Thursday, July 30, 2020

Canadian Court Says Catholic Archdiocese Is Vicariously Liable For Sexual Abuse At Orphanage

In John Doe v. Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of St. John's, (Newfoundland & Labrador Ct. App., July 28, 2020), the Court of Appeal in the Canadian province of Newfoundland, in a 136-page opinion, held that the Catholic Archdiocese is vicariously liable for sexual abuse suffered by the four plaintiffs.  Five members of the Christian Brothers abused plaintiffs in the 1950's when they were living at the Mount Cashel Orphanage. The court said in part:
In our view, the total relationship between the Brothers at Mount Cashel and the Archdiocese shows that the Brothers were working on the account of the Archdiocese’s social and religious mandate. Their relationship was sufficiently close, and the connection between the Brothers’ assigned tasks and their wrongdoing was sufficiently close, to justify the imposition of vicarious liability on the Archdiocese. Doing so in the circumstances of this case upholds the policy objectives of the doctrine. 
The court held however that the Archdiocese is not liable for a chaplain's failure to act after he learned of the abuse, saying in part:
As Monsignor Ryan was not negligent and did not breach a fiduciary duty, there is no basis upon which the Archdiocese could be liable for his conduct.
Canadian Press reports on the decision.

Ministerial Exception Doctrine Leads To Dismissal of Music Director's Discrimination Suit

In Menard v. Archdiocese of Boston, (MA App., July 29. 2020), a Massachusetts state appellate court held that the ministerial exception doctrine requires dismissal of a sex and age discrimination suit against the the Archdiocese.  In the suit, a church's director of music ministries claimed that the church's pastor subjected her to harassment and that she was retaliated against when she notified the Archdiocese. The court said in part:
In this case, Menard's job duties place her squarely within the ministerial exception. As implied by her title, director of music ministries, Menard's role was a substantive one. She selected and played music at all parish events, taught and conducted multiple choirs, trained the church's cantors, and organized the cantors' schedule for Mass. Far more than the rote playing of an instrument, ... Menard's job required her to thoughtfully select the music for each event and train others to perform it. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Suit Challenges North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship Program

Suit was filed in a North Carolina state trial court this week challenging North Carolina's Opportunity Scholarship Program.  The complaint (full text) in Kelly v. State of North Carolina, (NC Super. Ct., filed 7/27/2020), alleges that as implemented the Program violates various provisions of the North Carolina state Constitution. The complaint says in part:
2. The Program sends millions of taxpayer dollars to private schools without imposing any meaningful educational requirements. As implemented, many of the Program’s funds are directed to schools that divide communities on religious lines, disparage many North Carolinians’ faiths and identities, and coerce families into living under religious dictates.
3. The Program as implemented funds discrimination on the basis of religion. Families’ ability to participate in the Program is limited by their religious beliefs and their willingness to cede control of their faith to a religious school.
4. The Program as implemented funds schools that discriminate against students and parents based on who they love or the gender they know themselves to be, and against those with religious beliefs that do not condemn homosexuality, bisexuality, or gender non-conformity.
NCAE issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit. AP reports on the lawsuit.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Hajj Begins Tomorrow-- Scaled Down In Response To Pandemic

The Hajj begins tomorrow in Saudi Arabia, in a scaled down fashion because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  AP and Andoula Agency both report on the event which will be limited to between 1,000 and 10,000 participants who are already living in Saudi Arabia. Normally the Hajj attracts 2.5 million pilgrims. According to AP:
This year, pilgrims must wear face masks and will only be able to drink holy water from the Zamzam well in Mecca that has been pre-packaged in plastic bottles. Pebbles for casting away evil that are usually picked up by pilgrims along hajj routes will be sterilized and bagged before being distributed to pilgrims.
Pilgrims are also bringing their own prayer rugs and will be required to pray at a distance from one another, rather than packed shoulder to shoulder.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:
From SSRN (Non-U.S. Law):

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Supreme Court, 5-4, Refuses To Enjoin Pending Appeal Nevada Limits On Worship Services

