Tuesday, December 14, 2021

9th Circuit: Seminary Is Exempt From Title IX In Applying Its Sexual Standards

In Maxon v. Fuller Theological Seminary, (9th Cir., Dec. 13, 2021), the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals held that Fuller Theological Seminary falls within the religious organization exemption in Title IX even though the school is controlled by its own board rather than an outside religious organization. Plaintiffs sued under Title IX after they were dismissed from the Seminary because, in violation of the school's Sexual Standards, they were in same-sex marriages. The court said that it cannot second-guess the seminary's interpretation of its own religious tenets. Courthouse News Service reports on the decision.

Soap Opera Star Sues ABC Over Religious Exemption To Vaccine Mandate

Litigation over religious exemptions from COVID vaccine mandates continues to grow. Yesterday, Ingo Rademacher-- well known for portraying Jasper Jacks on the ABC soap opera General Hospital-- sued in a California state court after his request for a religious exemption from ABC's vaccine requirement was denied. He argues that the expansive right to privacy afforded by the California state constitution protects both informational privacy and bodily integrity, and can be enforced against private parties. The complaint (full text) in Rademacher v. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., (CA Super. Ct., filed 12/13/2021) contends:

ABC does not have the authority to force a medical treatment on its employees against their will. Even if it did, it must offer religious exemptions to the forced treatment to anyone who requests one. It cannot discriminate among religions and cannot second-guess the sincerity of one's religious beliefs....

Deadline reports on the lawsuit.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Supreme Court Upholds NY Vaccine Mandate Without Religious Exemption-- This Time Over 14-Page dissent

In Dr. A v. Hochul, (Sup. Ct., Dec. 13, 2021), the U.S. Supreme Court today by a vote of 6-3, refused to enjoin enforcement of New York's COVID vaccine mandate which has no religious exemptions.  This is a companion case to We The Patriots USA v. Hochul which reached a similar result with no Justices filing opinions to accompany the Court's order. (See prior posting.) In Dr. A, Justice Gorsuch filed a 14-page dissent, joined by Justice Alito. The opinion reads in part:

Under the Free Exercise Clause, government “cannot act in a manner that passes judgment upon or presupposes the illegitimacy of religious beliefs and practices.” ...  As a result, we have said that government actions burdening religious practice should be “set aside” if there is even “slight suspicion” that those actions “stem from animosity to religion or distrust of its practices.”...

New York’s mandate is such an action. The State began with a plan to exempt religious objectors from its vaccine mandate and only later changed course. Its regulatory impact statement offered no explanation for the about-face. At the same time, a new Governor whose assumption of office coincided with the change in policy admitted that the revised mandate “left off ” a religious exemption “intentionally.” The Governor offered an extraordinary explanation for the change too. She said that “God wants” people to be vaccinated—and that those who disagree are not listening to “organized religion” or “everybody from the Pope on down.”

Justice Thomas dissented without an opinion. National Law Journal has more on the decision.

Supreme Court Denies Relief In Challenge To NY Vaccine Mandate That Lacks Religious Exemption

In another "shadow docket" case, the U.S. Supreme Court today in a brief Order (full text) denied injunctive relief in We The Patriots USA v. Hochul. Justices Thomas, Alito and Gorsuch dissented. The case was a challenge to the elimination of religious exemptions from New York's requirement that health care workers be vaccinated against COVID. The 2nd Circuit had also denied an injunction. (See prior posting.) CNBC reports on the Court's action.

Exclusion Of Christian School From Scholarship Program Violated Its Free Speech Rights

In Bethel Ministries, Inc. v. Salmon,(D MD, Dec. 10, 2021), a Maryland federal district court held that the free speech rights of a Christian elementary school were violated when the state disqualified it from participating in a scholarship program for disadvantaged students attending private schools. The school lost its eligibility because its handbook set out a policy inconsistent with sexual orientation non-discrimination provisions. The court held that this amounted to an unconstitutional viewpoint-based condition on the school's ability to receive government funding. The court said in part:

Defendants have failed to put forth any evidence that Bethel’s policy has deterred a single prospective applicant from applying for admission at Bethel, let alone any evidence that Bethel has ever denied admission, expelled, or disciplined a student on the basis of sexual orientation.... Instead ... the record reflects that Defendants focused exclusively on the text of Bethel’s handbook....

