Sunday, May 28, 2023

New Iowa Law Addresses Sexual Materials In School Curriculum; Parental Rights

Last Friday, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed SF 496 (full text) which prohibits public schools from providing "any program, curriculum, test, survey, questionnaire, promotion, or instruction relating to gender identity or sexual orientation to students in kindergarten through grade six. It adds the requirement that various programs and educational materials be "age-appropriate", which is defined in the law as:

topics, messages and teaching methods suitable to particular ages or age groups of children and adolescents, based on developing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capacity typical for the age or age group. “Age-appropriate” does not include any material with descriptions or visual depictions of a sex act....

School libraries can only contain "age-appropriate" material, except (pursuant to a pre-existing section of Iowa law (Sec. 280.6)):

religious books such as the Bible, the Torah, and the Koran shall not be excluded from any public school or institution in the state, nor shall any child be required to read such religious books contrary to the wishes of the child’s parent or guardian.

The new law amends the statutory health education requirement to eliminate the required teaching about "HPV and the availability of a vaccine to prevent HPV, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome."

The law prohibits schools from giving parents false or misleading information about a student's gender transition intent and requires school districts to inform parents of their student's request for gender-affirming care from a licensed practitioner employed by the school district.

The new law also provides:

[A] parent or guardian bears the ultimate responsibility, and has the fundamental, constitutionally protected right, to make decisions affecting the parent’s or guardian’s minor child, including decisions related to the minor child’s medical care, moral upbringing, religious upbringing, residence, education, and extracurricular activities. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.

The law also requires school districts to publish policies relating to parents' requests for removal of materials from school libraries or classrooms and policies for requesting a student not be provided with certain materials.

CNN reports on the new law.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Connecticut Legislature Absolves Those Tried For Witchcraft In 17th Century

On Thursday, the Connecticut legislature gave final passage to House Joint Resolution 34 (full text), formally absolving by name some 34 individuals who were indicted or convicted of witchcraft and familiarities with the devil in the 17th century by courts in the early British colonies of Connecticut and New Haven. The Resolution concludes:

[T]he State of Connecticut apologizes to the descendants of all those who were indicted for the crimes of witchcraft and familiarities with the devil, convicted and executed and for the harm done to the accused persons' posterity to the present day, and acknowledges the trauma and shame that wrongfully continued to affect the families of the accused.

CtMirror reports on the passage of the Resolution. [Thanks to Thomas Rutledge for the lead.]

New Florida Law Allows Courts to Take Jurisdiction Over Minors Undergoing Gender Transition Treatment

On May 17, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Senate Bill 254 (full text) which prohibits sex reassignment prescriptions or procedures for individuals under 18 years of age. It also allows Florida courts to take jurisdiction over a child who is present in the state when the child "has been subjected to or is threatened with being subjected to sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures," and allows a parent to seek emergency custody of a child that is being subjected to sex reassignment prescriptions or surgery.  The new law also imposes informed consent procedures for sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures for adults. Politifact discusses the reach of the new law. (Update: It is part of a 5-bill package (see prior posting.)

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Texas Legislature Approves Chaplains in Public Schools

 The Texas legislature today gave final passage to SB763 (full text) which allows public schools to employ or accept as volunteers chaplains to provide support for students.  Chaplains need not be certified as teachers.  The only requirements are that they be subject to a criminal history review and that they have not been convicted or placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for an offense for which sex-offender registration is required. Texas Tribune reports on the passage of the bill, saying in part:

The bill was delayed last week after Texas House members sought an amendment that would have required chaplains to have similar accreditation as chaplains who work in prisons or the U.S. military. That amendment was defeated during negotiations between both chambers Friday.

Earlier this month, House Democrats also offered amendments to bar proselytizing or attempts to convert students from one religion to another; to require chaplains to receive consent from the parents of school children; and to make schools provide chaplains from any faith or denomination requested by students. All of those amendments failed.

[Thanks to Thomas Rutledge for the lead.]

