Showing posts with label Catholic schools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catholic schools. Show all posts

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Catholic Preschools Must Be Able to Conditionally Participate in Colorado Universal Preschool Program

In St. Mary Catholic Parish in Littleton v. Roy, (D CO, June 4, 2024), a Colorado federal district court in a 101-page opinion, held that Colorado cannot exclude from its Universal Preschool Program two Catholic schools that will not enroll LGBTQ children or children from LGBTQ families so long as the state continues to improperly grant an exemption from religious anti-discrimination requirements to faith-based pre-schools that limit their enrollment to members of their own congregations. The court said in part:

Defendants have established a compelling interest in denying an exemption from the sexual-orientation and gender-identity aspects of the equal-opportunity requirement for Plaintiff Preschools specifically....

In sharp contrast to the evidence Defendants presented to establish a compelling interest with respect to the sexual-orientation and gender-identity aspects of the equal-opportunity requirement, Defendants did not offer any evidence relating to discrimination on the basis of religious affiliation....

Defendants enable faith-based providers to effectively discriminate on the basis of religious affiliation in their admission of preschoolers but, at the same time, deny Plaintiff Preschools an explicit exemption from the related aspect of the equal-opportunity requirement. Defendants have provided no compelling interest for their course of conduct....

The application by Defendants ... acting in their official capacities on behalf of the Colorado Department of Early Childhood, of the religious affiliation aspect of the equal-opportunity requirement...violates Plaintiffs’ rights secured by the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution....

The Court immediately and permanently enjoins Defendants ... from requiring, as a condition for participation in the Colorado Universal Preschool Program, that the preschools operated by Plaintiffs St. Mary Catholic Parish ... and St. Bernadette Catholic Parish... agree to provide or provide eligible children an equal opportunity to enroll and receive preschool services regardless of religious affiliation for as long as Defendants allow exceptions from the religious affiliation aspect of the equal-opportunity requirement set out in Colorado Revised Statute § 26.5-4-205(2)(b) and in the Colorado Universal Preschool Program Service Agreement.

Becket Fund issued a press release announcing the decision. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Longer Bus Routes for Parochial School Students Upheld

In Swiech v. Board of Education of the Sylvania City School District, (OH Com. Pl., March 19, 2024), an Ohio trial court dismissed a suit brought by parents of students attending a Catholic school. Plaintiffs complained that bus transportation furnished by the District to and from non-public schools involved much longer transportation times than bus service for public school students. While public school students were taken directly to school, non-public students were taken to a central transfer point and then transferred to other busses to get to their schools.  Among the court's holdings was that no Equal Protection violation was involved because the District only needed a rational basis for the differential treatment. Conservation of limited financial resources meets that test.  The court also rejected plaintiffs' Free Exercise challenge

Plaintiffs have offered no evidence of any coercive effects on their religious practice: there is no evidence that the transportation plan has compelled Plaintiffs to do anything forbidden by their religion or that it has caused them to refrain from doing something required by their religion. Plaintiffs have also not offered any evidence that the transportation plan has compelled them to affirm or disavow a belief forbidden or required by their religion.

Thursday, May 09, 2024

4th Circuit: Ministerial Exception Bars Suit by Catholic School Teacher Fired Over Same-Sex Marriage Plans

In Billard v. Charlotte Catholic High School, (4th Cir., May 8, 2024), the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals held that a Catholic high school teacher's suit alleging sex discrimination in violation of Title VII should be dismissed. The court's majority held that the ministerial exception doctrine defeated the suit by the teacher of English and drama who was not invited back to teach after he announced plans to marry his same-sex partner. The majority, finding that the teacher should be classified as a "minister" for purposes of the ministerial exception, said in part:

[F]aith infused CCHS’s classes – and not only the expressly religious ones.  Even as a teacher of English and drama, Billard’s duties included conforming his instruction to Christian thought and providing a classroom environment consistent with Catholicism.  Billard may have been teaching Romeo and Juliet, but he was doing so after consultation with religious teachers to ensure that he was teaching through a faith-based lens....  The record makes clear that CCHS considered it “vital” to its religious mission that its teachers bring a Catholic perspective to bear on Shakespeare as well as on the Bible.   

Moreover, we note that Billard did – on rare occasions – fill in for teachers of religion classes.... CCHS’s apparent expectation that Billard be ready to instruct in religion as needed is another “relevant circumstance” indicating the importance of Billard’s role to the school’s religious mission.   

