Friday, December 11, 2020

Court Continues Injunction Allowing Medical Abortion Drug To Be Dispensed In Pharmacy Or By Mail

 In American College of  Obstetricians and Gynecologists v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, (D MD, Dec. 9, 2020), a Maryland federal district court refused to stay its earlier preliminary injunction against enforcement during the COVID emergency of an FDA rule that prevents mifepristone, an oral medication used to induce abortion, from being received by mail or through a pharmacy. The rule mandates it be dispensed only in person at a clinic or doctor's office. The court said in part:

As the parties continue their ongoing dispute over the validity of the Preliminary Injunction and whether it should presently remain in effect, the Court notes that it is not open-ended. The Preliminary Injunction is slated to end 30 days after the end of the public health emergency declared by the Secretary. With the positive news relating to vaccines, there is reason to hope that day will come soon. At this time, however, as the entire nation goes through what the Coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force has deemed the "most deadly phase of the pandemic,"... the Court concludes that Defendants have not identified changed circumstances sufficient to warrant a stay or dissolution of the Preliminary Injunction, in whole or in part.

Washington Post reports on the decision.

Court Refuses To Decide Whether LDS Church Is Christian

 In Ball v. Ball, (AZ App., Dec. 10, 2020), an Arizona appellate court was called upon to interpret a Parenting Plan that parents had agreed upon three years earlier as part of the dissolution of their marriage. The Plan provided:

Each parent may take the minor children to a church or place of worship of his or her choice during the time that the minor children is/are in his or her care.

Both parents agree that the minor children may be instructed in the Christian faith.

A year after the divorce, the father joined the LDS Church and sometimes took the children to meetings there. The mother objected claiming that the father's church is not Christian. The court held that the reference to "Christian" in the second clause does not limit the father's right to take the children to any place of worship, Christian or not.

The court went on to hold that the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine would bar it from deciding whether the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is part of the Christian faith, saying in part:

That very question has long been a matter of theological debate in the United States. A secular court must avoid ruling on such issues to prevent the appearance that government favors one religious view over another.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Supreme Court Holds That RFRA Authorizes Damage Actions Against Federal Officials

The U.S. Supreme Court today in Tanzin v. Tanvir, (Sup. Ct., Dec. 10, 2020), held that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act permits suits for damages against federal officials in their individual capacities. In an 8-0 opinion (written by Justice Thomas), the court described the case as follows:

Respondents Muhammad Tanvir, Jameel Algibhah, and Naveed Shinwari are practicing Muslims who claim that Federal Bureau of Investigation agents placed them on the No Fly List in retaliation for their refusal to act as informants against their religious communities. Respondents sued various agents in their official capacities, seeking removal from the No Fly List. They also sued the agents in their individual capacities for money damages. According to respondents, the retaliation cost them substantial sums of money: airline tickets wasted and income from job opportunities lost.

Focusing on RFRA's authorization of suits seeking "appropriate relief" against the federal government or government officials, the Court said in part:

A damages remedy is not just “appropriate” relief as viewed through the lens of suits against Government employees. It is also the only form of relief that can remedy some RFRA violations.

Justice Barrett did not take part in the decision.

USCIRF Hearing On Blasphemy Laws

 The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom held a hearing yesterday on Blasphemy Laws and the Violation of International Religious Freedom. Transcripts of remarks by several USCIRF commissioners at the hearing, and transcripts of the written testimony of several witnesses are available at the USCIRF website.

Sign Ordinance Invoked Against Abortion Protesters Is Unconstiutional

In Baker v. City of Fort Worth, (ND TX, Dec. 8, 2020), a Texas federal district court held that Fort Worth's sign ordinance is facially unconstitutional as a content-based prior restraint on speech.  The suit was brought by two plaintiffs who were cited for placing 18-inch crosses on a public right-of-way in front of an abortion clinic. The city ordinances require city council approval in order to display signs on public property, except for political signs at election polling locations.

9th Circuit Hears Oral Arguments In Church's Challenge To Nevada COVID Rules

On Tuesday, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments in Calvary Chapel Dayton Valley v. Sisolak (video of full oral arguments). In the case, a Nevada federal district court upheld Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak's COVID-19 Order limiting worship services to no more than 50 people with social distancing. (See prior posting.) Subsequently, the U.S. Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote refused to grant an injunction pending the appeal that was argued this week. (See prior posting.) After that, plaintiff filed a petition asking the U.S/ Supreme Court to grant certiorari before the 9th Circuit decides the case. (See prior posting.) That petition is still pending.