White House Releases National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

The White House today released The U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism (full text). The 60-page document sets out a strategy with four pillars:

  • Pillar 1: Increase Awareness and Understanding of Antisemitism, Including its Threat to America, and Broaden Appreciation of Jewish American Heritage.
  • Pillar 2: Improve Safety and Security for Jewish Communities.
  • Pillar 3: Reverse the Normalization of Antisemitism and Counter Antisemitic Discrimination.
  • Pillar 4: Build Cross-Community Solidarity and Collective Action to Counter Hate.
It lists over 100 actions the Administration plans to take.  Introducing the details of plans to increase awareness and understanding of antisemitism, the document says in part:

Antisemitism is a stereotypical and negative perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred of Jews. It is prejudice, bias, hostility, discrimination, or violence against Jews for being Jews or Jewish institutions or property for being Jewish or perceived as Jewish. Antisemitism can manifest as a form of racial, religious, national origin, and/or ethnic discrimination, bias, or hatred; or, a combination thereof. However, antisemitism is not simply a form of prejudice or hate. It is also a pernicious conspiracy theory that often features myths about Jewish power and control.
There are several definitions of antisemitism, which serve as valuable tools to raise awareness and increase understanding of antisemitism. The most prominent is the non-legally binding “working definition” of antisemitism adopted in 2016 by the 31-member states of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), which the United States has embraced. In addition, the Administration welcomes and appreciates the Nexus Document and notes other such efforts.

The White House also released a Fact Sheet summarizing the National Strategy. Jewish Insider reports on the National Strategy.

Court OK's Police Department's Rejection of Religious-Themed Flags and Uniform Patches

In Sangervasi v. City of San Jose, (ND CA, May 22, 2023), a California federal district court dismissed a suit by a police officer William Sangervasi who challenged the police department's refusal to adopt his proposed patch and flag designs. The court explained:

In August 2019, as part of the region’s celebration of Silicon Valley Pride Month, Chief Garcia raised a rainbow-themed LGBTQ pride flag in place of the City of San Jose flag on the flagpole outside SJPD headquarters....

On July 28, 2020, Chief Garcia issued official SJPD Memorandum #2020-33, introducing a rainbow-themed LGBTQ pride shoulder patch for the SJPD uniform.... 

On November 11, 2020, Mr. Sangervasi sent a memorandum to Chief Garcia titled, “Desecration of The Uniform by Memorandum #2020-33.” ... Mr. Sangervasi’s memorandum “detailed his intent to forever protect and defend the sacrosanct neutral and impartial visual appearance of The American Uniform” by submitting various “free speech patch and flag designs” that he wanted the SJPD to adopt.... Mr. Sangervasi proposed patch designs featuring phrases and images such as “natural hetero-sexual pride,” what appears to be Christian rosary beads encircling the traditional SJPD crest, and an image of the Christian archangel Saint Michael.... He proposed flag designs featuring phrases and images including, for example, “father + mother = girls + boys,” “white lives matter,” and the confederate battle flag.... Two days later... Mr. Sangervasi was placed on indefinite administrative leave.... On December 11, 2020, Mr. Sangervasi received a letter from Acting Chief Dave Knopf denying Mr. Sangervasi’s demand that the SJPD adopt Mr. Sangervasi’s patch and flag designs.

The court, rejecting plaintiff's free exercise, free speech and equal protection claims, held:

Mr. Sangervasi does not allege any burden on his sincere religious practice pursuant to a policy that is not neutral or generally applicable. Rather, he complains that, if the SJPD authorizes specialty uniform patches to be worn on a voluntary basis, it must allow him to wear religion-themed patches of his own design.... These allegations fail to state a claim for relief because the City has not created a public forum in which Mr. Sangervasi has a right to express any views, let alone those views that may be grounded in religious practice or belief. In the absence of such a forum and as discussed above, the SJPD’s patch designs amount to government speech and do not burden Mr. Sangervasi’s religious practice.

Suit Challenges High School-College Dual Enrollment Plan Exclusion of Some Religious Colleges

Suit was filed yesterday in a Minnesota federal district court challenging a Minnesota statute that excludes certain religious colleges from participating in the state's Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program. The program allows students to earn college credits free of charge at public or private colleges while still in high school. An amendment to the PSEO law which will take effect on July 1 bars colleges from participating in the program if the school requires a faith statement from high schoolers or if any part of the admission decision is based on a high schooler's religious beliefs or affiliations.  The complaint (full text) in Loe v. Walz, (D MN, filed 5/24/2023), alleges that the new law variously violates the free exercise, free speech, Establishment Clause and equal protection rights of religious families and religious colleges. The complaint alleges in part:

172. The amendment requires Plaintiffs Crown [College] and [University of] Northwestern to choose between maintaining their religious identities and receiving an otherwise available benefit for which they have been eligible for decades. 

173. It likewise forces the Loe family and the Erickson family to either forgo receipt of an otherwise-available benefit or forgo their right to seek an education in accordance with their religious beliefs.