Our court has recognized before that seemingly secular tasks like the teaching of English and drama may be so imbued with religious significance that they implicate the ministerial exception.

The majority rejected the school's argument for broadening statutory defenses to the Title VII claim.

Judge King filed an opinion concurring in the result but differing as to rationale. He said in part:

... I would neither reach nor resolve the First Amendment ministerial exception issue on which the majority relies.  I would decide this appeal solely on Title VII statutory grounds, that is, § 702 of Title VII.... [M]y good friends of the panel majority have unnecessarily resolved the appeal on the First Amendment constitutional issue.  In so ruling, they have strayed from settled principles of the constitutional avoidance doctrine and our Court’s precedent.

Monday, March 18, 2024

7th Circuit: Zoning Denial for Catholic School Athletic Field Lights Did Not Violate RLUIPA

In Edgewood High School of the Sacred Heart v. City of Madison, Wisconsin, (7th Cir., March 15, 2024), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit upheld the denial of zoning approval for a Catholic high school to install lights in its athletic field for nighttime games. The court rejected the school's claims that the denial violated the "equal terms" and "substantial burden" provisions of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, saying in part:

... [W]e remain doubtful that the hosting of nighttime athletic competitions constitutes “religious” activity.... We can put our doubts to the side, though, because the City effectively conceded on appeal that the hosting of games at Edgewood’s athletic field constitutes religious activity. We accept that concession for purposes of this appeal. 

It would be a bridge too far, however, to conclude that Edgewood’s inability to host nighttime competitions at its field imposes a “substantial burden” on its Catholic mission.... [W]e have examined the term in the land-use context and concluded that the availability of other adequate properties to host religious activities may defeat a substantial burden claim....

The alternative venues in this case are in the same general community within the City of Madison as Edgewood and, according to the evidence developed during discovery, remain available to host nighttime events. Given these alternative sites, we cannot see how the City’s zoning decisions imposed a substantial burden on Edgewood’s religious mission. Indeed, the high school has never hosted nighttime competitions on its athletic field but has carried out its religious mission all the same for over 100 years.

Friday, January 12, 2024

State Regulation of Catholic Childcare Program Upheld

In South Hills Catholic Academy v. Department of Human Services, (PA Commonwealth Ct., Jan. 11, 2024), a Pennsylvania appellate court rejected a Catholic school's challenges to regulatory requirements imposed on it.  The state asserted that the school's program allowing parents to drop students off 45 minutes early and pick them up 90 minutes late constitutes an uncertified child care center. The school contended that the Department's regulations violate the Free Exercise and Establishment Clauses of the 1st Amendment and the freedom of conscience and religious practices clause of the Pennsylvania constitution. The court said in part:

Private School believes the Department’s regulations impermissibly infringe upon a religious school’s ability to hire staff “based upon their religious beliefs and their ability to transmit those beliefs to the individuals they instruct.”...

The Department’s regulations continue to require only “compliance” with existing civil rights statutes and regulation, from which religious schools are exempt. Therefore, we reject Private School’s contention that reference in the regulations to various civil rights laws infringes upon a religious school’s employment decisions.

With regard to Private School’s other asserted concerns, ..., Private School “has not explained how the regulations at issue interfere with the facility’s ability to communicate Church teachings,” and has “failed to identify any actual or imminent infringement upon [its] right.”... Accordingly, Private School’s “constitutional claims necessarily fail.”

Friday, September 22, 2023

4th Circuit Hears Oral Arguments on Catholic School's Firing of Teacher Who Entered Same-Sex Marriage

The U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday heard oral arguments (audio of full oral arguments) in Billard v. Charlotte Catholic High School.  In the case, a North Carolina federal district court held that a Catholic high school is liable under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act for firing a substitute drama teacher after he entered a same-sex marriage and stated on Facebook his disagreement with Catholic teaching on marriage. (See prior posting.) As reported by Reuters, during oral argument the judges pressed the parties on the applicability of the ministerial exception doctrine, even though the school had stipulated that it would not raise the doctrine as a defense in order to avoid protracted discovery on the teacher's job duties.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Catholic Schools Sue Over Rules for Inclusion in Colorado's Universal Preschool Funding

