Wednesday, June 01, 2022

7th Circuit Hears Oral Arguments On Reinstatement Of Doctor Who Refuses Vaccination On Religious Grounds

The U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday heard oral arguments (audio of full arguments) in Halczenko v. Ascension Health, Inc., (Docket No. 22-1040, 5/31/2022). In the case, an Indiana federal district court last December (full text of district court opinion) denied a preliminary injunction to a pediatric intensive care doctor who was denied a religious exemption from a hospital's COVID vaccination requirement and was placed on unpaid leave. The court held that plaintiff had not shown irreparable injury necessary to obtain an injunction.  Compensatory and other relief will be available if he ultimately prevails. Bloomberg Law reports on the oral arguments, saying in part:

One judge during oral argument ... homed in on the speculative nature of Paul Halczenko’s alleged irreparable harm from not getting rehired by Ascension St. Vincent Hospital right away—that not practicing medicine would cause his skills to atrophy and cost him his career.

Other members of the three-judge panel—all of whom were appointed by President Donald Trump—focused on apparent factual and legal shortcomings in the doctor’s bid for a preliminary injunction against Ascension Health Inc. and the hospital.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Certiorari Denied In Church's Challenge To Colorado COVID Restrictions

The U.S. Supreme Court today denied review in Community Baptist Church v. Polis, (Docket No. 21-1328, certiorari denied 5/31/2022). (Order List). In the case, the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a district court's denial of a preliminary injunction in a free exercise challenge by two churches and one of their pastors to COVID restrictions imposed by the state of Colorado.  It similarly affirmed the dismissal of a challenge to the federal government's award of COVID relief aid to the state. (See prior posting.)

Class Action Filed To Challenge Air Force Vaccine Mandate

Another lawsuit has been filed by religious objectors challenging the military's COVID vaccine mandate.  Brought in a Texas federal district court by nine members of the Air Force as a class action on behalf of all Air Force members with religious objections to the COVID vaccine, the complaint (full text) in Spence v. Austin, (ND TX, filed 5/27/2022), alleges violations of plaintiffs' rights under the 1st Amendment and RFRA.  It alleges in part:

Defendants  have  mandated  that  all  members  of  the  Air  Force  receive  a COVID-19  vaccine,  or  be involuntarily  separated.  In theory, Defendants  offer medical, administrative,  and  religious  accommodations  to  that  mandate.  But  in  practice, only servicemembers with medical or administrative reasons for an exemption from the mandate are accommodated. Religious accommodation requests (“RARs”) are universally denied unless the requester is already imminently leaving the Air Force. 

First Liberty issued a press release announcing the filing of the lawsuit. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

President's Memorial Day Proclamation

Today is Memorial Day. Last week, President Biden issued a Proclamation titled Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day 2022 (full text) which reads in part:

In honor and recognition of all of our fallen service members, the Congress, by a joint resolution approved May 11, 1950, as amended (36 U.S.C. 116), has requested that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe each Memorial Day as a day of prayer for permanent peace and designating a period on that day when the people of the United States might unite in prayer and reflection.  The Congress, by Public Law 106-579, has also designated 3:00 p.m. local time on that day as a time for all Americans to observe, in their own way, the National Moment of Remembrance.

Virginia Governor Signs Act Broadly Defining "Religion" In Civil Rights Laws

On Friday, Virginia Governor Glen Younkin signed House Bill 1063 (full text) which defines "religion" as used in the state's anti-discrimination laws as:

"Religion" means all aspects of religious observance, practice, or belief.

ADF issued a press release on the new law.

Washington's State Employee Vaccine Mandate Upheld

In Pilz v. Inslee, (WD WA, May 27, 2022), a Washington federal district court upheld a Proclamation by Washington's governor that requires health care, education, and state-agency workers to be vaccinated against COVID.  Among other challenges in a suit brought by 100 state employees, plaintiffs claim the Proclamation infringes on religious beliefs that conflict with vaccination in violation of the Free Exercise clause. The court said in part:

[T]he Proclamation is in no way directed at any religious exercise and, at most, has an incidental impact on some state employees with particular religious beliefs. Therefore, the Court finds that the Proclamation is neutral and generally applicable. The Proclamation is accordingly subject to rational basis review and must be upheld if it is “rationally related to a legitimate governmental purpose.”