Becket issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Parents Charge That Elementary School Pride Stories Violate Their Free Exercise Rights

Muslim and Christian parents filed suit yesterday in a Maryland federal district court challenging the Montgomery County School Board's policy that introduces their pre-K and elementary school students to various "Pride Storybooks." The parents are seeking the right to opt their children out of family life and human sexuality instruction, including reading of the Storybooks. The complaint (full text) in Mahmoud v. McKnight, (D MD, 5/24/2023), alleges that requiring their children to listen to the Storybooks violates the parents free exercise and free speech rights, as well as their right to control their children's education.  The complaint alleges in part:

222. The School Board’s policy to mandate the Pride Storybooks to discourage a biological understanding of human sexuality is not neutral toward religion, in part because it assumes that traditional religious views regarding family life and sexuality as supported by sound science and common sense are hurtful, hateful, or bigoted.

223. This burdens the Parents’ freedom to form their children on a matter of core religious exercise and parenting: how to understand who they are.

224. It also burdens the Student Plaintiff’s freedom to receive an education in an environment free from religious discrimination....

254. Far from guaranteeing a fair and objective discussion of religious perspectives, the School Board’s Pride Storybooks and corresponding “resource guide” preclude religious viewpoints on the topics of sexual orientation and gender identity—because of their viewpoint. That is unconstitutional.

Becket issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Deputy Has Qualified Immunity In Suit Claiming His Failure to Intervene in Establishment Clause Violation

 In White v. Goforth, (6th Cir., May 18, 2023), the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals held that Sheriff's Deputy Jacob Goforth had qualified immunity in a suit against him for failing to intervene in conduct by Daniel Wilkey, an on-duty officer who is also a preacher. Wilkey called Goforth asking him to witness a baptism at a nearby lake.  The court explained:

Unbeknownst to Goforth, Wilkey had stopped Shandle Riley earlier that evening and found her in possession of marijuana. Wilkey told Riley that if she agreed to let him baptize her, he would issue her a citation and not take her to jail. She agreed and followed Wilkey in her car to a nearby lake. When Goforth arrived, he saw what appeared to be a consensual, if improper, situation.... Critically, however, Goforth never learned of Wilkey’s improper quid pro quo.....

Reversing the Tennessee district court's denial of qualified immunity, the appeals court said in part:

Riley asserts that Wilkey’s coerced baptism of her violated the Establishment Clause. That may well be so. Coercion “was among the foremost hallmarks of religious establishments the framers sought to prohibit when they adopted the First Amendment.”... Threatening jail time for refusing Christian baptism seems an easy fit for this category. But even if Wilkey violated Riley’s constitutional rights, Wilkey is not before us; only Goforth is. There is nothing in the record indicating that Goforth knew of Wilkey’s quid pro quo....

The district court thought that, even absent coercion, it was clearly established that an officer in Goforth’s position would be “liable for failing to intervene if a reasonable observer” would have perceived a governmental endorsement of religion, as defined by the Lemon test and its progeny....We cannot agree. First, Kennedy clarified that the Supreme Court had “long ago abandoned Lemon and its endorsement test offshoot.” ... If that is so, then Goforth could not have had a clearly established duty to stop Wilkey from violating it....

Moreover, we can find no case that had ever found an officer liable where his fault was not his own endorsement of religion, but his failure to intervene in someone else’s.

Court Defines Clergy-Penitent Privilege Under Montana Law

Caekaert v. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, (D MT, May 22, 2023), involved a motion by plaintiff to compel production of documents that the Jehovah's Witnesses parent body withheld in discovery claiming clergy-penitent privilege. At issue were reports from congregations to the parent body of known child molesters currently or formerly in appointed positions in the congregation. In defining the scope of the clergy-penitent privilege, the Montana federal district court said in part:

The Court recognizes the deference it must give religious groups in the organization of their internal affairs. However ... such deference does not mean a religious organization determines for the Court what is privileged merely by contending that it is confidential under the religious body's doctrine...

At the same time, the Court recognizes that the privilege is not so narrow so as to exclude non-penitential statements made in the course of the church's disciplinary process....

Illinois AG Releases Report on Catholic Clergy Child Sex Abuse

Yesterday, Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul released its 696-page Report on Catholic Clergy Child Sex Abuse in Illinois (full text). The Report stems from an investigation thar began in 2018. The Attorney General's message that begins the report says in part:

As a direct result of this investigation and my team’s persistence, the dioceses have improved their policies relating to their investigations of child sex abuse allegations and the public disclosure of substantiated child sex abusers. Before this investigation, the Catholic dioceses of Illinois publicly listed only 103 substantiated child sex abusers. By comparison, this report reveals names and detailed information of 451Catholic clerics and religious brothers who abused at least 1,997 children across all of the dioceses in Illinois.

