices and demand for their passwords – appear to have dramatically increased following the issuance of the Executive Order.
Courthouse News Service reports on the lawsuit.

ACLU Will Not Sue Over Religious Freedom Executive Order

The ACLU announced yesterday that after careful review of President Trump's new Executive Order on Free Speech and Religious Liberty, it has decided not to file suit. It said in part:
Today’s executive order signing was an elaborate photo-op with no discernible policy outcome. After careful review of the order’s text we have determined that the order does not meaningfully alter the ability of religious institutions or individuals to intervene in the political process. The order portends but does not yet do harm to the provision of reproductive health services.
President Trump’s prior assertion that he wished to ‘totally destroy’ the Johnson Amendment with this order has proven to be a textbook case of ‘fake news.’

Thursday, May 04, 2017

Trump Issues Day of Prayer Proclamation and Religious Liberty Executive Order

Today President Trump issued a Proclamation (full text) designating today as National Day of Prayer. It reads in part:
We are also reminded and reaffirm that all human beings have the right, not only to pray and worship according to their consciences, but to practice their faith in their homes, schools, charities, and businesses    in private and in the public square    free from government coercion, discrimination, or persecution.  Religion is not merely an intellectual exercise, but also a practical one that demands action in the world.  Even the many prisoners around the world who are persecuted for their faith can pray privately in their cells.  But our Constitution demands more:  the freedom to practice one's faith publicly.
The President also marked the day by issuing an "Executive Order Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty" (full text) setting out four policy initiatives:
Section 1.... It shall be the policy of the executive branch to vigorously enforce Federal law's robust protections for religious freedom.....
Sec. 2....  All executive departments and agencies ... shall, to the greatest extent practicable and to the extent permitted by law, respect and protect the freedom of persons and organizations to engage in religious and political speech. In particular, the Secretary of the Treasury shall ensure, to the extent permitted by law, that the Department of the Treasury does not take any adverse action against any individual, house of worship, or other religious organization on the basis that such individual or organization speaks or has spoken about moral or political issues from a religious perspective, where speech of similar character has, consistent with law, not ordinarily been treated as participation or intervention in a political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) a candidate for public office by the Department of the Treasury....
Sec. 3.... The Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Labor, and the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall consider issuing amended regulations, consistent with applicable law, to address conscience-based objections to the preventive-care mandate promulgated under section 300gg-13(a)(4) of title 42, United States Code.
Sec. 4....  In order to guide all agencies in complying with relevant Federal law, the Attorney General shall, as appropriate, issue guidance interpreting religious liberty protections in Federal law.

Magistrate Denies Bond In Female Genital Mutilation Prosecution

In Detroit yesterday a federal magistrate denied bond to two defendants charged with female genital mutilation (see prior posting), rejecting their attorney's claim that this is "part of a deeply held and longstanding religious tradition" of  the Indian-Muslim Dawoodi Bohra sect.  U.S. Magistrate Elizabeth Stafford commented that the defense is using religion "as a shield." The Detroit Free Press, reports:
The case involves  Dr. Fakhruddin Attar, 53, and his wife, Farida Attar, 50,  who were arrested April 21 at the Burhani Medical Clinic in Livonia, where prosecutors allege two Minnesota girls had their genitals cut in February. Attar is accused of letting another doctor use his clinic to perform the cuttings; his wife is accused of holding the girls' hands during the procedures to "comfort them."
The accused cutter is  Dr. Jumana Nagarwala, who was arrested April 12 and indicted last week in what is the the nation's first federal prosecution of genital cutting.  The FBI and prosecutors believe she has several more victims and claim that  she and her co-defendants have told others in their religious community to keep quiet about the secretive ritual.
MLive, reporting on the hearing, says:
Mary Chartier, the attorney for Fakhruddin Attar, said at Wednesday's hearing she intends to challenge the constitutionality of the 1997-passed federal law that bans genital mutilation on grounds that the ban is vague, overreaching and violates religious freedom. 
She noted that male circumcision, which also has religious origins -- but is seen by some as practical for hygienic reasons --  is legal while a similar procedure for girls is not.