By a 5-4 vote, the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday refused to grant an injunction pending appeal to a church that is challenging Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak's COVID-19 Order limiting worship services to no more than 50 people with social distancing. A Nevada federal district court upheld the Nevada Order. ( See prior posting). The 9th Circuit denied an emergency motion for injunctive relief pending appeal. In Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley v. Sisolak, (US Supreme Court, July 24, 2020), while the majority did not file an opinion explaining their vote, the four dissenting Justices did. Justice Alito filed a dissenting opinion, joined by Justices Thomas and Kavanaugh, finding free speech and free exercise violations, saying in part:
The Constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion. It says nothing about the freedom to play craps or blackjack, to feed tokens into a slot machine, or to engage in any other game of chance. But the Governor of Nevada apparently has different priorities. Claiming virtually unbounded power to restrict constitutional rights during the COVID–19 pandemic, he has issued a directive that severely limits attendance at religious services. A church, synagogue, or mosque, regardless of its size, may not admit more than 50 persons, but casinos and certain other favored facilities may admit 50% of their maximum occupancy—and in the case of gigantic Las Vegas casinos, this means that thousands of patrons are allowed.
That Nevada would discriminate in favor of the powerful gaming industry and its employees may not come as a surprise, but this Court’s willingness to allow such discrimination is disappointing.
Justice Gorsuch filed a brief dissent, saying in part:
The world we inhabit today, with a pandemic upon us, poses unusual challenges. But there is no world in which the Constitution permits Nevada to favor Caesars Palace over Calvary Chapel.
Justice Kavanaugh also filed a separate dissent, laying out a broad framework for approaching religion cases. He says in part:
The definitional battles over what constitutes favoritism, discrimination, equality, or neutrality can influence, if not decide, the outcomes of religion cases. But the parties to religion cases and the judges deciding those cases often do not share a common vocabulary or common background principles. And that disconnect can muddy the analysis, build resentment, and lead to litigants and judges talking past one another.
In my view, some of the confusion and disagreement can be averted by first identifying and distinguishing four categories of laws: (1) laws that expressly discriminate against religious organizations; (2) laws that expressly favor religious organizations; (3) laws that do not classify on the basis of religion but apply to secular and religious organizations alike; and (4) laws that expressly treat religious organizations equally to some secular organizations but better or worse than other secular organizations. As I will explain, this case involving Nevada’s reopening plan falls into the fourth category.

Friday, July 24, 2020

New Suit Charges Former Cardinal McCarrick With Sexual Abuse and Dioceses With Negligence

Suit was filed in a New Jersey state court this week against two New Jersey Catholic Dioceses, other Catholic entities, and former Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick .  The complaint (full text) in JA/GG Doe 14 v. Diocese of Metuchen, (NJ Super, filed 7/21/2020), charges McCarrick with sexual battery and the Dioceses and schools with negligent training, supervision and retention. A news conference by the lawyers who filed the lawsuit described the suit as:
... [A] new lawsuit filed under the New Jersey Child Sexual Abuse Act (part of the New Jersey Victims’ Rights Bill), by a survivor who was sexually abused by infamous serial sexual predator and former Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick as part of McCarrick’s sordid beach house child sex ring;
... Plaintiff, then a teenager, was groomed, manipulated and coerced by McCarrick into participating in McCarrick’s sex ring along with other kids;
... McCarrick orchestrated and directed the sexual abuse of the Plaintiff by three other priests named in the complaint.
Washington Post reports on the lawsuit.