The Report concludes with a series of recommendations. It points out that in 2014, Illinois eliminated the statute of limitations for civil claims of child sex abuse. However, that law does not permit filling of claims for which the statute of limitations had run before 2014, and the Illinois Supreme Court has held that creating a look-back window for such claims would require an amendment to the state constitution. The Report suggests that Dioceses establish independent mediation and compensation programs that would cover these claims. AP discusses reactions to the AG's Report.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Judge's Religious Comments Did Not Violate Defendant's Rights

 In State of Ohio v. Loftis, (OH App., May 19, 2023), an Ohio state appellate court held that a judge's references to religion during a sentencing hearing for defendant who was convicted of sexual battery did not violate defendant's due process rights or the Establishment Clause. During the sentencing hearing, the trial court judge said in part:

... [T]he diminished influence or role of organized churches and faith or religion in the world, that whole diminishing concept isn’t boding well for the community. No surprise maybe if you read Revelation, if you do Biblical prophecy, you are all going to end up in a big dumpster fire at some point in time, so the trend is exactly what we are seeing....

The statutes, the law, every social moray[,] every religious system at least in terms of the New Testament years have said there is a duty to protect children. Some societies sacrifice children, but that’s thousands of years ago. It’s the other way around. Is that lost? Yeah, totally it’s lost. That doesn’t mean the expectation is not there....

The appellate court said in part:

 ... [T]he trial judge’s comments did not suggest that he was referencing his own religious beliefs as a guideline for his sentencing decision. Instead, his comments were limited to espousing his belief that the lack of a religious foundation leads to improper behavior. 

More importantly, we conclude that the trial court complied with the applicable provisions of R.C. Chapter 2929. The record affirmatively demonstrates that the trial court relied upon the proper statutory factors....

AAUP Issues Report on Hamline University Islamic Art Controversy

 The Association of American University Professors Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure has released its report (full text) on the actions of Hamline University in refusing to renew the contract of a part-time art history professor who created a controversy when she presented two historical images of the Prophet Muhammad in an online class session. (See prior posting.) The AAUP Report concluded in part:

Professor Erika López Prater’s decision to display historical images of the Prophet Muhammad in a World Art class was not only justifiable and appropriate on both scholarly and pedagogical grounds; it was also protected by academic freedom. The Hamline administration was wrong to characterize this decision as “undeniably inconsiderate, disrespectful and Islamophobic.” Similarly, the university’s contention that care for students must “supersede” academic freedom reflected an inaccurate and harmful understanding of the nature of academic freedom in the classroom. The university has since disavowed both claims.

The Star Beacon discusses the report and the University's response to it.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Oklahoma Passes School Choice Tax Credit Law

Last Friday the Oklahoma legislature completed passage and sent to the governor for his signature HB1934, the Oklahoma Parental Choice Tax Credit Act (full text). The bill creates a tax credit against Oklahoma state income tax for tuition and fees paid for private school education. The credit varies from $5000 to $7500 depending on the household income.  It also provides a $1000 tax credit for home school expenses. The bill imposes annual caps on the amount of credits the state will recognize, which increases from $150 million to $250 million in 2026. Governor Kevin Stitt issued a press release celebrating the legislature's passage of the law.

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:

From SmartCILP:

  • Mark Goldfeder, Codifying Antisemitism, [Abstract], 127 Penn State Law Review 405-454 (2023).

Friday, May 19, 2023

Florida Governor Signs 5 Bills Labeled As "Protecting Innocence of Florida's Children"

On Wednesday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed 5 bills into law which a press release from the governor's office described as "legislation to protect the innocence of Florida's children." 

  • Senate Bill 254 (full text) prohibits sex-reassignment prescriptions or procedures for individuals under 18 years of age.
  • House Bill 1069 (full text) prohibits K-12 schools from asking students to provide their preferred title or pronoun; prohibits requiring employees or students to refer to others by their preferred pronouns; and prohibits employees from providing their preferred title or pronoun to any student if the title or pronoun does not correspond to the person's biological sex.
  • Senate Bill 1438 (full text) prohibits admitting children to sexually explicit adult performances that are pornographic for children. A summary of the bills released by the governor's office says that this includes a ban on admitting children to drag shows.
  • House Bill 1521 (full text) requires individual to use restrooms and changing facilities that correspond to their biological sex in educational institutions, correctional institutions and public buildings.
  • House Bill 225 (full text) allows charter and online school students to participate in extracurricular activities at public or private schools. It also provides that high school athletic associations that include public schools must allow any school participating in a championship contest to make 2-minute opening remarks using the public address system. It goes on to provide:

The athletic association may not control, monitor, or review the content of the opening remarks and may not control the school’s choice of speaker. Member schools may not provide remarks that are derogatory, rude, or threatening. Before the opening remarks, an announcement must be made that the content of any opening remarks by a participating school is not endorsed by and does not reflect the views and or opinions of the athletic association.... 