Recent Articles of Interest

 From SSRN:

From SmartCILP:
  • Linda Przybyszewski, Religious Liberty Sacralized: The Persistence of Christian Dissenting Tradition and the Cincinnati Bible War, [Abstract], 39 Law & History Review 707-736 (2021).

Sunday, May 29, 2022

6th Circuit: Suit Over Marriages By Clergy Ordained Online Can Move Ahead In Part

In Universal Life Church Monastery Storehouse v. Nabors, (6th Cir., May 27, 2022), the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals allowed claims against a portion of the original defendants to move ahead in the Universal Life Church's challenge to a Tennessee law that prohibits persons receiving online ordination from solemnizing marriages.  Various defendants asserted standing and sovereign immunity defenses. Summarizing its holding, the court said in part:

No plaintiff has standing to seek relief against Governor Lee, Attorney General Slatery, District Attorney General Helper, or County Clerks Crowell, Anderson, and Knowles.... As a result, those portions of the district court’s preliminary injunction that purport to bind [them] ... are VACATED. By contrast, however, we AFFIRM the district court’s determination that plaintiffs have standing to sue District Attorneys General Dunaway, Pinkston, and Jones, along with County Clerk Nabors. We also AFFIRM the district court’s denial of these officials’ sovereign immunity at the motion-to-dismiss stage, and so we do not disturb those portions of the preliminary injunction binding [them].... Last, we REMAND what remains of this suit to the district court for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Ecclesiastical Abstention Doctrine Does Not Apply To Dispute Over Church's Form Of Governance

In Bogle v. Sewell, (MI App., May 26, 2022), a Michigan state appellate court held that the ecclesiastical abstention doctrine did not preclude the trial court from deciding whether 2011 and 2019 amendments to the bylaws of Evangel Echos Church of the Air validly changed the church from a membership-based to a directorship-based governance. The court said in part:

Whether the Church was organized on a membership basis or a directorship basis was not an ecclesiastical question—it was a corporate law question. To answer this question, the trial court needed to look no further than the Church’s Articles of Association and the MNCA. Resolving the parties’ dispute did not require the trial court to interpret any of the Church’s religious doctrine or to pass judgment on what it believed to be the form of corporate governance most in line with the Church’s discipline or values. It simply required the trial court to apply Michigan statutory law against the language of the Articles of Association

Michigan City Revises Policy On Hijab In Booking Photos

CAIR-Michigan announced yesterday that a settlement has been reached with the city of Ferndale in a suit charging the Ferndale police department with forcibly removing a Muslim woman's hijab for a booking photo after her arrest:

... Ferndale and Bowe have reached a full and satisfactory settlement of this matter that involved the city instituting new policies allowing Muslim women to maintain their hijab when a booking photo is taken and prohibiting cross-gender searches in the absence of an emergency as well as a monetary settlement. 

3rd Circuit: Accommodation Of Sabbath Observer Would Create Undue Hardship For Postal Service

In Groff v. DeJoy, (3d Cir., May 25, 2022), the U.S. 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 decision, held that accommodating a Sunday sabbath observer by allowing him not to report for work on Sunday would cause an "undue hardship" to the U.S. Postal Service.  Thus, failure to grant that accommodation did not violate Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In reaching that conclusion, the court agreed with those circuits that interpret "reasonable accommodation" under Title VII to mean an accommodation that totally eliminates the conflict between job requirements and religious practice. Judge Hardiman, dissenting, said that USPS had not satisfied its burden at the summary judgment stage to prove undue hardship, though it might be able to do so with more facts at trial. Courthouse News Service reports on the decision. [Thanks to Scott Mange for the lead.]