Teacher's Defamation Verdict Against Archdiocese Upheld

In Gallagher v. Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 2017 Phila. Ct. Com. Pl. LEXIS 148 (PA Com. Pl., April 11, 2017), a Pennsylvania Common pleas court upheld a $508,000 jury verdict in a defamation suit by a 6th grade "lay teacher" in a Catholic school against the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.  The school administration had accused plaintiff Cindy Gallagher of unethical teaching practices in connection with a study guide she compiled to prepare her students for a standardized test. The court held that it was not required to defer to religious authorities because "the cheating incident was not conceived as an ecclesiastical matter only appropriate for religious resolution." It also concluded that the "ministerial exception" doctrine does not apply because Gallagher was a lay teacher, saying in part:
labeling Appellee as a minister of the church based on her role in prayer with her students and her participation in obtaining mandatory religious credits to be a teacher at the school would expand the scope of the ministerial exception beyond its intended purpose.

6th Circuit: Damage Action Against Kim Davis Is Not Moot

In Ermold v. Davis, (6th Cir., May 2, 2017), the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals reinstated a damage action against Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis brought by a same-sex couple who had been denied a marriage license by Davis.  The district court had dismissed the case because subsequent legislative action and an Executive Order by the governor assured that marriage licenses are now being issued to same-sex couples. The court held, however, that where a suit only seeks damages for past injury, a change in defendant's conduct does not moot the controversy.  Judge Siler also filed a concurring opinion emphasizing that the district court still might find that Davis was protected by Kentucky's Religious Freedom Restoration Act. [Thanks to Tom Rutledge for the lead.]

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Senate Committee Holds Hearing on Religious Hate Crimes

Yesterday the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Responses to the Increase in Religious Hate Crimes.  Transcripts of the prepared statements presented by 5 witnesses as well as by Senator Chuck Grassley are available on the Committee's website.

Trump Administration Asks Court For Time To Reconsider Enjoined HHS Ruling on Transgender Rights

As previously reported, in December a Texas federal district court issued a nationwide preliminary injunction barring enforcement of a regulation issued by the Obama administration under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity or termination of pregnancy in health care programs that receive federal financial assistance. Yesterday the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) filed a motion (full text) with the court asking that instead of moving ahead with briefing in the case, the court, while keeping its injunction in place, remand the matter to HHS for it to reconsider the rule.  The government argued in its motion that Trump Administration leadership should now "be given an opportunity to reevaluate the regulation and address the issues raised in this litigation."  Rewire reports on developments. This is one of a number of cases in the courts raising the question of whether civil rights laws that ban discrimination on the basis of "sex" cover discrimination on the basis of gender identity. (See prior posting.)

Suit Over Ownership of Astronauts' Bibles Is Settled

AP reports that last week, ahead of a hearing that had been scheduled by an Oklahoma state trial court for today, the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services withdrew its claim of ownership to ten microfilm Bibles that Apollo 14 astronauts took with them into space in 1971.  The 6-year legal battle over ownership ended as the court last Friday awarded ownership to Tulsa author and businesswoman Carol Mersch who said the postage-stamp size Bibles had been given to her by NASA Chaplain John M. Stout while she was writing a book about the chaplain's work. Texas had claimed the Bibles should go to Stout's son who became a ward of the state in his later years.  Mersch says she will comply with Chaplain Stout's wishes and donate some of the Bibles to museums or seminaries around the world.

Namibian Court Says Members of Jehovah's Witness Order Are "Employees"

A Labour Court in Windhoek, Namibia last week held that members of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah's Witnesses should be treated as "employees" under the country's Labour Act and Social Security Act.  Classifying the Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses of Namibia as an employer means that it must provide maternity and sick leave payments for members of the Order. According to The Namibian yesterday:
Acting judge Unengu noted in his judgement that although the congregation and members of the order did not sign written employment contracts with each other, members of the order completed application forms to become a member in order to serve the church in a full-time capacity.
Once accepted as a member, they are also required to take a vow of obedience and poverty, which is taken to be an indication that they are prepared to live a modest lifestyle and to perform any tasks assigned to them by the order. Members of the order are also required to abstain from outside employment.
Acting judge Unengu further noted that members of the order had fixed hours of service from Mondays to Fridays and received a monthly allowance of about N$940.