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Michigan Catholic Schools Sue Over COVID Order

A group of Catholic schools and parents of students in the schools filed suit this week in a Michigan federal district court challenging the state's latest COVID-19 Order which temporarily bars in-person instruction in high schools. The schools claim that the latest order violates their free exercise, freedom of assembly, due process and equal protection rights. The complaint (full text) in Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools v. Gordon, (WD MI, filed 12/7/2020), alleges in part:

Plaintiffs fully understand and appreciate the challenges of limiting COVID’s spread and of contributing to the common good. They are convinced that continuing in-person religious education contributes  to the well-being of Michiganders, rather than harming it. That is why they have gone to such extraordinary lengths to ensure in-person schooling can be done safely for everyone.

Despite all this, Defendant has shuttered Plaintiffs’ schools. At the same time, Defendant allows other activities with demonstrably higher risks to continue. These include professional and collegiate athletics, tattoo parlors and hair salons. Defendant’s prior three-week “pause” order has now been extended and Plaintiffs face the prospect of indefinite future extensions....

MLive reports on the lawsuit.

4th Circuit Remands Muslim Inmate's RLUIPA and Equal Protection Claims

In Gentry v. Robinson, (4th Cir., Dec. 7, 2020), the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed in part and vacated in part a Virginia district court's dismissal of a suit by a Muslim inmate who, for religious reasons, seeks to maintain a full beard. The court remanded plaintiff's RLUIPA claim instructing the district court to consider, in light of the prison system's change in policy to now allow beards, whether the claim is moot. The court also remanded for further consideration plaintiff's equal protection claim. The court however agreed that plaintiff's claim for damages for violating his 1st Amendment free exercise rights should be dismissed, saying in part:

Because no law or precedent at the time of the challenged conduct “clearly established” that VDOC’s grooming policy violated the constitutional rights of religious objectors like Gentry, the defendants are entitled to qualified immunity on this claim.

10th Circuit Allows Enforcement of Disturbing-the-Peace Law Against Abortion Protesters

In Harmon v. City of Norman, (10th Cir., Dec. 7, 2020), the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district court's refusal to enjoin during the pendency of litigation the use of Norman, Oklahoma's disturbing-the-peace ordinance against anti-abortion protesters. The court held that the ordinance is a neutral and narrowly-tailored time, place and manner regulation that does not violate the 1st Amendment. The court also rejected vagueness and overbreadth claims.

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Suit Challenges Ohio County's COVID-19 School Closure Order

Three Toledo, Ohio area Christian schools and a state-wide organization of evangelical and Catholic schools filed suit yesterday in an Ohio federal district court challenging a Health Department's COVID-19 Resolution requiring secondary schools to end in-person teaching.  The complaint (full text) in Monclova Christian Academy v. Toledo-Lucas County Health Department, (ND OH, filed 12/7/2020), alleges in part:

If the Resolution is allowed to take effect, on December 4 at 4:00 p.m. in Lucas County, one will still be free to crowd in retail stores, go bowling with friends, go to the movies, attend concerts, go to a hair salon, get a manicure or massage or tattoo, or even go to the casino. Although there are limits and restrictions that govern how such in-person activities must operate, the Resolution has not prohibited them or altered the way in which those groups of people gather or use facilities. Yet, starting on December 4 at 4:00 p.m., Grades 7-12 (or 9-12 depending on school configuration) are strictly prohibited from attending in-person school, even when religious education is a deep and sincere facet of one’s faith, and even when those operating religious schools are abiding by strict social distancing and hygiene standards.

Citizens for Community Values issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit. 

House Resolution Calls For International Repeal of Blasphemy, Heresy and Apostasy Laws

The U.S. House of Representatives yesterday, by a vote of 386-3 passed House Resolution 512 (full text) calling for the global repeal of blasphemy, heresy and apostasy laws. The Resolution says in part:

[B]lasphemy laws have affected Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Baha’i, secularists, and many other groups, are inconsistent with international human rights standards because they establish and promote official religious orthodoxy and dogma over individual liberty, and often result in violations of the freedoms of religion, thought, and expression that are protected under international instruments, including Articles 18 and 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)....