6th Circuit En Banc Dismisses Mask Mandate Challenge As Moot

In Resurrection School v. Hertel, (6 Cir., May 25, 2022), an en banc panel of the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals held by a vote of 13-1-3 that a free exercise challenge to Michigan's COVID mask mandate for school children is moot. The mandate is no longer in effect. The suit was brought by a private religious school and two parents of school children. One judge concluded that the preliminary injunction appeal moot, but the proceedings for a declaratory judgment and permanent injunction are not. The majority said in part:

For all the reasons recited above—the changed circumstances since the State first imposed its mask mandate, the substantially developed caselaw, the lack of gamesmanship on the State’s part—we see no reasonable possibility that the State will impose a new mask mandate with roughly the same exceptions as the one originally at issue here. This claim is moot—indeed palpably so.

Judge Bush in a 31-page dissent joined by two other judges said in part:

[T]he majority’s decision to declare the entire case against MDHHS moot—rather than simply deciding the preliminary-injunction appeal—has stripped us of a valuable opportunity to clarify the law of our circuit. What the majority should have done, instead, is rule solely on the interlocutory order before us.

Fox2 Detroit reports on the decision.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Suit Challenging Bible In Schools Program Is Settled

An Order of Dismissal was entered last week in Freedom From Religion Foundation v. Mercer County Board of Education, (SD WV, May 16, 2022). According to Christian Post, in January 2019 the school board ended the Bible In The Schools program that was being challenged in the lawsuit. According to an FFRF press release:

The Mercer County Board of Education, through its insurance coverage, agreed to pay $225,000 to cover the costs and attorneys fees of the plaintiffs. Those payments will reimburse two private law firms and FFRF for hundreds of hours of time spent by attorneys litigating the case.

Certiorari Denied In Synagogue Picketers Case

On May 16, the U.S. Supreme Court denied review in Gerber v. Herskovitz, (Docket No, 21-1263, certiorari denied, 5/16/2022) (Order List). In the case, the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed a suit by synagogue members against anti-Israel pickets who have picketed services at the Beth Israel Synagogue in Ann Arbor, Michigan every week since 2003. (See prior posting).

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Three Chabad Rabbis Are On Russia's List Of Those Banned From Travel To Russia

As reported by Axios, Russia last Saturday released a list of 963 Americans who are banned from traveling to Russia in retaliation for American sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine. JTA reports that included in the list are three rabbis who are leaders of Agudas Chassidei Chabad which has been attempting for years to force Russia to return to it in the U.S. two expropriated collections of valuable Jewish religious books and manuscripts:

Rabbi Avraham Shemtov, a founder of the Washington office of the movement, American Friends of Lubavitch (Chabad), that has led lobbying for U.S. pressure on Russia;

Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, the umbrella group’s secretary, who heads the educational and social arms of Chabad-Lubavitch; and

Rabbi Shlomo Cunin, a West Coast leader of the movement who is prominent in the branch of the movement seeking the return of the texts.

It has been suggested recently that Chabad now has a better chance of getting at assets to satisfy fines imposed on Russia by an American court for Russia's refusal to return the books.

University's Vaccine Mandate Did Not Violate Free Exercise Rights Of Students

In America's Frontline Doctors v. Wilcox, (CD CA, May 5, 2022), a California federal district court dismissed the associational plaintiff for lack of standing and rejected individual plaintiffs' free exercise challenge (as well as their other challenges) to the University of California Riverside's COVID vaccine mandate. The court said in part:

Plaintiffs contend that Defendants' enforcement of the Policy violates their right to free exercise of religion. The SAC alleges that Defendants "coerc[e] students to make an unnatural choice...either quickly injecting themselves...[with a COVID-19 vaccine] ... or ...disclosing under duress their religious beliefs to Defendants' religious exemption approval panels."... They also contend that Defendants "prejudicially segregate religious people in order to subject them to...testing."... Plaintiffs have religious exemptions from the Policy. Even so, Plaintiffs contend that testing and masks "substantially interfere with students' religious practices of prayer, speech, and deed."...