Suit was filed this week in a Colorado federal district court by the Catholic Archdiocese of Denver and two Catholic schools challenging the restrictions imposed on participation in Colorado's universal preschool funding program. The complaint (full text) in St. Mary Catholic Parish in Littleton v. Roy, (D CO, filed 8/16/2023) alleges that plaintiffs' free exercise and free speech rights were infringed by conditions that did not allow giving preference to Catholic families. Rules did allow preference for members of the church's congregation, but not for a broader religious preference. The complaint also alleged that the program's non-discrimination requirements prevent Catholic schools from requiring teachers. administrators and staff to abide by Catholic teachings on marriage, gender and sexuality; from considering whether a student or family has identified as LGBTQ; and from assigning dress requirements, pronoun usage and restroom use on the basis of biological sex. Becket issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

7th Circuit: Parties Cannot Force A Constitutional Ruling On School Aid By Rejecting Statutory Alternative

In St. Augustine School v. Underly, (7th Cir., Aug. 14, 2023), is the latest installment in a case that arose in 2015 and has been litigated up and down the federal and Wisconsin state court system ever since. A Wisconsin statute provides transportation benefits for private religious schools, but only for one school from a single organizational entity in each attendance district.  At issue in this case is whether two Catholic schools in the same attendance district (one billing itself as a "Traditional Catholic School") were sufficiently linked that only one of them could receive the transportation assistance. 

The state Superintendent had concluded that St. Augustine School could not receive benefits because another Catholic school in its attendance district was already getting them. After receiving guidance from the Wisconsin Supreme Court, in December 2021 the U.S. 7th Circuit held that the Superintendent violated Wisconsin statutory law in denying transportation benefits to St. Augustine School, and so remanded the case to the district court for it to impose a remedy. (See prior posting.) Plaintiffs, however, were unhappy because they wished to obtain a ruling on the federal constitutional issues involved, so they made no argument for damages under state law.  The district court thus only issued a declaratory judgment in favor of St. Augustine, denying an injunction and damages. Now on appeal of that decision, the 7th Circuit said in part:

The remaining question is what to do in light of the fact that the Forros unambiguously waived their right to relief under their state-law theories. If by so doing they hoped to force us to reach the federal theories, they were mistaken. We will not allow ourselves to be manipulated into constitutional adjudication in this manner; parties do not have the right to compel a court to write what would essentially be an advisory opinion on a theory that it did not need to reach. St. Augustine IV provided plaintiffs with a clear path to recovery that they chose to forego. Litigants are held to their choices, even when the consequences are harsh. We accordingly see no error in the district court’s decision to treat their requests for damages and injunctive relief under state law as waived and to issue only a declaratory judgment....

Judge Ripple dissented, arguing that the court should reach the federal constitutional issues, saying in part:

As this case has traveled its circuitous path, a regrettable analytical fog has progressively obscured the good faith and thoughtful attempts of all actors, judges and lawyers, to resolve this case. Today, in my view, despite its best efforts, the majority, impeded by this fog, further obscures the matter by drawing the wrong conclusions from this muddied procedural history and, in the process, by departing from the mandate of the Supreme Court of the United States dated July 2, 2020. I respectfully dissent.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

NJ Anti-Discrimination Law Creates Defense for Catholic School That Requires Teachers to Follow Catholic Teachings

 In Cristello v. St. Theresa School, (NJ Sup. Ct., Aug. 14, 2023), the New Jersey Supreme Court dismissed a suit against a Catholic school which had fired an art teacher/ toddler room caregiver who was unmarried and become pregnant.  The teacher's employment agreement required her to abide by the teachings of the Catholic Church and prohibited employees from engaging in premarital sex. The teacher sued under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) alleging pregnancy and marital status discrimination.  The court's majority opinion held that the LAD provision creating an exception for religious organizations following the tenets of its religion in establishing employment criteria gives the school an affirmative defense. The majority said in part:

Determining whether a religious employer’s employment action was based exclusively on the tenets of its religion requires application of only neutral principles of law and does not impermissibly entangle the courts in ecclesiastical matters.

Justice Pierre-Louis filed a concurring opinion taking the position that the religious tenet provision does not create an affirmative defense, but instead shifts to plaintiff the requirement to show that the purported reason for the firing was a pretext for prohibited discrimination. However here plaintiff did not show that this was a pretext.

Washington Examiner reports on the decision.