A summary of the bills released by the governor's office says that this includes the right to offer public prayer at high school sporting events.

The Washington Stand has additional reporting on the bill signings.

Biden Announces Appointments to Holocaust Memorial Council

On Wednesday, President Biden announced the names of ten individuals whom he intends to appoint to the 68-member Holocaust Memorial Council. The President appoints 55 of the members. Presidential appointees serve five-year terms. Among the ten new appointees are Ted Deutch who is CEO of the American Jewish Committee; Rabbi Michael Beals who is rabbi of a congregation in President Biden's home town of Wilmington, Delaware; and Jonathan Lavine who is co-managing partner of Bain Capital.

New Michigan Law Bars Employment Discrimination Because of Abortion

Yesterday, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed SB147 (full text) which amends the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to bar discrimination because the individual has had an abortion. Bridge Michigan reports on the new law.

European Court Upholds Politician's Conviction for Failing to Remove Third Party Hate Speech from His Facebook Page

In Sanchez v. France, (ECHR, May 15, 2023), the European Court of Human Rights by a vote of 13-4 in a Grand Chamber judgment upheld France's conviction of a candidate for election to Parliament who was convicted of inciting violence against Muslims when he failed to promptly remove anti-Muslim postings by third parties placed on his Facebook page. The authors of the comments were convicted as accomplices. The majority concluded that the conviction did not violate Article 10, §1 of the European Convention on Human Rights since that section permits an interference with free expression when "necessary in a democratic society."  The majority said in part:

148.  While political speech calls for an elevated level of protection, the freedom of political debate is not absolute in nature....

149.  Since tolerance and respect for the equal dignity of all human beings constitute the foundations of a democratic, pluralistic society, it follows that, in principle, it may be considered necessary in certain democratic societies to penalise or even prevent all forms of expression that propagate, encourage, promote or justify hatred based on intolerance (including religious intolerance), provided that any “formalities”, “conditions”, “restrictions” or “penalties” imposed are proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued.... 

176.  ... [I]n an election context, the impact of racist and xenophobic discourse becomes greater and more harmful.... That is particularly true in the present circumstances where the political and social climate was troubled, especially at the local level with “clear tensions within the population, which were evident in particular from the comments at issue, but also between the protagonists”.... 

209.  ... [T]he Court finds that the decisions of the domestic courts were based on relevant and sufficient reasons, both as to the liability attributed to the applicant, in his capacity as a politician, for the unlawful comments posted in the run-up to an election on his Facebook “wall” by third parties, who themselves were identified and prosecuted as accomplices, and as to his criminal conviction. The impugned interference can therefore be considered to have been “necessary in a democratic society”.

The Court also posted a Legal Summary of the decision.

Counselor Sues After Being Fired for Speaking About School's Gender Support Plan

Suit was filed yesterday in an Indiana federal district court by a school counselor who was fired for speaking with a reporter about her school's Gender Support Plan policy which involves using a gender transitioning student's preferred name and pronouns, sometimes without informing the student's parents. The school claimed that some of the counselor's statements to the reporter were false. The complaint (full text) in McCord v. South Madison Community School Corporation, (SD IN, filed 5/18/2023), alleges that the firing violated the counselor's free speech rights. It also alleged that the school district violated plaintiff's right to free exercise of religion, in violation of the 1st Amendment and of Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The complaint alleges in part:

420. ... Mrs. McCord has sincerely held religious beliefs that require her not to participate in the Gender Support Plan policy; socially transitioning students and hiding social transitions from parents would violate those beliefs.

421. If South Madison had not taken adverse employment action against Mrs. McCord in retaliation for exercising her constitutional rights, she could not comply and would not intend to comply with the Gender Support Plan policy’s requirements regarding socially transitioning students and parental notification.

422. South Madison has failed to act in a neutral manner toward Mrs. McCord’s religious beliefs but has instead acted with hostility towards those beliefs.

423. Among other things, its employee, Mr. Taylor, acting pursuant to South Madison’s policies and practices, instructed Mrs. McCord to leave her religious beliefs out of her job as a school counselor.

424. Additionally, South Madison has targeted Mrs. McCord for her religious beliefs by granting accommodations allowing other employees who have not asserted Mrs. McCord’s religious beliefs not to comply with the Gender Support Plan policy, while refusing to grant one to Mrs. McCord.

ADF issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.