The Resolution "calls on the President and the Secretary of State to make the repeal of blasphemy, heresy, and apostasy laws a priority in the bilateral relationships...."

Department of Labor Broadly Defines Religious Exemption From Anti-Discrimination Rules for Federal Contractors

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs in a 159-page Release (full text) adopted amendments defining expansively the religious exemption in the agency's rules imposing anti-discrimination requirements on government contractors and subcontractors. The agency's rules incorporate Executive Order 11246 which imposes non-discrimination and equal treatment requirements for employees of the contractor or subcontractor.  The Executive Order bars discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin. However there is an exemption for:

a religious corporation, association, educational institution, or society, with respect to the employment of individuals of a particular religion to perform work connected with the carrying on by such corporation, association, educational institution, or society of its activities.

The amendments provide in part:

Religious corporation, association, educational institution, or society means a corporation, association, educational institution, society, school, college, university, or institution of learning that: 

(i) Is organized for a religious purpose; 

(ii) Holds itself out to the public as carrying out a religious purpose;

(iii) Engages in activity consistent with, and in furtherance of, that religious purpose; and

(iv)(A) Operates on a not-for-profit basis; or 

     (B) Presents other strong evidence that its purpose is substantially religious.

(2) Whether an organization’s engagement in activity is consistent with, and in furtherance of, its religious purpose is determined by reference to the organization’s own sincere understanding of its religious tenets....

Reactions to the new rule varied. For example, First Liberty praised the new rule, saying in part:

Religious organizations should never be forced to abandon their religious identity and mission in order to be eligible to partner with the federal government.

On the other hand, Americans United said in part:

The constitutional right to religious freedom promises everyone the right to live their lives secure that the government will treat them equally, no matter what their belief system. The new Department of Labor rule, however, turns this core American value on its head and puts countless peoples’ jobs at risk because they do not share the religious views or meet the religious code of conduct of a government contractor. Like so many others issued by the Trump administration, this rule particularly puts at risk workers who are LGBTQ, women, religious minorities and non-religious people.

Monday, December 07, 2020

Supreme Court Hears Arguments On Suits Over Nazi Confiscation of Jewish-Owned Property

The U.S. Supreme Court today heard oral arguments in two cases involving suits to recover the value of Jewish-owned property confiscated by governments in Hungary and Germany during World War II. In Republic of Hungary v. Simon (links to transcript and audio of full oral arguments), the Court was asked to decide on whether principles of international comity could be invoked by the district court to abstain from deciding the case under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. The case was brought by surviving Hungarian nationals seeking to recover on behalf of a worldwide class the value of property taken from them during the Holocaust.

In an amicus brief, the United States government argued:

The United States has a paramount interest in ensuring that its foreign partners establish appropriate domestic redress and compensation mechanisms for Holocaust victims, and therefore seeks to prevent litigation in U.S. courts that could undermine that objective.

SCOTUSblog case page has links to all the filing in the case. 

In Federal Republic of Germany v. Philipp (links to transcript and audio of full oral arguments), the Court, in addition to the comity question, is asked to decide whether the expropriation exception to sovereign immunity in the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act covers the taking of property in the Holocaust in violation of human rights provisions of international law. The suit seeks recovery for the forced sale at a fraction of its actual value of a collection of medieval reliquary art that had been purchased in 1929 by a consortium of Jewish art dealers in Germany.

SCOTUSblog case page has links to all the filing in the case.

AP reports on the arguments in both cases.

SCOTUS Denies Review In Transgender Bathroom Case

The U.S. Supreme Court today denied review in Parents for Privacy v. Barr, (Docket No. 20-62, certiorari denied 12/7/2020). (Order List). In the case, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an Oregon school district's policy of allowing transgender students to use school bathrooms, locker rooms and showers that correspond to their gender identity. (See prior posting.) The petition for certiorari had raised privacy, religious and parental rights, and Title IX claims.

Recent Articles of Interest

 From SSRN:

From SSRN (European, Middle East and Asian Law):

Friday, December 04, 2020

Indian State Places New Restrictions On Religious Conversion

On Nov. 27, the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh promulgated the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance, 2020 (full text) (section-by-section explanation). It outlaws religious conversions entered solely for the purpose of marriage, as well as religious conversions by means of misrepresentations, force, coercion, undue influence, allurement or fraud. Violations are punishable by imprisonment of 1 to 5 years, and a fine of up to $200(US)-- with higher punishments where a minor, a woman or member of a Scheduled Caste are involved, or a mass conversion. 