Suit Challenges Funeral Home's LGBT Discrimination

A suit filed in March in a Mississippi state trial court against a Picayune, MS funeral home attracted attention yesterday after Lambda Legal issued a press release describing the case.  The complaint (full text) in Zawadski v. Brewer Funeral Services, Inc., (MS Cir. Ct., filed 3/7/2017), alleges that after the death of Robert Huskey, defendant funeral home backed out of its agreement to provide post-mortem transportation and cremation services for his body because it learned that he was a gay man whose next of kin was his lawful husband.  The funeral home's only explanation was that it did not "deal with their kind." The suit alleges infliction of emotional distress, breach of contract and misrepresentation.  Reporting on the lawsuit, WCYB News points out that Mississippi's Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act, which protects the refusal to provide goods or services on the basis of various religious and moral beliefs, has been enjoined while its constitutionality is litigated. The 5th Circuit heard arguments in the case last month. (See prior posting.)

Defamation Suit Against Minister Not Necessarily Barred By Ecclesiastical Abstention Doctrine

Lippard v. Holleman, (NC App., May 2, 2017) is a case in which plaintiff Kim Lippard who was fired as church pianist and vocalist in a Baptist church where she had served for 34 years sued the church's senior minister and its minister of music for defamation. Her husband also sued. Kim's firing ultimately went through the board of deacons, the church's personnel committee and then was referred to a meeting of the entire congregation.  It was alleged, among other charges, that at the meeting the senior minister read a "twenty page diatribe" against Kim and her husband.  In the case, the court of appeals vacated the trial court's dismissal of the suit, in part on procedural grounds.  But the court also refused to conclude that the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine required dismissal of the suit, saying in part:
Our courts have not yet considered whether a statement issued by a religious leader or made from the pulpit creates an actionable defamation claim capable of adjudication under neutral principles of tort law. However, several federal courts and out-of-state courts have confronted this question and concluded the First Amendment does not create a categorical bar to such defamation claims....
This line between an ecclesiastical and a secular dispute can be difficult to discern, and requires an intensive inquiry into the relevant facts and applicable laws. Defamation and religious questions are legally contextual. Libel may sometimes cloak itself in religious terminology, but that would not prevent civil adjudication of a claim.

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Judge Recuses Himself Over Conscientious Objection To Gay Adoptions

The Louisville Courier Journal last week reported on Kentucky Family Court Judge W. Mitchell Nance who issued an order last Thursday stating that he will recuse himself from all adoption proceedings involving "homosexual parties." His order explains that "as a matter of conscience" he believes that "under no circumstance" would "the best interest of the child be promoted by the adoption by a practicing homosexual." He cited judicial ethics rules that require a judge to recuse himself when he has a personal bias or prejudice.

Satanic Temple Will Erect War Memorial In Park's Free Speech Zone

The Minneapolis Star Tribune last week reported on the controversy in Belle Plaine, MN over a war memorial in a city park. The memorial includes a 2-foot tall cross. After a complaint about the religious symbol on public property, the city initially ordered the cross removed. But then protesters who wanted the cross to remain occupied the park each day.  The city relented, but to meet constitutional objections it designated a small area in the park as a "free speech zone" where up to ten temporary memorials to honor veterans will be allowed. The first organization to apply was the Satanic Temple, and it will now erect a memorial to honor non-religious soldiers. The memorial be a black cube inscribed with inverted pentagrams with an upturned helmet on top.

Cert. Denied In Challenge To California Sexual Orientation Therapy Ban

The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday denied review in Welch v. Brown (Docket No., 16-845, cert. denied 5/1/2017). (Order List.) In the case, the 9th Circuit rejected facial free exercise and Establishment Clause challenges to California's ban on state-licensed mental health professionals providing "sexual orientation change efforts" for patients under 18. (9th Circuit's amended opinion dated Oct. 3, 2016). (SCOTUSblog case page.)

Monday, May 01, 2017

Trump Declares May As Jewish American Heritage Month

The Times of Israel and JTA both report that on Friday President Trump issued a Proclamation designating May as Jewish American Heritage Month.  Similar Proclamations have been issued by presidents since 2006.  The Proclamation, which specifically mentions Trump's daughter Ivanka, his son-in-law Jared and his grandchildren all of whom are Jewish, reads in part:
During Jewish American Heritage Month, we celebrate our nation’s strong American Jewish heritage, rooted in the ancient faith and traditions of the Jewish people. The small band of Dutch Jews who first immigrated in 1654, seeking refuge and religious liberty, brought with them their families, their religion, and their cherished customs, which they have passed on from generation to generation.
When the full text of the Proclamation becomes available on the White House website, I will link to it.

UPDATE: Here is the full text of the Proclamation.