The text of Bethel’s policy alone is not evidence of discriminatory conduct; the text of the policy is speech.... [E]xcluding Bethel ... based on the text of its admissions policy alone ... is a regulation of speech, not a regulation of conduct....

Not only was Defendants’ decision to exclude Bethel from BOOST eligibility based on Bethel’s speech, but it was based on the specific viewpoints Bethel chose to express in its admissions policy...

ADF issued a press release announcing the decision.

Mom Loses Attempt To Display Menorah At PTA Tree Lighting Ceremony

In Lyons v. Carmel Unified School District, (ND CA, Dec. 10, 2021), a California federal district court denied a temporary restraining order sought to allow the mother of Jewish children in a public school to display a 6-foot inflatable menorah at the PTA's tree lighting ceremony. The school was only willing to permit plaintiff to bring a small menorah to hang as a tree decoration. Rejecting plaintiff's Establishment Clause claim, the court said in part:

Plaintiffs contend that the event advances Christian religions over other religious ... by allowing display of Christian holiday symbols – the tree and ornaments – but banning display of non-Christian holiday symbols such as a menorah....  

Defendants argue that they have not referred to the tree lighting event as involving a “Christmas” tree. Even assuming that the event is viewed as involving the decoration and display of a Christmas tree, however, that would not implicate the Establishment Clause. The Supreme Court has held that “[t]he Christmas tree, unlike the menorah, is not itself a religious symbol.” Cty. of Allegheny v. Am. C.L. Union Greater Pittsburgh Chapter, 492 U.S. 573, 616 (1989)....

The court also rejected plaintiff's free speech claim because the school offered plaintiff the opportunity to reserve School grounds for her own event where she could display the menorah.

Recent Articles and Books of Interest

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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Denial Of Religious Exemptions To Vaccine Mandate Violated Free Exercise Rights

In Grantonz v. Earley, (ND OH, Dec. 10, 2021), an Ohio federal district court issued a temporary restraining order preventing the Cleveland Municipal Court from enforcing its COVID vaccine mandate against two employees (a bailiff and a court reporter) who sought, but were denied, religious exemptions. The court said in part:

Where the Cleveland Municipal Court Order compels Plaintiffs to choose between following their religious beliefs or forfeiting their jobs, it significantly burdens their free exercise of religion and is not neutral. Further, by setting up a mechanism for exemptions which are granted at Defendants’ discretion and without an opportunity for appeal, AO 2021-05 is not generally applicable....

The Cleveland Municipal Court’s Administrative Order AO 2021-05 does not pass the test of strict scrutiny. Defendants have not articulated compelling reasons for denial of religious exemptions. In the October 2, 2021 letters to Plaintiffs, in fact, Defendants provided no reasons whatsoever. A policy, such as the one before this Court, that infringes the free exercise of religion, that does not serve interests of the highest order and is not narrowly tailored to achieve those interests cannot survive strict scrutiny. 

6th Circuit Hears Arguments In Challenge To Ban On Marriage Ceremonies By Clergy Ordained Online

The U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments on Thursday in Universal Life Church Monastery v. Nabors. (Audio of full oral arguments). In the case, a Tennessee federal district court held that the Universal Life Church and two of its ministers have standing to challenge Tennessee's ban on solemnization of marriages by clergy who received online ordination. It also held that the state Attorney General, District Attorney Generals and County Clerks cannot claim sovereign immunity and are proper defendants. (See prior posting.)  Courthouse News Service reports on the arguments. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

Friday, December 10, 2021

Texas State Court Holds That SB8-- Heartbeat Abortion Law-- Is Unconstitutional

In Van Stean v. Texas Right To Life, (TX Dist. Ct., Dec. 9, 2021), a Texas state trial court issued a declaratory judgment concluding that SB8, the Texas "heartbeat" abortion law, is unconstitutional under the Texas state constitution as well as the 14th Amendment. In a 48-page opinion, it concluded:

A. Standing for uninjured person. SB 8's grant of standing to "any person" to be awarded "no less than $10,000" and a mandatory injunction without showing harm to himself, taken from a person who has not harmed him, violates the Texas Constitution's "open courts" provision and is unconstitutional.