The new law also sets out an elaborate procedure for anyone who wishes to change his or her religion. The procedure includes a 60-day advance notice to the District Magistrate, followed by a police investigation, and a post-conversion filing. The clergy planning to conduct a conversion must file a notice 30 days in advance. The Hindu reports on the new law.

Time reports on the "love jihad" conspiracy theory that has given impetus to laws such as this one:

Love Jihad is a baseless conspiracy theory that Muslim men are attempting to surreptitiously shift India’s demographic balance by converting Hindu women to Islam through marriage. The narrative has been pushed by Hindu nationalist groups close to India’s ruling BJP since Prime Minister Narendra Modi was first elected in 2014....

The new law comes just two weeks after judges in Uttar Pradesh’s high court overturned a previous decision that religious conversions for the sake of marriage are unacceptable....

The high court case referred to is Priyanshi @ Km. Shamren and others v. State of U.P. and Another, (Allahabad High Court, Nov. 11, 2020). The court said in part:

Right to choose a partner irrespective of caste, creed or religion, is inhered under right to life and personal liberty, an integral part of the Fundamental Right under Article 21 of the Constitution of India.

Supreme Court Remands Church's Challenge To COVID Restrictions

In Harvest Rock Church v. Newsom,(US Sup. Ct., Dec. 3, 2020), the U.S. Supreme Court issued an Order treating the church's application for an injunction as a petition for certiorari before judgment, and granted the petition. It then vacated the district court's order and remanded the case for further consideration in light of the Court's recent decision in Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo. In the case, a church challenged California Governor Gavin Newsom's COVID-19 restrictions on indoor worship services. (See prior posting.)  New York Times reports on the Supreme Court's Order.

Thursday, December 03, 2020

DOJ Sues New York Village Over Discriminatory Zoning Aimed At Orthodox Jews

The Department of Justice announced yesterday that it has filed a RLUIPA lawsuit against the Village of Airmont, New York alleging that it has used its zoning code to discriminate against the Orthodox Jewish community.  The complaint (full text) in United States v. Village of Airmont, (SD NY, filed 12/2/2020), alleges that since the expiration of a prior consent decree, the Village has adopted a new zoning code, and has applied it in a discriminatory manner, that prevents Orthodox Jews from gaining zoning approval for home synagogues and a school. It has also enforced regulations in a manner that prevents Jews from clearing trees on their property to erect sukkahs, and prevents the installation of mikvahs. First Liberty Institute issued a press release with additional background. [Thanks to Steven H. Sholk for the lead.]

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Factional Dispute In Church Is Dismissed

 In St. John Missionary Baptist Church v. Flakes, (TX App., Nov. 30, 2020), a Texas state appeals court affirmed the dismissal, on ecclesiastical abstention grounds, of a suit between two factions of a church. One faction attempted to remove the pastor through a church meeting. The pastor refused to step down and the other faction continued to pay him. In dismissing the suit, the court said in part:

Texas courts have consistently held that the relationship between an organized church and its ministers is its lifeblood, and matters concerning this relationship must be recognized as of prime ecclesiastical concern.

The court similarly held that the questions of whether members excommunicated by one faction could enter the church and whether they could vote on sale of church property were also covered by the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine. 

Anti-Gay Proselytizers Lose Suit Against City

In Waldrop v. City of Johnson City,Tennessee, (ED TN, Nov. 30, 2020), a Tennessee federal district court dismissed a suit by several individuals who were distributing religious literature at a gay pride event. Plaintiffs claimed that their free speech and free exercise rights were infringed when they were required by police to move from the entrance to the park where the event was being held to a nearby sidewalk. The court said in part:

The evidence supports only the conclusion that the officers escorted Plaintiffs from Founders Park, and voiced any attendant warnings to them about their return there, in response to their obstruction of the entrance—a content-neutral reason for their removal. The record is simply without evidence showing that Lieutenant Peters or any other officer moved Plaintiffs away from Founders Park for any other reason, much less for the reason that the content of Plaintiffs’ message was offensive or disagreeable. To the contrary, the evidence establishes— beyond any genuine issue of material fact—that the officers allowed Plaintiffs’ message to endure within the festival’s event area for hours into the day, despite TriPride’s organizers’ clamors for the officers to extinguish it.