Wedding Services Company Challenges Public Accommodation Non-Discrimination Ordinance

A Christian minister, Kristi Stokes, the owner of Covenant Weddings LLC, filed suit in an Ohio federal district court this week challenging the constitutionality of Cuyahoga County, Ohio's public accommodation ordinance (full text) which which makes it illegal for any public accommodation to
discriminate against, or treat differently any person except for reasons applicable alike to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, military status, national origin, disability, age, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression...
The complaint (full text) in Covenant Weddings LLC v. Cuyahoga County, (ND OH, filed 7/22/2020) alleges in part:
The County ... cannot rescind religious liberty and free speech by relabelling them discrimination....
Through Covenant Weddings, Kristi personally officiates and writes custom homilies, vows, and prayers for weddings...
The Accommodations Clause forces Kristi to provide her wedding services for same-sex wedding ceremonies or for wedding ceremonies where a marrying individual identifies as the opposite sex and would require Kristi to proclaim messages and to participate in religious ceremonies that violate her religious beliefs, which she cannot do.... 
This undercuts Kristi’s message (expressed elsewhere in her social media accounts and wedding services) celebrating marriage between one man and one woman; harms Kristi’s reputation among her past and prospective clients; undermines her editorial control over what services she offers to the public; and adversely affects Kristi’s ability to share biblical truths about marriage with others....
ADF issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Suit Challenges South Carolina Grants To Private School Students

As reported by The Island Packet, a South Carolina state court judge in Adams v. State of South Carolina, (SC Com.Pl., July 21, 2020) has issued a temporary restraining order (full text) prohibiting the distribution of  Safe Access to Flexible Education (SAFE) Grants until a July 29 hearing in the case.  The grants are in the form of one-time tuition vouchers for low-income families sending their children to  private schools (including religious schools). They are funded through the federal CARES Act.  In a complaint (full text) filed July 21, a taxpayer contends that the grants violate the ban in the South Carolina constitution on the expenditure of public funds for the direct benefit of any religious or other private educational institution. The complaint alleges that the grants will give private school students some 13 times as much as the amount received per public school student under the CARES Act.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Texas AG Says Cities Cannot Restrict Reopening of Religious Private Schools

A July 17 press release from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton reads in part:
Attorney General Ken Paxton today issued a guidance letter to religious private schools in Texas, informing them that local public health orders attempting to restrict their reopenings violate the United States and Texas Constitutions and the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Moreover, local orders seeking to restrict the reopening of religious private schools or institutions is inconsistent with Governor Abbott’s executive orders, and therefore, are invalid.
Here is the full text of the letter, which concludes:
Thus, as protected by the First Amendment and Texas law, religious private schools may continue to determine when it is safe for their communities to resume in-person instruction free from any government mandate or interference. Religious private schools therefore need not comply with local public health orders to the contrary.

Problem Meeting Parking Requirements Can Be RLUIPA "Substantial Burden"

In Immanuel Baptist Church v. City of Chicago, (ED IL, July 20, 2020), an Illinois federal district court held that plaintiff Church adequately pleaded that the city's parking regulations imposed a "substantial burden" under RLUIPA on its religious exercise. The court said in part:
Church was burdened by substantial expense, time and resources trying to comply with the City’s parking requirements. Under the original deal it had with the owner of the Property, the Church intended to purchase two buildings. Because of the City’s determination that the Church did not comply with its parking requirements, the Church was not able to close on the deal in 2016. Then when it was able to close on the deal two years later, the Church was only able to purchase one building. And during that delay, the Church spent money paying rent and used significant resources trying to negotiate with the City and identify potential parking solutions. Although the City finally exempted the Church from the parking requirement in 2019, that did not change the fact that the Church had spent significant time, money, and resources over those years, and lost the opportunity for ownership of one of the buildings. All of this was particularly difficult for the Church which has great needs and very limited resources....

EEOC Sues Airline Over Requiring Pilot To Attend Religious AA Program

The EEOC this week filed a lawsuit against United Airlines charging that it did not adequately accommodate the religious beliefs of a Buddhist pilot.  In its press release, the EEOC said in part:
United operates a program for its pilots with substance abuse problems that provides them treatment and sponsors them to obtain new medical certificates from the FAA. One of the requirements of United’s program is that pilots regularly attend Alcoholics Anonymous (“AA”). The pilot, who is Buddhist, objected to the religious content of AA and sought to substitute regular attendance at a Buddhism-based peer support group. United refused to accommodate his religious objection and, as a result, the pilot was unable to obtain a new FAA medical certificate permitting him to fly again, the agency charged....
 “Employers have the affirmative obligation to modify their policies to accommodate employees’ religious beliefs,” said EEOC New York Regional Attorney Jeffrey Burstein. “Despite this obligation, United was inflexible and refused to make a modest change its program that would have caused them no hardship.”
Paddle Your Own Kanoo reports on the suit.