B. Punishment without due process. SB 8's mandate that trial courts "shall" award "no less than $10,000" to an unharmed claimant from a defendant who did him no harm is punishment and not compensation that will deprive persons of property without due process of law as guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

C. Delegation of executive power to private persons. SB 8's grant of enforcement power to "any person" is an unlawful delegation of power to private persons that violates the Texas Constitution's separation of powers provision and is unconstitutional.

Volokh Conspiracy reports on the decision.

Supreme Court Says Texas Heartbeat Abortion Law Can Be Challenged In Court

The U.S. Supreme Court today in Whole Woman's Health v. Jackson, (Sup. Ct., Dec. 10, 2021), held that abortion providers may sue one set of defendants in their challenge to Texas "heartbeat" abortion law. Eight of the Justices (all but Justice Thomas) concluded that Texas still involved one set of state officials in enforcement of the heartbeat abortion ban. Plaintiffs may challenge the statute by suing the state officials who have disciplinary authority over medical licensees who violate the ban. Thus Texas failed to completely insulate the law from pre-enforcement challenge. 

Justice Thomas filed a dissenting opinion arguing in part:

The principal opinion then proposes that the Texas Medical Board may enforce S. B. 8 under §164.055 of the Texas Occupations Code. Thus, on that view, S. B. 8 permits the Medical Board to discipline physicians for violating the statute despite the Act’s command that “the requirements of this subchapter shall be enforced exclusively through . . . private civil actions,” “[n]otwithstanding . . . any other law.” .... By its terms, S. B. 8’s saving clause preserves enforcement only of laws that “regulate or prohibit abortion.” 

Chief Justice Roberts, joined by Justices Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan concluded that the Attorney General and court clerks should also be able to be sued in a challenge to the law. His opinion says in part:

The clear purpose and actual effect of S. B. 8 has been to nullify this Court’s rulings. It is, however, a basic principle that the Constitution is the “fundamental and paramount law of the nation,” and “[i]t is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.” Marbury v. Madison....  Indeed, “[i]f the legislatures of the several states may, at will, annul the judgments of the courts of the United States, and destroy the rights acquired under those judgments, the constitution itself becomes a solemn mockery.”... The nature of the federal right infringed does not matter; it is the role of the Supreme Court in our constitutional system that is at stake.

Justice Sotomayor filed a dissenting opinion, joined by Justices Breyer and Kagan, saying in part:

My disagreement with the Court runs far deeper than a quibble over how many defendants these petitioners may sue. The dispute is over whether States may nullify federal constitutional rights by employing schemes like the one at hand. The Court indicates that they can, so long as they write their laws to more thoroughly disclaim all enforcement by state officials, including licensing officials. This choice to shrink from Texas’ challenge to federal supremacy will have far-reaching repercussions....

This is a brazen challenge to our federal structure. It echoes the philosophy of John C. Calhoun, a virulent defender of the slaveholding South who insisted that States had the right to “veto” or “nullif[y]” any federal law with which they disagreed....

What are federal courts to do if, for example, a State effectively prohibits worship by a disfavored religious minority through crushing “private” litigation burdens amplified by skewed court procedures, but does a better job than Texas of disclaiming all enforcement by state officials? Perhaps nothing at all, says this Court....

Houston Public Media reports on the decision.

Then in the other challenge to the Texas law, United States v. Texas, (Sup. Ct., Dec. 10, 2021), the Court, over the dissent of Justice Sotomayor, dismissed the writ of certiorari as improvidently granted.