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Suit Challenges Oklahoma's Approval of Catholic Charter School

Suit was filed yesterday in an Oklahoma state trial court challenging the decision of the state's Virtual Charter School Board to approve a Catholic-sponsored charter school that will be funded by the state. The 70-page complaint (full text) in OKPLAC, Inc. v. Statewide Virtual Charter School Board, (OK Dist. Ct., filed 7/31/2023) alleges that the school's application indicated that the school's operation would violate numerous provisions of the Oklahoma Constitution, the Oklahoma Charter Schools Act, and regulations of the Virtual Charter School Board. The complaint alleges in part:

St. Isidore submitted notarized statements that it would comply with antidiscrimination and other legal requirements only “to the extent required by law, including . . . religious exemptions . . . with priority given to the Catholic Church’s understanding of itself and its rights and obligations pursuant to the Code of Canon Law and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.”...

Because St. Isidore’s program requires students to submit to instruction in particular religious tenets, it is not actually open to children of all faiths and is instead discriminatory based on religion....

St. Isidore also will discriminate among prospective or enrolled students based on sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy outside of marriage, and sexual activity outside of marriage....

The Charter Schools Act requires charter schools to be “nonsectarian in [their] programs . . . and all other operations.”...

ACLU issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Catholic School's Non-Renewal of Counsellor Who Entered Same-Sex Marriage Upheld

In Fitzgerald v. Roncalli High School, Inc., (7th Cir., July 13, 2023), the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals held that the ministerial exception doctrine requires dismissal of a suit which was brought by a Catholic high school guidance counselor whose contract was not renewed because her same-sex marriage was inconsistent with the Catholic school's religious mission. The court found this to be an easy case because last year in a different decision the 7th Circuit held that a suit by plaintiff's Co-Director of Guidance was barred by the ministerial exception doctrine. (See prior posting.) The court said in part:

Our precedent makes clear that Fitzgerald was a minister at Roncalli and that the ministerial exception bars this suit. But cases like today’s—involving two plaintiffs with the same title, at the same school, performing the same duties, and bringing the same claims in our court—are rare. A fact-specific inquiry remains necessary in cases where the ministerial exception is asserted as a defense to balance the enforcement of our laws against the protections of our Constitution.

Judge Brennan filed a concurring opinion pointing out that the case could also have been resolved by relying on the statutory religious employer exemption in Title VII which would have avoided the constitutional question. Becket issued a press release announcing the decision.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Ecclesiastical Abstention Doctrine Bars Court From Interpreting Foundation's Bylaws

In Foundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools, Inc. v. The Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair, (CT Super, June 15, 2023), a Connecticut trial court held that "the constitutional bar on court jurisdiction over religious matters" required it to dismiss a suit over interpretation of the bylaws of an organization that provides scholarships for students attending Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Hartford. At issue was whether the Archbishop could appoint Board of Trustee members other than those recommended by the Governance Committee. The court said in part:

Notwithstanding its formal status as a nonstock corporation, the court finds that FACS is a religious organization with ecclesiastical doctrine and practices. While FACS may be akin to a mutual fund in how it accepts contributions, diversifies assets, and distributes money, the mission and character of the organization is wholly marked by "clear and obvious religious characteristics."...

[T]he court cannot neutrally apply principles of corporate bylaw interpretation without intruding upon the archbishop's religious decision-making authority. Instead, the court is being asked to entangle the Superior Court of the State of Connecticut into matters of religious doctrine, religious practices and church polity.

Monday, May 01, 2023

Triable Issues of Fact Remain on Ministerial Exception in Age Discrimination Suit Against Catholic School

 In Atkins v. St. Cecelia Catholic School, (CA App., April 28, 2023), a California state appellate court held that there are triable issues of material fact as to whether the ministerial exception applies in the age discrimination case brought against a Los Angeles Catholic elementary school by plaintiff who was employed for 40 years as a part-time office administrator and for the last 19 years also as a part-time art teacher. Reversing the trial court's granting of summary judgment dismissing the lawsuit, the court said in part:

While St. Cecilia presented evidence that Atkins prayed with the students in her art class and promoted the ADLA’s six tasks of catechesis by encouraging “Christ-like” behavior in her class, there was no evidence that she ever taught, or was expected to teach, any type of religious curriculum. There was also no evidence that Atkins ever led any religious services, accompanied the students toreligious services, or prepared the students to participate in religious services or activities. Given that Atkins held dual roles at St. Cecilia as an art teacher and an office administrator, we cannot conclude on this record that educating students in the Catholic faith lay at the core of her job responsibilities. Considering the totality of these circumstances, St. Cecilia was not entitled to summary judgment based on the ministerial exception.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Two Justices Say Iowa Should Adopt Ministerial Exception Doctrine