2nd Circuit: Free Speech and Free Exercise Claims of Christian Adoption Agency Can Move Forward

In New Hope Family Services, Inc. v. Poole, (2d Cir., July 21, 2020), the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, in an 84-page opinion, reversed the dismissal of free exercise and free speech claims brought by a Christian adoption agency.  The court summarized the issues:
New Hope Family Services, Inc., is a voluntary, privately funded Christian ministry devoted to providing adoption services and authorized to do so in the State of New York for more than 50 years. New Hope professes that, consistent with its religious beliefs, it cannot recommend adoptions by unmarried or same-sex couples. It does not itself disapprove such couples; rather, it refers them to other adoption agencies. In 2018, the State’s Office of Children and Family Services (“OCFS”) informed New Hope that its policy respecting unmarried and same-sex couples violates the antidiscrimination mandate of N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 18, § 421.3(d). OCFS advised New Hope that it either had to change its policy or close its operation.
In reversing and remanding the case to the district court, the 2nd Circuit said in part as to plaintiff's free exercise claim:
[W]e conclude that the pleadings give rise to a sufficient “suspicion” of religious animosity to warrant “pause” for discovery before dismissing New Hope’s claim as implausible. 
In connection with plaintiff's free speech claim, the court said:
New Hope asserts that, based on its religious beliefs about marriage and family, it does not believe and, therefore, cannot state, that adoption by unmarried or same-sex couples would ever be in the best interests of a child. It charges OCFS with requiring it to say just that—or to close down its voluntary, privately funded adoption ministry....
AP reports on the decision.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

23 States Sue HHS Over Rollback of Anti-Discrimination Protections In Health Care

Attorneys general representing 22 states and the District of Columbia filed suit yesterday challenging the Trump Administration's recently-adopted rules under the Affordable Care Act and under Title IX which roll back anti-discrimination provisions protecting, among others, transgender individuals and those who have accessed abortion services. The complaint (full text) in State of New York v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, (SD NY, filed 7/20/2020), contends that the new rules deny equal protection of the laws and that their adoption was in violation of various provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act. Courthouse News Service reports on the lawsuit. New York's Attorney General issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.

9th Circuit: En Banc Review Denied In Suit Over FBI Surveillance of Muslims

In February 2019, a 3-judge panel of the 9th Circuit in Fazaga v. Federal Bureau of Investigation held that three Muslim plaintiffs may move ahead with many of their claims growing out of an FBI investigation that they allege involved unlawful searches and anti-Muslim discrimination. (See prior posting.) Now in Fazaga v. Federal Bureau of Investigation, (9th Cir., July 20, 2020), the panel filed an amended opinion and the court denied en banc review. Five judges joined an opinion concurring in the denial of en banc review. Ten judges joined all or most of an opinion dissenting from the denial of en banc review. At issue was the relationship between FISA and the state secrets privilege.

Various Challenges To Terrorism Watch List Practices Can Move Ahead

In El Ali v. Barr, (D MD, July 20, 2020), a Maryland federal district court allowed some of the plaintiffs to move ahead with challenges to practices involving inclusion on terrorism watch lists. The court explained:
Plaintiffs are 39 individuals—37 U.S. citizens and two legal residents—who claim that inclusion in the Government’s Terrorism Screening Database (“TSDB”) and various related Watchlists impair or prohibit air and land travel in the United States. Plaintiffs allege that their list status, or status by association with those on a list, subjects them to constitutionally impermissible detentions, searches, and screening at airports and land border entries, or in some cases, denial of air travel altogether. Relatedly, Plaintiffs allege that their list status has burdened their families and businesses, and inflicted other wide-ranging harms.
Among the claims that can move ahead are claims of intentional religious and racial discrimination, as well as Religious Freedom Restoration Act complaints that individuals were interrogated about their Muslim religious practices, and that interrogations and detentions interfered with the ability to perform Umrah and Hajj. The court dismissed the claim that offers to clear up plaintiffs' problems if they would act as FBI informants imposed a substantial burden on their religious exercise. CAIR issued a press release announcing the decision.