Today Is International Human Rights Day

Today, December 10, is United Nations Human Rights Day, marking the 73rd anniversary of the General Assembly's adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This year's theme is "Reducing inequalities, advancing human rights". Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Yesterday, President Biden issued a Proclamation (full text) declaring today Human Rights Day and the beginning of Human Rights Week.

People's Tribunal In Britain Finds China Guilty Of Genocide Against Uyghurs

The Uyghur Tribunal, an independent People's Tribunal set up last year in Britain to investigate China’s actions against Uyghur, Kazakh and other Turkic Muslim populations, yesterday issued a 63-page Summary Judgment (full text). It concluded:

180. Torture of Uyghurs attributable to the PRC is established beyond reasonable doubt.

181. Crimes against humanity attributable to the PRC is established beyond reasonable doubt by acts of: deportation or forcible transfer; imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty; torture; rape and other sexual violence; enforced sterilisation; persecution; enforced disappearance; and other inhumane acts.

It then went on to find China guilty of genocide through its imposed birth control and sterilization policies designed to reduce the Uyghur population. Article II(d) of the Genocide Convention includes in the definition of Genocide: " Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group." The Tribunal said in part:

190. Accordingly, on the basis of evidence heard in public, the Tribunal is satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the PRC, by the imposition of measures to prevent births intended to destroy a significant part of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang as such, has committed genocide.

191. This Judgment, with no evidence of any mass killing, may be thought to diminish the perceived status of genocide as a crime. In one way it may do that, and if so, in one way, not necessarily a bad thing. The use of superlatives ... when attached to tragedy brings public attention, sometimes at a cost to other tragedies able to attract less attention despite being as serious.

The Tribunal however expressed some unease over its genocide finding, saying in part:

183. The Tribunal recognises that this may be the first public evidence-based determination of a genocide under Article II(d) of the Convention (or of crimes under statutes in similar terms).

184. The Tribunal would, as a whole, prefer not to make such a finding and to allow findings of genocide in law to match more closely the likely general public understanding of the word.

185. The Tribunal recognises that a finding of genocide based on control of childbirth may even seem to some close to lawful management by governments of societies elsewhere; in the back of some minds might be awkward and uncomfortable considerations of worldwide unsustainable population growth.

Florida Hotel Settles EEOC Suit On Behalf Of 7th Day Adventist For $99,000

EEOC announced this week that a Sunny Isles Beach, Florida resort hotel, Noble House Solé, has agreed to settle a religious discrimination claim by paying $99,000 to a terminated employee, and also to create an anti-discrimination policy and to train employees regarding religious accommodation.  The complaint was brought by a Seventh Day Adventist employee who worked a room attendant. She needed Saturdays off. According to the EEOC:

Solé Miami accommodated the employee’s Sabbath observance for over ten months after she began her employment without incident.  Unfortunately, when a new supervisor came onboard, Solé Miami scheduled the employee to work on a Saturday.  When the employee missed work, Solé Miami immediately terminated her, even though employees that missed work for non-religious reasons were given multiple warnings prior to termination.

Thursday, December 09, 2021

California Group Publishes Proposals To Protect Abortion In A Post- Roe v. Wade World

In California, the Future of Abortion Council, an organization comprised of 40 advocacy organizations and abortion providers,  yesterday released a Report (full text) setting out 45 recommendations for the legislature to consider if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. According to ABC News:

With more than two dozen states poised to ban abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court gives them the OK next year, California clinics and their allies in the state Legislature on Wednesday revealed a plan to make the state a “sanctuary" for those seeking reproductive care, including possibly paying for travel, lodging and procedures for people from other states....

The recommendations are not just a liberal fantasy. Some of the state's most important policymakers helped write them, including Toni Atkins, the San Diego Democrat who leads the state Senate and attended multiple meetings.