In Konchar v. Pins, (IA Sup. Ct., April 14, 2023), the Iowa Supreme Court affirmed a trial court's dismissal of fraud, defamation and breach of contract claims by the former long-time principal of a Catholic school.  The court said in part:

Ultimately ... Konchar’s defamation claim is about whether a Catholic priest was justified in deciding that Konchar should no longer serve as principal at a Catholic school. But the district court believed that this kind of inquiry would run afoul of the First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause.... In fact, the district court specifically found that the First Amendment precludes inquiries by “a civil court” into “the decision of whether Konchar was suitable for the role of Principal at St. Joseph’s.” And Konchar’s briefs do not challenge this conclusion. So we presume without deciding that the district court was correct, and we decline to reverse.

Justice Waterman, joined by Justice McDermott, filed a concurring opinion saying in part:

I write separately to confirm the majority opinion leaves the door open to formally apply the ministerial exception in our state. I would apply that exception in this case as an alternative ground to affirm dismissal of all tort claims asserted by Phyllis Konchar related to her termination as principal and “spiritual leader” of this church-operated private school. The ministerial exception better protects the autonomy of religious organizations guaranteed under the First Amendment to choose who ministers their faith and spares churches, dioceses, priests, and bishops the entanglement with costly civil litigation this case exemplifies. The extensive discovery, depositions, and trial spanning two weeks that these church defendants endured could have been avoided by a prompt dispositive motion under the ministerial exception long recognized by the United States Supreme Court, federal circuit courts, and other state courts.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Certiorari Denied in Catholic School Teacher's Suit Against His Union

The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday denied review in Jusino v. Federation of Catholic Teachers, Inc., (Docket No. 22-662, certiorari denied 3/27/2023). (Order List). In the case, the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals held  that the National Labor Relations Act does not apply to a Catholic parochial school teacher's duty-of-fair-representation claim against his union.

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Catholic School Students Sue Air & Space Museum for Barring Pro-Life Apparel

Suit was filed this week in the D.C. federal district court by or on behalf of eleven South Carolina Catholic high school students against the National Air and Space Museum and seven members of its staff alleging that the students were required to remove their hats which carried a pro-life message during their visit to the Museum. The students visited the Museum after participating in the D.C. March for Life event. The complaint (full text) in Kristi L. v. National Air and Space Museum, (D DC, filed 2/6/2023), alleging violations of the 1st and 5th Amendments and RFRA, states in part:

Plaintiffs were subjected to a pattern of ongoing misconduct ... which included targeting, harassment, discrimination and, ultimately, eviction from NASM simply because they wore blue hats with the inscription, “Rosary Pro-Life.”...

Defendants’ restriction on Plaintiffs’ speech is content and viewpoint-based and demonstrates a concerted effort to single out, embarrass, intimidate, exclude, and ultimately silence the message expressed by Plaintiffs in wearing their “Rosary Pro-Life” hat....

The disparate treatment of Plaintiffs based on their viewpoints was a result of a discriminatory purpose on the part of Defendants...

Defendants’ restriction on Plaintiffs’ expressive religious activity as set forth in this Complaint imposes a substantial burden on Plaintiffs’ religious exercise in violation of RFRA....

American Center for Law & Justice issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Dismissal of Title VII Suit By Teacher Fired By Catholic School Is Denied

In Ference v. Roman Catholic Diocese of Greensburg, (WD PA, Jan. 18, 2022), a Pennsylvania federal magistrate judge recommended denying a motion to dismiss filed by the Catholic Diocese in a Title VII sex-discrimination lawsuit by a Lutheran 6th-grade teacher in a Catholic school who was fired shortly after being hired when the school discovered that he was in a same-sex marriage. The Diocese had raised defenses based on Title VII's exemption for religious discrimination, the church autonomy doctrine, the ministerial exception and RFRA.

Monday, January 02, 2023

Refusal To Approve Athletic Field Lights for Catholic School Did Not Violate RLUIPA

In Edgewood High School of the Sacred Heart, Inc. v. City of Madison, Wisconsin, a Wisconsin federal district court rejected RLUIPA, free speech and other challenges by a Catholic high school to the city's denial of a permit for outdoor lighting at its athletic fields. The surrounding residential neighborhood association objected to the proposal.  The court said in part:

The initial question is whether putting lights on an athletic field is a religious exercise for plaintiff Edgewood at all....  Edgewood suggests that athletics have long been a part of Edgewood, consistent with the Sinisawa Dominican tradition of educating the whole person. Yet this case is not about athletics in general; it is about Edgewood’s ability to install lights in order to use its athletic field at night.... [U]se of the field at night has never been a part of Sinisawa’s Dominican strategy, which largely takes place during regular school hours.