The Policy is a neutral and generally applicable. It applies to all students, professors, and staff at the University of California and seeks to protect public health and safety. Defendants offer exemptions for religious beliefs, medical reasons, and disability.... The Policy's exemptions pass constitutional muster.... Plaintiffs allege that they requested religious exemptions under "duress" but fail to explain how their decisions to voluntarily submit a one-page exemption form were executed under "duress." Plaintiffs also fail to describe how masks and testing interfere with the students' religious practices of prayer, speech, and deed. Plaintiffs are only required to mask while indoors—a restriction that also applied to vaccinated students at the time the SAC was filed. Presumably Plaintiffs would be indoors to attend class, so it is unclear how the Policy interferes with religious practices.

Anti-SLAPP Motion Denied In Suit Against Archdiocese Over Priest's Molestation of Children

In Ratcliff v. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, (CA App., May 19, 2022), a California state appellate court affirmed the denial of an anti-SLAPP motion sought by the Los Angeles Archdiocese.  The court explained:

Seven adults allege they were molested by a priest when they were children. They brought suit against The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles and related entities ..., alleging defendants were vicariously liable for ratifying the molestation and directly liable for their own negligence in failing to supervise the priest, and related acts and omissions. The Archdiocese moved to strike the operative complaint under the anti-SLAPP law (Code Civ. Proc., § 425.16), arguing that some of the acts by which it purportedly ratified the molestation or acted negligently constituted speech or litigation conduct protected by the anti-SLAPP statute....

The court concluded however that:

The Archdiocese, both in its anti-SLAPP motion before the trial court, and in its briefing on appeal, goes to great lengths to overlook the actual allegations of ratification, namely the acts of failing to investigate and supervise (and, instead, transferring to different parishes)... 

The four purported negligence claims identified by the Archdiocese have one key factor in common: they are all based on a decision not to speak, not speech itself.... We conclude the failure to speak alleged as a basis for liability here is not conduct in furtherance of the right of free speech.

Report Ranks Large Corporations' Commitment To Religious Diversity and Inclusion

On Tuesday. the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation released its third annual report on the Fortune 500’s Commitment to Workplace Religious Inclusion. (Summary)(Full Text). The top four companies in its Corporate Religious Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) Index 2022 are: American Airlines, Intel, Dell Technologies and PayPal.

New York Enacts One-Year Window To Bring Old Adult Sex Abuse Cases

Yesterday New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed S66A (full text), a bill which creates a one-year window to bring previously time-barred civil actions for sexual assaults that were committed on an adult. New York Post reports on the bill. Previously, in 2019, New York enacted the Child Victims Act applying to prior child sexual abuse. (See prior posting.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Dispute Over Kosher Certification Agencies Dismissed On Ecclesiastical Abstention Grounds

In Chimichurri v. Vaad Hakashrusof the Five Towns Far Rockaway, (Sup Ct Nassau Cnty NY, May 17, 2022), a New York state trial court dismissed on ecclesiastical abstention grounds a suit by a restaurant owner against a kosher certification agency.  The monopoly of a community-wide certification agency was broken when two rabbis formed a competing agency.  53 rabbis issued a letter urging members of the community not to patronized establishments certified by the new agency.  A restaurant making use of the new agency sued, claiming the letter cost it $156,000 per year in revenue. In dismissing the suit, the court said in part:

Here, the dispute is essentially one that involves the religious principles concerning the Kashrut, or Jewish dietary laws. Cases have long recognized that such disputes are ecclesiastical in nature....

It is apparent that the Defendant represents the efforts of the Five Towns and Rockaway community to break away from the historical disagreement over the laws of Kashrut and to develop generally agreed upon standards for that particular community. The Plaintiff chose to deviate from that. This Court is precluded, by the First Amendment, from considering the merits of the Plaintiff’s contentions arising from these facts.

The Forward reports on the decision.