Product Liability/ Negligence Suit Against Facebook Seeks $150B On Behalf Of Rohingya Refugees

An unusual class action lawsuit was filed this week against Facebook in a California state trial court on behalf of all Rohingya refugees in the United States who left Myanmar on or after June 1, 2012. It asks for $150 billion in damages for knowingly fueling anti-Rohingya sentiment that enabled the military government of Burma (Myanmar) to engage in ethnic cleansing campaign against the Rohingya. The complaint (full text) in Jane Doe v. Meta Platforms, Inc., (CA Super. Ct., filed 12/6/2021), sets out product liability and negligence claims against Facebook, saying in part:

168. The design of Facebook’s algorithms and product resulted in the proliferation and intensification of hate speech, misinformation, and conspiracy theories attacking the Rohingya in Burma, radicalizing users, causing injury to Plaintiff and the Class, as described above. Accordingly, through the design of its algorithms and product, Facebook (1) contributed to the development and creation of such hate speech and misinformation and (2) radicalized users, causing them to tolerate, support, and even participate in the persecution of and ethnic violence against Plaintiff and the Class.

169. Because (1) the persecution of the Rohingya by the military government was widely known before Facebook launched its product in Burma and (2) Facebook was repeatedly warned after the launch that hate speech and misinformation on the system was likely to result in ethnic violence, Facebook knew and had reason to expect that the Myanmar military and non-Rohingya civilians would engage in violence and commit atrocities against Plaintiff and the Class.

According to the Rohingya Facebook Claim Website, lawyers plan to file a similar suit in the United Kingdom on behalf of Rohingya living elsewhere than the United States. A Letter of Notice has been sent to Facebook. CNN reports on the lawsuits.

School District Sued For Favoring Christian Cultural and Speech Activities

Suit was filed this week in a California federal district court alleging that a California school district has given preference to Christian cultural and speech activities over those of other religions, including Judaism. The complaint (full text) in Lyons v. Carmel Unified School District, (ND CA, filed 12/7/2021), particularly focuses on the refusal by Carmel River School to allow the display of an inflatable menorah at a widely-promoted after-school holiday celebration which will include the decoration and lighting of a Christmas tree and Christmas-themed holiday songs. The complaint alleges that the school has violated the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses as well as free speech and equal protection provisions. Courthouse News Service reports on the lawsuit.

District Court Affirms Bankruptcy Court's Ruling On Property Dispute Between Two Rabbis

In Zaks v. Mosdos Chofetz Chaim Inc., (SD NY, Dec. 7, 2021), a New York federal district court affirmed a bankruptcy court's decision in a dispute between two rabbis, who are brothers, over the transfer of real property in Spring Valley, New York under the Plan of Reorganization of Mosdos Chofetz Chaim. Among other things, the court rejected appellant's argument that by applying the "common corporate structure" test, the Bankruptcy Court violated the First Amendment right of Mosdos to have its ecclesiastical leadership control all facets of its governance in compliance with its religious obligations.

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Transcript and Audio Of Today's Arguments In Carson v. Makin

 Here are links to the transcript and audio of this morning's Supreme Court arguments in Carson v. Makin challenging Maine's exclusion of schools that provide religious instruction from its program that pays high school tuition for students from districts without public high schools. CNN reporting on the arguments said that Justices expressed "deep skepticism" of Maine's exclusion of religious schools. [corrected]

White House Announces Diplomatic Boycott Of Olympics To Protest Uyghur Genocide

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced on Monday a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Olympics to protest genocide being committed against the Uyghurs and other religious minorities in Xinjiang province:

The Biden administration will not send any diplomatic or official representation to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympic Games given the PRC’s ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang and other human rights abuses. 

The athletes on Team USA have our full support.  We will be behind them 100 percent as we cheer them on from home.  We will not be contributing to the fanfare of the Games. 

U.S. diplomatic or official representation would treat these Games as business as usual in the face of the PRC’s egregious human rights abuses and atrocities in Xinjiang. And we simply can’t do that. 

As the President has told President Xi, standing up for human rights is in the DNA of Americans.  We have a fundamental commitment to promoting human rights.  And we feel strongly in our position, and we will continue to take actions to advance human rights in China and beyond.