In fairness, plaintiff also suggests that the field could be used for liturgies and other religious ceremonies, but there is nothing in the record indicating that Edgewood ever uses the field for such purposes, much less that it has a need to do so at night....

Even if the court were to assume that night football (as opposed to a variety of sports conducted in gym classes and at practices) is an important element of Edgewood’s religious exercise, which is certainly not a given, plaintiff offers no evidence that it is substantially burdened by having to play night home games at a different field....

[I]t would be a misreading of [two prior cases cited by plaintiffs] to hold that public outcry is sufficient to show unequal treatment under RLUIPA absent proof of a substantial burden on religious exercise, something simply lacking in this case.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Another Catholic Parish Sues Michigan Over Expanded Interpretation of State's Anti-Discrimination Laws

 As previously reported, in August the Michigan Supreme Court interpreted the state's civil rights law which bans sex discrimination to cover discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Yesterday, a Catholic parish, including its school, as well as several parents of students in the school filed suit in a Michigan federal district court alleging that, interpreted in this manner, the employment, education and public accommodation provisions of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act violate plaintiffs' First and 14th Amendment rights.  The complaint (full text) in Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish v. Nessel, (WD MI, filed 12/22/22), alleges in part:

To comply with Michigan’s re-understood laws, Sacred Heart Parish and its school, Sacred Heart Academy, would be forced to hire faculty and staff who lead lives in direct opposition to the Catholic faith, speak messages that violate Church doctrine, and refrain from articulating Catholic beliefs in teaching its students and when advertising the school to prospective students or job applicants. All of this violates Sacred Heart’s free speech and free exercise rights. Rather than defy Catholic doctrine in these ways, Sacred Heart would shut down. 

But if Sacred Heart cannot operate consistent with its Catholic faith, the parental and free exercise rights of its families are also implicated. Parents have explicitly opted out of public schools in favor of sending their children to Sacred Heart for an authentic Catholic education where their children would never be exposed to harmful ideas and ideologies that contradict the Catholic faith. When Michigan prevents Sacred Heart from operating its school consistent with its Catholic beliefs, it also necessarily violates the fundamental parental and free exercise rights of Sacred Heart families.

ADF issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.  Earlier this month, a different Catholic parish filed a similar lawsuit.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Ministerial Exception Doctrine Applies Categorically to Hostile Work Environment Claims

In Rivera v. Diocese of Venice in Florida, Inc., (SD FL., Dec. 12, 2022), a Florida federal district court dismissed under the ministerial exception doctrine a suit by the former principal of a Catholic elementary/ middle school who alleged that a racially motivated hostile work environment led him to resign his position. Plaintiff, who is black, was repeatedly the subject of racial harassment by the priest of the school's parish. The court said in part:

The principal question presented is whether the ministerial exception categorically bars hostile work environment claims under Title VII and FCRA. As further explored below, this is an issue of constitutional interpretation not yet specifically addressed by the Eleventh Circuit....

[T]he Court concludes that the ministerial exception categorically bars Plaintiff's hostile work environment claims....

To determine whether a minister's claim of hostile work environment proceeds based on the degree to which a court believes the fact-specific allegations require excessive entanglement with a church's internal governance is itself to promote and risk excessive entanglement and interference with a church's authority to supervise and manage its ministers. Put another way, the reason why a functional approach is necessary to resolve the threshold question of "minister status" is also one of the reasons why applying the ministerial exception to claims of hostile work environment is necessary to respect the First Amendment. The opposite rule would thrust courts into examining the inner workings of a church's supervision and management of its clergy—the precise harm the ministerial exception seeks to protect. Therefore, Court declines Plaintiff's "nuanced" invitation to treat "non-terminal employment claims" of hostile work environment differently than "tangible" claims of employment discrimination brought by ministers....

[S]hould the Eleventh Circuit disagree with the Court's "categorical" determination or otherwise decide that no such ruling is necessary on these facts, the Court concludes in the alternative that Plaintiff's Amended Complaint merits dismissal because it clearly contains allegations that trigger excessive entanglement into the church's internal governance and supervision of its ministers.