State Department Releases Draft Report Of Commission on Inalienable Rights

On July 16, the U.S. State Department released the 60-page Draft Report of the Commission on Inalienable Rights. The Report was released in Philadelphia by Commission Chair Mary Ann Glendon and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. (Full text and video of their remarks.) The wide-ranging report emphasizes the religious traditions of the country's founders as well as the primacy of religious liberty.  Here are a few excerpts:
Foremost among the unalienable rights that government is established to secure, from the founders’ point of view, are property rights and religious liberty. A political society that destroys the possibility of either loses its legitimacy....
Some mistakenly suppose that so generous a conception of liberty must rest on skepticism about salvation and justice. Why give people freedom to choose if God’s will and the imperatives of justice are knowable? In fact, a certain skepticism is involved, but it is directed not at faith and justice but at the capacity of government officials to rule authoritatively on the deepest and greatest questions. The Madisonian view of religious liberty ... proceeds from a theistic premise about the sources of human dignity even as it denies the state the power to dictate final answers about ultimate matters....
[E]ven a quick, preliminary reading of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reveals many parallels to the fundamental constitutional and political principles of the United States.... 
The Universal Declaration’s weaving of civil and political rights together with economic, social, and cultural rights into an integrated whole poses a certain challenge for the United States. Unlike the Universal Declaration and unlike the majority of constitutions of the world that have been adopted since the early- to mid- 20th century, the U.S. Constitution does not generally recognize, let alone entrench, economic and social rights. Throughout the Cold War, the United States emphasized its commitment to civil and political rights almost exclusively, while rejecting the notion, championed by the Soviet Union, of the preeminence of economic and social rights. Since the end of the Cold War, a consistent aspect of U.S. human rights policy, across every presidential administration regardless of political party, has been U.S. reluctance to recognize economic and social rights as an integral part of the canon of international human rights....
The Draft Report is open for public comment until July 30. Reaction to the Draft Report by some has been very negative.

TRO Denied In Church's Suit Over California COVID Limits on Worship

On Friday, a California federal district court refused, on procedural grounds, to issue a temporary restraining order to a California church that filed suit challenging Governor Newsom's COVID-19 orders restricting worship services. In Harvest Rock Church, Inc. v. Newsom, (CD CA, July 20, 2020), the court in a two-page opinion said in part:
Harvest Rock seeks this injunctive relief without providing notice to Governor Newsom of either the Complaint or the TRO, yet fails to satisfy the requirements to obtain such an injunction without notice.
Pasedena Now reports on the decision.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Recent Articles of Interest

From SSRN:
From SSRN (Non-U.S. Law):
From SmartCILP:

Sunday, July 19, 2020

California COVID-19 Limits On Worship Services Challenged

Suit was filed last week in a California federal district court challenging Gov. Gavin Newsom's various COVID-19 restrictions on indoor worship services. The complaint (full text) in Harvest Rock Church, Inc. v. Newsom, (CD CA, filed 7/17/2020), points to the total prohibition on indoor worship services in 30 counties, numerical and capacity limits on worship services in other counties, a ban on singing or chanting during indoor worship services, a ban on small-group Bible studies in private homes, and discriminatory limits on the kinds of activities that can be carried on in church buildings. The complaint alleges violations of free exercise, freedom of assembly and free speech rights, as well as of the Establishment Clause, Equal Protection, and Guarantee Clause. Liberty Counsel issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit.